All That Glitters Ch. 53


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"Raymond, you now have three outstanding warrants against this ship. The two from 2466, and the more recent attack on Semt Shall. We are still looking through our records for confirmation on previous names for the vessel as a pirate ship, though I have to tell you that she did bring in more than 19,000 slaves over the years.

"Raymond, find that ship and take it down. On this, the Alliance will support you completely. We do not want that ship, or the ships of that fleet, to return to Alliance space," Aurelia finished.

She sent him two items from her comp. "The first is some intel on the other ships in Grazia's fleet, while the second is something that you should show to Dr. Heyya," she told Raymond with a smile. She blew him a kiss before signing off.

Liramor-23 Hospital, Lima Deck, The Piscium System

Raymond smiled at Heyya as he came into the hospital admin center. "Aurelia sent me something that she said you would like to see," Raymond said with a smile.

Raymond opened the link but could make no sense of it. Heyya took the data and pushed it to the medical comp and the data started to make sense.

"It's medical scanner data," Heyya explained.

She fiddled with the data and suddenly several superb images coalesced. They showed a tenth week scan with two very beautiful 3D images of Aurelia's babies in the womb.

"It's a boy and a girl," Heyya interpreted the images and the data. "This data is a couple of months old; she should be going in for her next scan near the end of her sixth month. That will confirm the expected birth date and is also the scan that produces the best pre-natal images.

"She may or may not have another scan during the last trimester. That depends on if anything is happening during the pregnancy. They can do a final scan within the last expected two weeks of the pregnancy if there are issues.

"These images are very good. They must have received some new medical scanners for their hospital," Heyya ended.

Raymond smiled and thanked Heyya, who gave him some of the better images for his comp. He left the hospital feeling a little better.

"He is a strange one," >Gorlat stated. "I am told that he is only a temporary?"

"Yes, he will retire, again, after this crisis is over," Heyya replied. "There are many here temporarily. They will return to their original posts after this event."

"And yet we train them?" >Gorlat demanded.

"If you think on it a little, you too are just a temp. Yet we are training you," Heyya pointed out.

>Gorlat snorted a laugh. "Still, there are some that I would suggest we keep if possible."

"That is not in my hands. What I can do is pass my skills on to those that need them. Regardless of where they end up, those new skills will be put to good use." Heyya explained, getting a grunt of acknowledgement from >Gorlat.

Nursery Crèche of Mutt Beddan, Beddan Shall, 945km North of Asoc Shall, AsocAR, The Asocan Realm

Unaayel came down on a combat shuttle with thirty humans in Combat Armour and ten Asocans who had a hatred of Mutt Beddan. They were there to intimidate Gurd Sekkek Mutt Beddan, who was openly opposing Unaayel's venture for the title of Asoc.

The shuttle had landed less than 500 meters from the nursery crèche, a series of swamps that held the young of Mutt Beddan, which was an affront to the safety of such swamps. The members of Mutt Beddan who were there to see the clutches in the swamp, stared openly at her and her heavily armed entourage as they moved through the circle of swamps that formed the crèche. As they approached one such swamp, they were met by four guards and twelve Caregivers who admonished them for bringing non-traditional weapons into a nursery swamp.

Unaayel pulled her >Curlat and moved into the shallow swamp only to be suddenly confronted by the guards. They were good, but Unaayel was one of the best, if not the best fighter in the Asocan realm. The guards did not have a chance. The four died quickly sending the panicked onlookers running and shouting for help.

Unaayel stepped out of the swamp and pointed to the humans, who pointed their arms into the swamp and sent large electric charges into the water. Almost immediately, stunned fish and infant Asocans floated to the surface, where they wriggled ineffectually.

The twelve Caregivers did not back down. Screaming, they raced into the swamp to protect the clutches. Several stood in front of Unaayel and ordered her to leave the swamp while the others tried to get to the infants. Angry words were exchanged until Unaayel lost her anger. She showed no mercy. She killed all twelve of the unarmed Caregivers and then moved further into the swamp.

Screams of horror rent the swamp at Unaayel's actions as fifty some Asocans came running to the nursery. Unaayel came out of the swamp to speak to them.

