Alien Prison Ch. 05


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"I like consistency," Drak explained upon seeing my reaction. "Oh, wait, I should add a clause to that, I like consistency everywhere, except in bed."

My body burst out in a blush as at that exact moment Tamac and Mar walked into the room.

"Ooooooh, I think that we should give them a few more minutes alone," Tamac 'whispered' to Mar, loud enough for both Drak and me to hear.

"What! We have to leave? But I love free shows. Don't you want to see Te's cute little ass being plowed by Drak's massive di-." Mar was cut off by Tamac clamping his hand over Mar's mouth. I was sure that my entire body was bright red by that point in time.

"Give the kid a chance to absorb everything before you start teasing him why don't you?" Tamac hissed to Mar.

Mar pulled Tamac's hand off of his mouth, "Oh, I'll give him a chance to absorb everything, alright. I mean, don't want a drop of come to spill out of his tight little hole. A few minutes should be enough time for his body to absorb the come that is pumped into his body."

"MAR!!!!" Tamac and Drak said simultaneously.

My face was burning with embarrassment but I couldn't help myself and started to laugh hysterically. I mean really, the looks on their faces was priceless.

Mar was looking satisfied with himself for having said it but he was trying to pretend to be confused as to why Drak and Tamac had yelled at him.

Tamac, on the other hand did not appear to be so amused. His face was slightly red from listening to everything that Mar said. His face was contorted between embarrassment and anger at what Mar had just said.

Drak was another story altogether. At first he had been amused, then he was slightly aroused, and finally he was a little angry. Not really with Mar or Tamac, but more so it seemed with himself for becoming aroused.

All three of them looked at me as I started crying from laughing too hard.

"You should, haha, have seen, haha, the looks on your, haha, faces." I was literally rolling on the floor by this point. All of the looks of confusion melted away and gave birth to looks of amusement.

"Okay that's it little boy, you are going down." Mar's eyes glinted as he stalked towards me.

I yelped as he suddenly picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. Tamac and Drak were laughing as Mar walked with me out of the room.

I was still struggling against Mar when the scent of food greeted my senses. My mouth started watering from the smell and I stopped struggling.

"Oh, I see that someone likes to be dominated a little bit." Mar said with a sexy edge to his voice.

"Shut up, Mar. I find food more appealing than you right now is all." I stuck my tongue out at him. This was a difficult task considering the fact that my face was at his navel because he was still carrying me.

"So does that mean that you will be interested in what I have to offer later?" Mar asked while putting me down.

"Sorry, Mar, but you aren't really my type." I ducked behind Drak while saying this.

"You do realize that there will be a point at which you won't be connected to Drak's side. Right?" Crap, Mar had an evil glint in his eyes.

"Um, Mar, what are you planning?"

"That's for me to know and for you to find out when I feel like telling you. Which is not right now." Well, darn it.

My attention was diverted from Mar by the large number of men, and by the size of the men. Many of them appeared to be from the warriors in IGP1.

"Te, these men were also pretending to be criminals." Drak explained. "They were meant to protect me while I was researching a criminal that has been plaguing our solar system with illegal drugs, weapons, and sex trafficking."

"Oh, ok," I brushed off his words the second that I spotted the large amount of food on the opposite side of the room.

I dashed from Drak's side towards the table. I ducked under arms and between people in my dash for the food. Arms encircled my waist when I had almost reached the table.

I tipped my head back to see who was holding me. As I did I noticed a warm smell. It was the warm comforting smell of a small campfire.

Once my head was back I could see Mar's face. He had a stupid smirk on his face. He was smirking like he had won.

All of a sudden I realized why he was smirking. The men that had been milling around started moving towards the table of food.

I was so hungry.

"Mar, let him go. He used up a lot of energy when he transformed. It was bad enough that he slept for two days. I don't think that Drak would appreciate his mate being incapacitated even longer." A tall, broad male came up to the side of Mar. His pale red, pretty much pale pink, hair reached his shoulders. His skin was the palest peach color that it could be without being white.

