Agents of Pleasure Ch. 38

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Accidental Lesbianism.
7.6k words

Part 38 of the 39 part series

Updated 06/06/2024
Created 08/26/2017
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When Paige got home, she kissed Chad and he asked her, "How did your day go, Babe?"

"It was, uhh, different!"

"Different how?"

Olivia and Sophie were within earshot; so she replied, "Tell you later."

Chad chuckled, "THAT different, huh?"

She giggled and nodded but "later" actually became ten o'clock in their bedroom before she could begin to relate the day's events to him.

His mouth dropped open so far it almost hit him in the chest! "You what? You had a threesome with who?"

"It just sort of happened; all I did was go over to Ginny's house to see Maxpro's remodel, and her son Chase had showed up for a surprise visit. We got to talking and..."

"And your clothes just happened to fall off," he interrupted.

Paige smiled at him, "Uhh, WAS pretty weird!"

"Ya' think? I don't think MY mother has seen me naked since I was eight!"

"In their case, Ginny was the one who set Chase up to lose his virginity when he turned eighteen."

"She was in the room for that one too?"


Chad shook his head but asked, "So, okay, was it fun?"

"Oh yeah, LOTS!"

He smiled at her crookedly, "Okay, give me the abbreviated play-by-play."

Paige wanted to keep it brief, but Chad kept asking questions. As she described them passing her back and forth for making out, his eyebrows went up and the "Holy Shit's" began. When she got to the part about Chase turning her upside down to eat her out, Chad said loudly, "Holy Mary Mother of God! How was that?"

"Off the charts! I want you to do it me too...I came SO hard!" Right then Paige noticed the bulge in Chad's pants, and she looked up at him with a smirk, "It seems our big friend there is enjoying this story!"

Chad laughed, "Fuck you! It's so weird...but it's also pretty damn hot!"

"You should have heard his reaction when I rubbed my nipples against his! I've never heard anything like that!"

"Wow! So what was the number one highlight?"

"When he fucked me doggy, Ginny slid under me and we did a 69 at the same time!"

"Oh my God in heaven!"

" was every bit as good as it sounds!" He sat there for a moment just looking at her; Paige knew he was debating where to take the rest of this conversation, so she decided to take the reins. "Chaddy?"


"I really REALLY wanna suck your cock right now!"

"My little, insatiable slut! I just love you!"

Ten minutes later the bed shook!

For the next eight days there were several events on Paige's calendar that warranted mentioning. Sunday night the whole family celebrated Trudy and Tom's engagement at Mariah's. The entire evening was amazing with lots of joyful laughter and tears, (not to mention the food was incredibly good!) They would have stayed longer, but around 8:30 they had to get home because Jamie was getting overtired and cranky. Monday was Allie's closing; Charlie, Joy, and Vickie were there and Reggie came in from the front office for a few minutes. The tears were flowing freely for this one too! For the week Paige had four other closings (which was a record for her,) and THAT brought tears of joy to Jimmy's eyes! Finally, on Saturday, she got a phone call from Sara McCullers. They were setting up the next get-together of the group on the third Sunday in November. Sara was going to call Marie as well and (since she got engaged) the invitation would include Robert.

After Allie's closing Paige had lunch with Marie and got the scoop regarding her date with Joe the night before. "So tell me, Marie, what was his attitude toward the whole engagement with Rob?"

"Once he got past the idea of an 'open' relationship, the whole night was nothing but fun. We went to a dinner/comedy club in Springfield and then went dancing. It was awesome!"

Paige grinned, "How was the sex?"

Marie surprised Paige by saying, "We didn't have sex. By the time we got back it was 2:00am and we both had to work today. I did give him a 'rain-check.' But while we were standing at my front door he dropped a small bombshell."

"He did? What was that?"

"He'd been offered a promotion at work but it meant he'd have to move to East St. Louis."

"Oh my God!"

"Yeah, and he said the fact that I got engaged is another reason to take it."

Paige pursed her lips, "And what did you say?"

"I said East St. Louis isn't that far, only a little over an hour."

"Well," the redhead replied, "we'll see how this develops, I guess."

"There are several complications," Marie added, "not the least of which is how things might go in the Sara and Jason situation."

"Right, did you tell Rob about that invitation?"

"I did, but I didn't tell him that I was already having sex with Jason. I will eventually."

"The sooner the better, I think."

"True, and I didn't even tell YOU that Jason and I had sex in his office last Friday."

Paige was startled but amused, "You naughty girl! What happened with that?"

