Age Vs. Desire Pt. 03

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Story of young lesbian and an older woman continued.
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Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 05/19/2024
Created 06/01/2023
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This fictional story left off in Part I with Jess and Barb planning a 'second date' where they would be able to continue their meeting from the night before. Jess cornered her newly found love interest in the ladies room of the bar and began to seduce her. They were interrupted by Barb's best friend who continuously knocked on the door until she was forced to leave in a heated rush. The story continues as they meet and plan to spend the night together.

Barb is apprehensive as she knows this intriguing girl is almost 20 years younger, but there is definitely chemistry between them. From the first time they met at a local bar, there seemed to be a connection . Barb was curious and wanted to see if it just how far it would go. Having nothing to lose, she agrees to meet where Jess works as a barista, which just happens to be in the lobby of the Wyndham Hotel in downtown LA.

As told by Jess:

The bar was packed that afternoon and I hardly had time to think about meeting up with Barbara after my shift. Of course, she crossed my mind a dozen or more times that day as I reminisced about our interlude in the rest room the night before. I knew I wanted to be with her again as she was so intoxicating. If I close my eyes I can still feel her soft skin and smell her perfume. She had the most beautiful eyes. They were a blue green color that seemed to sparkle. I looked at her and just knew she also had a beautiful soul. It kept me going all day knowing I would be with her that evening.

I had worked from twelve noon with my shift was ending at 8:00 PM. The summer months always packed the hotel bars with many tourists coming to LA. I love my job and have met a lot of interesting people during my ten years with the hotel chain. I haven't used my Bachelor's degree in Sociology but meeting people and conversing with them satisfies my desire to interact with people.

I'm single and after a lot of failed dates with different guys, I decided to try a woman instead. It was kind of an experiment for me as I know I've always been attracted to females. It didn't take me long before I realized that I really did prefer the gals.

Most of my dates wound up to be one night stands, which was okay with me, as I loved the single life. I wanted to be able to come and go as I pleased and not have to answer to anyone. A few years ago I was engaged for a short while and lived with a guy as a matter of convenience, but knew it was a mistake and something I would never do again.

Barbara showed up around 7:45 and found a seat at the far end of the bar. She ordered a drink from the bartender down at the other end of the massive bar and watched me as I waited on customers. I think she thought I didn't notice her, but of course I did. I spotted her like a blip on a radar screen when she first walked in. I could feel her eyes on me while I poured and served drinks to the customers. I wondered what she was thinking. I know she was hesitant to dance with me when I approached her at the club last night. I find her sexy and sophisticated. She wears her age well and is impeccably dressed. Her designer bag and shoes to match tells me she likes nice things and is neat as a pin. It seemed that she enjoyed my antics in the ladies room so I knew she would show up tonight. She probably thought I had a lot of moxie hitting on her as there is definitely a few years between us. I'm remembering the body that I got a good look at when I flirted and tried to seduce her in the ladies room. She didn't resist as I made my moves on her. Her skin glowed as I could tell she was definitely a sun worshiper. She stands slightly taller than my 5 feet 3 inches, with dark short hair and those gorgeous green eyes. Her lips are full and I can remember how they felt when I kissed her for the first time. Mulling over my thoughts from the night before, made me crave with lust to be with her again.

I glanced down at the far end of the bar and caught her looking at me. She lifted her glass to acknowledge that she had arrived and took a sip. I waved as I put the last clean glass on the bar shelf and removing the apron from my waist, walked down to where she was sitting.

"Well, hello there", I said with the biggest smile.

"Hello Jess nice to see you. Very busy tonight?" she asked.

I could tell she was nervous and didn't know what to say, so I tried to put her at ease.

"Yes, it's been crazy. Let me get my things and punch out. Be back in a second."

What am I doing here? Barb said to herself as she watched Jess retreat to a back room to gather her things.

I know she is so much younger than I am and I can't for the life of me wonder why she wants to date me. I find it intriguing and she is so gorgeous. I don't know why I can't just let it happen and enjoy myself for once. I know I prefer to be with a woman, and this one certainly has a lot to offer. I guess there is no harm in spending some time with her even if it is just for the physical part of a relationship. I don't know how I would explain that I'm dating this young girl to my friends. But then again, why do I care? I guess I really don't or I wouldn't be sitting here right now.

