All About Simon


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It was a constant battle over their early 20's. Hallie tried to avoid Simon as much as she could. She missed him so much. Simon missed his sister but figured she was ignoring him because she was still with Chris.

They both finished college; Hallie got a degree in education and Simon was going for law school. The years were passing by too quickly it seemed. Simon still thought about Hallie and her incredible kiss. Hallie still yearned to be with Simon but had to live with the fact that she could never have him.

No hard feelings between the step siblings until Hallie announced she was engaged to Chris. It was like he got stabbed in the heart. Simon knew he should be happy for his sister but instead, he was furious!

"What do you mean she's engaged? Isn't she a bit young for thinking about marriage?" Simon asked Jane. He was home for the summer before beginning law school.

Jane giggled. "Sweetie, she's 24 years old. She's not exactly a kid you know."

"Chris is a fine young man. He works for the police force and so does his father." Sam added.

Simon couldn't believe his parents were agreeing to this marriage. Why had they been so set in keeping him apart from Hallie and content with her marrying Chris. Chris had no personality. So what if he was a cop?

"When are they getting married?" Simon was almost afraid to ask.

Jane shrugged. "I don't know. She just announced her engagement."

Simon paced the room. Hallie was living with Chris now and had been living with him for several months. He wished for a moment that he could go upstairs and see her in her room. He needed to talk to her.

"They're coming over for dinner by the way in case you're wondering," Jane said eyeing Simon's reaction.

Simon kept his cool. "Well...good. I mean I haven't seen Hallie in a while so...yeah I'll get to congratulate her." He hoped he could get some alone time with Hallie. He just wanted to make sure she knew what she was doing. He wanted to make sure she didn't love him anymore, at least not in a romantic kind of way.

Hallie arrived with her new fiancé. Chris held Hallie's hand as they walked in. Hallie looked angelic in her spaghetti strap soft green summer dress. Her hair had gotten longer and her body had a nice curve to it.

"Hallie," Simon was the first to greet her at the door. Hallie's smile faded some. Why did Simon have to be home? Why couldn't he have been out?

"Hey Simon," Hallie hugged her brother. She felt his hold tight and warm. She felt weak in the knees.

"How are you?" Hallie said quickly pulling herself away from her brother's hold.

"I'm pretty good. Start law school in September. So this is my last summer to enjoy freedom."

He stared at Hallie and Hallie only looked down at the floor. "Hey Chris," Simon said casually.

"Hey man, good to hear you going to law school. We need good lawyers," Chris was trying too hard to be polite it seemed.

"Well come on in. Dinner should be ready soon. Mom and dad are in the kitchen." Simon let the couple in and closed the door. He followed them watching the way Hallie's body moved so sexy.

At dinner Hallie seemed distant. She hardly ate. She spent most of the time playing with her food while Chris and Sam talked about the police force and the current crimes. Jane noticed her children silent. She wanted to talk to Hallie for a while now. She could see the way Hallie would look at Chris, was nothing the way she glowed when she looked at Simon.

After an agonizing and uncomfortable dinner, Sam and Chris continued talking about police matters. Simon headed off to the living room to watch some TV and Hallie and Jane were up in Hallie's old room talking about Hallie's latest engagement.

"Have you set a date yet?" Jane asked.

Hallie sat on the bed with her mother. "Um no, not yet. Maybe next summer I suppose."

"Does he treat you good?" Jane asked curiously.

Hallie nodded. "Of course. He's...he's very good to me."

"You love him?"

Hallie gave her mother a puzzled look. "Of course I do mom! How could you ask me that? I mean I did get engaged to him. I'm willing to marry him!"

Jane wasn't so sure about that. "Ok, just asking. I mean I know you strongly you felt about a certain someone..."

Hallie sighed. She got up and paced the room. "I remember too. I'm over it ok?"

Jane smiled sadly. "Are you sure?"

Hallie stopped pacing. "What difference does it make? You and dad would have a fit if I did anything about pursuing my true love!"

Jane stood up and hugged her daughter. "I know sweetie. I'm sorry. I just want to make sure you're going to marry Chris because you love him not just to escape Simon."

Hallie broke her mother's hold. "I'm not escaping. I'm just moving on. That's all I can do right?"

Guilt washed over Jane but there was nothing she could do about it. How could she just say it was ok for Hallie to love her own stepbrother? Wouldn't she be a bad parent?

"Well, as long as you are happy...." Jane's voice trailed off. She knew Hallie wasn't happy.

Hallie faked a smile. "I'm fine mom. I really am. You'll see, I'll be...ok."

Jane could only hope that would be true.

* * *

Hallie came out of her room and was about to head downstairs when she bumped into Simon in the hallway.

