After the End of the World


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"And there's the idiot part." I give him a wink,

"Yeah, not my brightest moment. So while she screamed at me and started throwing things, I grabbed Amelia, her diaper bag, my go bag, and got out of there as fast as I could. My intention was to find you and, indeed, talk you into going to Patagonia with me."

"As your friend, traveling partner, or...?"

"As my fiancée, Lana. I fell hopelessly in love with you while we were still in the bunker."

"And there's the declaration of feelings," I say, only barely keeping the catch out of my voice.

"Lana, you said you want to be my wife, but before you get carried away, there's something you should know about me."

"Don't worry. I already know you're the Zodiac Killer. I'm good with that."

He smiles, but with some lingering apprehension. "Oh, but it's much worse than that. See, I know you're assuming that I grew up running cattle."

"Well, you did say you were raised on a ranch."

"Yeah, but while we always had a few head of cattle around, we were mostly a sheep ranch."

"Oh," I say abruptly.

Towners don't understand the perpetual animosity between the purveyors of cattle and sheep. (Notice that I listed cattle before sheep, the way it should be.) Over the years in the American west, many cattlemen and shepherds have been gunned down for not seeing things the "correct" way. Caiden's being a shepherd is certainly an unexpected development.

"Move out of my way," I say sternly. "I'm leaving." For a brief moment I think he's actually buying it, but then I can't contain it anymore and start giggling.

"Why you little imp," he says.

"Caiden, I don't care if you ranched spiders. I started to fall in love with you when you took me in your arms to comfort me on the day we met. I still want to be your wife."

"And I want to be your husband, but hell, it's right there in our paperwork. I am your husband."

"Then I'm your wife. Are we on the same page now?"


"Do I get a ring?"

"Yeah, but it'll have to wait until after we get off the ship."

"Okay, I'll let you slide for now, but can I at least have that kiss now?"

He smiles and leans forward, as do I. It occurs to me that now I'm never going to get a church wedding. To be here with Caiden as my husband, though, I can live with it.

Naturally, Gregory picks this moment to let go of my nipple and start to fuss, so our first kiss as a married couple ends up being a quick peck on the lips. I hand Gregory to Caiden, along with a burp cloth from my pack. Caiden drapes it over his shoulder, then positions Gregory and begins to pat his back with practiced skill. Three minutes later, I do the same for his new sister.

After we get our kids burped, it's bath time. Caiden climbs down to do a reconnaissance of the stateroom's head. He finds a short stack of large, deep, hand numbered wash basins, the perfect size for bathing a baby. He grabs number two, fills it with warm water, and hands it up to me.

It only takes us half an hour to get the kids bathed, diapered, rocked to sleep and settled together into their makeshift crib. I'm amazed at how well we work as a team, especially in this incredibly small space.

Caiden took care of his evening routine when he got the basin of water, so I shrug back into my dress (forgoing my bra), then squeeze past him and climb down. He hands me the basin and I carry it to the head. There are two people in front of me, but they're quick, and it's now my turn.

The pipe for the shower head has been capped and there's a No Bathing sign on the tub enclosure's wall, but the tub's faucet is functional and there's plenty of hot water. I dump the kids' bathwater down the toilet, then quickly wash my face and brush my teeth in the sink. Then, on sudden inspiration, I fill the basin with hot water, add a squirt of soap, and carry it back to our bunk. I hand it, then my panties, up to Caiden, who gives me a questioning look. He's sitting where I was a couple of minutes before.

Our downstairs neighbors have closed their front curtain, so I check to make sure the accessway is empty, then give Caiden a nervous grin. I quickly whip my dress off and toss it into the bunk, then put my arms together up over my head and do a quick pirouette for my new husband.

Naturally, a male head pops out of bunk five and the guy gets a show. I give him an embarrassed grin, then climb into the bunk with Caiden. I close our own front curtain, then turn to him. My clothes are in his hands.


I put a finger to his lips and do my best to be brave. "What I'm about to do is the kind of thing you can expect from being married to me."