"Gurn Sekkek Mutt Beddan, you have opposed me once too often, now you and your Mutt will pay the price for your actions!" she snarled at the Gurn.

More screams could be heard from another approaching group of Asocans as they pulled their >Curlat and charged Unaayel. The angry parents of the eight clutches in this swamp had arrived, calling out challenge to Unaayel and charging her en masse.

Once again Unaayel's fighting prowess came to the fore. She moved among the eight couples and fought them with impunity. Within a few bloody minutes, the sixteen parents were dead, their blood spilled into the nursery swamp.

Unaayel stood her ground and shouted at the onlookers..."I will brook no further opposition from the Gurns of my realm!"

She held out a hand and one of the humans placed a round sphere in it. Having been shown what to do, she pulled the safety pin and pressed her thumb down on the trigger of the device, throwing it into the swamp. A few moments later, a terrific explosion sent water over everyone near the swamp.

Unaayel waded back into the swamp and looked down on the dead infants. She saw something unusual and smiled. Pulling it out of the water, she bit into it heartily and turned to face the gather crowd. They saw what appeared to be the tail of an infant Asocan hanging from her mouth. Unaayel bit down and the tail fell into the water at her feet. She swallowed what she had in her mouth.

"Where is >Catal?" she demanded. "Where is the supposed Asoc who has promised to protect her people. I do not see her! Where is the frightened Ultar who refuses to come and fight against me?"

She ranted for a few minutes then, laughing, she walked unopposed out of the swamp and back to the shuttle. Her entourage following her, the Asocans in her group taunting those of Mutt Beddan and grinning fiercely at the actions of their boss.

For the Asocans of Mutt Beddan, this day would go down in history as the day they were betrayed by the Asocs...

Military Control, Liramor-23, The Piscium System

Fiona was conducting the morning brief relaying the information that Raymond had received the day before from Aurelia.

"This data is from a reliable source inside of the Alliance. It shows what the most of the ships in the fleet have been involved in piracy for some years, the Confederation ships since before the end of the Union War.

"The only ship of major significance is the Warship Astigalin, a CP Ballaron Class Frigate that was once known as CPS The Trestor. This ship is confirmed as having been one of the six ships that attacked New Anglia in 2466 and the only ship of this attack force that is unaccounted for. She was also part of the attack later that year on the four mining platforms that were destroyed by nuclear weapons.

"It has been confirmed that these four platforms were first attacked and the surviving inhabitants taken as slaves, prior to the platforms being destroyed by nuclear strikes to wipe out any evidence of their slavery action.

"Many of those same slaves were sold to the Alliance of Planets, which is why we now know of these facts as the remaining members of those captured in that earlier raid are now being freed from slavery in the Alliance."

Fiona had to stop at this point for several questions from the group. Then all hell broke loose.

Fiona's wrist comp started chirping an emergency signal. She opened it to see the panicking face of >Catal's aide. They could hear Asocan's bellowing in the background.

"Fiona! You must come quickly to the Embassy! Something terrible has happened!"

"I'll be there immediately," Fiona stated and closed the call.

"We will have to continue this after. Raymond, Junelliya, with me," she ordered and they moved swiftly from Military Control. While they were moving, she contacted Heyya.

"Heyya, can you bring Dr. >Gorlat to the Asocan Embassy, please. There is something bad going down and we may need her to help calm the Asocans," Fiona informed her friend.

"We'll meet you there," Heyya returned and cut the link.

A few minutes later they entered the embassy to see a furious Asoc being restrained by her people or trying to be restrained as she was quite agitated.

"Fiona!" she shouted. "She killed infant clutches, infants!!"

"What has happened?" Fiona asked of nobody in particular.

"Unaayel has entered a nursery swamp of Mutt Beddan, the Gurn of which was opposing her," Junior Ambassador Utan> Mutt Beng replied. "She killed all in that swamp. The clutches of eight couples, the caregivers, the guards and the couples themselves. Thirty-seven infants, four guards, twelve Caregivers, and the eight couples of those clutches. Sixty-nine lives murdered by Unaayel's own hand."

"She did it to make me come to her, Fiona! She did it to cause me to come out of hiding and attack her. She heard that I have ships. She told those recording that she killed these people and their clutches to show that I do not have the strength to oppose her.

