Alejandro's Song


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They lay quiet for several minutes. She caressed his back with her fingers. Finally, she sucked in her breath and asked, "Have you ever done this before?"

"Up here? No."

"Really?" She wasn't sure she believed him.


"So is this our special place now?"

"Definitely." He rose up on his elbows and looked down at her.


"Yes, really." He pushed aside a tendril of blond hair that had blown over her eyes, then bent down and kissed her nose.

"You'll never bring anyone else up here?"

He frowned. "Of course not. Why would I do that?"

"Well, you know, when you decide to get serious about someone."

"What are you talking about? I'm already serious about someone."

She gave a wry chuckle. "I know you're not serious about me."

His frown deepened, and he rolled off her and lay on his back next to her. He lifted his hips and pulled his jeans back up. "What the fuck does that mean?"

"Don't get mad. I just know you'll want a girl who's...."

"Who's what? Mexican? Michelle, why would I bring you out here to meet my family if I wasn't serious about you?"

She stumbled over her words. "I don't know...."

"Maybe it's you who isn't serious. I've noticed how bored you seemed at the house."

"No, Alejandro, I'm just.... You've been acting weird lately.... And all the extra time you've been working...." How could he say that? Feeling naked, she pulled her shirt out from under her and slipped it over her head.

"If I've been acting weird, it's because I was nervous about asking you to come. You come from a middle class home, and I was nervous that you'd be turned off if you saw what I come from, how poor we are. I can't you even want to know how many girls I've brought home to meet my parents?"

She looked down and stretched her shirt over her hips. "How many?"

Just as she spoke, a distinctly cooler gust of wind blew over them. Alejandro turned his gaze west. "Oh, shit."

"What?" She looked, and her heart skipped a beat when she saw a dark blue swath of clouds approaching them.

"We need to get down." Alejandro stood and pulled her up. "We need to get down now. Get dressed."

The wind swept across the plain. Michelle watched the family below frantically gather up their airborne picnic supplies while she frantically jammed her feet into her jeans.

Alejandro watched the family, too, then cut his eyes back to her. "Hurry, we need to go."

"I'm hurrying." She stood up and buttoned her jeans.

"Follow me." He started descending.


Michelle was still trying to process what he'd said. I'm already serious about someone. He's serious about me? Really? But the way he'd pursed his lips and wrinkled his brow told her that they'd have to resume that conversation later. "How soon before the storm reaches us?"

"It could be an hour or so, but sometimes it takes that long to get down, and I don't like the chill in that air."

She didn't like the edge in Alejandro's voice. He was worried. She made sure to follow him just as he told her.

They had descended about fifty feet when he stopped cold. "Fuck!" he grunted.

To their left was a steep wall of stone. To their right was a twenty-foot drop. Beneath them was an eight-foot drop into a patch of prickly pear.

"Turn around. We can't get down this way," he said.

"Which way did we come up?"

"Impossible to tell."

Such was the climb the entire way. Descend a hundred feet, climb back up twenty, descend again, climb up again. In the meantime, the temperatures dropped twenty degrees, and they both put our jackets on. The approaching clouds appeared more ominous the closer they got. "If that rain gets here before we get down, we'll be fucked," he muttered. "It'll be cold, and the rocks will be too slippery to climb."

"We'll be okay." It was more of a question.

Alejandro didn't answer. Sure enough, fifty feet before reaching the bottom, a gust of even colder air swept over them, and then they heard the slapping of fat raindrops on the rocks as the rain clouds overtook them.

"Prepare to get wet!" Alejandro yelled. He stood on the edge of a tall boulder. It was a ten-foot drop to the ground below, but from there, they could see an easy trail to the bottom. He crouched, set his hand on the stone, and jumped. He landed easily on his feet, sinking into a deep knee-bend before standing up. He turned to wait for Michelle.

She stood on the edge where he had been only seconds before. Rainwater flowed through the crevices in the rocks now, and the rain was loud. So loud, pounding the granite stones, and it was cold. She shivered, then froze as she stared at the ground below, where Alejandro stood, waiting for her.

"Jump!" Alejandro said.

She wanted to, but her feet refused to move. Her heart pounded. She felt paralyzed. What is the matter with you? I can't do this. There has to be another way down. She stepped back.


