All of My Maids are Robots? Pt. 04

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Ra? More like RAWR! Meet Lucy's beefy bodyguard's big dick!
5.5k words

Part 4 of the 14 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 12/11/2020
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I woke up the next morning, yawned, stretched, and screamed so loud that a six foot something Napoleonic Terminator kicked in the door.

Ra was, as ever, an intimidatingly sexy and sexily intimidating piece of machining -- being huge, and tall, and amazonian, and perpetually dressed in a sexy red uniform -- but having her burst in my door with her sword at the ready just made her even hotter. Or should that be and having her bust in the door with her sword at the ready made her even hotter? Either way, she swept her glowing holographic eyes around the room, then frowned, lowering her sword as I blinked at her.

"Young Mistress?" she asked, her voice a husky contralto buzz that went into my brain and started pushing the PLEASE ME STEPPY button. I blushed, hard, and tried to think of the lest silly reason why I had screamed -- or at least, how to phrase it to make me not sound like a total ninny.

"...I haz boobs..." I whispered, pointing at my night gown.

Ra sighed, sheathing her sword, her thumb flicking it from a buzzing reddish hue to the off setting. "Very good, miss."

Right now, my attention was flitting between my breasts, which were...okay, so, you know that thing where male authors write about a girl and they like, go: Wow, my breasts are so firm and jutting, like the nose of propellers right before they get spun up by manly men, with stiff, eager nipples jutting forth proudly into the air, stiff and eager and hard and eager and stiff. And then she stood, languidly stretching her lurid body as she sauntered to the balcony, her hips swaying in time with an erotic beat only she could hear, to lazily smoke a cigarette as the warm and buttery sunlight spread across the whitewashed roofs of Monte Carlo.

That thing?

That was what my own brain was doing.

But it was about my boobs.

So that made it okay and not self indulgent at all., my boobs were just...fucking perfect. I had no idea if they were going to grow more or not...but I was, even now, being pumped with yet more girlmoans from my girlification implant, and who knew how such mystical things functioned in a universe with robot maids. Still, right now, they were just about the size of small apples, and through my comfortably thin nightgown, I could see the tiny bumps of my nipples. I wondered if they were sensitive or if that was just porn writing. Of course, it wasn't like I could just touch my nipples, Ra was standing right there.

"Well, young miss," Ra said, stiffly. "As it appears that you are not under...attack..." She trailed off and I blushed, jerking my hands away from my chest.

My nipples were tingling. Ahhhhhhhhhh!

"...later this morning, I do expect you to arrive for your physical..." Ra paused as I slapped my own hand away from my own breast. "" Ra's eyes narrowed slightly -- and I was noticing that she was wearing tights and her tights...made...

My eyes widened.

The bulge between her thighs made it really clear that she had a bulge. That cock I noticed was redundant due to how I had already noticed she had a cock. I blushed, then coughed, then said: "Wait, physical training?"

"You expressed an interest in my rapier," she said, her voice casual.

My eyes are on her dick right now. I thought.

"And I discussed-" dick sucked "-it with Georgette and she agreed that if you want to learn to handle my blade-" big robot dick "-then you'd have to begin to train, and it would be an excellent combination with your training in the afternoon-" Georgette fucking my brains out "-so, once you have fully roused- " more like fully Ah-Roused, am I rite? "-I expect you to be joining me near the stables."

"To handle your sword," I said, my cheeks bright red, my eyes still locked on her bulge.

"Hurmph. Yes." Ra nodded. "A training sword. Specifically. Not mine."

I blushed, nodding. Now. Just. Stop looking at her bulge. Now. Do it.

Ra turned.

And now I was looking at her ass. Which was also stupidly hot. Fucking why she was a robot space warrior, why was her ass so fucking tight? Why did I want her to sit on my face? Well, because I think all the girlification juice was going straight into my brain. I mean, it was entirely possible that a lifetime of feeling deeply unsexy and unappealing had squashed my own ability to love and lust for other people into an abstract way, and now that I was in a sexy Draco Malfoy body that was rapidly becoming a Dracy...Draci...Dracette?

It was to Lucy's sexuality as kicking over a box full of ravenous locusts was to crop circles.

The door closed.