There are a couple of diagonal shelves built into the bunk in the front corners, right above the entrance. One of them has thick netting across the front of it, obviously for storing our meager possessions, and Caiden has set his pack on it. The other shelf is open. I lift the basin up onto it, where it fits perfectly. That's probably not an accident, and there are small cleats on it that would hold the basin in place during a storm. Somebody put some actual thought into how people would have to live in these tiny bunks, crowded in like sardines.

Caiden has stripped to his T-shirt and boxers while I was away. I buck up my courage and reach forward to make the boxers the only thing he's wearing. "Lie down on your front," I say.

While I neatly fold our clothes and put them up on the shelf, Caiden hesitantly stretches out on his stomach. I snag a washcloth from my pack and dip it in the water.

I start at his neck, right at the hairline, and begin to gently wash his wonderful body. I can immediately feel that he's completely unaccustomed to having anyone do this kind of thing for him, just like I am. I lean down close to him.

"Hey," I murmur in his ear, "you're so tense. Just relax. You'll make me very happy by just soaking it in. Unless you don't want this?"

"Oh, I definitely want this," he whispers. I can see that it takes an actual force of will, but he relaxes. "Okay love, I'm yours. Do whatever you'd like."

I realize that this is the first time he's called me that when we weren't being watched by other people. It pleases me. "Don't you worry, babe. I plan to do just that."

Though thin, Caiden's muscles are rock solid, and he has the kind of physique that would have allowed him to throw alfalfa bales up into the loft all day long. He feels wonderful under my hands.

I wash Caiden's shoulders and arms, going back to the basin regularly, then move down his back, marveling at his fabulous definition. His boxers are definitely in the way now.

"Lift for me," I whisper, and he raises his hips. I slide his last remaining garment down and off him, then resume my cleansing. His butt cheeks are like rocks. I rest my bare hand on one of them and he quickly gets the message, letting them relax. Ah, very nice.

Part of my mind is having a hard time wrapping itself around what I'm doing here. Twenty-four hours ago, I couldn't have even envisioned it. But this is my new reality, and I'm making the most of it.

I work my way down to his knees, where the crib finally gets in the way. I quickly check on the kids. They're both fast asleep, which is good. We wouldn't want to traumatize them by letting them see their parents having such fun.

I put a gentle hand on Caiden's hip and indicate that he should roll over. After a moment's hesitation, he does. He's blushing deeply, but he has absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. His cock is standing tall and proud. It's large, wonderfully proportioned, uncircumcised, and rather delicious looking. I somehow resist the urge to reach out and touch it.

Now, finally, I get to see his tattoo. It's the only one on his body, and it's a nice one. It's a red, white (from his skin) and blue star-spangled banner that fades into beautifully done script that says, "Give me Liberty or give me Death." Patrick Henry indeed. I wonder how an Argentinian ship captain knew the author of that quote. I run my fingertips lightly over the letters and Caiden shivers.

I repeat the washing process again, except that this time I start at the bottom and work my way up, cleaning him everywhere but his straining member. He's got fabulous abs, and this time I don't mind that he tenses up. He'd have been one hell of an underwear model in a world that could still afford that kind of frivolity.

The water isn't as clean as it was, and Caiden rinsed his own face earlier, so I leave off after washing everything else. I wring out the cloth and hang it over a cross brace to dry.

I lie down beside him and tentatively kiss his lips. His naked body feels perfect against mine. He returns my kisses passionately, and our tongues greet each other for the first time. The intensity doubles, though, when I take him into my hand.

"Oh God, Lana," he groans, forgetting to whisper. "I'm gonna come fast if you keep touching me like this."

Well, if Ty and Haley, inches away behind a thin curtain, didn't know what we were up to before, they sure as heck do now. It makes me smile.

"That's exactly what I want," I murmur. Then I move down and take him into my mouth.

He gasps quietly as I begin to move up and down on him. My oral skills are beginner level at best, having done it only the once before, but I try to make up for it with my enthusiasm. He doesn't seem to mind in the least.

I gently peel back his foreskin with my lips, then swirl my tongue around his head as he does his best not to squirm. Oh God, is he ever tasty!

It can't be more than a minute later that I feel Caiden's hand on my chin, beckoning me upwards. I know he's warning me that he's ready to come, but that's exactly what I want. Holding just his head in my mouth, I lay my cheek down on his taut abdomen and stroke him gently with my fingertips.