"Hello Boe." Mar said, relaxing his grip on me a little but stiffening his posture. "I wasn't expecting to see you here." Mar had a weird look on his face.

"Mar, who is this?" I whispered.

"Hello, Te'erri. I am Boe Bure. I am chief of guards on Reitō No Wakusei. It is a pleasure to see you again." His face had softened while talking to me.

I liked him for some unknown reason, but how he had spoken to Mar was not nice.

"Hi, I don't know who Te'erri is. My name is Terry. Or at least that is what I remember it being, so please call me that or Te. I would prefer Te. And please speak better to Mar. He has taken care of me very well." I tried to take on a stern tone of voice.

Mar's arms tightened slightly around my waist.

Boe smiled a smile that I didn't think a man like him could have smiled. "As you wish Prince Te'er-, Prince Te." I felt myself smile at the fact that he was making an effort.

As Boe walked away, Tamac came up to us and looked Mar in the eyes. It seemed like something passed between them before Tamac smiled at me.

"Go eat, Te. You must be starving." Almost on cue my stomach growled with a vengeance.

Mar let go of my waist and I stumbled towards the table. My mouth started watering again.

There was all of my favorite food plus others that I was more than willing to try at this point. I picked up a big plate and proceeded to start at the beginning.

First I put sushi, a hamburger, and a salad on my plate. Then I sat my plate down on a side table. I went back to the food table and went towards the desserts. I piled my plate high with monster cookies, big chocolate brownies, and warm chocolate cake topped with vanilla ice cream and hot fudge.

I knew that I would be starting with dessert. I went back to where I set my other plate down and picked it up. I looked around for a bit before I saw Mar flagging me down.

I broke out in a smile upon seeing his face. For some reason I suddenly got an image in my head of a blond boy with red streaks in his hair.

'Weird.' I thought to myself. 'Oh well, it was probably nothing.'

I tried to shrug off the image but it stuck in the back of my mind, especially the sad blue eyes.

I went and sat down by Mar, Tamac, and Drak, and pretty much inhaled my food. I was still hungry so I went back for more.

"Why am I so freaking hungry?" I managed to ask the three men who were being amused by my appetite.

"You were asleep for two days, little one. The transformation took a lot out of you. You needed time to recover. Of course you need food to recover too, but you were unable to eat while you were asleep." Drak explained as he pulled me closer.

I almost dropped the warm monster cookie that I was eating.

I turned towards Drak, "Couldn't you have given me something intravenously?"

"We didn't know if the climate or atmosphere on Earth affected your body in any way that would have prevented that treatment. Plus we don't stick things into veins." Drak told me, "We gave you medical drinks. They gave you enough nutrition to stay alive but they don't satisfy hunger."

"Oh, okay," I was smart enough to understand that.

I moved to eat the monster cookie that was in my hand when I realized it was gone. Sadly, I realized that it was gone after I had bitten my finger.

I looked at my throbbing empty hand. Then a thought struck me and I looked up towards Mar.

"What? Is something wrong?" he asked.

"Yeah, the facts that I am missing a monster cookie and YOU have chocolate on your face."

"Oops," Mar shot up cleaning his face off with his sleeve and ran away from the table.

I was out of my seat before he was too far away and ran after him. I barely noticed the group of people in white in the corner watching us. I wasn't too concerned with them at the moment as I watched Mar's back disappear out the doorway.

I pushed open the doors that he had just opened when my other side started talking to me. I could see Mar about half the way down the long, wide open, newly waxed hallway.

You know what would be a ton of fun? my other side asked. Going skating in the hall.

That would actually be a lot of fun, I thought back. I closed my eyes and pretended that the hall floor was covered in ice and that I was just gliding over the surface. I opened my eyes and realized that it was real. I was really gliding on ice and not on a waxed surface.

I felt my adrenaline pumping as I felt myself gaining on Mar, who at this point was still trying to get back up after slipping on the ice.

