After Class...

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Fun after class.
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The van stopped.

Wherever it was to which they were taking me, we were now there.

My heart was pounding in my chest so loud that I could hear it in my ears.

I prepared myself.

One door, the passenger door opened, and then the driver side door and I felt that they had stepped out of the car, first the driver and then the passenger, as least based on how the van tilted. They must have weighed a lot because of how the van's springs lifted.

One door and then the other slammed shut.

It was now or never.

The handle was worked and the backdoor opened and I leapt through the air and right into the waiting arms of Whale Dick and he crushed me, he crushed all of the flight and fight out of me and it lasted till I went limp in his arms. I knew what it must be like for some animal to be taken by a python. I couldn't fathom that someone could be so strong, and then he kissed me full on the mouth and he put his tongue into my mouth and I had to go along with it. It was long and fat and filled my entire mouth.

It literally pushed beyond my tonsils and I gagged.

He was literally choking me with his tongue! It was all I could do to make these glug glug sounds as if I was drowning in a thick slime.

I could tell he liked it.

He pulled out of my mouth.

"You're not a bad little kisser."

And then his tongue was back in my mouth and this time I sucked on it lest he choke me with it again and he squeezed me so hard that I thought my ribs would crack and then quick as anything, he spun me around and now I was back in position where my neck was snug in the crook of his elbow and one of my wrists gripped in his massive hand, my arm twisted behind my back.

I began to cry again.

He laughed and Mr. Ronick stared at me and I could only helplessly whimper whisper for help.

"Ain't nobody gonna hear you whispering like that," he said. "Why don't you let me help you..." In falsetto and with a mock frightened demeanor, Mr. Ronick mimicked me, shouting out, "help, help!"

Then silence. He cupped a hand to his ear as if to better hear any response.


"Well, can't say that we didn't give it a try. What say we get going then?"

And it was with wide eyes filled with tears and fears that I could only weakly nod yes.

He lead the way to the dilapidated building and Whale Dick and I followed. I was like some kind of rag doll in his arms. There was nothing I could do.

Was this the bowling alley???!!

No. It couldn't be. It looked all wrong. And that smell again!! It was stronger now. Somehow I knew this was the place from whence the stench came.

The steel door was thrown open and make a tremendous clang, like an awful bell, we entered into darkness, and then it slammed shut and I panicked! "LUUUUUUCY, I'M HOME!!"

Not a bad impersonation of Ricky Ricardo I remember thinking though I was scared out of my wits.

The smell now literally made my stomach turn over and my knees give out. Were it not for Whale Dick, I would have fallen to the floor. As it was, I literally had no use of my legs and was still being pushed forward. It wasn't as though I put up any resistance, it was just that I was unable to walk or stand on my own.

It was completely dark inside, but there was the smell and then there was singing.

Am I hearing things?

"This is the way we shear the pig, shear the pig, shear the pig, this is the way we shear the pig so early in the morning..."

It was sung in slow depressing notes.

It was pigs! That was it! That was the smell! This was some kind of pig processing place, some kind of awful pig processing factory and Mister Rolnick and Whale Dick worked here and I didn't want to think of what horrible things they did here.

Large fluorescent lights flickered on blinding me for several moments.

After came the sounds of rattling chains and the grip on me was increased.

"Oh, no!!" I thought.

"Suet, suet, suet!! C'mon piggy! Time to get sheared!"

"Pig, pig, piggy!! Pig, pig, piggy!"

There was Mrs.Ronick and her protégés and I thought I must be hallucinating. I had thoughts that somehow I was slipped some acid. But deep down, I knew that this was for real. I was plainly seeing that they were standing in some kind of muck, pig muck, greenish brown and ankle deep, and in front of some sort of nightmarish contraption of long steel troughs, most about a foot high, running in crazy lines this way and that, some tilted down at steep angles and some at slow. There were open ended pipes of various lengths and diameters. From some of the pipes, slop dripped out. I saw that most of the troughs were filled to the brim with the awful sludge. The huge puddle of it in which they stood had overflowed out of one section. Maybe it was damaged somehow or maybe there was a clog. It had spread out some ten feet or so from the rim and because of its thick viscosity, it maintained an ankle height even at its edge.

