Adult Situations Ch. 71-72


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Crystal reminded me about Jake Walters, Molly's husband. He was almost exactly like Noah in the relationship with his wife. He loved to see her engage sexually and romantically with other men, and yet they had a stable and long-lasting marriage. Noah nodded in agreement with that.

We spent our last night locked together in multiple bouts of coitus. In the morning, we were on the Trail early -- five-thirty a.m. Everything was wet, but the winds and rain had stopped. The sun finally started to bake into the area after nine in the morning.

As we walked, I heard more about the subjects they taught and what the high school teaching environment was like. I asked a lot of questions, and was quite interested in all they had to say.

The three of us hiked together, and were in Massachusetts by the time we needed to set up camp. Since we were alone, Char spent the night with me again in the shelter we chose. Noah slept alone in his tent after watching us make love in mine.

We pushed ourselves -- up early, shorter breaks, and stopped later in the day. Noah wanted to end up in North Adams, Massachusetts as the end point of their hike for this year. The days lost to the storm in Connecticut had stolen the slack time they'd allowed to meet their ride and get back to their regular lives.

As we walked, I reiterated my invitation for them to come to Florida and stay with us for as long as they could.

Noah made contact with his ride as we neared North Adams. We stayed overnight in a motel; the three of us in one room. Char in my bed, and at least Noah had a separate bed. We were all tired from pushing, but that didn't keep Char and I from making love twice more.

In the morning, Char sobbed as we parted. I made sure that Noah was 'whole' and able to care for her. He saw the affection I expressed and smiled. He was a happy man and knew I cared about both of them.

I crossed into Vermont that day about four miles north of North Adams, Massachusetts.

Chapter 72 -- New England Mountains

There was a mountain to climb between the stop in North Adams and the state line into Vermont four miles away. It was damn steep. I climbed UP almost two thousand feet in elevation in those four miles. After that, there were more undulations that taxed my body almost to the limit. My thirty-five-pound backpack started to feel more like a hundred pounds.

Every state that has bears has a Bear Mountain. Vermont was no exception. I was at the top of that peak on my third day in the state. I was not knocking off twenty-five miles a day in those mountainous conditions.

Moreover, the tropical storm had dumped about six inches or more of rain in the state, and every brook had become raging torrent. The trail crossed them, expecting hikers to be able to use stepping stones to cross, but those stones were a foot or two under surging water in most cases. Other crossings had to be found.

I joined up with three younger guys from Boston that were hiking the trail. The trail mostly paralleled U.S. 7, but was higher with great vistas occasionally. We were in the Green Mountains of Vermont.

Crystal and any of my friends that were interested could track my progress with the 'Find Me' app. I wasn't making a secret of where I was or how little or how much of the trail that I hiked any particular day. Being close to the major highway, we all had pretty good cellphone reception most of the time.

I had just made camp with my fellow hikers at the Big Branch Shelter near Wallingford, Vermont, when Crystal called me. Getting a call was unique. Everyone had pretty much left me alone except for text messages for most of my trip.

Crystal said, "I hope you say yes to what I'm about to ask you. I want to fly up and join you for part of your hike. I've been working out and even using the stair master, so I'm in a lot better condition than I was when you left. I know I can be a good hiker, even in the mountains that you're in now. I've done my homework so I know what to expect.

"Further, I've taken your checklist and I've assembled my own backpack, and I'm rarin' to go."

I just said, "Yes. Where do you want to meet?"

We ended up meeting over a week later in Lebanon, New Hampshire. Crystal flew into Manchester and then took a bus to Lebanon. She was in a 'roughing it' mood. I got there before her and got a motel room.

We spent two days in the motel, and most of that was in bed making love. I really missed my wife.

"I'm going to finish this, but I am NOT going off like this again." I was certain that my goals for the hike were going to be completed.

She asked, "Have you found yourself or whatever you were looking for?"

"Not quite, but I will have it firmly established by the end of the trip in Maine."

Crystal grinned, "Good, then fuck me again."

We got back on the trail where I'd gotten off at Dartmouth College. We did deviate to walk through the campus, but classes hadn't started up yet for the fall semester, so things were quiet. I sat in several spots in the campus and meditated. The campus impressed me greatly.