"Are you ready to have some fun?" Jess asked as Barb stood belted down the rest of her drink, grabbed her purse and slid down from the bar stool.

"Ready as I'll ever be!"

As told by Jess:

We headed through the bar and I led the way to the elevators. I had reserved a room and left a change of clothes for later that night. Barb didn't talk much as we waited for the elevator to descend.

"So, what do you do? For a living I mean?" I asked her.

"I'm an Interior Decorator. I have my own shop downtown LA."

"Wow, that's impressive. It kind of fits you."

"Really, how so?" she asked.

"You can tell by the way you dress and carry yourself. I think you are beautiful and sophisticated."

Barb blushed as she ran her fingers through her hair and shifted her weight a little, telling me she wasn't used to being complimented.

As soon as we entered the room, I went straight for her lips. She was taken off guard but didn't back away. She seemed to almost melt into my advances. I don't know if she was just shy or hesitant to go any further but I wanted to show her that I desired her in the worst way.

I told her to get comfortable as I went into the bathroom to grab a quick shower. I tried to be really fast as I knew she was nervous and kind of uncomfortable waiting for me. One could tell she didn't do this often.

"Fix us a drink from the mini bar." I yelled from the bathroom.

"Will do" I heard her say. I tried to be quick as I didn't want her to change her mind about sleeping with me.

I wrapped the hotel bathrobe around me and put my freshly washed hair up into a towel.

"I'm all fresh and clean again!" I exclaimed appearing in the doorway.

Barbara was sitting at the edge of the bed gazing at me while she sipped her cocktail when I walked over to her.

I didn't say anything, I just stood there, in front of her looking down as she had crossed her legs and was looking sexy as hell. I began to salivate knowing that we would be naked with each other for the first time. I could see she was nervous and probably didn't have many one night stands. I wanted to convince her that this wasn't that kind of thing. I liked everything about her and wanted to see her beyond tonight. I was hoping she felt the same way.

Trying to put her at ease, I took the glass from her and placed it on the nightstand. Cupping her cheeks with the palms of my hands, I leaned in and kissed her again. She welcomed my lips on hers. It took her a few moments to respond as I'm sure she was hesitant and still a little apprehensive about what was going to happen next. Her lips were warm and I could taste a slight tinge of alcohol and lipstick. She wrapped her arms around my neck and started to kiss me back as I tilted my head and my hair towel came undone. I picked it up and began to rub the excess water from my hair as she stood to her feet and put her hands on both my shoulders.

"You are one hot sexy girl Jess" she said.

"Well, thank you. You're not too bad yourself."

"I don't see why you want to be with me, I'm almost your Mom's age I'm sure."

"No, you certainly aren't! My mother had me late in life and she is in her eighties!"

"Ok. Then I could be your older sister!"

"Stop it. I think you are perfect and besides, I already have two sisters!" Again I could tell she wasn't use to hearing how beautiful she was.

I felt Barb's hands go under my bathrobe as it fell from my body. I stood there naked, in front of her as she just gazed at me for the longest time looking deep into my eyes. I thought that was a pretty bold move on her part, but I melted as I stood there so vulnerable before her. I didn't move as I just let her look me over from head to toe. It was like she didn't know what she wanted to do first. She reached for my breast as she ran her fingers over my nipples, causing them to immediately stand at attention. We started kissing again. My body was so hot for her as our lips continued to explore each other. I was getting so turned on and wanted her to quickly shed her blouse and slacks and get naked along with me. We separated as she sat on the bed and kicked off her heels. I started to unbutton her silk blouse ever so slowly as she just let me, looking me dead in the eyes. I admired her expensive lacy bra and panties that were hidden under her clothes. She slipped her slacks off and I took them with her blouse and placed them on the chair next to the bed. You could tell her clothes had designer labels and I didn't want anything to happen to them.