And I immediately started to grind my brain out against a pillow. I literally flung my blanket back, threw my thighs wide and clamped my thighs around a thick, poofy, tough pillow and started to rock my hips. My breasts heaved and I panted and moaned as if I was on fucking camera because just hearing my own voice was hitting me with spiky jolts of raw fucking euphoria. It was almost painful how good I was feeling. My hand cupped my own breast, squeezing and gently tugged on my nipple, panting and mewling as I ground more and more and more, my hard eager little girldick twitching as the tip of my shaft smeared precum against the pillow. I panted heavily, my breath dragging in raggedly. "Yes, yes, yes, yes!" I shuddered, then gasped, then arched my back. Hard.

And I made a total.



Translucent cum gushed over the pillow, puddling before me as I trembled and my balls twitched and my spine arched and my breasts heaved as I dragged in as much oxygen as I could. My mewling and gasping was so...fucking...girly. Like, I was all high pitched and...femmy sounding and...

I closed my eyes and started to cry.

The door opened and Abby came in. "Mistress, are- oh my Stars!" She hurried over to the nightstand, putting down the tray she was holding, then scrambled onto the bed. "M-Mistress, are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm too okay, actually!" I whimpered, sniffling, my nose flaring as tears streamed down my cheeks. "Ahhhh! Hug me as tight as you can!"

"T-That might damage you?" Abby sounded almost like she was about to have an anxiety attack. I leaned into her and let out a mewing of happy sniffling joy-noises. Abby squeezed me and petted my hair and I buried my face against her metallic neck and made alternated between giggling and sniffling. Slowly, the storm of emotions faded and Abby whispered. "I...a-are you okay? I, should I get Nurse Hope, mistress? Are you unhappy about your body? I...I just want...I'm just a housekeeper, this is not my profession!"

I drew back, my hair bedraggled, and wiped my nose. Then I kissed her right on the mouth, her voice squirreling off into a warble, her fans going VRR. I drew back, then whispered. "I'm very hap."

Abby nodded. Quietly, she whispered. "S-So, we still have no Maria, but, I can help! You. Get dressed and clothes and...and cleaning."

I nodded. "Right. Um, do you have clothes of, uh, for training? Physical training? Ra is gonna destroy me this morning. Ugh. It's gonna be great." I sighed. "I just wish it was all in a montage. Just a series of exciting, musical moments and then, boom! I'm all buff and stuff."

Abby's glowing eyes blinked. " factory?" she asked. "Do they have fitness factories in your Earth?"

"Kinda!" I said, cheerfully.

Abby blinked again. "Remarkable!"


Polly put out the food for me, and I ate it, glad that a lifetime of being forced to eat any old shit that I was given meaning that even this weird Space British food went down the mouth hole just fine. Then Jeanette checked me over with her scanner and pronounced that the transformination ("It's not called that!") was working just perfectly.

Then she asked...

The Question.

It was while I was dressing up in the training clothes that Abby had laid out (and after I had gone, like, "Listen, it look great!" after Abby had apologized ten times for not laying it out properly like a Maria would have) that Jeanette said: "So, do you want to undergo some surgery for your bits?"

I stood perfectly still, buttoning up the training tunic (which, still boy clothes, but as a trans girl, I am allowed to look like a sexy butch twink, you judgmental motherfuckers, back off) and considered that question. For that was the question, was it not. It sure wasn't to be or not not to be, get wrecked Shakespeare. The question was: Do you want to be a cool gender transgressing transgirl who has both a cute dick and cute tits and all would bow before you? Or did you want a pussy, now, now, give me that pussy, make like She-Ra and get yourself a pussy between your legs (Warning for previous sentence: season 5 she-ra spoilers.)

Cause, like...

I actually did kinda like having my dick.

But I also hated it with every fiber of my being?

But I would miss it if it was gone.

But I also wanted a pussy so badly that I wanted to scream and run in circles.

But if it was gone then I'd want it back.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh," I said.

Abby, who was helping to tie off the draw my clothing just a bit straighter on me, giggled. "Uh, are you okay? Having a blue screen?" She paused, then blinked. "H-Humans can't crash, can they?"

"No they cannot, boxie," Jeanette said, chuckling.

I cocked my head slowly to the side, blinking. "I can't choose!" I said.

"All right, there's no rush," Jeanette said.

I breathed slowly out, sagging a bit. "But, like, I want to have a dick, but I also don't."

"Oh," Jeanette said, then put her hands on her hips. "That's not the same thing as not having no choice -- you got a very definite choice right there, tarnation!" She shook her head. "Do you want to have a stem you can extend, or, maybe always have it swinging?" She cocked her head a bit.