After that we went about twelve miles and climbed up 2,000-feet. I didn't push Crystal hard, and I was kind to myself as well. We stopped at the Moose Mountain shelter. We had lots of time to get our gear in order and to fix our late-afternoon meal.

Some other 'thru-hikers' passed by the spot and we waved or greeted them. The younger guys I'd hiked with were long gone. Eventually, another couple and two rugged guys stopped to overnight at the shelter.

I explained to Crystal that unless we set up a tent, these were our sleep mates for the night. She pondered that and then said, "I want to make love with you."

We set up a tent in a reasonably level area about a hundred feet from the shelter building. Nobody said anything, but I think they knew our plans. The other couple that had hiked in also set up their tent on the other side of the clearing from us, so everybody was evenly spaced apart. Three more guys arrived and were glad to have the space in the shelter to sleep.

Everyone at the shelter site, pretty much crapped out at dusk. We'd talked to some of the others before that and signed in on the shelter logbook. I explained some of the shelter etiquette to Crystal, including about bathroom habits. There was an outhouse at this shelter.

We did make love and I think we did a good job of keeping the noise down. She did let out one moan when she had an orgasm. We also tried to keep excess fluids to a minimum, since there wasn't a lot of water to wash with.

In the morning, we were up at dawn, about five a.m. We had eaten and were hiking by five-forty a.m. The other couple at the site were also early risers and they asked whether they could hike with us. We welcomed Andy and Lexi Sharp.

They were from Bethesda, Maryland. He worked for the National Institutes of Health specializing in biomedical imaging technologies. He was an M.D., but had taken the direction into research rather than practice with patients. He saw enough patients as it was in connection with his work.

Lexi was a flight instructor at the College Park Airport. That provoked an interesting discussion between the two of us, as I had becoming a pilot on my relatively new bucket list.

I did learn that if you ask a flight instructor what you need to do to become a pilot that they will tell you -- in very specific detail. I felt well informed, and our chatter helped the miles crank by as we walked the mountains. We were heading for the Presidential Range in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. When we were through, we had hiked Mounts Madison, Adams, Jefferson, Washington, Lincoln, and Pierce, and a few others. Most were over 5,000-feet above sea level, and Mount Washington was 6,288-feet ASL. Moreover, despite being August, the temperatures in the mountains could become dangerously cold. I made sure that Crystal was as prepared as I was.

We didn't bite off all of that in one day. We made it to Smarts Mountain. An energetic climb from the night before. There was tenting, and we were early enough to be able to claim the old fire warden's cabin as our shelter.

I heard Crystal talking to Lexi. "Tonight ... well, this is awkward ... but I've been away from my husband for months, and we ... well ... we will want to make love. If that will bother you, we can tent."

Lexi laughed. "So long as turnaround is all right, we have no problems. We might like to watch, but you two can watch us. In the tight quarters of the shelter, it's unlikely anybody else will try to horn in."

Lexi was right. Six other campers arrived, but ended up in tents in the tenting area rather than insisting on a sleeping slot on the small floor next to the four of us.

We already had the fire pit going, so the new arrivals went out and foraged for some more wood and kindling. Pretty soon, we had a great set of coals to use for heating water so we could have a hot meal. The fire also gave us some needed heat. When we were hiking, we were warm, but standing around at the end of August in shorts at an elevation of 3,200-feet was a little chilly as the sun started to get low in the sky.

After our communal dinner, everyone signed the logbook for the site, and then each group went off on their own to adjust their tent and hiking gear. I asked Crystal how she was doing.

Crystal came close and said, "I think our bunk mates want to swap. I heard Andy say to his wife, 'I will if you want to,' and then he said something nice about me."

I shrugged. "She is cute." I glanced at the steps into the small ranger shack that had become the shelter. Lexi was sitting on the stoop applying some waterproofing liquid to her hiking boots. Andy was in front of her and they were talking in very hushed tones.

I looked back at Crystal, "Feel like some new cock, do you?"

She laughed, "You know me too well. You are perfection, but I always like to see what else is out there."

I joined her in a chuckle, "Me, too. Let's let them take the lead, but we might tease them a little."