"She did this just to make me come at her! Well she has succeeded. I want you to release my ships, Fiona! I want to take the fight to that Patlet and kill her!" the Asoc roared as her pent-up frustration finally got the better of her.

Grace stepped around Fiona and struck the Asoc hard on the snout, shocking her and all those in the embassy.

"You are the legitimate Asoc!" Grace shouted into the Asoc's face. "The supreme ruler of your people. You must act as the Asoc of your people.

"She is trying to goad you into moving before you are ready. You cannot do that, Asoc. If you move now, you will fail and she knows it! Yes, this is terrible that she has killed the innocent and their parents. But you must think of your people, Asoc, and not respond to this provocation!"

A furious Asoc roared into Grace's face, who roared back at the Asoc just as strongly.

"If you ever strike me again, I WILL KILL YOU!" the Asoc shouted.

"Killing me will make you sad, Asoc. You had better not do anything else in future that will cause me to strike you again!" Grace shouted in return.

Every Asocan in the room blinked, surprised at what Grace had just said.

"Do we get to keep this one?" >Gorlat demanded having entered the embassy with Heyya and witnessed the incident. "She is an Asocan born in a different skin."

"Unfortunately, no. She is with us only for the coming year," Heyya stated, getting a shrug of annoyance from >Gorlat.

In the ensuing silence, the Asost snorted a laugh. He looked at Grace. "Just to be on the safe side, Grace, I would step back from my mate."

Grace wisely did just that, quickly stepping back behind Fiona, or trying to as Fiona blocked her with an arm. "Oh no, Grace, you put yourself out there, you stay out there."

That got a laugh from >Gorlat. "Well, I was told that there were Asocans in a murderous rage. I can see that your intended victim has stepped out of your reach. Can I assume that I am not longer needed to prevent a murder?"

The Asoc let out a snarl of rage. "Show her," she snapped to her aide.

Treäk> Mutt Herrtt opened her comp and sent an image to the monitor in the Embassy's conference room. It showed Unaayel entering a swamp and being confronted by guards, who she promptly killed. While they were apparently skilled, Unaayel's skill was far superior to theirs.

Beside her were several humans in Combat Armour. They pointed their weapons at the swamp and fired powerful electric charges. Several large fish and something else came to the surface, temporarily stunned.

Screaming could be heard as Caregivers raced to intercept Unaayel, ordering her to leave the swamp. She bellowed back at them, telling them that she was enacting her vengeance against those who were deliberately opposing her ascension to Asoc. They heroically tried to stop her, to rescue the clutches. Unaayel killed them all, even though they were unarmed.

More Asocans arrived, including Gurn Beddan.

"Your Mutt has stepped in my way once too often. I will punish you now to show that no one, not even the former Asoc >Catal can oppose me!" Unaayel shouted at Gurn Beddan.

The couples of the clutches in the swamp suddenly showed up, drawing their >Curlat and issuing challenge to Unaayel, who snarled and again drew her weapon, already dripping with the blood of the guards and the Caregivers.

The first two couples attacked and Unaayel promptly cut them down. She kept fighting couple after couple, weaving with impunity amongst them, using their movements to interfere with the actions of the other couples. It was patently obvious who was the more competent fighter. The fight didn't last long as Unaayel systematically cut down the parents.

They then watched as she held out a clawed hand and one of the humans pushed what appeared to be a shipboard concussion grenade into her hand. These were designed to be used in a ship in space, they were all concussive force with little or no shrapnel effect. The blast, however, was quite fierce and could easily kill nearby Marines in full Combat Armour.

Unaayel threw the device into the heart of the swamp. It sent up a geyser of water to spray all those on the edge of the swamp. Unaayel waded into the swamp and pulled something from the water. She turned to show what appeared to be the tail of an infant hanging from her mouth. Her teeth crunched down and the tail fell at her feet. With great exaggeration, she swallowed what was in her mouth.

All in the embassy who watched cried out at the sight, but >Gorlat just laughed.

"It is not an infant. It is a Kortle, a type of fish that cleans the swamps. However, their tails look superficially similar to those of infants and they can often be mistaken for them," she informed those watching. "Unaayel is not performing cannibalism, she is intimidating the watchers with some profound psychology.

