All That Glitters Ch. 03


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Marie Laurentien Memorial Medical Facility, Liramor Prime

Sean Murphy's private nurse Heyya walked into his room in scrubs. Sean knew that she would be all business today. She quickly took his vitals and added them to the electronic stats on the beds comp and to her own.

She then stripped him and washed him thoroughly. An adventure that Sean always enjoyed, especially now that his body was beginning to recover from the shock of losing his legs. The inevitable responses of a naked male to a woman rubbing his body followed much to her amusement.

"So, you are beginning to awake again." She said with a knowing smile. "Do we need to do something about that yet?" she asked.

Sean was shocked. He hadn't expected the question from her.

She noted his look of surprise and shock and smiled teasingly at him. "Don't worry, I won't do anything that you don't want me too," she told him with a grin.

Heyya knew that Sean's home world was not as free in its sexual outlook as the people of Hollander's World were. In fact, her home planet was probably the most sexually liberated of all the human planets. Sexually promiscuous, if you asked many of the people from elsewhere, but her people didn't see it that way.

Sex, to them, was natural. They didn't shy from it, but they respected the needs of others. So, sex, even on their home world, was conducted in appropriate locations. But, within those locations, anything could and would be asked of anyone. Those who were propositioned, could chose to accept or decline in accordance with their own definition of what was appropriate.

There would be no repercussions for the one making the request as her people understood the concept of personal choice. People were constantly changing how they viewed themselves and where they saw themselves in their personal growth. That meant that they would be in different places within their own growth, and not only for sex.

Being declined meant only that the one declining was not in the frame of mind necessary to willingly accept said proposition, and not a reflection on the desires of the person asking. It worked for her people but was not always easily understood by other people.

"When, and if, you need that special assistance, don't be shy to ask. I assure you that I am not shy myself and understand your needs," she told him with a wink as she finished up and helped him dress.

Anne Moreau, the hospital administrator, arrived shortly after his breakfast.

"Good news, Mr. Murphy," she started. "We have found a hospital on Green's World that will be able to take you and complete the necessary work within the prescribed timeline. We are contacting Liramor Holdings to determine how they want to move you.

"You will likely receive a call from your contact today or tomorrow Nurse Heyya, regarding the transfer," Anne told her. "We are sorry that this facility could not assist you, but we are assured that the new hospital is well adapted to assisting your needs. Good luck Mr. Murphy," she said and left.

Later in the day, they received the expected call and were informed that a Liramor supply ship was headed to Green's World in a few days time. They would bring the pair with them. They would be there in time for New Year's celebrations.

Heyya assured Sean that she would stay with him in the new location until he felt comfortable. She stayed with him the remainder of the day until it was time for him to sleep. Sean greatly appreciated her efforts on his behalf, more so that a familiar face would be with him for a little while longer.

NS Wimple, Piscium Alien Cemetery, 109 Piscium Star System, 106 Light Years from Terra

The scientific staff was in a quandary. They very much wanted to remove one of the bodies for an autopsy but were being refused permission from the Local Authority. Trying to get scans of bodies under the crystalline structures that protected them, while working in EVA suits was not ideal. Dr. Silvia Hitron, the Head of the Scientific Investigation Team vented her frustration daily on Captain Bouyé Whatt of the TUSN Frigate NS Wimple.

The Captain was, however, unmoved by her arguments. He fully understood her frustrations, but also fully understood the ramifications of disturbing the cemetery lest they have to face the ire of the original inhabitants of the system.

Nonetheless, Dr. Hitron pushed her arguments on him to the point he was not pleased to see her first thing on shift.

"Damn, that woman will just not let go of this. Does she not understand what she is asking? Does she not understand the threat she is posing to all of us from her demands?" he asked of no one in particular.

"She is determined," his Ex O noted. Cdr Saled Bright was 180cm tall, with the coppery coloured skin of the people of Sennett's world. Vanity forced him to shave his head as he had started premature balding due to the stresses of his job, even though he was only thirty-six. Hazel eyes looked out from under bushy eyebrows and from behind a sharply hooked nose. A bushy mustache sat above full lips.