And although they were mostly blocking it from my view, there was a vat... maybe three feet deep and maybe three feet in diameter to which some of the pipes discharged.

And though they were standing ankle deep in that disgusting mess, they weren't getting dirty as they were wearing industrial strength black rubber boots that came up almost to their panty clad pussies and I do literally mean, panty clad pussies. They weren't wearing pants! I could see that a couple of them were wearing thigh highs from the lacy elastic bands, but aside from lace panties, they were completely naked except for those boots and matching industrial strength black rubber gloves that extended past their elbows.


Mrs. Ronick was exceptionally hairy.

They all were, but Mrs. Ronick had a beaver pelt of pubic hair.

The shear material of their panties, as well as their cut, did nothing to hide their hairy bushes.

They were happy to see me.

Lana spurted the hose nozzle she held a few time as if to celebrate my arrival and from the kick of it, I could tell that it was high pressure. It was black and was no ordinary garden hose variety like those that watered the lawns that I cut over the past summer to earn extra money. Deanna was holding a bag, a sack of some kind like only a hideous santa would have. She was holding it up for me to see and pointing at it and then at me as if to suggest that whatever was inside was for me. And then she mimed a thinking pose as if to convey, 'hmmmm, i wonder what is inside that black drawstring thick vinyl bag of treats... or was it tricks.' And she was right. I was wondering greatly what awful things were in that bag.

Hannah, whom i always considered the leader, the brains of the three, held up a tangle of steel chain and leather straps for me to see. And like her friend, Hannah was pointing at the mess of chain and straps and pointing then at me.


This was the most bizarre sight that even i could have ever fantasized even with my fervent fantasy factory imagination.

Maybe it wasn't drugs... maybe it was a nightmare. Maybe I was sleeping and that this wasn't happening at all. Only it wasn't a nightmare. I knew that too, but I didn't want this to be my reality. But for a second, I really thought that this might not be real, it was so bizarre a sight.

And then I was back on the idea, which formed like a bubble in my brain, that maybe I was hallucinating. Maybe I really was on drugs. Maybe, as I heard other kids at school say, the druggies, that I was tripping on acid. Or maybe, just maybe, I had hit my head and this... this vision... is what I was experiencing as a result.

But always deep down, I knew that they were real, that this was real.

There was Mrs. Ronick. She was standing there, standing there in a huge room with a high ceiling. the room, space is a better word, was brightly lit was fluorescent bulbs, those long industrial factory sort of... i was in a factory of some kind! Despite the stress i was under, i was beginning to figure things out the way i could figure out math or physics problems on a test.

They were there waiting for me, happy as clams were Hannah, Lana and Deanna, Huey, Duey and Luey, Larry, Moe and Curly. Only these three weren't lovable cartoon characters or bumbling stooges. They were my true to life high school bullies... and bully me that night they would.


"That's right! Right this way pig!! No waiting!! Hahaha!!"

Now I struggled for all I was worth. I resisted being forced forwards and this only caused Whale Dick to grab my crotch and squeeze till he was satisfied that I went limp.

"Awwwwww, did that hurt?"


And despite my awful circumstances and the stress, I knew that I had to bide my time, wait for an opportunity to escape. There was nothing I could do! I just had to wait for my chance. I had to be able to outrun these fat slobs!

I was brought before Mrs. Ronick.

Now I was at the bank of the muck pool.

My knees buckled and this time, I was permitted to collapse onto the floor.

On my hands and knees now, fully in the muck which was freezing cold, I looked up to see Mrs. Ronick looking down at me. A bright sunshiney smile on her face.

Even before, it was Mrs Ronick that captured my attention most, I supposed that was because she was my teacher, an authority figure that I was supposed to trust... that and because she was wielding a pair of scissors, not ordinary school scissors to cut paper, but heavy shears that cut things thicker than paper... like leather, like pigs... like me.

I screamed out for help despite knowing that none would come. My response was only derisive laughter and mock sympathy.

And despite everything, I couldn't help notice that she was so sexy!

Courtesy of Whale Dick, I was now transported over to them. He had released me from the choke hold but still held me firmly, one hand by the back of the collar of my jacket and hoodie and the other by my belt and pants. I was completely helpless!!

She looked at me, smiling, but said nothing.