Pulling down the comforter, she slid under, still wearing her bra and panties that I found to be sexy as hell and was glad she left them on. I thought maybe she was a little embarrassed, but she was beautiful. Long shapely legs, full round breasts with nipples that were like buttons protruding through her see-thru bra. I didn't mind her keeping them on as I snuggled up and now facing her, began to run my hands over her bare skin, gently massaging her back. She let me caress her as I could see she was enjoying it. Our pace quickened as my heart was beating loudly in my chest. We kissed for the longest time. I knew she was good at making love to another woman and I could tell I certainly wasn't the first woman she was ever with, It was easy to see that it must have been awhile since she was intimate with anyone. It's just something you can sense when you are enjoying sex with another female.

Our kissing got deeper and more passionate as I ventured to slip my tongue into her mouth until I connected with hers and we began to moan in unison. After a few minutes, she pushed me onto my back. She began to nuzzle at my neck until she focused on my nipples, licking them as I rocked to the sensations that were pulsating through my body. My heart was beating fast and my skin tingled as she lovingly touched me. Making her way down my torso, she continued to lick my stomach teasing the area just below my bellybutton. It was then that I commanded the situation and sitting up, I rolled her over so that I could make love to her first. I felt that since it was my idea to be intimate with her that I wanted to take the lead.

I gently pulled at the waistline of her lacey panties until she lifted her hips allowing me to slip them off. Her body was perfect. I couldn't help but stare at her form lying naked under me. Making love to her was like tasting all the delicate pastries in a bakery shop. I took my time and relished every inch of her flesh driving her wild and leaving her only wanting for more. I could feel myself getting so turned on as I lusted over her. I was being very slow and methodical as I knew she was enjoying every minute of my antics by the gentle moaning sounds she was making.

Reaching up, I grabbed at her bra pulling it down until she unhooked it and tossed it off the side of the bed. We were both finally totally naked. I had day dreamed about this moment all day and now it was happening.

With both palms rubbing and caressing her breasts, I listened to her soothing sounds as she allowed me to make love to her. Those beautiful eyes were watching my every move. I continued to satisfy her with only my mouth until she couldn't take it any longer. I used my fingers to gently massage her between her legs until her hips started to buck faster against my mouth. Her body was radiant and firm. You could see she was in great athletic shape as there wasn't an inch of fat anywhere. Her breasts were firm and her butt was muscular and plump. I held both her butt cheeks in my hands as I continued to lick and suck her until she screamed in orgasmic ecstasy.

I made my way up her torso and snuggled close in her arms. We just cuddled for a while as we both began to catch our breath.

"You are really very good at that!' she exclaimed.

"I'm glad it made you happy. I have wanted to do that since I first laid eyes on you at the bar the other night."

"I remember that little escapade in the ladies room. Now I would like to return the favor."

I didn't hesitate at her suggestion to make love to me. I had fantasized for this moment most of the day and couldn't wait for her to begin to devour me. It was a long torturous wait as she took her time and explored just about every inch of my body. She hesitated at my tattoo that was over my one breast as she ran her fingers over it, studying the imprint of flowers that wrapped around my right breast and down my one side.

"This is very interesting and sexy. What made you get this tattoo?" she asked rubbing her fingers over it. I really wasn't in the mood to explain as I wanted her on me in the worst way. I wanted her mouth on my sex and didn't want to wait another minute.

"I got it after college. A bunch of my friends kind of dared me. I didn't want anyone's name, so I settled for this. Why? Don't you like it?" I asked.

"Oh, it's beautiful. I was just wondering what made you get it." With that she continued to concentrate on pleasing me. She was slow and passionate as we kissed for the longest time before she positioned herself between my legs.

I knew the night before when I asked her to dance with me that we would probably wind up in bed together, despite her resistance. I was pleased that she agreed to meet up again. I knew this was going to be the start of a wonderful relationship. It didn't matter that she was much older. I didn't even notice. There was just something about her from the very first time I saw her that fueled my desires in the worst way. I knew I just had to have her and I wasn't taking no for an answer. We spent the next few hours under the covers until we drifted off to sleep wrapped in each other's arms.