He was a career navy man who had worked himself into the Number Two position of his ship and the rank of navy Commander. Another voyage or two, and he would be given the opportunity to advance and leave this ship for good.

He would be sad to leave. He really like the ship and people he was working with and who worked for him. But leaving would mean Senior Command School and command of a ship of his own, something he was looking forward to. For now, though, his job was to support his captain.

"It's just that this is the first alien species we have ever encountered. They want to know more about them, and, to the scientists, that means doing an autopsy. How would you handle this, Ex O?" Whatt asked.

"I think that we should ask her what would happen if she was on my world and needed to do an autopsy of someone's child who had died of an unknown disease. While the law allows her to perform the autopsy, local custom would mean that such autopsies could not be performed without the consent of the parents. In fact, would be actively discouraged as children's deaths are considered to be in the hands of the gods.

"If she performed the autopsy without permission, she would incur the wrath of the population at large, even if she did find the cause of death. She, and all other scientists who are not from my home world could be driven off the planet or even killed by the angry population. That is what she risks here.

"We know, or at least highly suspect, that the original inhabitants will not be pleased to find us in their home system. Add to that desecration of the honoured dead and we may not be able to talk to them on any level when we meet them," the Ex O offered.

"Now that is a useful explanation!" Whatt said, slapping his Ex O on the back.

"Ensign Brollow to the Capt. Sir, you better come down to hold number three. Be prepared sir, you're not going to like this." Came over ship's comms.

"Officer of the Deck, you have the con, Ex O with me, please." Whatt snapped.

The pair arrived in hold three a few minutes later. There were two scientists who avoided Capt. Whatt's eyes. Also, half-a-dozen crew members under the direction of Ensign Brollow. Brollow was one of the ship's engineers, responsible for ship's repairs. The Captain recognized some of the other crew members as part of the maintenance team. The Ensign pointed to a large metal box in the middle of the floor.

"We were looking for parts to complete the monthly maintenance cycle, when I opened this box, sir," he stated and opened the lid.

"Well, shit!!" Whatt shouted. As they lifted the lid, the Captain and the Ex O were greeted with the sight of one of the Pisciums from the cemetery.

"Explain!" He snapped to the two scientists.

"You wouldn't give us permission, so we snuck it onboard. We were going to dissect it on the Platform," one of the scientists said meekly.

The other, however, wasn't so meek. "You have no right to prevent us from doing our duty!" He snapped at the Captain. "We have every right to dissect these specimens to gain further knowledge into their makeup and physiology!" he shouted.

Whatt slapped at his wrist comp. "Major Pureland, I need a section of marines ARMED to hold three, NOW!" He snapped.

"Aye, sir! We're on the way."

Two minutes later, Maj. Pureland arrived followed shortly afterwards by a dozen marines with sidearms.

"Major, you will detain these two scientists and place them under guard in their quarters until we arrive back at the Platform. If anyone, and I mean anyone from the ship's crew or the scientific team resists, you are authorized to use whatever force you deem necessary, up to and including deadly force. Is that clear, Major?"

"Aye, sir!" The major returned, looking somewhat shocked.

"You will post a guard over this hold, specifically over this body. Until further notice, all scientific operations at this site will cease. Ex O, get the scientists outside back onboard now and send Dr Hitron to my ready room. You will begin an investigation to determine how this body got onto this ship undetected and who might have helped."

"Aye, Sir," the Ex O responded.

"Major, I need to borrow two of your men to accompany me to my ready room. Same orders apply but they will be dealing with the Chief Scientist on board so some tact and diplomacy would be appreciated. Please send the right people for that task," Whatt ordered.

The major pointed to two of his men and told them to follow the Captain

"Mr. Brollow, I want statements from all of your personnel before they leave this hold. Bring those to my Ready Room." Whatt looked at the rather nervous crew and thought of how to put them at ease.