Tittering, she brought the sheers up for my inspection.

They were large and evil.

And they weren't ordinary scissors for cutting paper.

They had stuff, wet stuff on them.


I tried to scoot backwards, but a painful kick in the ass... I guessed Whale Dick... brought me back to my senses and back to reality.

I had to be able to outrun them! After all, I played baseball and soccer and was running all the time. Mr Ronick and Whale Dick each easily tipped the scales at over two hundred and twenty pounds each complete with beer bellies. I didn't know where I was, but I knew I could outrun these two and that welcoming committee!

At some point anyway.

Not just yet.

I surprised myself. Without thinking of whether I could, I just did. Evidently, I suddenly scooted to the side and I got to my feet and I suddenly slipped in the muck, there was so much, and I fell and I slid head first like I was making a head first slide onto home plate and later, I saw that my body made a rather long scrape in the pig mud.

Before I could regain my feet again, I suddenly felt a weight, a large weight, placed on my back that kept me pinned in the cold, reeking muck on the cold concrete floor.

It was Whale Dick... Whale Dick's foot.

And a second after that I felt the collar being fastened around my neck. Hannah.

'Oh, no!!'

"Where ya going little piggy?"

"Are you lost? You're going the wrong way! Hahahaha!"

This is the way to the little pig sty!"

"Oh no!! NO NO NO!!"

"On your feet, pig!"

I felt something, a strap of some kind, on my bottom and I struggled to comply with the order but there was still the matter of the foot placed between my shoulders. I knew that the foot belonged to Whale Dick.

It was hard going, but from having done thousands of push ups and bench pressing, I managed to lift myself, my torso anyway, out of the cold pig mud.

Then the foot, all of a sudden, slammed me back down in it and was accompanied by a low guffaw.

"Help, help! I've fallen and I can't get up! Hahahahahaha!"

"Oooooh, you almost got it!!"

"Try again!!"

Now the strap came again and more screams for me to "hurry the fuck up!" and "faster, pig!" and even

mach schnell, Schweinigl!!" Schweinig - dirty pig.

I tried again and after a great deal of struggling, I again managed to lift my chest off the floor, and again I was slammed down on the hard floor.

"Awwwwwwww, what's the matter, little faggot? Can't you get it up?"

One of the other protégées mocked again, "help! I've fallen and I can't get it up!" for the general amusement of all present but myself. After the sixth or seventh time, maybe the ninetieth time, of this little game, I was exhausted and beat up. My arms were like rubber. I had no strength left in them at all... all I could do was lie in the pig mud.

After what seemed to be the millionth time of this game, I was finally permitted to comply with the redhead protégé's direction and stand.

"Hahahahaha! Time to beat our meat! HAHAHAHAHAHA!" Then they all descended upon me...

I was bullied from all sides with face slaps and head slaps and body punches and all made the worse with those black rubber gloves that they wore and hair pulls with those black rubber gloves until I became so distraught and exhausted and beaten that I just fell sitting into the sludge and then came the kicks with the toes of those black rubber boots, they kicked me with the toes of their industrial rubber boots, especially my ass, which they found positively hilarious and foot stomp punches by the soles of those black rubber boots until I could bear no more and I just fell or was kicked chest flat into the muck and then I was jumped on and squashed on by the soles of those black rubber boots into the pig muck until I just lay there... sunk in it, stuck in it... stunk in it.

They didn't push my face in it though.

I was ordered to get on my feet and enticed to do so with more foot kick punches.

"Hahahaha! That's was a hoot! Wasn't that a hoot???!!" Hannah grabbed my a handful of hair and shook my head up and down in a helpless affirmative indicating that this was indeed a hoot. "What say we get you into a nice pig shit bath? What do you say???"

I replied once more by a helpless affirmative.

Tittering, Mrs. Rolnick gently took me by the hand and then helped me step into a trough, a vat... a cauldron... that was nearly three feet deep. I didn't resist. I couldn't resist. And though difficult, I managed in my weakened state, to step over the wall without falling face first in it, and stand in it up to mid-thigh.

