AH Fantasies Ch. 00: Introduction


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Angelica blinked. She was in a house about as far removed from her parents' home as it was possible to get. There were empty beer bottles over the coffee table, along with some leftover pizza and a packet of the largest cigarette rolling papers that Angelica had ever seen. Although the window was open, a sweet, slightly illegal smell hung in the air.

In the corner of the room a movie was playing on the television. It was some kind of chick flick that looked quite entertaining, although no one was really watching it. The only two inhabitants of the room were sprawled on the couch, fast asleep in each other's arms. Angelica looked for signs of deviancy, kinkiness or even some kind of dungeon hidden beneath the floorboards, but found none. More significantly, the two blonde women looked as though butter wouldn't melt in their mouths.

"So what the hell's this supposed to be?" muttered Angelica as she tripped over an Xbox controller.

"Femininity and Scheherazade," whispered a familiar voice behind her. "Erotic writers, as requested."

Angelica turned around, but there was no one else in the room. She opened her mouth to say something, but suddenly the vortex closed around her again, spinning her through space and time zones until she reached her next destination.

She was in a room, with not much in it except for the past. The present did not exist. The future had not happened yet. No one was there, but she felt a presence. She saw a mirror on the far side of the room. It was steamed up, as if someone had taken a very hot bath and left the air humid. She felt an electric pull towards the mirror. She was drawn to it as if an invisible force was calling her. She could almost hear a female voice saying "Come to me ..."

She moved towards the mirror in a transfixed state. And as she looked, a ghost finger was sliding and gliding over the mirror's smooth surface, tracing words. She stared. When the finger stopped writing she shivered, as she felt the same finger move up her spine, and eventually settle on her shoulders -- ghost fingers gently kneading into her shoulders, massaging her muscles. She looked up to read what the fingers had written. "Inlovewithyourghost" were written out in steam.

She was left with so many unanswered questions as she felt the presence leave her. Firstly, she hoped this ghost girl was not a writer, because she clearly didn't know about leaving spaces between words. And then she also wondered about exactly who she was in love with... Maybe time would tell, but a sneaky suspicion was growing inside Angelica's mind. What she'd wished for wasn't enough. These were ordinary people, who led ordinary lives -- at least on the surface. To satisfy her curiosity she'd have to go so much deeper; deeper than their day to day lifestyles and deeper than what they did at night ...

She blinked. And then there was nothing. Only darkness.

"The Darkness..." breathed the voice over her shoulder.

All of a sudden, NIN started playing in the background and a cartoon-like devilish man's smile appeared in the air. It was of the mischievous variety that makes you wonder what a person is up to. He was cracking his knuckles, his powerful frame poised for some kind of action. Angelica's eyes lit up.

But then darkness was replaced by light and the roar of power tools.

"Lucky, Vella," announced the voice.

The scent of baked cookies was heavy in the air, and as Angelica thought back to her meal of bread and olive oil her stomach growled. A beautiful blonde woman was standing behind the stove, radiating warmth, sweetness and love as she peered out through the window at her athletic girlfriend, who was slicing through a tree trunk with a chain saw.

"Where am I?" was Angelica's thought just before she saw the sign on the door -- The Love Shack. She smiled to herself. Promising, but she'd evidently arrived at the wrong time.

The light and the domestic bliss suddenly faded once more and Angelica found herself in a dungeon. A pale-faced girl was staring into a mirror. Angelica moved slightly, so that she could at least see this woman's reflection. But there was none.

"Nosferatuness..." came the whisper, and Angelica shuddered at the sight of a vampire girl absorbed in the task of polishing her fangs with a heavy duty toothbrush. She felt scared, but at the same time she was excited. She could well imagine those teeth sinking into innocent flesh and necks, and the sexual ecstasy that would accompany it. 'Her fantasies must be like a horror movie,' thought Angelica, and again she cursed herself for not having taken her wish that little bit further.

A sharp knocking rang out through the dungeon and Angelica turned towards it. Suddenly there was a carpet on the floor and a tall man with a military gait and salt and pepper hair began making his way across it. He opened a door.


The voice belonged to a sexy Fed-Ex girl, dressed in uniform and all. Her name tag read 'Trin'. She had the cutest freckles you could imagine.

