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"Did you watch this?" she asked.

There was nothing in her tone of voice that said she was angry about it. And I also knew there was no point in denying it either. "Brad must have accidentally mixed it up with the others he gave me," I said refusing to look her in the eye.

"Ah huh. And you still didn't answer my question."

Looking at her, I nodded my head yes. "Sorry, couldn't help myself," I finally managed to state. "Seeing you standing there in that nightgown, well hell Cindy, what do you expect? You are an attractive woman, and with you standing there wearing hardly anything at all, it was a little too tempting for me not to!"

I was greatly relieved when she actually laughed. "I'm going to kill Brad for this," though her tone of voice was far from serious. "So, did you watch the entire tape?"

"You mean did I see that private little session you did for Brad? Then yes. Admittedly I did."


I stared. Unable to put thought into words, all I could do was stand, dumbly looking at her.

"And? What did you think?" she pressed.

I could feel the sexual energy in the air. And perhaps she did too. This was one of those rare instances where we'd similarly flirted before, though admittedly this was bordering on a whole lot more.

"It was the hottest fucking thing I've ever seen!" I frankly admitted to her. "I've heard about women who could ejaculate like that, but have never seen it. Never even knew you did, Brad's certainly never mentioned that to me before!" I told her honestly.

I was surprised I had admitted that much to her. But again, the sexual energy between us was so thick you could have cut it with a knife.

"He's never told you about that? I'm surprised," she added before I could respond back to her. "Rachel and I have discussed just about everything," she spoke, leaving that thought hanging.

"Everything? Like what?"

This time it was Cindy's turn to act coy as she led me over to the kitchen table. "Want a cup of coffee?"

"Yes. But you didn't answer my question either."

Cindy poured me a cup, pouring herself one, before walking over, pulling out a kitchen chair, and sitting down across from me. "Rachel told me you masturbate a lot. Said she's caught you doing it several times."

I chuckled softly. "Yeah, that's true. Won't deny that I do. Doesn't bother her though especially as she knows it doesn't affect our sex-life any."

"I wish Brad did it more often. For me anyway. I love watching him, but he won't do it for me as much as I wish he would."

"I know what you mean. I wish Rachel would play with herself more often for me too. I find it extremely erotic watching a woman masturbate. And I don't mind saying Cindy, watching you, seeing you gushing like you did was a major thrill for me."

Cindy took a sip of her coffee, but held it, peering over the rim at me for several long moments. Finally setting it down on the table she looked directly into my eyes. "I'd never cheat on Brad," she said simply.

I had no idea where this was going, but her simple comment had spoken volumes.

"I wouldn't cheat on Rachel either," I said holding her gaze with my own.

"Do you think watching a person masturbate is cheating?" Cindy asked.

Admittedly, I had to think about that for a moment. "Not really. No. I think it's more like jerking off with an audience."

Cindy did laugh then, nodding her head in agreement. "I am a bit of an exhibitionist. And according to your wife, so are you."

I was gambling here perhaps, but again, I was so horny at this point that I decided to throw caution to the wind. "You were doing that when I passed by the window. I'd have enjoyed standing there watching you if I wasn't afraid one of the other neighbors would see me and call the police." I tried to make my comment light, un-threatening. A simple statement that held a hopeful hint behind it. Slightly surprised, Cindy picked up on that.

"Yes I was. And getting close too," she said winking at me.

" still horny then?"


"Would you be ok with it if we simply watched one another, as long as we promised not to do anything else?"

"I would. Could you?"

My cock was already rock-hard and beginning to do my thinking for me. "Yes! And besides, I'd finally get to see a woman actually ejaculate. Think you would?"

Cindy turned heading towards the bedroom, I watched as she slipped out of her bathrobe letting it fall to the floor just as she turned down the hallway. "No doubt about it," I heard her saying just as she turned the corner, disappearing from view. The sight of her heart-shaped ass was still burned into my mind. Setting down the coffee cup I realized I was still holding, I quickly followed. As I rounded the corner to their bedroom, Cindy had already positioned herself in the middle of the bed.

"I'm not sure I'd be entirely comfortable with you in bed next to me," she began. "But if you wouldn't mind sitting down in the chair across from me while we watch one another, I'd be ok with that."

Seeing her point, and feeling much the same way myself, I quickly undressed sitting down in the large oversized chair across from her. Cindy had already retrieved one of her many toys from the nightstand and was already using it to tease herself with.

"Show me how you like to pleasure yourself David."