The brunette mimicked her friend, "It just sort of happened!"

Paige burst out laughing and mimicked Chad, "Yeah, your clothes just kinda fell off, huh?"

"Yep, and his cock kinda found its way into my ass!"

They both burst out laughing at that one!

For the next seven days the weird "circumstances" of their sex lives settled down; Chad and Paige fucked several times and things got pretty intense! One night they brought out the toys from the bridal shower, and he double penetrated her. The next night she used the strap-on to peg HIM in the ass. For the first time she fully penetrated him, and Chad had to bury his face in a pillow to keep from screaming; partly from pain but mostly from pleasure! From that moment on, ass-play both ways became a fairly regular thing in their love-making. Later in the week they tried the upside down "eat Paige's twat thing!" After cumming from that twice, they experimented with her sucking his dick while in the upside down position. It certainly was fun, but a bit awkward. Chad said later, "Practice makes perfect!"

But the following Tuesday, the weirdness kicked in once more! Reflecting on how fate was driving things, (in that the sexual adventures she was experiencing never really happened BEFORE she met Marie,) Paige wasn't surprised by what occurred. In the back of her mind, she knew it would have happened sooner or later. The "later" was Tuesday night.

Chad was tied up late at work, and she had just put the younger kids to bed. No sooner had she sat down with her mother to watch some T.V. than her cell phone rang. It was Marie, "Hey Luv! I need a big favor!"

"Sure, what do you need?"

"I need you to run down to my house and see if Kayla's there. I have Michelle with me, and I was supposed to be home an hour ago. Kayla was going to come at seven o'clock to sit for a couple hours so I could go out with Rob for late drinks."

"Okay, there's a problem?"

"Yes, my car wouldn't start and I'm waiting for roadside assistance to come and jump me."

"Where are you?"

"Springfield, they said they'd be here in forty-five minutes, but you know how that can go. I tried texting twice and calling once but she's not responding. That's not like her, so she must have her phone on silent or something."

"All right, I'll walk down and see if she's there."

"Thanks, tell her not to wait around, I'm going to cancel."

When she arrived at Marie's place ten minutes later, Kayla's car was parked out front, and there were lights on in the house. Knocking didn't produce any results, so she tried the door and it was unlocked. Stepping inside she called out, "Kayla?" No response. The T.V. was on and there was some noise in the kitchen; when Paige entered the room, Kayla was standing at the refrigerator with her back turned; and she clearly had earbuds in because her butt was swaying to music that Paige couldn't hear. She appeared to be pouring some wine into a glass; and when Paige took a step toward her, the tall black girl turned and saw her.

With a startled jolt, Kayla just about screamed and almost dropped the glass. "Holy... Oh Godddd!" It looked so funny Paige started giggling; but before she could say anything, Kayla removed the earbuds and said, "Oh my God, Paige! You scared me so BAD!"

"I'm sorry, Kayla! I knocked, I called...I didn't know what else to do!"

"It's okay...I like my music loud; but God, that was scary!"

"Marie, tried to didn't pick up!"

Kayla checked her phone, "Oh Wow...I had the phone on silent, dammit! Geezzz...I see, okay... Marie has car trouble."

"Yes, she asked me to come over and tell you she's canceling."

"Well that's unfortunate, usually on these late nights, Marie gives me time and a half. When do we expect her home?"

"Not for a couple hours I think. She had to call Triple-A."

"Okay, I was wondering why she wasn't here when I got here. But hey, I might as well finish the show I was watching. Do you want something to drink?"

"Well, I..."

"It's one of the perks working for Marie; she always has a good wine in the fridge. Come sit with me for a few. Oh, but wait, is your husband waiting for you at home?"

"No, he's stuck at work. He told me not to wait up...some problem he has to solve."

Kayla handed Paige her glass, "Here, you take this one, I don't want to drink alone!" She got another glass and they went back to the living room.

"Are you much of a drinker, Kayla?"

"Hell no, my coach better never hear of her players getting drunk or some other shit; she warned us about that. I have one very occasionally."

"Speaking of that, how's your ankle?"

"Almost better, I should be able to start practice again next week."

"That's good to hear!" Paige sat down on the sofa and rather than sitting on the other end, Kayla sat in the middle, relatively close to the petite redhead. "So what's this show you were going to watch?"

"Just a movie I been wantin' to see. I can catch it another time." The black woman took a sip of wine and looked at Paige over the top of her glass. The redhead's radar pinged; she took a sip herself, and Kayla was staring at her. "Good wine, huh? Not too dry?"