Early the next morning, Barb rolled away from me and gathered up her underwear and retreated to the bathroom. I opened my eyes and asked,

"Good morning. Where are you going so early?"

"I have to open the shop at 9. It's 7:30 already!"

"Can't you just come back to bed for another 1/2 hour?" I pleaded with her.

"As much as I would love to, I have to get going."

I was disappointed. I thought for sure she would spend some more time with me. My body ached for her touch again. I didn't know when the next time we would be together and I was feeling a little insecure. I thought maybe she would be thinking it was a bad idea to get intimate in the first place and wouldn't want to meet up again.

"Can we get together tonight? Maybe after I get off at 8?" I begged.

"I guess we can. Why don't you come over to my apartment and I will make you dinner. It will be ready when you get there."

"I'd love to, but you don't have to cook. We can order in."

"I like cooking. It will be fun. What's your favorite food?"

"Italian cuisine is my favorite, of course!"

"Well, you're in luck. I know a few great Italian dishes. Let me get going and we can continue this tonight. I'll text you my address. See you after work!"

As much as I hated to see her go, I got up and slipped my bathrobe on as I walked her to the door.

"I'll be counting the minutes till I'm in your arms again", I told her as I reached up on my tippy toes and kissed her on the lips. I could tell she was embarrassed, but I can't imagine why after the night we just had. It was like once she got dressed, she was the prim and proper Barbara, not the sexually crazed person who had just left my bed.

Barbara's thoughts as she left the hotel and headed for home:

What am I doing? It's obvious that this beautiful girl is getting in over her head with me. I'm not saying I didn't have a great time as she is such a great lover, it's just that I don't understand why she wants to be with me.

Whatever the reason, I'm not going to question it. There is no reason why I can't enjoy myself with Jess, in spite of our age difference. I like her and for whatever this is, maybe just for occasional booty calls, or an admiration of friendship, I know I can't resist and want to be with her again.

I went back to bed until it was time to check out and report to the bar for my shift. Barb went home to shower and change before opening her shop in the downtown district of LA.

After that wonderful evening Barb spent with Jess, it was becoming more and more apparent that she was going to be seeing a lot more of her in spite of their age difference. It was the first time in quite a while that Barb had anyone who thought she was worthy of loving. It didn't matter that this girl was twenty years younger as she found her sexy and desirable. Their story continues as their relationship grows stronger with each passing day.

Told from Barb's point of view:

'What am I going to tell my friends and family?' I thought to myself. 'Surely they will see that she is a lot younger and will question my intentions. What do I care? Why should it matter to them who I spend my time with? They should be happy for me just knowing that I care for Jess and want to be with her.'

Age vs. Desire Part III

Told by Jess:

That night, holding a bottle of wine and a bunch of flowers, I rang the doorbell at the luxury apartment on Wilshire Boulevard. In the lobby I scanned the names on the buzzers and found Ms. Barbara Rossi, and nervously pressed the button. After a few moments, the door unlocked and I headed into the building.

In the apartment from Barb's point of view:

My heart skipped a beat as I lowered the sauce to simmer and fluffed up my hair before answering the door. Just before swinging it open, I pulled a lipstick from my jeans pocket and swiped it across my lips so that they were moist and perfect just waiting for Jess to kiss them as I knew she probably would. True to form, wearing a big smile, Jess walked in and went right for my lips. She was beaming from ear to ear.

"Hello there", she said "I've missed you".

It was apparent that Jess wasn't shy. She was eager to show me that she desired me physically and was genuinely happy to see me.

"Not busy at work today?" I asked not acknowledging Jess' flirting as I didn't want her to see my embarrassment. I don't know why she had that affect on me. We had just spent an entire night together.

"Yes, it was plenty busy. I just couldn't concentrate after the night we had."

"Me too I didn't work very hard at the shop today either."

I brought the flowers into the kitchen to finish the meal and put the flowers in a vase.

"These are beautiful. How did you know I liked tulips?"

"I didn't I just like the 'two-lips' innuendo", Jess told her.

"I hope you like Puttanesca."

"I'm not sure. What is it?"

"An Italian dish made with tomatoes, garlic, olives and anchovies and of course, pasta"