Truth be told, I jerked off in a variety of ways. I enjoyed the various sensations I could give myself by the simple placement of my hand upon my prick whenever I masturbated. I began by caressing my cock in the not quite standard over-hand grip as opposed to the more normal underhand or side grip. Cindy seemed to like even that simple variation as I sat there stroking myself up and down. She began that simultaneous in and out motion with the toy, all the while rotating it inside herself with each and every thrust. Just the way I had watched her doing it on the video.

"Oh yeah. I like that," I said lustily. "Play with your tits a little for me too," I said hopefully.

She did so, taking a great deal of delight in pinching those incredibly thick nipples of hers, pulling on them, stretching them upwards away from her chest. "Like this?"

I pounded my cock enthusiastically by way of an answer.

"Don't cum too soon," she said a little worriedly. "I want to watch you for a while."

"No worries mate," I said in my best down-under accent. "I've learned to pace myself for hours if necessary."

Cindy laughed out loud. "Well, I don't think we'll have that long, but I'm glad to hear you're not a quick cummer," she told me. "That's one of the things that Brad doesn't seem to control very well whenever he's watching me. He always cums way too fast whenever I do this for him."

"TMI," I thought to myself. "Too much information," I added silently giving definition to the meaning. The last thing I wanted to be thinking about right now was my best friend jerking off.

Cindy added the large hand-held wand toy to her self-pleasuring, just like she'd done in the video. Seeing it for real was even more arousing and exciting to me than it had been when I had actually watched her.

"Damn Cindy. You've got a really beautiful pussy," slicking my prick up and down as I applied plenty of my free-flowing lubrication to it.

"You're cocks pretty nice too," she said grinning. "Why don't you stand up so I can see it better?"

Doing so, I walked a little closer to the bed though I ensured a reasonable distance continued to separate us. "How's this?"

"Oh yes. Much better. Now, squeeze the head and let me see some of that pre-cum fuck juice."

That was a no brainer. I was already leaking like a sieve as it was. Doing as she asked me however, a nice fat droplet of slippery lubricant oozed from the tip of my cock and hung suspended momentarily before drooling down the side of my shaft. Immediately, I recaptured the silky lubricant, bathing the head of my penis. Tightening my grip, still using an overhand fisting, I managed to make squeaky sounds with my hand as I pulled up and down on my shaft. Hearing that, Cindy moaned with obvious delight.

"Oh fuck yes! God David, I love hearing that!"

As she began thrusting the pink vibrating dildo in and out of her pussy, I could hear the sudden increase of her liquid pleasures pooling at the opening of her sex. She was soon making, or rather creating nice 'frothy-like' sounds that quickly surpassed the 'squishy-squish' sounds I'd been making.

"Oh shit Cindy. You sound fucking horny too!" I commented, feeling my knees growing weak. "I can hardly wait to see you squirt!"

"Ditto," she shot back huskily, "But not yet ok?"

I wasn't that close. But I also knew I could be there in a heartbeat if she'd asked it of me. I now began hand-slapping my hardness, using first one hand and then the other as I slapped beneath my shaft, allowing her to see my prick dancing up and down, back and forth while I did. Cindy was grinning broadly.

"You liked watching that did you?"

She knew damn well where I'd gotten the idea. "Hell yes I did. Your face, fuck Cindy, that look on your face was the hottest fucking thing I've ever seen before in all my life!"

And then I saw that look. Saw her as she lifted one leg nearly back over her head, spreading herself even more obscenely than I had seen in the video. "I can really shoot it up in the air when I lay like this," she told me. "You ready for old faithful?"

"Are you?"

I was at that point that all she had to do was ask and I could let loose on her command.

"No...not just yet. I can easily come like this several times. And each one seems to get even more liquid when I do," she informed me. "I'm not ready to see you cum just yet, but if you're ready to see me...I'm almost there."

"Go for it Cindy!" I enthusiastically urged her. "Let 'er rip!"

I watched as Cindy's face screwed up in a grimace that initially looked painful. Seconds later however, a fountain of cum-juice suddenly spurted in a thin tiny streamer into the air, cascading quickly into a separated shower of feminine cum cream that bathed not only herself, but quickly soaked the sheets of the bed as well.

"Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Oh!" Cindy screamed out in pure unadulterated delight.

It was all I could do to hold back my own explosion, and actually had to squeeze the head of my prick, to keep from doing so. I watched in utter amazement as Cindy's pussy continued to fountain, literally. All about her, small little pulsations of liquid with every contraction of her orgasm landed upon herself as well as the bedding.