I skated up to Mar and gently tipped him over again. I then remembered a movie that I had watched once where someone became stuck in quick sand up to the waist. I was still thinking about how the person couldn't move there lower body at all when I saw that Mar's legs were both trapped in ice. Am I controlling the ice by simply imagining it? I decided to test my theory out on Mar.

"Did you eat my cookie, Mar?" When he didn't answer I imagined that the ice was a little higher on his body.

"Mar, I'll ask you again. Did you eat my cookie?" He nodded his head ever so slightly.

"Are you sorry?" Again, he didn't answer. Once again, the ice rose further. By now it was up to his shoulders.

"You get one more chance before you become a cute hallway decoration. Are you sorry for eating my cookie?"

"Yes, I guess." By his tone it was obvious that he wasn't but I was laughing too hard to care.

I thought of the ice melting and cracking away from his body. Once he was completely free he tackled me to the ground while I was still laughing.

"Nothing like overreacting, huh?" Mar asked me with a glint in his eyes. I could only shrug my shoulders as I was still being racked by laughter.

Drak and Tamac had come up beside us at some point and were trying to contain their laughter. I turned to look at them and had my breath knocked out of me.

The scent of the ocean assaulted my nostrils and I slipped out from underneath Mar and practically flew into Drak's arms.

His beautiful blue eyes had sparks of green flowing through them. That just made me want to make them totally green.

I had figured out that his blue eyes were his calm and collected eyes. Dark or black eyes were his angry eyes. Finally, Drak's gorgeous emerald green eyes showed when he was horny.

I wanted Drak. And I wanted him as soon as I could have him. I thought would burst if he didn't get inside of me right away.

"Um, we'll catch up with you guys later," Drak told Tamac and Mar. "We are going to go and rest awhile.'

"Is that what they are calling it these days?" I heard Mar say to Tamac.

Drak pulled me into his arms and rushed to our room. The door swooshed open and closed behind us. He set me down on the bed and I pulled his face to mine.

I crushed my lips to his. His fingers worked at the buttons on my shirt as my fingers went toward his belt.

I finally got his belt unbuckled by the time that I needed to breath. I looked up into emerald green eyes that set my body on fire even more. I was beginning to have my doubts that Drak was really from a water world with how often it felt like my body was going to burn up.

Drak brought his mouth back over mine and thrust his elongated tongue into my wanting mouth. I relaxed my throat and it slid all the way in.

I started moaning because as Drak had begun thrusting his tongue into my mouth he sent mental pictures of himself thrusting into a different place on my body. I almost came right then and here.

"Nu uh, my little prince. We are going to take this nice and slow." Drak said as he pulled his tongue out of my mouth and finished undressing himself.

He told me to stand up and when I did he took my place on the bed.

"Now, strip, babe." His voice had dropped into his deep sexy rumble again. He hit a button on a remote that I hadn't even noticed and music started playing.

I started swaying my hips to the beat and turned around so that my butt was towards him. I bent low, slowly, towards the ground to untie one of my shoes.

I looked at Drak between my legs and saw him lick his lips. I stepped out of my shoes and socks and went to work on my blue silk pants.

I slowly unbuttoned them while still swaying my hips. I backed up to Drak so that I was close while still being just out of reach. I ever so slowly slid the clingy material down my curves and to the floor.

I turned around just in time to see arms extend towards me and pull me back down on the bed.

"I was going to go nice and slow, however, that show just now made that impossible." Drak's voice was now raspy with his lust.

Drak moved us into a 69 position with me on top. I liked this way, but I felt it put me in control too much. I liked making him lose his mind and thrust into my mouth with no place for my head to go except further into the bed.

I made him flip us over and started taking his manhood deep into my mouth and throat. I took him all the way until my nose was firmly embedded in his groin and then I pulled my head back to start going back down again.

While I was doing this, Drak had wetted one finger and pushed it into my entrance and was sucking my cock like a master. Neither one of us lasted long and soon I was tasting Drak's sweet flavor.

He swallowed all that I had to give him. He turned around and let me taste myself. Combined our tastes, tasted like candy, kind of like salt water taffy.