"It's very good! Marie has good taste!"

"She does, she's down like that. She's very smart!"

"I agree, I'm almost shocked that she was hood-winked by her ex-husband!"

"Hood-winked? What is that?"

" know, he was a jerk!"

Kayla nodded, "Oh yeah, that! But everyone probly has a relationship in their past like that."

"I certainly do; I got married too young!"

She nodded again, "I get that, I'm not gonna rush shit like that; I have some things to figure out yet."

Paige cocked her head, "You do? Like what?"

"Oh, I jus' mean I wanna make sure I find the right person, that's all. Anyway, I'm not near ready to settle down yet."

Taking another sip, Paige said, "Weighing your options, are you?"

"Exactly!" Kayla locked eyes on her again.

"Are you seeing anyone right now?"

"Yes, but it's not super-serious."

"May I ask who it is?"

"Sure, it's a girl in one of my classes; her name is Paula."

Paige looked pensive, "So you're saying you and Paula aren't exclusive, right?"

"Not at all."

"Does she want it to be? What do you think?"

"I think she does, but I don't."

"Why not?"

Kayla smiled, "I don't have time for exclusive. School, basketball, working...there's too much going on. Serious relationships are hard work. Plus, I'm interested in other people too." Paige thought back to when she watched Kayla and Maria through the window, and she smiled. Kayla said, "So hey, what are you smiling about?"

"Oh, just a memory I had."

"A past relationship?"

"No...current ones!"

The black girl nodded knowingly, "Like you and Marie? Actually, I think it's great that your husband gives you a little freedom to enjoy yourself like that!"

Paige giggled, "I give HIM a lot freedom too!"

"Oh yeah? Like he gets to fool around on the side?"

"Yes, we just have one rule; no secrets. If we play with others we have to say so right away!"

"That's a good rule; if you're gonna live that way!"

"It seems to be working okay right now."

"Your husband is Chad, ain't that right?


"And is Chad getting some regular pussy on the side like you are with Marie?"

Paige felt herself blush, "Yes, he does."

"Oh my Gawd, has he been with you AND Marie?"

The blush got bigger, "Umm...yes."

Kayla laughed, "You girls are so dirty...I love it!" Paige made a teasing, pouting face, and Kayla said, "Marie said you saw me and her together one time."

"I did, but only for a minute. I warned her to close the drapes better if you she was going to play here in the living room."

"I remember, that was the second time I was with her!" When Paige nodded, Kayla added, "That Marie, she's a real freak when she has sex!"

The pretty, black girl was staring at her again, and Paige blushed some more, "If you're asking me, I have to agree!"

"Marie says you're just as freaky as her!" When Paige didn't answer, Kayla asked, "Are you?"

Paige locked eyes with her, she couldn't help it. A fuse had been lit and she was doing that 'shivering with lust' thing that was becoming so familiar lately. "Some people say I am."

Kayla giggled, "Marie says you make her crazy hot!"

"Marie's my bestie!"

Then Kayla gave her one of the most seductive smiles ever and just came right out with it, "Hey Paige?"


"Wanna fool around with me right now so I can judge for myself?"

The shiver turned to a shudder. The petite, little redhead closed her eyes and licked her upper lip. She was horny out-of-her-mind now; her pussy was throbbing uncontrollably. "Will I be home by 10:00?"

Kayla grinned and stood; taking the petite redhead by the hand and helping her to her feet. She led the way down the hall to Marie's bedroom. Paige watched Kayla's ass sway as she walked and shivered some more. The black girl was so very tall, her arms and legs lithe and well-defined. She sat down on the bed and pulled Paige between her knees; her hands slid around the smaller woman's waist and began fondling her ass.

Paige put her hands on Kayla's shoulders and stared into her eyes; it was then she realized that Kayla was virtually the same height as Chad. With her sitting down their eyes were almost level, "People say my ass is to die for; how does it feel?"

"I'd say they're right, I noticed it the first day I met you!"

"You looked at my ass?"

"Sure, you have a great body!"

"So do you! May I ask a question though?"


Paige hesitated but went ahead, "Are you Lez...or Bi?"

Kayla giggled, "It might interest you to know that I have a friend on the men's team. He gets a 'booty call' once in a while. Sometimes I call him even; I feel like there's no substitute for the real thing...even though I love my toys!"

The redhead leaned forward (as if to kiss her) but instead, whispered into the black girl's mouth, "Sexy! And Marie says you want to do a threesome with her and me; is that true?"

Kayla whispered back, "I like to fulfill my fantasies; gonna kiss me? Or not?"

