After the School Run

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Mid-40s Becky discovers sex, orgasms and dating apps.
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Chapter 1

Let me tell you about my sexual awakening. I'm Becky, a mid-40s mum of three, recently separated from my husband. Things are still cordial with my ex, and we are taking turns each week to have the children. We also had to fit this around our jobs and I worked shifts as a nurse at the local hospital.

My husband was the only man I'd ever had sex with, and our sex life hadn't been that interesting. We'd only made love once a month at best and it was always the same. I'd never had that much interest in anything sexual, never watched porn or masturbated. I'd never had an orgasm before. But even so, I was still the one to always initiate with him and somewhere at the back of my mind I craved something more.

However, all that was about to change in a big way. It all started when one of the other mum's on the school run invited me for a coffee. Jenni was small, blonde and pretty. She had split from her husband last year and was always armed with a mischievous glint in her blue eyes and a naughty joke.

So, that Tuesday, we met for a coffee. The conversation drifted casually until, with a sly tilt of her head, she brought up the subject of sex. "So, Becky," she said, leaning in a bit closer, that playful glint in her eye, "Have you dipped your toes into the apps yet?"

I blinked in surprise. "Dating apps?" I queried, caught off guard. "Nooo, I'm not looking for another relationship."

"Who mentioned relationships?" she fired back, her grin widening mischievously. "I mean hooking up for sex."

I felt my cheeks burn at the directness of her words. "I, er..." I stumbled over my response, feeling a wave of embarrassment wash over me. "I don't think anyone would be interested in a casual fling with me," I chuckled nervously, gesturing at my mumsy attire.

"Are you kidding?" Jenni countered, her laughter bubbling up. "You're seriously hot! I wish I had big breasts like yours! And anyway, even if you weren't hot, you could bag yourself a 25-year-old Australian surfer with a massive cock by this evening. No joke, I know." Her giggles filled the air, mingling with my flustered nerves.

Intrigued, I leaned in, curiosity getting the better of me. "Have you actually been with a 25-year-old?" I blurted out, unable to contain my inquisitiveness.

Jenni nodded, her laughter infectious. "Loads of times!" Her unrestrained amusement filled the air. "There's nothing quite like a 25-year-old with broad chest muscles and, well," she paused before whispering, "a massive cock." I couldn't help but glance around nervously each time she uttered those words, worried someone might overhear. "And their sexual stamina! They can go on for hours. I honestly recommend a younger man."

Heat flushed my face, and my heart thudded against my chest like a drumbeat. Yet, amidst the embarrassment, I felt a stirring between my legs at the mere thought. "I don't think I'm bold enough for that," I confessed, my voice tinged with a mix of apprehension and a hint of curiosity.

"Nonsense," she dismissed my hesitation with a wave of her hand. "You'll get the hang of it. Why not create a profile and see if you fancy anyone? You can chat to sexy men until you feel comfortable enough to meet one."

Her suggestion lingered in my mind. "Well, perhaps just chatting online to start wouldn't hurt," I conceded tentatively. Yet, underneath that response, a part of me craved more details. "How often do you... meet men?" I probed further.

Jenni shrugged, "It varies, really. Sometimes I hit a super horny phase and I'm on there a lot. I think my record is fucking four different guys in a week. Other times, I stick with my regular friends-with-benefits arrangements--I have a few men I see on a regular basis."

Her words painted a different picture of Jenni in my mind--a woman unafraid to explore her desires, to revel in her own pleasure. And amidst this newfound perspective, I found an unfamiliar sensation bubbling within me: a desperate, unexpected surge of arousal. It was a sensation I hadn't encountered before.

Jenni's easy laugh and candid tales of her escapades contrasted starkly with my own restrained history. My sex life had been vanilla, barely scratching the surface of desire or exploration.

"Once," Jenni began, a mischievous glint in her eye, "I matched with this guy on the app. We hit it off instantly, exchanging messages that quickly turned steamy." Her laughter punctuated each detail she shared. "He suggested meeting up in a secluded car park for a bit of fun."

My eyes widened in surprise. "A car park?" I exclaimed, unable to hide my astonishment.

Jenni nodded, her excitement palpable. "Yes! At first, I was a bit hesitant, you know, meeting someone I'd only chatted with online in such a spot. But there was an undeniable thrill in the unknown, the anticipation of something forbidden and exciting."