"I don't want any of you speculating with each other or with other crew members on this issue. State in your own words what you saw and heard and go about your regular duties. You may be asked to give a deposition in a trial so, keep your own counsel until further notice.

"Aye, sir," came the instant reply from all members of the team.

The Captain was back in his ready room waiting for Dr. Hitron with the two marines posted at parade rest either side of the hatch. He didn't have to wait long as Dr Hitron slammed into the room followed by the Ex O.

"How dare you arrest my people! How dare you order work on this site to stop! Do you know what you are doing? Do you know the significance of this site to humankind? You are stopping scientific exploration that needs to proceed," she shouted.

"Are you aware of how much clout I have back on Terra?" She snapped. "I could have you removed as Captain of this ship and ensure that you never command so much as a shuttle in future!" She threatened.

Whatt stepped forward, looking down on her. "You had three tasks to complete while on this mission. All three are important, but one of those tasks had specific instructions attached to it: Do Not Desecrate the Cemetery! Do you remember that Dr. Hitron?" He shouted back.

"Yes, I do you buffoon. I am the Chief Scientist on board. I know our orders!" She returned.

"Then explain to me why two of your scientists were found in hold three with a body taken from the cemetery?" He shouted.

"What? I didn't authorize that!" She snapped, showing surprise.

"Then it looks as if you don't have the control you need or claim to have over your team," he told her rather bluntly.

The doctor snarled and slapped the Captain, then looked shocked at what she had just done.

"Sergeant arrest this person and confine her to quarters for striking an officer of this ship. Ex O, Sergeant and Corporal, you will provide a statement to what you have just witnessed. There will be a Tribunal at Liramor-23 as soon as we can arrange it."

A chorus of 'Aye, Sirs' snapped from the three men as they jumped to their tasks.

Whatt sat at his desk. "Comms, I need a secure private channel to Director Marsh on Liramor-23."

"Aye sir, it will take a moment to set up, sir. We are two minutes twenty-four seconds light return, sir," Comms acknowledged, letting the captain know of the return lag time for communications to the station.

The Ex O and Major Pureland stepped into his office and he had them take a seat.

Five minutes later comms indicated that the Director was set for a private call. Whatt opened the channel to the holo-vid feed, seeing Dir. Marsh seated behind her desk.

"Director Marsh, please note that I have my Ex O, Cdr Bright and Maj Pureland, Commander of the Marine Company, acting as witnesses to this comms.

"We have a situation here at the cemetery. Some of the scientists have broken the rule of not desecrating the site. They took a body from the site and brought it onboard this ship, intending to bring it back to the platform to work on.

"I had to arrest two scientists but I'm not sure how many others might be implicated. My ship's security personnel will conduct a search and begin an investigation to determine what else might have been secretly brought on board. I have suspended all scientific operations at this site until further notice. Due to this, I have ordered the use of force as necessary, up to and including deadly force, against ship's personnel who might object to these orders.

"In addition, during a heated argument, Dr. Hitron, the chief scientist, struck Capt. Whatt, Captain of the NS Wimple before witnesses. I request a tribunal to deal with both situations and defer to Local Authority as the ship itself is implicated and I cannot therefore be perceived as independent in this situation. That is my statement, ma'am," he finished and waited for her response.

Five minutes later, Marsh responded.

"Acknowledged, Captain Whatt. I have my Senior Operations Officer Mr. Fent and head of HR Madame Ancien with me as witnesses.

"This platform has just suffered through a breach of medical protocol that resulted in a variant of the influenza virus that we had no inoculation capacity for, getting into the general population resulting in almost half of the personnel coming down with the virus before it could be contained.

"Question: Is hold three self-contained? Does it circulate air with the rest of the ship? We do not know what this particular specimen died from. Is there a risk of disease to your ship?

"I would have your ship's Doctor and the lead Forensic Pathologist from the science team do an autopsy on the body to verify this. Please note, in this situation we have no choice but to determine if there is a threat to the ship's crew. However, once the autopsy is complete, the data will be held as patient/doctor confidentiality until further notice. Try to be as minimally invasive as possible.