"So congrats on your engagement," Simon tried to sound happy for her.

She had a blank expression. "Thanks. How are things with you?"

"Ok I guess. I miss you. I mean you never call me or at least email me. I like to know what my sis is up to."

Hallie blushed. "I know. I'm sorry. I'll try to write to you at least. I know you'll be busy with law school-"

"Hey," Simon said gently putting his hand on her shoulder. "I always make time for my sis."

Hallie looked up at him. She knew the feelings were still there. Stronger than ever She moved away slowly so his hand would fall from her shoulder. "Well...I better go. Chris is probably waiting for me."

Simon looked disappointed. "Yeah, ok. Well don't forget to call me or write me."

She nodded and walked away. She was breathless by the time she got downstairs. She felt dizzy, she felt scared. She was still madly in love with Simon.

* * *

Simon's first year of law school had been hectic, but he'd managed to pull off good grades. He had yet to hear from Hallie. She'd promised she'd at least write but no word from her. He'd tried phoning her a few times but no luck. It always routed to voicemail. He never left a message. He figured what was the point? Maybe she was busy planning her wedding. He then realized it had been ages since he last had a girlfriend. It seemed after the kiss Hallie gave him, somehow made him forget about other women. Well, she wasn't calling him or trying to keep in touch. He might as well go out and find a lady to spend the lonely nights with right?

* * *

She had picked up the phone several times but never dared to call him. She wanted to hear his voice and let it caress her body as he spoke. The longer she stayed away, the better. She was afraid if she spoke to him or saw him anytime soon, she'd lose it. She had to stay strong.

* * *

A year went by so quickly. Hallie still hadn't set a wedding date. Chris seemed impatient. She'd told him she wanted to wait until summer, well summer was already here. Then she said she wanted to wait until fall. Chris was growing tense by the minute. Not only was she holding off on the wedding, she wasn't even having sex with him! She'd told him she is one of those girls who wants sex until marriage.

She had a feeling he was messing around but didn't really care. It seemed she felt empty inside no matter what. Nothing nourished her anymore. She might as well have been dead.

Jane went to visit her one afternoon and noticed she time she visited her daughter, that Hallie seemed more and more distant. Jane was beginning to worry about her.

"You sure you ok?" Jane asked her daughter for the fifth time.

Hallie shrugged. "I'm fine mom. Really. I am."

Jane sat next to her daughter at the kitchen table. They were sipping raspberry tea. "So no wedding date yet huh?"

Hallie nodded. "No. I might let this just be a long engagement. A lot of people do that."

Jane bit her lower lip. She knew something was not right. "Simon has finally found a nice girl to be with. I don't know about marrying her, but he brought her home during spring break. She seems sweet."

Hallie narrowed her eyes. "Why are you telling me this? So I can hurry up and get married and Simon will move on and marry someone else. Then you can have "normal" grandchildren? Is that what you want?" Furious with her mother Hallie got up and went to put her teacup in the sink. She let her hands rest on the counter top before she turned to face her mother again.

Jane felt tears form in her eyes. "Hallie...I-I...I don't know what to say. Maybe there is some truth to what you said but honestly, I want you to be happy. I really do. I know I can't do anything to make you stop loving him."

"That's right, you can't. You or anyone else. It's just how I feel. I can't control it. I've tried mom. I really have, for the family's sake and for Simon." She began to cry. She didn't want to cry, but she couldn't help it.

Jane got up and walked over to her daughter. She hugged her tight. "I hate seeing you this way. What can I do to make you happy? Anything! Tell me. Fuck the family sake. If you love Simon that much...I-I can't stop you."

Hallie held her mother and felt like a child again. She felt like that child that fell in love and never grew out of it. "I need to tell Simon how much I love him. If he doesn't reciprocate, then at least I'll know. I'll be satisfied just telling him."

Jane broke their hold and wiped her daughter's tears. "What if...what if he DOES reciprocate?"

Hallie smiled for the first time in a long time. "Then I'll be the happiest woman alive."

* * *

"Are you crazy? You want to let her do that?" Sam asked Jane later that night. He was appalled that his wife would even consider letting their children unite as lovers.

"Sam, as much as I didn't want to, I couldn't go on seeing Hallie be so miserable. I love my daughter."

Sam ran his fingers through his hair. Work had been bad enough and now this. "I love her too Jane. I love her as if she was my own daughter and actually I DO consider her to my by own. It's just that this isn't right!"

Jane crossed her arms. "Who says it isn't' right?"

Sam sighed. "Society! Who else?"

Jane looked upset. "So because society is brainwashed with what's right and what's wrong, my daughter can't be happy?"