"But wasn't it risky?" I asked, unable to shake off the mix of curiosity and concern.

"Absolutely," she agreed, a hint of exhilaration in her voice. "That's what made it so intense and thrilling. The rush of being there, hidden away from prying eyes, with someone I'd only just met--it was an experience like no other."

My curiosity surged, and I found myself almost squirming in my seat as unfamiliar sensations stirred between my legs. It was a sensation I couldn't ignore, a mix of curiosity and a stirring of arousal that unsettled and intrigued me in equal measure.

"What happened next?" I almost whispered, my voice barely above a breath.

Jenni leaned in, a conspiratorial glint in her eye. "Well," she began, her tone tinged with mischief, "we met at this deserted car park in the middle of the afternoon. I was nervous, but excited."

I leaned closer, hanging onto her every word, eager to immerse myself in her narrative. "And then?" I prodded, my own excitement growing as I ventured further into this realm of forbidden allure.

She chuckled softly. "I got in his car and we started talking, getting to know each other a bit more. But before we knew it, things heated up.". Her voice lowered to a conspiratorial whisper. "I started by sucking his cock until he came in my mouth."

I gasped softly, a rush of both shock and fascination coursing through me. It was a world so far removed from my own experiences, yet the vividness of Jenni's description painted a tantalising picture of uninhibited passion and clandestine rendezvous. The sensations between my legs intensified, a fluttering ache that hinted at desires I had never acknowledged. I looked at her mouth and imagined it wrapped around a stranger's cock, I'd never felt so horny.

Jenni's unabashed recounting of her escapade continued, devoid of any hint of shame or embarrassment. "Then," she continued, "we moved to the backseat. He put his hand in my knickers. He teased and fingered me, sending shivers down my spine. And when he sucked on my nipples..." Her words trailed off momentarily, a hint of a smile playing on her lips as she recalled the sensation. "I came so hard."

I listened, my cheeks flushed with a mixture of astonishment and a burning heat between my legs. Her openness was both unsettling and captivating, pulling me further into a world I had only glimpsed in fleeting fantasies.

"Once he had me trembling with pleasure," she continued, her tone carrying a hint of excitement, "he was hard again. He slipped on a condom, and fucked me on the back seat." Her words flowed freely, painting a vivid image in my mind. A soft laugh escaped her lips. "Thinking about it now is making me so horny."

I sat there, a mix of astonishment and a strange longing stirring within me. Jenni's unabashed recounting of her uninhibited encounter awakened desires I hadn't acknowledged.

That night, in the hush of my room, Jenni's words lingered like an echo, painting vivid scenes in the canvas of my mind. The unfamiliar stirrings of arousal persisted, dancing along the edges of my consciousness, intermingled with a tinge of apprehension. It was as though a dormant part of me, a side I had scarcely acknowledged, had been abruptly jolted into wakefulness by Jenni's uninhibited tales.

As I lay there in the soft glow of the night, the remnants of Jenni's story played like a tantalising movie reel in my thoughts. I envisioned the car, the heated passion, and Jenni's mouth around the man's cock. The images were vivid, a mix of curiosity and intrigue swirling within me. And then, almost involuntarily, my hand began to explore my body, tracing a path over my sensitive skin.

My fingertips grazed my nipples, eliciting a shiver that coursed through my body, awakening a sensation I hadn't dared to explore before. Encouraged by the mounting curiosity, my hand ventured lower, slipping beneath the waistband of my pyjamas. A surge of anticipation pulsed through me as I tentatively brushed against my clit, a bolt of sensation jolting through my entire being.

The touch was electric, unfamiliar yet undeniably thrilling. I hesitated for a moment, grappling with the intensity of the sensations coursing through me. But the allure of the unknown, coupled with the remnants of Jenni's tale echoing in my mind, urged me forward.

With each subtle movement, a new world of sensation unfolded. My breath hitched as I explored this uncharted territory, navigating the landscape of my own desires. Each touch, each delicate stroke, sent ripples of pleasure through my body, igniting a newfound sense of longing and excitement.

And now I was picturing them on the back seat, her fingers gripping the fabric of the seat, her knickers discarded on the floor of the car as he thrust his cock into her cunt. The visceral nature of my imagination spurred an unfamiliar sensation, a subtle yet insistent pressure building at my core, a sensation I'd never experienced before. It was a pulsating urgency, a thrumming anticipation that coursed through my veins, urging me towards an unknown destination.