"I'll find another way! I'll meet you at the car!"

"No! The longer you stay there, the more dangerous it gets! Jump down now! It's easy from here!"

"I can't!"

"Yes, you can! I'm right here! I promise, you can do this!"

She stared at the drop. It was too far.

Alejandro held his hand up for her. "I'm not leaving you."

She would have to jump to reach his hand. Oh my god oh my god I'm going to break a leg! Or my neck! She looked into his dark, imploring eyes. Or something else.... She crouched down as she'd seen him do, steadied herself on the rock with her right hand. The rock was cold and wet and getting slippery. She jumped, catching Alejandro's hand with her left, falling to the ground, then feeling his strong arm wrap around her and steady her. She looked at his face, and he smiled. "You okay?" She nodded. He took her hand and pulled her.

They ran down the rocky trail, sprinting the last fifty yards, but by the time they reached the car, they were both soaked to the core and shivering. Alejandro opened the passenger's door and Michelle dove in. He shut the door and ran around to the driver's side. She saw him pause briefly before he opened the door and jumped in. With a shaky hand, he shoved the key into the ignition and started the engine, and he pushed the heater to its hottest setting. "I have bad news." His voice shook.


"The front driver's side tire is flat."

"You're kidding!"

"I wouldn't kid about a thing like that at a time like this."

"What are we going to do?"

"Not much we can do until this storm passes. Fuck, it's cold!" He rubbed his arms with his hands.

"I have good news and bad news then," she said.

"What's that?"

"The good news is we have a blanket. The bad news is it's in the trunk."

Alejandro eyed the sheets of rain cascading over the windshield. "Fuck, we need something!" He jumped out, fumbled with the keys to unlock the trunk, grabbed the blanket, slammed the trunk, and dove back into the car. "Oh my god! That rain is cold!" His teeth chattered.

So did hers. "Get out of your clothes." She kicked off her water-logged Nikes and started pushing her cold, soaked jeans off.

"What are you doing?"

"We'll get hypothermia. Take your clothes off."

He didn't argue. He pushed off his shoes, then his jeans and his jacket and t-shirt. They spread everything across the dashboard so it might dry, then crawled in the back seat and covered with the blanket. It was a small, scratchy wool blanket, but it had repelled the rain and so was dry and helped them to warm up quickly. They also dug out the tamales and satiated their growing appetites.

Meanwhile, the rain continued to pelt the car, and the daylight, which had already surrendered to the storm clouds, then faded into the blackness of night. Once the car's heater had warmed them, Alejandro turned the engine off to conserve gas. Then he cuddled back under the blanket with her.

"You're family's going to get worried," she said.

"No, they won't."

"Why won't they?"

"Because I told my brother we might get a room at the hotel tonight. I'm sorry. It was going to be a surprise." He forced a smile. "Surprise!"

She laughed. "I can think of worse ways to be stranded than this."

"Well, this is a little more adventure than I'd planned for. We may be stuck here until morning. You doing okay?"

"I'm fine. You okay?"

"Yeah, I guess. What happened back there? You froze up on me."

"I don't know. I've never had that happen before. All the sudden, my feet wouldn't move."

"I told you I wouldn't leave you."

She turned and looked at him. "And you didn't."

"Of course not. I'll never leave you, unless you want me to go away. Even then, you might have a problem getting rid of me."

As though she was seeing him for the first time, she understood that questioning look he'd been giving her. He'd felt her anxiety. Maybe he hadn't identified the problem, but he'd sensed that there was one. Sensed it, and grew worried because of it. Now when she looked at him, she saw what had been there all along. She saw his love for her.

Why had she doubted him? She was not her mother, and Alejandro most certainly was not her father. She slid her hand across Alejandro's jaw and into his thick, black, damp curls. She leaned into him and kissed his soft lips. As she did, the rain let up, and it fell quiet except for the sound made by a gentle sprinkle on the car. A gust of wind swept through with a low howl.

Alejandro smiled. "Listen."

The wind whistled through the trees, and behind that, she heard a distant, mournful wail. "What is that?"


She smiled. "You mean the hoodoos. Oh my God, that's creepy."

"I think it's cool."

"Me, too."

"Do you really?"