Placing a rubber gloved hand atop my head, she pushed me down and though I didn't want to, I complied. I was too weak to resist and once seated, now the pig muck was up to my neck and freezing, I began shivering uncontrollably. They knew that I was too weak to attempt anything now. While I soaked, I watched Mrs. Ronick cover her husband's face with wet warm kisses that I wished were for me and though not a breast man, I wanted to feel her large breasts pressed up against me. She was telling him in a husky voice that she was never so turned on as she was now... she wanted him now... right now... right now.

He wanted her too, but the bowling... later... they had to practice for the tournament...

In soothing nurse tones, Mrs. Ronick came back and inquired if I was rested enough and I replied weakly that I was and with the redhead protégé now yanking on my leash and additional threats by the brunette, Deanna, that if I didn't get my ass out of there in two seconds that she was going to dunk me under and keep me there. I found the strength to drag myself out. I literally had to slide out of the vat over the wall as if I was some sort of slime, it was the best that I could do, and slid directly onto the floor.

The high pressure mist stung so badly, even with clothes on, where ever it was applied, and it was applied a lot, that I screamed!

"How about if I help you off with your wet things?" Mrs. Ronick's soothing voice again, though I was looking at the toes of black rubber boots.

"On your feet, pig!!"

I stood up.

Mrs. Ronick, with her pig shears, cut all my clothes off starting with my brand new baseball jersey. I had saved up for it and only gotten it last Monday. Maybe to save time, she also cut off my new baseball undershirt. Though not intended for me to hear, I heard the protégés discussing my body in a complimentary way. Though there was only derisive laughter and cruel insults that were intended for me to hear concerning my penis size.

Now I felt touches around my genital area.

I could only close my eyes and hold still, hold my breath...

"You can manage your shoes and socks, can't you?"

Of my own accord, I nodded and whispered to Mrs. Ronick that I could.

I was now naked... but not missing any pieces.

I watched my clothes that were thrown into one of the pig troughs and floated there for a little while and then sank never to be seen again... never to be again.

Now came a merciless and thorough high pressure rinse on my naked body that I thought would tear the skin off of me and never end. There was also a different scent, when I opened my eyes to investigate, I saw suds.

Apparently I was being washed and disinfected and detergent-ed.

And now something else was being spread all over me, all over my entire body...though not my head or face.

It had a chemical smell.

I looked.

It was Nair™!

They were dehairing me!!

They were generous in slathering it all over my body. I was masturbated with it though I couldn't get an erection which was humorous to them, not me, and then after a few tingly minutes, I was high pressure rinsed yet again and then once more exfoliated with the thick pink lotion and given another chance to achieve an erection through masturbation and after failing once more, I was high pressure rinsed for the last time that evening and now made to get dressed.

At the end, I was dressed like they fool in some royal court, in the stupid hat with points of black and white that stuck up this way and that with sleigh bells sewn on the tips, and bobbled and in two-toned pantyhose tights of red and green, one leg red and the other green, white and black diamond booty shorts, and not cloth, but vinyl green pointy shoes with curled up toes. In addition, I was made to wear a neon pink tutu. My bob wig was metallic blue.

Probably the least ridiculous article of clothing that I was made to wear was the long sleeved black leotard.

And of course a collar and leash and the makeup. The women were having a wonderful time applying makeup to my face, laughing and commenting and in the end they showed me a mirror and it took my several seconds to realize that the inflatable sex doll face that i was looking at was my own.

Now Mrs. Ronick was hugging me, grinding into me.

Now I had an erection, however small.

"Please... please, Mrs. Ronick... I I I never did those things... I didn't draw on on on those sketches... I didn't do it... they they aren't even my friends..." I whimpered.

She gave me a full embrace, "oh you poor, deluded thing." She kissed me full on my quivering lips and it was wonderful. "I know that you aren't really one of them and I know that you didn't draw those crude, nasty things on those sketches," she whispered in my ear which made me shiver though not from the cold. She kissed me again. "You're not one of those cavemen bozos, are you?"

I nodded that I was not.

She kissed me, hugged me close and then looked at me and held me in her gaze. "No, you're not. You're not one of them, you're not one of them..."

"I'm not one of them... please let me go... I I won't tell, I won't tell I won't tell I won't I won't I won't I won't..."

She placed a finger on my lips to still them.

"Shhhhhhhh," she said and then kissed me again. "No more talking for now, but we'll talk later about art school."