"Would you quit calling her YOUR daughter? She's my daughter too! And yes I want her to be happy. It's just..." his voice trailed off for a moment. "It's just what if Simon doesn't feel the same way?"

Jane looked away. "Then she'll know. She needs to know."

Sam stared at his wife through the mirror of their dresser. "What if he DOES feel the same way?"

Jane remembered what Hallie had said. "Then she'll be the happiest woman alive and we'll have children who really love their in-laws."

Sam couldn't help but chuckle. "Yeah...I suppose that's one way to look at it." He hoped they were doing the right thing.

* * *

Simon received the message from his mother. He was to come home for the weekend because they had something important to tell him. They ordered not to bring his girlfriend, which he found a bit rude.

He feared they were announcing Hallie's wedding date or maybe it was her wedding that was happening that weekend.

He arrived as the sun was setting. The door was locked but luckily had had the key. It seemed no one was home. The house was dark. "Hello?" He called out. Mom? Dad?" It wasn't his birthday so it couldn't be a surprise party.

Just then, he saw a light go on. Hallie was standing by the kitchen. She eyed him.

"Hallie?" He asked, still confused.

She smiled sweetly at him. "Hi."

"Hey. I got this message from mom and dad-"

"I need to talk to you," she cut him off.

Simon put down his overnight bag on the couch. "Ok. So what's going on?"

"I need to tell you something."

He stood back waiting to hear the worse. Was she pregnant?

"I need to tell you that I love you. I love you the way any woman would love a man she wants to be with. That kind of love."

Simon's heart began to pound. It felt like a dream. He was speechless.

Hallie searched his face. "Simon?"

He felt his hands begin to shake. "Yeah. Uh...I don't know what to say."

"Say what you feel," Hallie whispered.

Simon felt as if he couldn't breathe. "I uh...I-I..." He began to choke up.

Hallie got closer to him. "Tell me."

Simon could feel the warmth she carried as she stood only a few inches away from him. "I love my sister."

Hallie's smile faded. She remained calm. "I see," she said sadly.

Simon inched closer to her. "I didn't finish yet."

Hallie looked up at the love of her life. He put one hand on her face. She closed her eyes for a second and opened them to meet with his. "I'm sorry. I'll let you finish."

"I love you as my sister...and much more. I've loved you since you kissed me that one time. I never forgot your kiss Hallie"

Hallie gulped. "Really?"

"Yes. I love you the way a man loves a wife. Yeah I said it. I love you that way."

Hallie put her arms around him. "I love you so much! I've loved you since I first saw you. You remember that?"

He held her tight. "I do. And I remember feeling your love for me when you hugged me. Sorry I got all stirred up about that."

She smiled and reached up to kiss him softly. "I hope I don't scare you anymore."

"You don't but what about mom and dad?"

"They are the ones who set this up. I needed to know how you felt. I couldn't go on living my life with someone I didn't love. Could you?"

"I guess not. I just figured it was dangerous to love you because of the family situation."

"It was dangerous, now it's forgivable. Mom and dad want us to be happy. They know I'll only be happy with you."

"We have great parents. I'm glad they met. I'm glad you are in my life."

She kissed him again, this time the soft kiss turned into a long, wet kiss. He was reliving the hottest kiss he'd ever experienced once again.

* * *

"You are absolutely beautiful," Simon muttered in between kisses. The siblings laid naked on Simon's old bed. They touched each other feeling every inch of skin.

Simon kissed his sister's lips, neck, breasts and tummy. He spread her legs, began to taste her. Hallie had never felt anything as intense as her brother's tongue teasing her pussy. He flicked his tongue fast on her clit for a few seconds then sucked on it. She squirmed on the bed touching her own breasts.

"Mmmm! Yes! Taste me! That feels soooo good! Oh Simon!" Hallie wailed out sweetly.

He loved the way she tasted, so pure. He put his tongue inside of her moving it around trying to taste her from inside. Her body rose slightly off the bed and she began to tremble.

"Ooh! Mmmm! Simon! I'm cumming!" Her voice was shaky as she announced her orgasm.

Simon tasted a surge of juices that flowed out of her pussy. She tasted so sweet! He lapped up her honey before he made his way up and kissed her hard so she could taste herself on his tongue.

Hallie moaned into his kiss. She tasted her own nectar on his tongue as he pressed it against hers.

"Make love to me. I've waited for you."

Simon kissed her neck and breasts. "You have huh?"

She nodded. He positioned himself between her legs. He leaned into her while his cock slowly began to penetrate her pussy. Hallie moaned softly. Moans of pain, of pleasure mixed together. It took a while until Simon got his cock all the way up inside of her. He held her legs spread open. He began to move gently. She was tight and wet. Her heat wrapped around his cock while he pumped in and out of her gradually picking up his speed.