"Now do you want to know how many girls I've brought home?"

She smiled. "None?"

"That's right. You want to know why I've been working so much?"


"To get on a big project. It could mean project pay and a nice bonus."


"Something for you and me."

Michelle's eyes blurred with tears. "Okay."


She nodded and sniffed.

Alejandro stroked her cheek with his hand. "So are we going to waste this opportunity?"

"Opportunity for what?"

"I don't know. To play titty-winks?"

"Titty-winks?" She laughed. She didn't know whether he was making a play on words, or if he thought that's what it was called. "I have a question first. What was all that up there?"

"All what?"

"'Hands on the rocks! Spread your legs!' I thought I was having sex with a drill sergeant."

"Did you like it?"


He kissed her ear. "Say what you want, your pussy told me the truth."

She'd never had a boyfriend use such explicit terms before Alejandro. He didn't do it often, but when he did, it sent shivers down her spine. "It was a little bit of a turn-on."

"Only a little?" He nuzzled her neck.

She tilted her head, baring her throat to him, and laughed.

"That's what I thought." He placed wet, open-mouthed kisses on her, starting at her jaw and going down to her collarbone.

She felt a familiar tingle between her legs. "I bet you wouldn't like it the other way around."

"We'll never know unless we try it."

"Let's try it, then." She threw herself into his lap, straddling him. She took his hands into hers, laced their fingers together.

He smiled, and his cock swelled and tickled her belly. "What are you doing?"

"Giving you a taste of your own medicine." She raised his hands, pushed them behind his head, and held them down on the back dash.

Alejandro's eyes danced. Her tits hovered in front of his face while she considered what to do next. "Nice view." He tried to put his mouth on her, but she pulled back.

She looked at the back dash, then noticed the headrest. This could work. She let go of his hands and crawled over the front seat and grabbed her jeans. She pulled the canvas belt with the d-ring buckle free of the loops.

"What are you doing?"

She held the belt out. "Put your hands together."

He watched her for a second, smiled, then did as she said. She wrapped the strap around his wrists, ran the end through the buckle, pulled it tight.

He gasped. "Oh, fuck, what are you going to do, woman?"

"You'll see." She pulled his hands up again, up and over his head. She wrapped the loose end of the belt around the metal base of the headrest, pushed the end through the d-ring and secured it. "Try to pull your hands out."

He rolled his eyes and pulled. The belt tightened around his wrists. He smiled. "Oh, shit."

"Now I have you where I want you."

"I'm at your mercy."

She leaned back and looked at him. The muscles of his arms, shoulders, and chest bulged. His abs fluttered. His cock twitched. He did look delicious.

"You enjoying this?" he asked.

"Yes. Now I want to give you what you gave me." She moved to the bench beside him, leaned over his lap and blew a hot breath across his cockhead. It twitched, and Alejandro drew in a lungful of air. She kissed his head, then took him all the way into her mouth. She was slow and deliberate, and his breathing quickened. As soon as she felt his cock twitch against her tongue, she pulled her mouth off him, and he sighed. He stared at her with lust-filled eyes. She kissed his mouth, his soft lips, licked his upper lip. She teased his tongue with hers, then kissed and nibbled his rough jaw, his neck, his hard chest. She took his nipple into her mouth and sucked on it. A low moan grew in his throat. She sucked each of his nipples until they were both hard, pointed nubs. She slid her hand over his cock. It lay stiff against his flat belly. She wrapped her fingers around it, held it gently. His skin was smooth. Like velvet. She caressed him, and he growled.

"What's wrong, mi amor?" she asked.

"You're making me crazy."

"Good." She took him into her mouth again.

"Shit!" he hissed.

She fought a smile. She let her teeth graze his delicate flesh.

He drew in another breath. "Fuck. Oh, fuck, Michelle!"

Precum oozed from his tip, and she licked it off. She kissed his head and licked his shaft. He watched her as she teased his rock hard cock. It was sweet and delicious for him, she knew from the look in his eyes, but excruciating, too, because she made sure to keep a gentle touch, always light, with only an occasional hard suck. He wanted to come so bad, and she wouldn't let him, wouldn't give him the release he was growing desperate for. She could hear him pulling on the belt. She knew he wanted to put his hand on her head, make her suck him. Fuck her face, come in her throat. But he couldn't do any of that, because his hands were bound behind his head, so the best he could do was thrust his hips up, so she just held her open mouth over his cockhead, breathed on it, licked the tip, licked his drooling member while he watched.