I laid my head down on Drak's chest and drifted off to sleep.

When I opened my eyes I saw a small boy with brown hair that had blond highlights in it and he had dark brown eyes. He was standing across from a larger boy who had blond hair with red highlights and pale blue eyes.

I moved closer to them so that I could hear what they were saying.

"-come live with me." The smaller boy with brown hair had just said. "You could even work for me if you wanted to.'

"I don't think that they would want someone like me working in the castle." The red haired boy said.

"What, oh you mean someone who just saved my life. I think that they would be okay with having you work there. Hey, maybe you could be like my personal body guard!!" The brown haired boy became excited as this new idea came to him.

"You just don't get it do you, Te? I'm an outcast from Porwtysl, the fire planet. My people and your people are enemies. Fire and ice just don't mix!" the blond one said.

"Marshmallow!" the blond one flinched at that name, "Did you know that if fire and ice do mix the reaction is explosive. That doesn't have to be in a bad way. Please. I don't want you to die." The small brown haired one had started to cry.

Oh, shit. I thought to myself. I-I think that this is my past with Mar.

I woke up with a start. I was alone in bed. Drak had left a note that he was in the gym with Tamac and Mar.

Was that dream real? I wondered. Only one way to find out, I decided.

I got up, cleaned up, and put some new clothes on before heading out to the gym.

I walked inside the gym and spotted Mar running on the treadmill. I went up beside him and made sure he saw me. He looked over and smiled.

"How is your run going, Marshmallow?" Mar stumbled on the treadmill and almost fell flat on his face. He had tears in his eyes when he finally got off the treadmill.

"You-you remembered!" Mar said as he crushed me in a hug.

I was extremely content with the way my life was going. I had re-found a best friend, met my soul mate again, and my abusive ex-boyfriend was dead. Everything was perfect.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw a flicker of white go around a corner and felt that for a brief second my heart had been whole. Huh, that's weird I thought to myself.

My thinking was cut short by Mar pulling me towards the locker room. "I think that you should wait for me to get cleaned up and then we can go and get something to eat." Mar told me as he started to get undressed.

"Okay, go shower, you stink." I pinched my nose and pretended that he stunk. For that he hit me on the shoulder and walked towards the shower room.

Off in the distance I thought that I heard a hiss. But I just waved it off. I mean, after all, Blake was dead.

To be continued........


Please continue to vote and comment. It makes me very happy to see that people are taking an interest in my story. I usually write faster if I see that people are reading.

Lots of Love,

CassieJo <3

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OU_CHAN2008OU_CHAN2008over 1 year ago

One of the best gay stories I've ever read!. You might not see this but please continue!

Sassybutterfly99Sassybutterfly99over 2 years ago

Oh noooooo please write more. I need to find out what the white person was !!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Love your story!

Such a great read, however I am a little frustrated!!! I want dark to plow Te!!!!!! 😈

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Long shot

It's been years since this was written and the author may not even check this site but please continue this story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Please, please don't leave us hanging.

Oh, my gosh. I would pay money for this story and I am usually the type to go only for the free books on my Kindle. Masterful story telling and to hint at this all just being a dream. NO!!! Don't leave us hanging and please reassure us he gets his happy ending! Please, please return to this story!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

It's a shame this wasn't continued. It's better than some stories I've paid for.

baikalisanbaikalisanover 9 years ago
Will there ever be more

To this ? It's been several years since a post was updated. I'm sorry to see another story go unfinished. Hope All is well in your life

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Ummm that was amazing but is that it ? I wanna finish reading the story so bad!

Finish it !finish the story!:3

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Fantastic! This is a great story. I can't wait for more.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

this is really good :-) please write more soon.

lonleylucaslonleylucasabout 11 years ago


madox664madox664almost 12 years ago

Please have more soon:D

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

Please continue this story. Dying to know whether Cobra is going to make a reappearance

flowergurl17flowergurl17almost 12 years ago

Please more so impatient

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