With every thought, every vivid detail conjured in my mind, the intensity grew. I could almost feel the heat of the moment, the raw passion in the air, Jenni's cries of passion, the magnetic pull between two bodies yearning for each other. And his cock, penetrating her, stretching and filling her. The images ignited an urgency within me, an awakening desire that demanded acknowledgment.

My fingers were working hard now on my clit, rubbing it back and forth, up and down. The pressure at my core expanded, a mounting ache that seemed to pulse in rhythm with my racing heartbeat.

And then, as if a dam had burst within me, a wave of exquisite sensation surged through my body. A gasp escaped my lips as my muscles tensed and released in an uncontrollable rhythm. My breath caught, a rush of warmth flooding every inch of my being as pleasure, pure and unadulterated, washed over me.

It was a moment of surrender, of profound release, as my body quivered with the intensity of this newfound sensation. The pressure that had been building erupted into a crescendo of bliss, an orgasmic symphony that pulsed through me, leaving me trembling in its wake.

In that moment of blissful abandon of my first orgasm, I experienced a revelation--a glimpse into a world of pleasure, a journey that had just begun, beckoning me towards a landscape of desire and self-discovery that I had never dared to explore.

Chapter 2

I had been busy with the kids and work, so it took me a week to pluck up the courage to install the dating app. During that time I probably masturbated at least twenty times. Making up for lost time, in the shower, in bed at night. One morning after dropping the kids off at school I felt so overwhelmingly horny that I rushed straight home, and sat at the kitchen table with my hands in my knickers until I climaxed.

I met up with Jenni again for coffee, feeling a mix of nerves and excitement coursing through me. As we settled in with our mugs, I couldn't help but fidget with anticipation.

"So, how's the dating app world treating you?" Jenni asked, a playful glint in her eye.

I took a deep breath, feeling a rush of nerves. "Well, I finally took the plunge and installed the app," I admitted, my voice tinged with a mix of apprehension and excitement. "But I don't know what to put on my profile."

Jenni leaned forward, a mischievous smile playing on her lips. "That's fantastic! Let's take a look. Remember, it's all about being subtle, but upfront.".

She helped me choose some photos and write my bio, stating that I was looking for fun and nothing serious. With a deep breath, I hit save. It was a small step, but it felt like a giant leap towards owning my desires. "Thank you, Jenni," I said, grateful for her guidance and support.

Jenni grinned, her eyes scanning the profiles with a playful glint. "Let's see who catches our eye, shall we?" She passed the phone back to me, her energy contagious as we embarked on this collaborative journey of swiping.

We scrolled through the profiles together, Jenni providing her insights and suggestions. "How about him?" she pointed to a guy with a relaxed vibe and a cheeky grin. "He seems like he'd be up for a bit of fun."

I nodded in agreement, feeling a rush of excitement and apprehension as we swiped right on his profile. The idea of exploring these connections for casual encounters was both exhilarating and nerve-wracking.

Jenni continued, her gaze scanning the photos and descriptions. "Here's another one," she chimed in, indicating a guy who exuded a laid-back charm. "God, look at his muscles! Do you fancy him?"

Now we found a hot looking older guy with a cheeky grin, "Ooh, this one is married and looking to cheat." Jenni said, "Don't discount that, he's not looking for a relationship and it probably means he's experienced."

As we navigated through the profiles, our interaction became more collaborative. We discussed each potential match, considering their interests and vibe, aiming for a shared understanding of what might click for me.

"There's this one," I pointed to a profile that hinted at a guy with an adventurous streak. "He seems like he'd be open to something casual, don't you think?"

Jenni nodded in agreement. "Definitely, Becky! Give it a shot."

With each swipe, a sense of excitement and curiosity bloomed. The process felt less daunting and more adventurous with Jenni's collaborative approach. Together, we navigated through the profiles, carefully selecting potential matches that seemed open to the idea of casual connections.

After a while we got bored of swiping. I wanted to get another story out of Jenni to fuel my masturbation fantasies. I didn't want her to know that I'd been masturbating to her sex life though. "So," I began, attempting a nonchalant tone, "any recent adventures worth sharing?"

Jenni's eyes lit up like a mischievous beacon. "Oh, definitely," she exclaimed, leaning in with a conspiratorial air. Her voice dropped to a whisper. "I had a threesome over the weekend."