"I have two packages here to deliver," she smiled as Skip reached out to sign for them. "I don't know who they're for, but I know exactly what's in them..."

"It had better be something worthwhile at this time of night," said Skip, extinguishing his cigarette in a nearby ashtray.

"You could say that," grinned Trin. "Fallingtofly and Fallenfromgrace -- they're sex catalogues. They got them mixed up at the regional depot. With all the falling and flying, I was given both packages and sent out the door with no clear direction of who they're for. And seeing as you've been such a great customer over the past few months, ordering all those computer parts... I thought, why not you?"

Angelica watched as Skip took the packages and began unwrapping them.

"Fallenfromgrace --"announced Trin. "It's for bi, curious and queer people and it comes with a free vibrator -- batteries not included."

Skip looked at the picture on the cover and smiled. His eyes moved to the second package. "And this one's Fallingtofly, right?"

"It is -- for the flirty, straight and insanely horny, and I think you're going to love it."

Skip gazed at the blonde-haired elfin figure on the cover and was immediately drawn to the best pair of legs he'd ever seen. "Oh, I definitely do..." he murmured. "Thank you, Trin. You've done me a great service tonight."

Angelica was beginning to wonder just how far this little exchange was going to go. This was more like she'd imagined -- innuendo, low-level flirting and the promise of so much more. But in the back of her mind she knew that it wasn't likely to last, and with a flash the scene vanished from her.

Angelica was in a garden. It was a cold, clear night in this part of the world, and a man and a woman were sitting on a bench in the moonlight.

"English Lady, Joe Wordsworth..." came the whisper.

Angelica held her breath as the man took the woman's hand and kissed it.

"You're beautiful," he said, gazing into her green eyes with his own.

A flush of excitement spread out over English Lady's cheeks, and she directed her eyes to the floor.

"You know, a lot of people see me as this proud, ambitious, hard-ass, professional guy, but I feel different around you. You bring me to this rose garden in the dead of winter, and all I can think about is how it doesn't really matter that there are no roses out, because you're here -- and you're my rose in fullest bloom, the kind that makes the whole yard scented with that aroma that makes you stop and close your eyes and breathe deep and smile."

English Lady leaned forward, and so did Angelica. She wanted to see this kiss, because it promised so much more than just sex, but just as their lips touched and trembled against one another the scene changed and Angelica found herself surrounded by red light.

Her heart leapt. Although she'd never seen one, she'd heard of Red Light Districts dozens of times in the stories she'd read. There was one in the nearest town, which her father referred to as Sodom and Gomorrah, but Angelica had never set eyes on it before.

As her eyes grew accustomed to the glow, she realised that she was actually in a small room. There were photographs everywhere -- on the walls, on the shelves and hanging clothes lines stretched across the room. They all featured the same woman with long-reddish brown hair and pure, yet enigmatic features. In one she was standing outside the pyramids; in another she was canoeing through a rain forest; in another she was next to the Great Wall of China; and so on until Angelica realised there were few corners of the world where this woman hadn't travelled.

"McKenna," breathed the voice just over her shoulder.

There was a cough from the corner of the room and Angelica suddenly realised that she wasn't alone. Leaning over the desk, dipping a photograph in a chemical solution was an athletic-looking man with dark hair. A cup of coffee was steaming away next to him, but he was so absorbed in his task that he showed no signs of drinking it. Across his shirt, 'Neonurotic' was written in large print.

A blast of music suddenly ripped through the calm, and Angelica found herself in a strip-club. Right before her very eyes a woman moving seductively against a pole, grinding up against it, sliding her hands up and down it as she danced to the music. She was a beautiful woman with long, red hair and a breathtaking figure, and Angelica felt an all too familiar wetness building up between her legs.

"Go, Angelicminx!" called out a male voice, and Angelica's attention was diverted to three men sitting as close to the stage as possible.

"Severusmax, Salvor Hardon and Remec," came the inevitable whispered introduction. Like all the names she'd heard that night, these were very familiar to her. She had read their stories, experienced orgasms crafted from the depths of their imagination, and she was in the exact same room as them.

