Alex & Alexa Ch. 17


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Her fingernails grazed firmly over my chest, her eyes flashing with unrestrained lust. Few things turned us both on more than public sex, and here we were, in Paris, fucking in a world-famous park. Her heavy breathing and the sounds of her wetness were all I could hear. Everything else around me had fallen away. There were no worries or concerns about what came tomorrow, there was only her.

We rocked and churned with increasing urgency. She shuddered and moaned as I leaned in and slid my tongue around one of her nipples before sucking it into my mouth. Her fingernails were now digging into my back as I bit on the nipple and tugged with my teeth, the delicious sting sending her into ecstasy. I could feel her clenching and squeezing around me harder and harder. She was almost hissing now, writhing on my lap.

"Fuck..." she gasped, pulling herself as close to me as she could. Her whole body was trembling. I gripped her tight, my fingers leaving red welts on her ass cheeks. I sucked hungrily on her nipple, then moved to the other one. Alexa groaned shamelessly. If anyone was walking by, they'd definitely have heard her and noticed us.

"I love you so much..." I murmured around her nipple, feeling the tingling heat rising in my loins again. She whimpered and crushed herself to me, shaking almost uncontrollably.

"Alex!" she gasped loudly.

I pulled away from her nipple and brought my face up to hers- we stared deep into one another's eyes as we strained, sharing that peak moment of desire before bliss consumed us. Locked in her gaze, I began cumming deep inside her, feeling her womanhood clenching me desperately as she climaxed. I jammed my mouth against hers and we kissed feverishly, needing to feel each other's rapture.

Panting heavily, we rested our foreheads against one another, my cock still throbbing inside her slick pussy. Her eyes fluttered open, glazed with pleasure as she caressed my cheek. Her mouth was moving as she whispered something so quietly it was almost imperceptible to me, even though her lips were scantly an inch from mine. This moment never needed to end, as far as I was concerned.

"Love me?" she asked quietly.

"Forever and then again." I replied, meaning it.

"Thank you for coming for me, Alex," she said, her voice like crystal bells in my ears. "There's never been a man more perfect than you."

I smiled. "High praise from the woman who is closer to Galadriel than anyone else in history."

We kissed again, deeply, serenely and lovingly. I held her warm, lush body to mine, reveling in the feel of her. I shivered again, lost in wonder at the sheer joy of this moment- making love to my goddess here in Paris. What had I ever done to deserve this?

She smiled and slowly clambered off my thighs, sinking down to her knees and taking my cock in her hands. She kissed it almost reverently before taking it inside her mouth and slowly bobbing back and forth, cleaning our mingled cum from my length. She moaned quietly, her eyes closed while my fingers tangled in her golden hair.

She looked up at me and smiled again, squeezing her breasts together, enveloping my cock between them. She massaged it with her softness, all the while her eyes locked with mine. Finally, she leaned back and began pulling up my boxers and pants, harnessing me into respectability, but not before giving my manhood one last kiss. She then stood, sliding her thong up her legs and lowering her skirt. Hand in hand, we walked slowly through the park, simply enjoying one another's company on this warm Paris night.

"If we became stupidly wealthy, where would we live?" she asked as we strolled. "Wherever we like."

I pondered. "Well, back home would be primary," I stated. "But I'd love to have a house or apartment here in Paris with you. And then a place in Maui."

"Ooh, Maui," she said, smiling. "I've never been."

I nodded. "We went for a few weeks a few summers ago. Most amazing place I've ever visited. Dad and I both really found our creative writing grooves there. We were enchanted with the endless bamboo forests, the waterfalls, the kukui trees, the little towns, the wild flowers..."

"Then we'll have a place there, too." Alexa said readily. "I'd love a little house in the highlands of Scotland."

"That sounds pleasant."

She nodded. "And it'd be close to Cardiff, which is where mom is buried, that's important to me."

"I'm sure mom'd love that too," I agreed. "Not any place like Berlin or Copenhagen?"

She smiled. "If we're in Paris, they're hardly far away, so no need, my love. I want us to have places far apart and different from one another. Can you think of anywhere else?"

"Sure," I chuckled. "I'd love to have a little apartment in Harajuku in Tokyo or a house in Kagoshima."

"That's the anime nerk in you talking." Alexa giggled.

"First of all, the term is otaku, thank you very much," I said airily. "Secondly, it's dad's fault, he got me into all his Seventies anime, like Star Blazers, Battle of the Planets and Captain Harlock. He's at least as big an anime nerk as I am."

"Bigger, technically," she pointed out. "I was snooping on your laptop one night and saw you were writing erotic fiction about that Star Blazers show."

"Busted," I sighed. "Yeah, maybe I'll publish it online one day. But yeah, a house in Japan would be awesome. Dad and I could visit the Toho studios and get them to let us wear Godzilla suits. Something to tick off the bucket list, y'know?"