It didn't take long to close the two inch distance; Paige turned her head and their lips melted together! This particular first kiss had several highlights; there was no tongue initially, their lips were exploring. Kayla's hands were slowly gliding up and down Paige's back. But when those hands reached the redhead's neck, she cupped the back of her head with both and pulled her harder into the kiss; THAT was when the younger woman's tongue slithered inside searching for Paige's. From there, the heat exploded! Kayla kept one hand on the back of Paige's head, but the other hand dropped back to her ass pulling Paige's pubic bone into her crotch.

It was a very comfortable position and they made out like this for several minutes. Paige was holding the bigger woman's head as well; but as the heat ramped higher she pushed in even closer to connect their upper bodies. They ground together and a minute later the kiss broke so Kayla could pull the redhead's top off. Changing clothes after work, she hadn't bothered to put on a bra back on; so when the shirt came off she was naked from the waist up. Kayla pulled her by the shoulder blades and sucked in her right nipple.

"Oh my God!" the redhead breathed, "Ohhh my Godd!"

Kayla giggled low in her throat, "You like that huh?" Switching to the other nipple, Paige groaned even louder. The black girl stopped sucking and softly said, "Marie says your titties are crazy sensitive."

Paige pulled Kayla's head back onto her boob, "Oh Fuck yes, then don't stop!" She didn't. She spent the next fifteen seconds working as much of Paige's left tit into her mouth as she could, and then began flailing the nipple with her tongue! Paige was gripping her head by the ears and crying out, "Oh yess, Goddd yesss... suck it...Mmm...Unggghhhh...yesss! SUCK IT!"

There was a loud "Pop" when she pulled her lips off the redhead's boob; she giggled and said, "Horny, little bitch!" and then attacked the other tit in the same way.

Paige didn't say it, but Kayla's tit-sucking was driving her toward an orgasm. What she DID say was, "FUCCKK! Oh FUCK! That's is SO fucking good! MMmm!" Of course, Kayla didn't know that, so when her mouth "popped" off again, Paige just leaned down and crushed her mouth against hers and they made out again for another couple minutes! While the kissing got hotter, the black girl started working Paige's pants and panties off; when they dropped to the floor, she grabbed at the older woman's ass and her fingertips invaded her crack.

Finally, Paige kicked her pants to the side and pushed the bigger girl back. She was fully nude now and said, "Okay now you...I wanna see you!" She pulled off Kayla's shirt leaving her sports bra on, then unbuttoned and pulled off her jeans. Her panties were plain, white briefs, and she left those on for the moment. She pushed her tit into Kayla's mouth again saying, "Please suck that again!" The brunette sucked and licked the nipple some more while Paige reached for the bottom of her bra. She pulled it up just enough for the girl's tits to fall free from under it, then cupped and hefted them for a few seconds. When Kayla switched again to the other breast, Paige began thumbing her nipples.

The babysitter groaned low in her throat, "Uunngghhh...Mmmm...Ugnngghhh," and a moment later stopped sucking. She lifted her arms and let Paige take the bra off. Her boobs appeared to be a "C" cup; the nipples were dark and the very hard teats were medium sized.

The redhead fondled and squeezed her boobs appreciatively then whispered, "Mmm... beautiful!"

Kayla closed her eyes and let Paige thumb her nipples some more, "Those are very sensitive too," she replied, "You're gonna suck them in a minute, but first, I want you to sit on my face, little girl!" She laid down on her back with her feet still on the floor and a grinning Paige climbed on! She lowered her pussy onto Kayla's mouth and just let her go at it!

The tip of her tongue ran up and down the redhead's slit several times and then she plunged it deep into her tunnel. Paige lurched, "Oh my GODD! HOLY SHIT!" Slowly and gently she started fucking herself onto the invading tongue-snake, "Fuckkk, that feels so good, Kayla!" The incredible tongue moved up to her clit and she lapped at it butterfly quick. "OHHH...GODDDD! YEAHHHH, OH YEAHHH!" Paige could tell this wasn't going to take long.

She leaned back a little (but kept her hips moving,) and slipped a hand down the front of Kayla's panties. The pussy was soaked and her middle finger had no trouble finding the very large clitoris. She circled and flicked at it while Kayla was groaning into her her twat. Paige was on the verge of cumming and when the bigger girl sucked her clit in, it took about fifteen more seconds and the orgasm peaked. "I'm gonna cum...Oh my GODD! I'm... FUCK!" and with a shuddering groan, she exploded!