Finally, he jerked against the belt and growled.

She smiled. "Beg."


"Better than that."

"Oh my fucking god, please, oh please"--She sucked his head for half a second, and he gulped.

She raised her head and let his cock pop from her lips. He was as hard as she'd ever seen him, standing straight up, swollen. He's gonna feel so good! She crawled back onto his lap and wiggled her hips over him.

"Michelle"-- She slid herself over him, and his cock stretched her as it filled her. He thrust his hips upward, driving himself deep inside her, and he let loose with a string of words that was nearly unintelligible. "Oh shit yeah, yeah, oh fuck, that feels good!"

She ground down on him, felt him stroke her innermost core, and she gasped for air. Damn, he's big tonight. And fuck, he feels good! She wanted to let her hips do the talking, lead by instinct, do what felt good. If she did that, though, he'd come quickly, and it would be over. She slowed her pace, leaned closer to his face, felt his hot breaths on her cheeks, and stared into his dark, sultry eyes while she fucked him. She thought of how he usually put his hands on her hips and directed her thrusts, of how he liked it harder and faster, and how it was probably driving him crazy that he couldn't use his hands.

"Tell me," she whispered. "Tell me how you want it."

"You know," he panted.

"Tell me."

He grunted something in Spanish.


He continued in a pleading voice, all in Spanish, smooth, lilting.

So fucking sexy. She leaned over him, put her fingers in his hair, grasped his dark curls and pulled his head back. He cried out in Spanish and bucked his hips. She planted her open mouth on his throat, just beneath his jaw where his carotid pulsed, and she bit down while she fucked his prick with hard, deep thrusts. His loud growl filled the car while his cock filled her cunt with his sweet cum, pumping her over and over. His moans turned to gasps, and then he fell back against the car seat. He sat still, then kissed her breast and breathed, "Untie me."

He sucked her nipple while she worked the belt out of the D-ring, and as soon as his hands were free, he wrapped his arms around her and squeezed her. He still panted, and his hot breaths blew across her throat as he kissed her. "I'm out of words."

"You liked that?" she whispered.

"I loved it." He slid his hands over her breasts, her neck, and he cupped her face. "I love you, Michelle."

"I love you."

They spent the night in the car, cuddled up under the blanket. In the morning, Alejandro changed the flat tire, and they drove out of the mountains. Fifteen years later, they still visit Rock Pile, only now with their three children.

They check the weather forecast and their tires before they go.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Little bit of a strange story. I wonder what “Llano” the story was talking about. The description of the land and the weather just didn’t ring true to me. Sorry, but the story just didn’t work for me.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

I had trouble getting through this. I kept picturing Cheech Marin holding up a fistful of flowers while Ace of Base played in the background. Lady Gaga came into it too... of course. Funniest image I've had in a while.

MaddieKimMaddieKimover 11 years ago

for a great story!!

HankDolworthHankDolworthalmost 12 years ago
I was worried...

that her negative self talk would ruin a good thing. I was happy to see she finally figured it out. Lovely ending too.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

Great to see you back and still in fine form. What I enjoy about your work is not only the sexual content, but the way you make your readers know and care for your characters as individuals. You really have a gift.

D_LynnD_Lynnabout 12 years ago
So sweet & realistic

I love this story. It feels so real to me.

Thanks for sharing it, Syd.

- Dakota

ambush184ambush184about 12 years ago
welcome back!

Nice gentle read. I like your style. I'd bet you've been to a place like this one.

Soul_childSoul_childabout 12 years ago

You"re back!!! I'm so excited I missed you ;-) if this story is anything like How to Save a Life I know we have a lot in store for us and the tags on here have me super curious I can't wait to indulge lol

Kudos on your achievements I'll check you out on Amazon

A new journey begins...

estragonestragonabout 12 years ago
Oh You Syd!

You patented hot and sweet. Great story, but what else from La Serenissima? But there will be one, and only one, quibble, via "Send Feedback". Great to have you back on Lit. More!!!

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