"Ship's personnel exposed in hold three should be medically quarantined until the ship's Doctor and the Pathologist have cleared the situation. I'll leave the disposition of the quarantine to you but suggest that those responsible for bringing the body aboard should be quarantined in the brig.

"Please note that these people had planned to bring the body aboard this platform, potentially exposing a much larger population to harm. Once they arrive here, they WILL be in my brig.

"When the autopsy is complete, and you have verified where the body was taken from, you will re-intern the body with Full Military Honors. You will broadcast this action to your ship and to this platform so as to re-enforce the level of seriousness we place on those entombed at this location. Thereafter the site will be closed to ALL scientific investigation by my order. Under no circumstances are you to do further damage to the site.

"Check to see what team the two scientists were assigned to when they brought the body aboard. They likely had help transporting it on board.

"None of the scientists are to be given access to comms until such time as this investigation is completed and your ship returns to Liramor-23. At which time I will allow selected members access to FTL Comms. Make sure you document everything, but I shouldn't have to tell you your responsibilities there, you are the ship's captain. Note that this communication has been recorded as evidence.

"Advise the ships personnel and the scientists onboard that Local Authority backs your orders in this situation. We await your return to the platform. Hopefully, in short order. Director Liramor-23, Out."

Damn! Whatt thought. That went a lot smoother than I had anticipated. Time to get to work.

"OK, gentlemen, since we were in the hold, we are now under quarantine protocols." He told the two men in his office.

"Whatt to Doctor Fillion, contact me on secure channels immediately," he said tapping his desk's holo-vid unit.

A moment later the unit showed the Navy Medical emblem indicating the Doctor was waiting his reply. Whatt opened the channel and began.

"Doctor Fillion, we have a potential quarantine situation on ship. At least two scientists have smuggled one of the alien bodies aboard and hid it in hold three.

"First priority: Ensure hold three is isolated from the ship's environmental system if it is not already.

"Second priority: Find Ensign Brollow and have him identify the members of his team and quarantine them as you see fit. The two scientists that were in the hold are now in the brig and can be quarantined there.

"I, the Ex O, Major Pureland and twelve of his marines were also in the hold. All are to be quarantined. Major Pureland can give you the names of his personnel in question.

"By order of Director Liramor-23, you are to conduct an autopsy using the minimum invasive techniques possible on the alien's body to determine potential threat of disease by determining, if possible, the cause of death of said individual. You may employ the Chief Pathologist from the scientific team in your autopsy, provided that he/she is not implicated in bringing the body onboard. Treat this body as if it were one of the Terran kings of old. It very well might be the equivalent. The data will remain doctor/patient privilege until further notice, even if the scientific team screams bloody murder.

"Prepare the body to be re-interned after the autopsy. It will be given Full Military Honors. By order of Local Authority and myself, that internment will be broadcast to this ship and to Liramor-23. Should you give medical clearance, this ship will proceed to Liramor-23 where a Tribunal will be conducted.

"Ensure that you keep detailed notes of your actions and of anyone who does not cooperate with you or your team. Ensure that you and your medical staff do not speak to other crew on this issue until after the Tribunal. Limit discussion within your staff to medical realities on the autopsy and quarantine protocols. Do not allow your staff to play 'what if' games etcetera. Remind them that they will be part of the investigation and are to keep their own counsel on this matter until after Tribunal.

"Questions?" Whatt finished.

"My God, sir! Are you serious? Senior scientist did this?" A shocked Fillion exclaimed.

"No speculation please, Doctor. I, the Ex O, and Major Pureland are currently in my Ready Room. We will remain here until you arrange quarantine protocol. It should not be a problem with the senior officers, as we have private quarters, but crew members will have to be placed somewhere that can be secured for now.

"The scientists involved can be quarantined in the brig. Get started please. I would personally like to be out of quarantine as soon as possible." He deadpanned to the Doctor.

"Aye, sir," the Doctor said, closing the link.

"Comms, I need an all ships hail," the Captain asked of his Comms O.

"All ships open, sir," he replied shortly.