"Uh..." I blinked, again. "Like. Could I...have a switch?"

"Sure," she said, cheerfully.

"Like, I can just flick a switch. Pop! Out comes out a big old dick? Then I flick it back and wham! Pussy town?"

"Of course," Jeanette said. "It'd be expensive, but you're the Earl of Arundel." She chuckled. "It'll mean you can't buy a gold plated starship without waiting a few weeks, but I think you can survive the wait."

"EEEEEEEEEEEEE!" I squealed. "Wait, I can buy spaceships? Can I buy the ship from Treasure Planet?"

"I don't believe you can, Mistress," Abby whispered.

"Actually, buying a schooner would be easily within your price range...buying five could be doable if you stretch your finances," Jeanette said. "Assuming this Treasure Planet is similar to Treasure Island?"

"Dang," I said. "...wait, you're a doctor, how do you know so much about how much ships cost?"

"That's none of your blamed beeswax!" Jeanette snapped, her cheeks glowing bright red. Then she turned and hustled off, leaving me scratching my head. I looked over at Abby.

"So, what's Jeanette's dark secret?" I asked.

"Why are you asking me, Miss? I was unboxed three days ago," Abby said.

"True," I said, nodding. "...can I order you to show your boobs to me?"

"M-Mistress!" Abby squeaked. Then, quietly. "Y-Yes. But officially, I have to say no."

I grinned. "Okay, well, then..." I murmured, stepping a bit closer. "Why don't you-"

"Young Miss."

A shadow fell across us both and I turned to see Ra standing in the front door of the mansion. She looked down at me and holy shit, how could a woman be so fucking gay. She was like a dyke leading to a lake filled with rainbows dug by a team of flannel clad butch lumberjacks with tattoos and undercuts. Tall. Broad. Big boobs. Short hair. Fierce expression. Radiating, smoldering aura of intense "I can step on you"-ness. Uh. Heh. Hah. Wow. Okay. Why was all of my brain without any blood? Why was all of my blood going into my dick it was a mystery!

"Are you ready to train," Ra said. It sounded like it should have been a question, but it came out as a statement. So I nodded. Hard.

She pointed to the doorway.

"We shall begin with calisthenics," she rumbled. "You will run and I will keep pace with you. You will not flag, or else."

"Yes sir!"

"I was a Colour Sergeant for twenty years! I work for a living, Young Miss! You will not call me sir!" She pointed with her arm. "Begin jogging, immediately."

I started to jog, nodding. Okay, good news, my body was already kinda fit, so at least I didn't completely embarrass myself. She set me jogging around the grounds -- past the stables, where the floaty horses were being fiddled with by Jenny, who waved at me as I jogged by. We went around the meat growers, then we went into the forest, then along the edge of the lake, then around the lake, then back. I panted and puffed once I was near the end, my legs burning pleasantly. Then we did stretches and arm exercises.


Things to, uh...


First, Ra showed me stances. And by showing I mean she told me to stand straight, then she put her big, strong palms all along my body. They slid along my wrists, along my thighs, down to my ankles. She placed my feet so and she put my arms so and then she pressed her bulky size up against my back, her bulge grinding slightly against my ass as she spoke into my ears. "This is the stance you shall hold when at rest. This is the stance you shall take when you draw your sword." She moved my body more and she was soooo fucking strong and...she touched me all over. My throat bobbed as I gulped and stood perfectly still, my own dick achingly hard.

And once she was done showing me each of the stances, she had me move between them, nodding as she walked about me. She took hold of me again and again, correcting me with her words and her touches and by the time we were halfway through this little training thing, I was basically one gigantic spring that had been compressed down to a flat disk. And that spring was made of fucking horny.

"High guard! Low guard! High guard!" Ra barked as she started to pace around me, walking circles steadily, her hands clasped behind her back. "Low guard-" then she tapped my chest and I stumbled backwards. "Keep your feet in the proper position. You need to have a proper stance, or else even the lightest tap will stagger you. Do you understand, young miss?"

I nodded, sweat dripping from my chin. "R-Right."

"High guard!" She barked.

I shifted my stance and tried to keep my feet under me -- and again, she prodded my chest. I shifted forward, and kept my balance. I grinned, hard, my eyes glittering fiercely, while Ra's palm pressed against the space between my breasts. She nodded slightly, then grunted. "You're quite good at this," she said.