Lexi finished and then went to their cache of water to wash her hands and face. Crystal and I washed up, and then went in the shelter to arrange our sleeping bags. Andy and Lexi came in right behind us. The space was small enough that we were bumping into each other if we weren't careful.

I figured that I'd toss some kerosene on the fire. I asked Crystal, "Are you going to sleep nude like you usually do?"

She shrugged, "If our cabin mates don't mind."

Lexi sported a huge grin, "Mind? We'll join you."

Crystal stripped down to only her undies and then went to blow-up her inflatable pillow. Andy was drooling, and Lexi wasn't exactly not paying attention to Crystal's hot tits. Crystal wasn't a double-D, like Elynn, but she had some great tit flesh.

She put the pillow in place next to mine, and by then, I was in my briefs and nothing else. Andy was removing his clothes and Lexi was also stripping off her hiking shirt and shorts. At least, the inside of the cabin was still warm from the day's sunshine and some infused heat from the fire pit.

I yanked off my briefs and put them beside the bed. Crystal had also doffed her undies by then. She did a big stretch for the ceiling of the room, and then asked me, "Will you give me a massage? You know how that warms me up." Her voice had that 'come hither' tone to it.

She sat cross-legged on the two sleeping bags that we'd zipped together partially facing Andy and Lexi. Andy had a solid erection standing perpendicular to his body. For that matter, I did, too.

I started in on Crystal's shoulders and as the two others touched up the details of their sleeping arrangements, I massaged my wife. I also fondled Crystal's breasts in an obvious way, lightly and visibly pinching her nipples to arouse her more. She made noises of approval -- small mewling sounds.

Lexi finally turned to us, "Will you do me afterward?"

Crystal said, "He can do you now, if Andy will work on me?"

Andy patted a spot on their sleeping bag. "Come on over; sounds like fun."

Crystal moved to the space Andy had indicated and sat cross-legged again, this time facing Lexi and me. Even in the fading light, her pink was visible to everyone.

Lexi took Crystal's place with me. I started with my massage, paying particular attention to those muscles and tendons that the backpack taxed the most. I was also blatantly obvious about reaching either over or under her arms to feel her breasts -- beautiful mounds of boob flesh that relished the attention I gave them and showed their approval by having the nipple peak into a solid thimble of aroused female.

Lexi turned and kissed me. I kissed back.

"Will you make love to me?"

"Gladly. What about Andy and Crystal?"

We shifted our gaze to our mates in the dim light. They were also kissing, and Crystal was holding Andy's hand against her breast.

I said, "I think they've already had this discussion."

A minute later, Crystal had Andy's cock down her throat. For that matter, Lexi also consumed my cock. Several minutes after that, I lay Lexi down on my towel on top of my sleeping bag. The floor was solid, but we managed.

I plunged into Lexi, and then was careful about extracting her first orgasm. Lexi tried to hold off, but then the sensations I was providing overwhelmed her and she came. She panted out her approach and landing to her climax: "Oh, God. Oh, God. OH, God. OH. GOD! UUUGGGHHHH. So fucking good."

I thought I heard Crystal cum a few minutes later. I wondered what the men in the tents thought about Lexi's climax. Sound travels at night, and their tents weren't that far away. Crystal at least muted her response.

When Lexi ramped up to her second orgasm, I joined her. I reminded her to keep the noise down. She grabbed the edge of the sleeping bag in her mouth and didn't make a sound as she climaxed. I joined her and was probably growling loudly as I filled her womb with my seed.

We all lay there panting.

Crystal finally said, "I can't move. I'm sleeping with Andy."

I wrapped Lexi and little tighter in my arms. She sighed and then purred. We went to sleep.

Three days later, Crystal, Lexi, Andy, and I stood atop Mount Washington looking out at the spectacular view. The weather was warm and we were all feeling the effects of NRE -- New Relationship Energy.

In addition to having experienced one breathtaking view after another as we hiked through the Granite State, we'd also been fucking with each other openly and intensely along the route.

Earlier that day, I'd even pulled Crystal off the trail a hundred yards into a copse of trees, and we'd fucked standing up. Andy and Lexi duplicated our move and then we returned to the hike.

I suggested that we take the cog railway down the mountain, so we could save our strength for other endeavors. That was met with approval, and there was space, so after prowling around the top and taking several hundred pictures of the scenery and each other, we rode down.