Sev, who had a gorgeous tan and wavy dark, brown hair, was gazing at Angelicminx, his hand wrapped suggestively around his beer bottle. Salvor, who might have been mistaken for a geek were it not for his mischievous look, was playing thoughtfully with his goatee as he smoked his way through a packet of Artura Fuente Exquiistos. Remec, on the other hand, was a little worse for wear as the row of Tequila shots in front of him grew shorter. His shoulders were broad and his aviator style glasses lent him an air of cool, despite the fact that he was probably just as feverish as Angelica.

Angelica smiled to herself. She felt at home in this sexual atmosphere, and if there were one place she could have stayed tonight, it would have been here. But sadly it wasn't to be. A mist descended over the room, and suddenly she was outdoors again.

She kept waiting for the mist to lift, but it didn't. Through the gloom she caught sight of a reddish-brown-haired woman with a Rubenesque figure, shivering as she drew her coat tighter around her. She had incredible eyes.

"MagicaPractica," announced the voice. "And Gotwood49..."

When Angelica's gaze first fell on Gotwood49, she couldn't believe her eyes. Despite the chill, the toned athlete of a man had stripped down to just a pair of jeans. He was in the process of cutting logs with an axe, swinging it masterfully, the muscles of his back rippling with each stroke.

A car was parked nearby, and a tall, pale-skinned man with hair halfway down his back was rummaging around in the trunk.

"Hey, Deathlynx!" called MagicaPractica. "You're not still looking for a way to catch some lobster are you?"

"Totally," Deathlynx replied, without pausing what he was doing. "If we're going to be stuck out here, we may as well do it with a little style."

MagicaPractica sighed, "If you hadn't been such a typical male and had just told that girl you didn't understand any Spanish, we wouldn't have ended up out here in the first place."

Deathlynx froze for a second, and through the fog Angelica could have sworn she saw a grin on his face.

"Hey, sometimes you don't have to understand a woman's language to get what she's trying to tell you," he explained, sending Angelica's imagination into a spin.

The fog became a little thicker and the voices muffled, and when it all cleared Angelica found herself back in the warmth of indoors. It was a small room, illuminated by the glow of a computer monitor, and around it sat three red-heads.

"Crimson Maiden, Selena Kitten, Redhairedandfriendly," whispered the voice.

Angelica craned her neck to see what they were looking at on the computer screen, and her face lit up. They were shopping... for toys. At least that's what it looked like. Vibrators and dildos of all shapes and sizes were reflected in their shining eyes.

Selena was biting her nails and giggling as she stared at the screen, a half-drunk glass of wine next to her. Redhairedandfriendly had discarded her cross-stitch and was gaping as Crimson Maiden's fingers flew across the keyboard, bringing up new screens full of html.

"You're through!" squealed Selena. "I don't believe it! Crim, you've just hacked into the ultimate sex toys website!!!! You rock!"

"Can you imagine all the stuff we'll be able to get for free now?" asked Redhairedandfriendly, her brown eyes sparkling.

Angelica grinned. She kept changing her mind about where she wanted to be. So far, this place seemed as good as any -- and it would be even better when the mailman arrived.

There was a flash and a loud rumble of thunder which caused Angelica to jump out of her skin. The smell of cigar smoke was the first thing to hit her senses -- cigar smoke mixed with Hugo Boss Deep Red. She breathed in and shuddered. It was a heady combination that immediately made her think of hot, passionate sex.

She pulled herself together slightly. She was in a bedroom, with a huge king-sized bed in the centre of the room. A cigar was still smouldering in an ashtray on a nearby table, and all around the room lay evidence of what had been going on in that bed throughout the course of the night -- both wrist and ankle cuffs were abandoned at the side of the bed, burnt down to the wick candles were melted against the table, and wax covered different parts of the black satin sheets. A bucket with half melted ice could be seen next to the candles. And on the bed next to the handcuffs, was what looked like black lingerie. It was evidently torn to shreds.

"Abstruse, Nirvanadragones" came the whisper, "And I'm afraid that concludes your tour of the night habits of erotic writers."

"No!!!" exclaimed Angelica, and moved closer so that she could get a better look at the inhabitants of the bed. There were both women, sleeping comfortably in each other's arms and covered in bite-marks and bruises. It had been a wild night -- wilder than most people could ever imagine, mused Angelica as she caught sight of where one of the women's hands still where.