"Boys and their toys..." she sighed contentedly as she rested her head on my arm while we walked through the night, ambling back to our hotel.


"You sure you don't want to stay longer?" mom asked as she talked to us over Skype. Things seemed to strangely quiet there. The gravelly tones of Leonard Cohen's voice could be heard in the background. "You two are most certainly entitled to your private time, you know."

"We talked about it, Kar, we agreed it was time to come home." Alexa said, smiling warmly. "Yeah, I love Paris, but I love my family more. There's so much to do and so much to deal with, to face up to."

Mom smiled. "Don't worry yourself, Alli. We'll get it worked out. Like we told you, we'll look at getting the avunculate laws changed, but we're not going to make some crazy public challenge out of it, because you two will never get a moment's peace if that happens. Only thing I'd recommend is for you to keep your surname, or at hyphenate."

"Blackwell-De Bourne?"

Mom nodded. "My surname is technically Gordon-De Bourne, I'm happiest just using De Bourne. As for you and I being sisters, aside from anyone who already knows us, people are not likely to clue in, since our maiden names are different. That should be the questions down."

"Does anyone know?" my aunt asked.

Mom shrugged. "Just the Stevensons, and they're thrilled for you. They were talking with one another the night after the hookah party we held and thought it was too bad you were related, because you'd make a perfect couple. Aside from that, just Jeanie, Freja and the Kjaer family."

"Best to keep the circle tight initially, I guess," Alexa agreed. "We'll be back tomorrow."

Mom wiped at a tear in the corner of her eye. "It'll be so nice to have you back, little sister, where you belong."

Alexa choked back a small sab and smiled, her own eyes glistening. "It'll be wonderful to be back with my crazy little family, there's nothing I want more. But, speaking of... where is everyone? It's suspiciously quiet there. Just you and Leonard Cohen?"

Mom smirked. "Well, Freja and Jeanie joined us at karaoke and started drinking Helen Kellers with Michael."

"Oh, shit!" I laughed.

"What're Helen Kellers?" Alexa asked.

"Shots from Hell," mom explained. "One half absinthe and one half Bacardi One-Fifty-One. A couple of those and you're blind, deaf and you can't speak coherently."

"Jeebus," my aunt muttered. "Jeanie would be flat on her back after one of those."

"She had three," mom said dryly. "And Freja had four before she fell over. They're probably out of commission for the day."

"And Michael?"

"He must've had twenty of them," mom sighed. "People kept buying them for him, fascinated by watching him drink and keep singing. He's upstairs nursing a hangover that would make JFK wince."

I was shaking my head while Alexa was snickering mightily. "Oh dear. Is he gonna be alright?"

"Well, he probably wishes he was dead, but it takes a lot more than Helen Kellers to kill that mastodon," pointed out my mother. "He'll eventually get up, eat everything in the damn house because he's ravenous..."

"Including you?" Alexa teased.

"Wouldn't you like to know," mom said blithely, waving the question off. "In any event, I'll go shopping and restock before you get back. Where should we meet you? At the airport, or should we wait here at the house?"

"Meet us at the house," I chimed in. "If we've learned anything from visit, it's that Alexa's meetings at airports involve impact trauma."

"The husband has spoken," Alexa said cheerfully. "We'll see you at the house."

Mom nodded. "Bien. We'll send a limo to pick you up. Just message me your ETA once you know it."

A few more pleasantries and tears and then Alexa ended the call. She turned to me and smiled, wiping at her eye. "So? What's our final night in Paris gonna be like? We haven't even scratched the surface, really."

I grinned. "Let's get you an elegant dress, I'll get a suit, and we'll go to a really good restaurant. After that, I saw something about an orchestra holding a nighttime concert playing Berlioz."

I love Berlioz..." Alexa breathed, enchanted with the notion. "And then, you'll bring me back here and make passionate love to me?"

I nodded. "The most beautiful and wonderful woman on earth deserves no less."

Alexa threw herself against me, tackling me to the bed. It occurred to me as she tore my clothes off that the plans we'd laid out might in jeopardy suddenly.


The evening had been perfection. Alexa's dress had been a stunning royal blue, accented with silver. She'd looked divine. After dinner at an elegant restaurant, we gone to the park and listened to Berlioz. I'd spent most of the time subtly watching her, falling more and more in love with each passing moment.

We lay now in a tangle of sheets, breathing heavily after our lovemaking. We both stared at the baroque ceiling, clasping hands. We were utterly spent.

"What do you think our children'll be like?" she asked quietly.

It was kind of a loaded question, given how we were blood-related, but I didn't quip. I smiled and squeezed her hand. "Beautiful like you. Probably my goofy sense of humour."

"You think they'll be alright?"