With a low groan, he tenses one last time and I feel his cock spasm. He floods me with his precious seed, pumping it into my mouth rhythmically. I wouldn't say that the actual act of swallowing his semen is delightful, but knowing just how much he's enjoying this is. I'll do this for him every night if he'll allow me.

At last he's done, but I take my time while he enjoys his afterglow, cleaning him thoroughly and making sure almost all the taste is gone before I move up and let him wrap me in his strong arms. We kiss deeply for a long time.

"That was astounding, Lana," he finally murmurs. "I'd like to return the favor. The wash and everything."

I almost (stupidly) tell him he doesn't need to do that, but one look at his face tells me he does. "Oh, twist my arm," I say instead.

He retrieves his boxers and slips them back on before going down the ladder. I carefully hand him the basin, then lie back and feel my body tingle in anticipation. I marvel at the fact that almost one year ago I had been lying on the hard, concrete floor of my bunker, wishing I was dead and knowing that live or die, my life was over.

Many horrible things have happened on this planet since that day started, but life is strange. It twists and turns in ways that you never expect. It's like the old joke: You wanna hear God laugh? Tell him your plans.

So now I'm here in the bed of a wonderful, caring man who has evidently loved me for some time and has been more than willing to prove it. And I have not one, but two beautiful, healthy children, sleeping peacefully just above my feet. Sure, we're heading into an unknown future, but we're going at the invitation of people who need us, and maybe we can make a real difference. We'll be doing something that both of us love to do anyway, and we'll be raising our children in one of the most beautiful places on Earth.

Unbelievably, life seems good again.

Caiden is back now, passing me the basin. I put it up on the shelf, then he hands me his boxers as well and climbs up into our bunk with a sly grin. Evidently, the thrill of it has gotten him stiff again. I love that he gets off on that kind of adventure like I do.

We're facing each other cross-legged again, but naked this time. Tentatively, he reaches out and gently caresses my left breast. I lean forward and give him a sweet kiss, which he receives happily.

"You know how this goes," he says with a smile. I nod and lie down on my stomach. He sighs. "Lana, you're the most beautiful woman I've ever met. I can't believe I'm actually here with you." Greg had said the same thing, but I just have a hard time taking that kind of talk seriously. Still, his words are pleasing.

I'm quite impressed by Caiden's patience and thoroughness. I'm sure that, like I had, he's got something fun planned for the end of the washing process, but he's taking his time, carefully cleansing every square inch of my body. I feel loved, cherished and very well taken care of by the time he has me roll over.

Caiden sticks to my basic template, only varying by washing everything. He takes particular care to make sure my nipples are meticulously cleansed.

Finally, he finishes and lies down on his side, kissing me. I almost forget to breathe when his fingers gently probe me, finding me very wet. He slips a long finger inside and I squeeze it tight, using the muscles I've been diligently exercising every day since Gregory arrived.

"Oh wow," he murmurs, obviously delighted. "You'd never know our babies came out of here." I love that, even now, he can remember to relate our new story like that. I'd love to imagine that I gave birth to beautiful little Amelia too, but from now on, I'll be telling people I did.

"Speaking of which," he whispers, "which of our kids is the older one?"

That would be a good thing to know in case someone asks. "You were there at the delivery, babe, so you should remember that Gregory arrived first."

"Of course," he murmurs. "It's just that sometimes it almost seems like Amelia slipped out of there without my even seeing it."

"Funny how that happens," I say, shuddering as he slips a second finger inside me, feeling for my G-spot. I shudder again when he finds it.

"Well, I think I'm gonna have to investigate the scene more closely."

"Knock yourself out, Sherlock," I gasp quietly. He carefully turns in the tiny space, and then his mouth is on me.

Genital shaving and waxing went out of style overnight a year ago, such things taking a backseat to basic survival, but now I'm glad that I do keep myself reasonably well trimmed. I almost manage not to flinch when I feel his tongue. Oh God, I want this so badly.

The patience that Caiden showed in bathing me is as nothing compared to the way he plays my pussy with his mouth. He's a crafty demon, bringing me close, then easing me back two or three times for each time he actually allows me to come.