"Damn have no idea how good that looks!" I said bluntly.

"Actually, I do," she said shyly. "I like watching myself cum while holding a mirror sometimes. Especially if I'm really, really horny and know it's going to be a hard one. Like this one...and the next several after this."

"Next several?" I asked in disbelief.

"Definitely. Now, what else can you do with that prick of yours?" she asked.

I quickly showed her. Forming a cup with the palm of one hand, I began thrusting my prick in and out of my hand-held puppet-cunt, simultaneously massaging my balls, feeling them tighten in anticipation of being given the go ahead to jettison my load.

"Oh! I like that!" she giggled appreciatively. Cindy discarded the pink vibrator at that point, somehow managing to position both legs back over behind her head so that now she was half-sitting, lying in what I could only describe as a doughnut-like position on the bed.

"Damn Cindy, you into Yoga or something?" I asked still hand-fucking myself.

"Shut up and watch," she warned me. "You'll like this." Holding onto that wand vibrator with both hands, she positioned it directly atop of her clit, holding it there. Once again her face went through a myriad of twisted expressions.

"!" she screamed out a moment later.

She wasn't kidding about the volume of cream she could expel either. If I thought she'd managed to shoot out quite a bit the first time, it was nothing in comparison to what she unleashed this time. And this one really was a geyser of sorts, as her discharge seemed to spray out in all directions at once. Even from where I was standing I felt a few light sprinkles of her orgasm reaching me. Half tempted to rush over to her and place my mouth directly over her pussy and drown myself in all that delicious nectar that was seemingly going to waste here. I could only stand there, frozen motionless, not even stroking my prick as I watched her vulvanic eruptions continue.

"I'm not sure how much longer I can last," I told her honestly. My balls were as tight as they had ever been, my prick throbbing with an urgent need that threatened to explode without any help from me.

"Next one," Cindy moaned softly. "Just give me a minute."

I wasn't sure I had a minute, but I watched as she began slapping her clit with the palm of her hand while still positioned in her doughnut shaped position, which admittedly looked more than just a tiny bit vulgar.

"Come with me?" she asked a few minutes later.

"Just say the word," I begged her expectantly.

To my surprise, she 'crab-scooted' herself closer to the edge of the bed where I was standing. Fingering herself, twiddling her clit, watching her rub it and pinch it, I stood there, matching her stroke for stroke.


"Say when," I half-garbled, my balls somewhere up near my throat, knowing full well I was barely managing to keep a lid on my orgasm from happening anyway.

I saw her close her eyes, scrunch down, if that was really possible, and then yell out with glorious release. "NOW!" she screamed. "NOW! NOW!" As she did that, I saw a streamer of joy-juice spit from her pussy in a long arching streamer that headed directly for me. Simultaneously, I felt the first powerful pump of spunk flying from the head of my cock, which met hers at the apex of its ascent. Together, our ejaculations mingled mid-air, crossing paths before descending back down towards one another where mine began to land upon her in copious splashes of rich-creamy cum juice. Likewise, Cindy's only slightly thinner puss-splurges began raining down on me, bathing my cock in a fine misty spray.

Folding at the knees, I somehow managed to stagger back; landing back down in the chair as Cindy unfolded herself from the pretzel position she had initially placed herself in.


We've since gotten together a few times. Not many, but each time has been as erotically charged as that first time together was. And true to our word, neither of us has made any attempt to touch the other. Simply content, completely satisfied at merely watching one another masturbate. We'd eventually gotten around to discussing the possibility of including our spouses. Something of which we both thought would be erotic as hell anyway, and perhaps lead to even more titillating adventures down the road. The problem was timing, that, and having the opportunity to discuss it. Which is when Cindy came up with an idea.

I had been invited to fill in a foursome one weekend with Brad. We'd just finished putting and were sitting patiently waiting for the other two guys to finish doing the same. Brad and I had been discussing a few of the latest movies he'd gotten, one of which had primarily been about various men and women masturbating for one another. He had been the first one to mention it, which gave me the opening I'd been looking for.

"What would you think about watching my wife masturbating in a situation like that?" I asked him quietly. "Would you? If you could?"

"Are you kidding? Watch Rachel getting herself off? In a New York minute!" he exclaimed. " that's ever going to happen," he added with a bit of remorse.

"But, if she was willing to, you'd go for that?" I pressed.