They kissed passionately, moaned sweet words and anticipated their climax. Simon had never had raw sex. Unprotected, sweet raw sex with anyone. This felt so different, so right. He would never want anyone else. Hallie was his drug and he was addicted instantly. From the moment she hugged him to the moment she kissed him and now giving herself to him. He was in love indeed!

Hallie had dreamed of this moment. She'd fantasized about this moment many times late at night in her bed, touching herself calling out Simon's name. She'd imagine his touch all over her body, his tongue against hers and his sperm filling her womb.

"You feel so good! I love you, so, so, so much!" Hallie cooed.

Simon moved faster. Every word she told him only turned him on more. "I love you Hallie. I love you. I love you." he was breathless. He was growing weak.

Hallie wrapped her legs around his waist. She pulled him down and kissed him hard. Murmured moans were audible. Simon could feel her body tense up. Her pussy closed tightly around his cock and she began to cum. She trembled beautifully. He broke their kiss and heard her moan his name along with sweet feminine girly moans of pleasure.

His cock jerked hard a moment later. He hadn't wanted to cum just yet. Too late. He was planting his seed inside of her. A gush of hot cum filled her pussy. When he pulled out some cum spilled out of her pussy dripped down her thighs.

Simon kissed her. Their breathless kiss was intense. Hallie closed her legs making sure no more of her brother's seed seeped out of her. She loved how it felt so warm flowing inside of her.

"Hallie, you are amazing," Simon whispered in her ear.

She lay next to him placing her head on his chest. He stroked her hair. Her heart was still pounding just as it had the first time she ever laid eyes on him. Just like it always would even as the years went on. She'd never love anyone like the way she loved Simon, her brother, her lover, the love of her life.

* * *

Simon helped Hallie out of the car. Hallie struggled to get out. She could barely move lately. Her belly was huge with two children growing inside of her. She was so close to having twins.

"Thanks sweetheart. I don't know what I'd do without you. Feels like I'm getting fatter every day!"

Simon closed the car door and put his arm around her. He kissed her cheek softly. "You look great to me. Sexy. Very sexy."

"I don't feel sexy," Hallie pouted.

"Well you are."

They walked up to their parent's house. Jane and Sam were waiting for them. Hallie had broken her engagement up and had run off to live with her brother. Simon immediately broke up with his girlfriend and moved Hallie in with him. Law school was going good and Hallie was looking more beautiful each day their children grew in her belly.

Sam and Jane stood by the window watching their children that they loved so much looking radiant and in love.

"Looks like we're going to be grandparents in just a few days. Look at her! She's huge!" Jane said happily.

Sam put his arm around her. "Indeed. I can't wait."

They would have their twins and more children along the way. It was fate or a wonderful creature that had brought them together. They were family, they were in love.

Hallie held on to her husband as they climbed up the steps to the house they grew up in. She felt complete. It was all about Simon. Simon was the only missing link in her life and now he was all hers. Forever and ever.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
Falstaff60Falstaff60about 1 year ago

Always thought is was strange that step-siblings can marry each other legally, unless the step-parent adopts them. I mean, other than a name change, nothing else has, they still share no biological material. Weird.

mrdata9770mrdata9770almost 2 years ago

(6/19/2022) Yes, I also must agree with tiercept of almost two years ago. Both Hallie and Simon acquiesced too easily to their parent's selfish attitude. Still, this story had a well-deserved happily ever after ending. I do enjoy happily ever afters. Sadly, I believe we don’t have enough of them in real life.

123noproblem123noproblemabout 2 years ago

What a lovely story!

Big_Tim99Big_Tim99about 2 years ago

I don't think the love between people with different parents is wrong, no matter who their parents are married to.

If I had had children and lost my wife for whatever reason, if I remarried, I would have no objection if my child from the first marriage loved a child from my second marriage, as long as that child wasn't my blood child.

OlgreyfoxOlgreyfoxover 2 years ago

Thank you so much Jessy for such a wonderful love story. Wonderful just so wonderful

Rancher46Rancher46over 2 years ago

Well written story that had great character development. It is a shame that Jessy19 hasn't published anything her on Lit in over 20 years so I guess no matter what our comments as readers are it won't matter. I still think it's deserving of a 5 star vote.

Motherlessone77Motherlessone77over 2 years ago

this is one of my favs.

Aussie1951Aussie1951almost 3 years ago

Must agree with tiercenpt comments, but still a ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ story

Rancher46Rancher46about 3 years ago

What a beautiful love story. 5+++ Stars

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