"The rate of passing on congenital defects in avunculate childbirth is comparatively low," I mused. "And none of our families have any real horrible genetic defects, excepting occasional tinge of alcoholism in the Gordons and Blackwells, right? Besides, now that mom and dad are on board, they'll be all over it when you did get pregnant. Dad'll somehow borrow a CRISPR contraption and edit out any difficulties."

She giggled. "I can actually see that. I can't wait to have your children, Alex. Until I fell in love with you, I wasn't terribly committed to the idea of kids. Now I can't imagine life without them."

"Makes two of us," I agreed. "Just don't have 'em too quickly, I'm looking forward to trying endless times to knock you up."

"Then get to work, buster..." she said as she rolled on top of me.


We were sitting in the limo as it took us home. Alexa was holding my hand, but I could tell she was fit to burst with anticipation. Her knee was bouncing subtly, and she was staring out the window, saying nothing. I smiled to myself and just let her muse. She had a lot to adjust to. As for me, I felt like my life was just beginning.

We pulled up to the house and my family was waiting outside- mom, dad, Freja, Jeanie, even the Stevensons. Alexa was trembling as we headed up the walkway. I could tell she wanted to run, but she held my hand and took her time. Then she was hugging mom, the two of them crying while dad embraced them both. Freja and Jeanie were next, welcoming her home between sobs.

We all walked inside, babbling excitedly about plans- marriage, university, children...

There was still so much to do. But life was complete.


Author's Notes: A little hiatus for Alex and Alexa now. I'll pick it up again in the new year. The next story is already planned pretty much, at least from a framework point of view. Now it just needs a good fleshing out. It's entirely possible the story after that is planned too. We'll see.

The end is rather short and sweet. I did it that way on purpose. I could've kept going and going, but that'd just eat into the next storyline, which I have no intention of doing. Don't bother with tantrum reviews or comments about it being short, it was intentional, and you're not a literature scholar.

This was a feel-good chapter. Some sex and some comedy, but mostly it was just about giving our protagonists the opportunity to be in love with no worries whatsoever. I think we can all agree they deserve it after everything they've been through. As promised, this is the 'Christmas' chapter, even though it's summer.

You probably guessed already, but a lot of the dialogue was meant to just set up or hint at events in upcoming chapters in the next arcs. If dialogue makes you cry, I'm sure I've got some butthurt forms here for you somewhere. Fill 'em out and then I'll put them in the KMA file folder. Sound like a plan?

Sorry to regular and sane readers if I seem a little salty or snide in these Author's Notes on occasion, but morons are leaving PMs and reviews constantly that make a brain with two functioning lobes hurt. Just know said jibes are not directed at you, just the knuckle-draggers.

Alex writing erotic fiction about Space Battleship Yamato is not foreshadowing any projects I have in the works. Nope. None whatsoever.

*gets hit in the back of the head with the Dildo of Truth*

Shit. Okay, maybe I'm working on that.

I've really gotta get to My Naughty Neighbour next, I'm getting an average of seven PM's a day asking me when the next chapter will be ready. And the answer is... shortly. With any luck, before the end of the year. If not, just shortly after. Getting Alex and Alexa squared away became necessary, interfering with my regular publishing schedule.

I'm submitting this for publication on the 20th, thinking some extra time might be necessary because of the holidays, but if it shows up a day or two early, my apologies for not nailing the Christmas date right on the head.

2018 will see a few new projects take form as I wrap up some current ones. No, you may not ask which ones they are. It's tough being an idea hamster, ya know.

In any event, Merry Christmas/Happy Festivus/whatever speaks to you. Time for me to go and putter around on the bridge of a starship.

Keep your stick on the ice!


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The author would appreciate your feedback.
Smartest1Smartest110 months ago

Nice ending.

Only one remark, in conjunction with the one I made with regard to Alex's punishment by Karen re his bishop prank: a church wedding is not legal, too. It's the official registration that makes a marriage.

Besides: you realize, I hope, that it's precisely religion that's the cause of this problem between 2 in love.

Otherwise, still a marvelous story. Well written.

lovedefactolovedefacto12 months ago

You are a gifted writer and definitely in my top 5! However, I have one huge disagreement with your style: PLEASE do not write in foreign languages if you also don't provide the English equivalent! It just takes away to much from the story! In all good conscience I can't decrease your score from 5 stars because of how good these stories truly are.

MissJeaneMissJeaneabout 1 year ago

I just wanted to take a minute and tell you how much I enjoyed reading the story of Alex and Alexa's love for one another.

It was not the ordinary love story but a love nonetheless!

As the saying goes "You Love Who You Love"

Thank You for taking the time out of your busy schedule to write it.

RicubRicubover 1 year ago

One of the best storeys I've read really enjoyed it ,I couldn't wait to get to the end to if everything worked out for them but on the other hand I didn't want to get to the end because the story would be over . I'm off now to read Mike and Karen .please don't stop writing.

budson1budson1over 1 year ago

Best love/incest story I’ve read to date!

Thank you! I very much enjoyed!

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