"You serious David? Because if you are, then I want you to know I'm certainly up for something like that. The problem as I see it, is talking the girls into it. Especially Cindy. I seriously doubt that we'd be able to convince either one of them into doing anything like that. Especially in front of the two of us. Why?"

"Well, I was thinking. Maybe if the four of us actually got together to watch a couple of those videos, especially those masturbation 'group' parties. You said how much Cindy enjoyed watching those. And so did Rachel for that matter."

"Hmm, maybe. You know David. That's not a half bad idea. We could set up a get together for next weekend perhaps. Get the girls loosened up with a little alcohol, and who knows? Maybe Cindy would start things off by giving us all one of her special little shows. I think I might even be able to convince her into doing that. But the hard part will be in convincing your wife."

Brad headed back towards the golf cart. I turned to follow. It was hard trying to hide the smile on my face, for I knew at that very moment, Cindy was discussing the very same thing with Rachel. With luck, she'd have as easy a time of it as I had, had with Brad. And, I had gotten Rachel to admit that she'd get off on finally seeing Brad's prick. Her concern had been over how Cindy would feel about that of course. And I had told her flat out, to bring the subject up with Cindy and see what she thought about it. After all, there was certainly no harm in asking.

I had just gotten back to the cart when I saw Brad hanging up his cell phone. "Guess what buddy? We're watching videos together this evening! Can you imagine that?"

And actually...I could.

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RangeExpanderRangeExpanderabout 4 years ago

Very sexy and beautifully written. There's something about the sheer joy of appreciating one's own joy and that of somebody else. A tonic for a prudish world.

mikesch_236mikesch_236over 4 years ago
Any chance of a continuation?

Would love to hear (well, read ....) how the joint session went!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Great Story!

Loved the story, I would love to have that happen. Realistically, however, that will happen shortly after our sun turns into a cold, dead, cinder!

Oh well, until then I’ll look for more of YOUR stories. Please keep writing!

HardXsRHereHardXsRHereover 5 years ago

Couldn't See The Reason When Rachel's Old Man

Didn't Jump On Cindy's Body And Fuck The

Living Shit Out Of Her

HorhenfishaHorhenfishaover 6 years ago

I absolutely love mutual masturbation. Wife n I do it all the time...would love something like this as would she. Good job

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

Gave it a five. But it was actually a 5-. I'm into watching women masturbate, but I guess not stories about it. Used to live in a duplex when first married. Another young cpl lived next door. Our wives got us to videoing ourselves masturbating and fucking and then trading with the neighbors. This was VHS, '80's. Never saw each other naked in person. And the good thing was (thouh we didn't realize it till later) that back then there was no Facebook worry. That one of us would get drunk or high and do something stupid on the computer. Personal Computers at that time used MS DOS and 51/2" floppy drives. But this story was fun.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Good story

Just read your story and it is really good. I can just about see that mutual masturbation scene. My wife and I do that quite often and it is extremely exciting for both of us.

shiannshiannabout 12 years ago

woe loved this story there has to be another part when can i see that

pamcdpamcdover 12 years ago
LOve your story!

This is one of the best stories loved it cause it takes time getting there!

tim4522tim4522over 15 years ago
One of THE Finest Ever

OMG- That was one of THE finest stories ever. I've read tons of stuff on Lit and this one ranks in the top 5. I can just imagine my wife and I with our friends and I REALLY CAN imagine it, but after this ultra hot story then WOW. So damn believable. LUV it and can't WAIT for the follow up to this great story. Many thanks ..Tim

zex95966zex95966almost 16 years ago
Me likey

When is the next one?

looking forward to it.

jack_strawjack_strawabout 18 years ago

I've been involved with Literotica as a reader and a writer for four years now, so I've seen just about everything, good, bad and ugly.

So it's real delight to read a story that is truly original, with a unique concept that is fully realized. Not to mention that it's hot as hell.

It's also very well written, without any glaring errors, the story flows well and keeps the reader's interest. I also liked the ironic tone. You don't take yourself too seriously, and that's a good thing.

Congrats on an very good job.

ljaljaabout 18 years ago
nice :-)

this story got me to the point of no return... its a real fantasy of mine... ty... Larry

ljaljaabout 18 years ago
very Hott

This story is a fantasy of mine,,, It was well written... enough for me to picture what was going on... It was great... ty for your story... Larry

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
This is what I love to read--It's erotic and it's.

..believable. What more could you ask

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