Sometimes he's working my clit vigorously with his fingers, lubricated by my copious moisture. Other times he's got his tongue buried in my little hood, teasing my shy little organ and sending jolts through my body like a live wire.

At these times he's got two long fingers inside me, either massaging my G-spot or fucking me in a quick rhythm. After that, he'll wiggle his amazing tongue as deep into me as he can reach, then lick and kiss his way across my taint to my little pucker, kissing it and trying in vain to push it through my clenched sphincter.

I eventually lose track of how many times he makes me come, but I do somehow remember not to cry out or even moan. I finally come back to myself when I feel him kissing my mouth. His hand is cupped soothingly over my throbbing privates.

"Fuck, that was good," I murmur, maybe a little too loud.

"Yeah, I'll have what she's having," Haley smirks. There are low chuckles from several different bunks. I'm positively mortified.

But Caiden is on a mission. "Do you want to consummate our marriage now?" he whispers quietly into my ear.

Duh. "Yeah, let's do that."

"Uh, sorry folks," Caiden says in a voice that intentionally carries a little. "It's our first anniversary and we're pretending it's our wedding night all over again. Anyone here mind if I deflower my blushing bride?"

"Not as long as we can all listen," comes a lighthearted female voice from the other end of the room. "Oh, and happy anniversary." There are murmurs of agreement and congratulations now.

"Thanks," Caiden says, grinning proudly. He's given us plausible deniability, so we don't have to try to hide that this really is our first time. Yet another reason to love this man. I decide that I'm going to act as if we are now the only people in the room.

"I, uh, forgot to buy condoms when I was at the 7-Eleven this afternoon," he says. Yeah, he's definitely in character.

"And you know I'm not on the pill," I say back, my voice soft and intimate, but not murmuring. "But would it be a bad thing if I got pregnant the first time we made love? I've heard that that can happen. And sometimes it's even twins." We both ignore a couple of chortles at that. I like that we're among people who wouldn't consider a couple losing their respective cherries on their wedding night strange.

"Well, no," he says. "And actually, I think that would be kind of awesome. We both want kids, so why wait?" The interplay may be humorous, and the people around us may think we're being facetious, but the content of our little conversation is dead serious. I would love to make a baby with Caiden tonight, but only if he wants that too. I can see on his face that he really does. Wow, we're moving quickly.

Since I've been breastfeeding, my hormones have kept my periods from returning and will likely continue to do so until the kids are at least partially weaned. The chances of us actually getting pregnant are tiny, but I find myself wishing we could. Wouldn't it be something if I got pregnant each of the first two times I had sex?"

"Make love to me Caiden. I've waited so long. I want to feel you deep inside me."

The room is dead silent now.

"I want that too, Lana. I'm going to make you my wife now."

My new husband moves over me, and I spread my thighs for him. Part of me would like to take him in my hand and guide him into me, but if he's going to take me, I'm going to let him handle that part too. He does, rubbing his foreskin-covered head in my wet folds. I don't even try to muffle my moan of anticipation.

He starts to press into me, and I squeeze my powerful Kegel muscles. I'm going to give him as close to a deflowering experience as a woman who's birthed a baby ever could.

"Oh Jesus, Lana," he says. "You're so tight. I don't want to hurt you."

"First times are like that," I say, "especially if the guy is as big as you are." (I figure I get extra wife-points for that one.) "Just do it, Caiden. I need to feel you moving inside me." I relax just slightly as he pushes, and he slips in just a little. Then I crank down hard.

"Am I there?" he asks, grinning. But I can also see the wonder in his eyes at the way I feel inside. I wouldn't imagine Kara doing anything to attempt to get her inner musculature back into shape post-partum. She must have felt like oatmeal to him.

"Yeah, you're there. You're going to have to push harder to get past it." And he is. I'm not going to ease up this time.

He puts his head down and kisses me. "I love you with all my heart, Lana Michaels." Oh God, I can see that he means it.

"And I love you with all mine, Caiden Michaels." And I mean it too. "Take my virginity now. I've saved it all this time just for you."

He shoves past my resistance with such force that his cock slides down my tunnel until our pubes press tightly together. He's right there, right where I need him to be. He's perfect inside me.