My jaw nearly dropped in astonishment. "Oh my god," I stammered, my cheeks flushed with a mix of shock and a growing warmth between my legs. "I've got to hear this story!"

Jenni, relishing the attention, launched into the tale. "Well, I didn't have the children, so my friend with benefits, Max, was going to stay over. He's amazing, he's a post-grad at the University, so a lot younger than me, probably 23 or something - honestly, he can fuck for hours and come five or six times in a night. Anyway, we'd always banter about him bringing along a friend, and lo and behold, this week he made good on that joke!"

She paused for a moment, relishing the anticipation in my wide-eyed reaction before continuing with her account. "So there I was, opening the door just expecting Max, and he was there with this guy--a cheeky grin plastered across his face as he introduces his friend, Jake."

"Wow," I murmured, my mind spinning with a heady mix of shock and intrigue. Jenni's unabashed tales never failed to spark a rush of curiosity and an undeniable stirring within me. As she continued to regale me with the explicit details, I felt an electric thrill coursing through my body, a hunger for a world beyond the confines of my own restrained history.

As she recounted the events, Jenni's animated storytelling brought the scene to life. Her vivid descriptions made it feel as though I were right there, witnessing the unfolding events. The thrill and excitement in her voice underscored the audaciousness of the situation.

"Jake was something else, really fit!" she continued, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "The chemistry between us all was electric. There was this incredible sexual tension in the air."

I leaned in, utterly engrossed in Jenni's captivating narrative. "What happened next?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper, my curiosity piqued by her tantalising tale.

She painted a vivid picture, each detail etching itself into my imagination. "I got them drinks and we sat on the sofa chatting. It started with stolen glances, innocent touches that lingered a fraction longer than they should have.". Jenni was making me wait for the juicy details.

My heart raced in anticipation as she recounted the details, her words bringing the scene to life. "Max and Jake were sharing a mischievous grin, and I could sense the tension building. There was this magnetic pull, and before I knew it, I was kissing them both in turn, and they were undressing me."

"Fuck!" I whispered, clenching my thighs with desire.

Jenni looked around to make sure no-one could overhear. "When I was naked, Jake went down on me, and Max put his cock in my mouth. Jake really knew what he was doing, he made me come so quickly, and then before I knew it he was inside me. No condom, but I didn't even care."

The words hung heavily in the air, charged with the electricity of her narrative. "They took turns fucking me, one in my mouth and one in my cunt, there on the sofa, oh my god, Becky, it was incredibly intense, the kind of passion that leaves you overcome with sensations. We did it for hours. Even now, just thinking about it," she confessed, a flush spreading across her cheeks, "I'm practically soaked.". I was soaking wet too, and keen to get home now to relieve myself.

Leaving the café, I felt a newfound sense of empowerment, and was determined to have some adventures of my own.

Arriving home, a rush of anticipation surged within me as I noticed a package waiting for me. To my delight, it was the item I had ordered -- my very first vibrator! The excitement was palpable as I hastily unpacked it. With a quickness that mirrored my fervent anticipation, I shed my trousers and knickers, feeling a sense of liberation enveloping me.

Seated on the sofa, I let out a soft sigh as I spread my legs, welcoming the thrill of this newfound adventure. My mind wandered to Jenni's recounted tales, the vivid images of her uninhibited encounters replaying in my imagination. The mere thought of her daring escapades sent a surge of heat through me, and I found myself incredibly aroused and ready to explore.

The vibrator I held in my hand was of the rabbit variety, boasting a thick, rotating shaft and vibrating ears. Eagerly, I guided it inside myself, relishing the sensation of its gradual insertion. With a growing urgency, I urged it further in until the vibrating ears delicately brushed against my sensitive clit.

A gasp escaped my lips as the electrifying sensation radiated from my core, spreading like wildfire throughout my entire body. Waves of pleasure crashed over me, a powerful rush that overwhelmed my senses. I cried out, a mixture of surprise and ecstasy, as my body responded to the intense stimulation.

I started to delicately slide the vibrator in and out of my eager folds, relishing the rhythmic movement as it teased the sensitive walls of my warm, wet cunt. With each motion, the vibrating ears brushed gently against my swollen clit, eliciting waves of pleasure that surged through my body. As the sensations intensified, I instinctively pressed the toy harder against myself, craving more of the electrifying pulses.