Smugness, maximize!

The blue sky whistled by.

My legs went up.

The soft grass crashed up against my back and the air exploded from my lungs as I whuffed and then suddenly, Ra was pinning me down, her arm pressed against my chest, her hand grabbing my wrists and pinning my arms above my head. She looked into my eyes, seriously.

"But you are still a beginner," she said, seriously. "If you get into a fight, right now, you know just enough to get yourself hurt, Miss." Her voice was a soft rumble and my whole body buzzed with her closeness. "I want you to know this in your bones, Young Miss. If you get into a fight, you will run. Got it?"

I nodded. My brain said: Yes, got it.

My mouth said: "Fuck me."

Ra chuckled. "You need to earn that, young miss," she murmured, drawing back, then standing. I remained on my back, blinking at her. "I haven't given myself to another in fifty years." She chuckled, quietly as she looked down at me. "It's a pride thing. That may seem silly,'s all I have left, these days."

I blinked. "Huh?" I sat up, my brain now half filled with cock and mystery.

Ra shrugged one shoulder. "Shortly after the defeat of Napoleon, the British Empire began to produce Theodore Fusiliers -- and, later, Theodoras, with the Victorian reforms. I was one of them." She chuckled, her hands going to her hips as I pushed my thighs together and tried to subtly grind my own dick. "And...people don't like to talk about it. But in the beginning, the machines weren't able to make the human world as good as it is now overnight. It took time. It took blood. And it took some..." She paused. "...subtly."

I blinked. "You said that word the same way I'd say The Rise of Skywalker," I said.

Ra inclined her head. "Just so. The other Theos knew how to follow an order like 'burn the...ah...'" She paused, and actually blushed, waving her hand "...w-words out of their villages' in a way where all the poor fellows got away, and the fires never quite caught in time, and knew that all they had to do was whisper to the right papers and murmur in the right Maria's ear, and that officer would be clasped in irons within a week. That was how we did things in those days: Working hard to make things better while blunting the worst of the bayonets. And I hated it."

I nodded.

"So, when my officer told me to shoot some poor Irishman during the Last Rebellion, I punched him in the jaw and he spent the rest of his life eating soup," Ra said, nodding. "And every machine was so busy arresting me that the entire Republican brigade got away, and the diplomatic arrangement was completed within a fortnight, so...everyone was very apologetic. But they still kicked me out and I've spent the rest of my life as a...bodyguard."

I blinked at her, slightly, then stood up, slowly.

She sounded...really sad about it. I bit my lip, then placed my hand gently on her shoulder. I squeezed, slowly. "You're a super good bodyguard, you know?"

"It's okay, you know," she said, chuckling. "It was okay, I mean. And it is okay again."

I blinked, then grinned. "Cause I'm worth guarding?"

"Just so, young miss. Just so," she said, nodding.

I nodded.

"So, you know, uh, when I said fuck me, I meant, I want you to wreck me with your massive machine cock, right?" I whispered, my cheeks burning. "Like. I mean. I totally would want to fuck your ass dick, but, like, hah, uh, you're not a bottom. I mean. You know?"

"Oh." Ra blinked.

The blue sky whistled by.

My legs went up.

And Ra was pinning me onto my back again. We were in the soft grass behind the horse stables and my breath caught as she loomed above me, her eyes full of enough eager grinning to make up for a lack of moving lips. I whispered. "Holyshit..." I squeaked as she grabbed onto my arms and shoved them up and above my head.

"Shh..." She hissed softly. "'ve worked very hard today. And you know what, Mistress?"

I shook my head.

"It's not good enough." She grabbed onto my top. Buttons popped and my clothing turned into so much finely shredded cloth before her fingers as she yanked my top open, freeing my breasts. I panted heavily, my eyes half closed as her finger gently teased and tweaked my nipple, stroking me as she murmured. "And if I am going to put up with training your useless human ass, I am going to take my pay from you."

I nodded, silently, then clenched my jaw as I half closed my eyes again, looking at her through my lashes as her fans whirred in a steady tone. That tone was somehow hotter than the steady, confident way that she manipulated my breasts, as if she had done this a million times and would do this a million times again. She wasn't thinking hard. She wasn't particularly intense. She was tapping a long, long, long record of memories, and she was letting those memories guide her. I was just another nubile young noblewoman getting screwed by her fencing instructor and that just reached into the crook of my brain, found my AGEPLAY kink and just pushed the button...