The Appalachian Mountain Club had a hostel at the base of the mountain. We went there and took showers and arranged for dinner. The sleeping arrangement were all co-ed bunks, and we wanted to mess around, so after cleaning up and eating early, we went to the area designated for tents. We set up our two tents in close proximity to each other with the doors facing one another.

I had Lexi impaled on my cock only a few minutes later. We had two rounds, and then the girls sprinted naked between the tents so they could sleep with their husbands. I had another round with Crystal after she sucked all the aroma and taste buds from Lexi off my cock. She told me that she loved the taste.

We pushed ahead to the Pinkham Notch area the next day, and I'd gotten us lodging there. We had real beds to play in, a change from wooden floors in shelters or the ground.

Because of the difficulty cleaning up from oral sex, I had avoided doing any of that with Lexi. Andy had been of the same mind. Being in the lodge with an ensuite bathroom available for the four of us was much different.

I stripped Lexi and sat her on the small desk in the room. She was puzzled what I was up to, but humored me as I spread her legs. I put each of her legs over one of my shoulders, and then lowered my head to her love box.

I doubt that I got a minute's worth of tonguing in her pussy before Lexi came. As she floated down from her orgasm, I looked over at Andy who was just about to start on Crystal. "Hey, Andy, is your wife always this orgasmic?"

"No. You apparently have found to key to her sexuality. I wonder how we'll recover from the two of you. Maybe we'll have to move to Sarasota and just be part of your continuous orgy that you told us about." He was smiling and I knew from our earlier conversation that he liked the idea, and was seriously thinking about that.

I teased Lexi, "Hey, if you move to Sarasota, you can teach me how to fly."

"Oh, God. You make ME fly. That was one powerful orgasm. I'd love to be your flight instructor."

"Yeah, we could take the plane up and then fuck while it goes in circles on autopilot." I knew that was a ridiculous statement, but she wasn't sure I knew that.

"Errr, you have the join the Mile-High Club other ways."

"Oh, I'm already a member. I just love to make love with you."

As I delivered that remark, I lowered my head back between her legs and started to munch and lick some more. I wondered whether anybody was watching us. Lexi was leaning against one of the windows in the lodge room we were in. Those outside, if they saw her, would see her bare back, but also see her squirming around due to my ministrations on her pussy.

Lexi had five more orgasms on my tongue -- an amazing number in a short time period. Andy wasn't that patient. After eating Crystal for a while, they'd fucked, rested, and were starting again when I finally carried Lexi to my bed, and then started to make love with her. Of course, the oral sex was making love, too, but I meant penetrative love. Lexi just hissed out, "Yessssssssssss!" as my cock sank into her body.

Lexi had praised my sexual abilities when we weren't near her husband. I told her that the best way for her to get him up to my level was to tell him what to do to her. I explained how I had learned with Crystal and her sister Trish, and then gradually with Darlene, Deborah, and then others in what Lexi had started calling our 'Sex Club'.

She sighed and agreed to coach her husband. I made sure to tell her not to start comparing, but to make her ideas seem spontaneous. I didn't want her saying things like, 'Dave did this or that to me, and I want you to learn to do that, too.' I think she understood the wisdom of those words.

I did tease her and told that if she and Andy came to Sarasota and became part of our group, that he'd have about thirty female coaches and that he'd improve rapidly in the sexual lothario department. I added that, of course, she'd have about thirty guys servicing her every sexual need. I pointed out that some of the other men were truly outstanding at providing pleasure.

Crystal and I had not dropped on them either the 'private porn' or the commercial porn business of Crystal Blue Photography. We'd let them discover that if they ever really came to Florida to visit.

I also pointed out that Sarasota had about 330 days of good weather that was suitable for flying lessons compared to probably half- to two-thirds of that in the Bethesda area. She nodded in understanding. She'd actually gotten some of her ratings at flight schools in Florida because the weather was so good that it didn't interrupt her training regime.

I also texted Trish and asked her what the demand for MDs was in the area, especially researchers. She came back with one word, "High. Send him down. He can write his own ticket." I passed that on to the two of them. They did get the impression, correctly, that we liked them and wanted them nearby at 'home'.