In an instant, her hand disappeared inside her panties, and she began rubbing herself to slow ecstasy. She'd been wet for hours -- despite the fact that the tour hadn't always been what she'd expected. It was strange ... every scene, be it domesticated, suggestive, intriguing, or just outright weird had touched her in an intimate way. Real people, who led real lives and had real feelings and passions and disappointments. The reality of it all had made Angelica wet from the moment her tour had begun.

She rubbed harder and faster. She needed release and soon her fingers were so deep inside herself that she was no longer aware of anything else. She missed the flash as she was transported back to her bedroom, and failed to notice that her door was now lying on the ground, leaving her parents red-faced and slightly psychotic-looking as they stood in the doorway staring for all they were worth.

Angelica suddenly froze. There was an awkward silence. In the hallway below, the clock struck sixty nine.

"We need a family discussion," announced her father in a quiet voice.

Angelica slid her hands out of her panties and didn't even dare to blink.

"For starters, where did you find that lamp?" asked Mrs Hoare blandly.

Angelica looked at the lamp, and suddenly remembered that she had one wish left. She could have wished for anything in the world -- a sudden case of amnesia in both parents so that they'd never remember this shocking scene, or a knight (male or female -- Angelica wasn't choosy) in shining armour to take her away from this narrow little home for good. But despite the best efforts of her parents Angelica was a free spirit, who preferred to live for the moment, and although she had seen so much it had simply increased her desire for more.

She glanced down at the lamp, winked at her parents and then uttered the magic words -- "I wish I could see what goes on in the darkest fantasies of erotic writers..."

There was a flash, and her bedroom vanished.

The End.

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Boxlicker101Boxlicker101about 16 years ago
A fun story

This was really a fun story, and I will look through subsequent ones. They sound as if they will be quite interesting, and I will try to find myself.

Salvor-HardonSalvor-Hardonover 17 years ago
It cannot be said enough


What better way to start a series of vignettes and scenarios than with a whirlwind of glimpses and peeks. The pair of you are wonderfully talented and so deliciously clever. *kiss* *kiss*

BelegonBelegonover 17 years ago
Oh, How Fun!!!!!

Well, I must say I really enjoyed that very much...I'll just have to keep reading as the new ones come out now...

NirvanadragonesNirvanadragonesover 17 years ago

You've pegged the authors perfectly! And I love the humour slant. You've set the bar high . . . Well done, Lovelies.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

absofuckinglutelyfabulousfunny. You girls rock.

The_DarknessThe_Darknessover 17 years ago
Oh kick ass!

Nice to see that I get to be the demonic Chesshire Cat.

It's gonna be a hell of a chain, thanks for getting us all kick started!

Selena_KittSelena_Kittover 17 years ago
You rock!

I'll say it again... "You rock!" *grin*

Awesome start... so much fun!

joeys-gamejoeys-gameover 17 years ago
Loved it...

very clever, very funny, can't wait for more!

Well done!

FallingToFlyFallingToFlyover 17 years ago

And Tarbaby Says nothing...

One question though: WHEN did I become straight?

*looks very, very confused while holding on to her wife with one hand the the husband with the other.*


AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

And Tarbaby Says nothing...

One question though: WHEN did I become straight?

*looks very, very confused while holding on to her wife with one hand the the husband with the other.*


Black TulipBlack Tulipover 17 years ago

I loved this intro and I can see this chain will be every bit as funny and hot, or even more so than the Literotica Olympics from a few years back.

Black Tulip

rachlourachlouover 17 years ago
fun fun fun!

Brilliant beginning to the series. Well done!! Loved the humour in there..lol

CrimsonMaidenCrimsonMaidenover 17 years ago
Loved it!

Wonderfully entertaining start to the chain. How on earth are the rest of us going to live up to such a fantastic introduction?

FallenfromgraceFallenfromgraceover 17 years ago

*shouts out 'fantastic' as i press 6 and 9 feverishly on my...* um...i dont have a lamp! :(

Fantastic guys...loved the suggestiveness, what a way to start us off, and how the hell am i gonna live up to this!?

<3 N

Skip1934aSkip1934aover 17 years ago
Beautiful work

For a pair of fisfits you girls do outstanding work. A wonderful way to introduce the chain. Now, if there were just a 10 button around here somewhere...

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