"This is what angered you, wasn't it?" >Gorlat demanded of the Asoc. "You would be justifiably angered had it truly been an infant. But Unaayel is trying to force your hand with intimidation and psychology.

"Still, we can no longer allow this beast to continually have the upper hand. Fiona, your people are supposed to be experts at this kind of thing. We need to start hitting the beast now, she can no longer be allowed free reign," >Gorlat stated.

Fiona was wondering why the Asocan doctor was speaking to her thus, when she noticed the sudden look of determination on the faces of the Asocans.

Well hell, she thought. >Gorlat is pretty damn savvy as an Asocan Psychologist too...

She gave >Gorlat a blunt nod. It was indeed time to get down to business and do something to whittle down Unaayel's power...

The Imperial Palace, Capital City, Pod-Saar, The Sharanas System, 109 Light Years from Terra

The day after the incident at Beddan Shall, Hanalei, Junelliya, Clarrisiya, Takebayashi Urano, Violletiya, Sylvie Kinlo, the children, and the Cats, all arrived at the Imperial Palace to see the Kumar-Pair and their children.

The five children were quite excited to be together again, the Cats picking up on their excitement and flittering to and fro. They had suddenly become a handful for their designated Kumir-Rai/Ro who found themselves running this way and that after the giggling children, until Junelliya called a halt to the proceedings. The children smartly stopped and came to sit near their parents.

"We are here for a visit, not to wreak havoc on the Palace," Junelliya whimsically explained to the children, who all smiled up at her and promised to 'be good'.

The embarrassed Kumir-Rai/Ro blushed openly at how easily the Atohan had controlled the situation, but then again, only another Pod-Drran would have noticed they were blushing.

Things settled down then while Clarrisiya and several of the Pod-Drran designated as 'childcare' specialists (a rather new and very exciting job), started showing the children new things on their comps. The designated 'Crèche Mothers' as they were being called, were learning on the fly and leaning heavily on Urano and Clarrisiya to learn their new trade. Urano promised to send them instructions on 'engaging the children' while they were in their care. That brought smiles to the group.

"They are learning so fast," Hanalei noted.

"Yes, it is not unusual for Pod-Drran broods to learn quickly but our three are light years ahead of their contemporaries," the Kumaroe admitted. "Your children too are ahead of the curve as I understand it."

"They are. But Pod-Drran children develop much differently than human children. Their mental abilities will increase in leaps and bounds over the next few years, while our children will develop a little more slowly but then jump ahead significantly as they enter school age.

"Even so, by human standards, the development of our two cycle is as advanced as your brood's. It scares me just how fast they are developing," Hanalei admitted.

"I know. How do you keep someone with those mental abilities satisfied?" the Kumaraie admitted. "Your Urano has been making use of Clarrisiya's ability to find a happy medium of instructions and play for all the children. Her knowledge in Early Childhood Development has been nothing short of a miracle for us."

"I know what you mean," Junelliya laughed. "Add on top of that their abilities in empathy and telepathy and they can be quite scary at times."

"Says the woman who is just as scary to the rest of us..." Violetta replied Sotto voce, getting laughter from those who heard her.

As they were chatting, the Kumaraie received a call from the Pemipinae of the Maha-Rrin.

"Hello, Na-Maj," the Pemipinae greeted her friend, and fellow ruler of their sister species.

"Hello, Meld-Hetta. How do you fare this day?" the Kumaraie asked.

"Very well. Our council has finally decided to take the humans up on their offer to formalize our independence," Melda replied. "It's about damn time. They have been dithering for weeks over an issue that we all knew needed to be acknowledged long ago, especially considering how well this acknowledgement of independence has been for the Pod-Drran."

"Do not admonish your council too much, Melda-Hetta," the Kumaraie answered. "It took us some time too, to decide to accept the human's offer. But I am glad to hear that it has been formalized by your council. That means you can now be accepted by the Greater Community as a whole."

The pair chatted amicably for some time, going over the contents of the agreement, when the children came running up to the Kumar-Pair Prakeshya in the lead.

"You get out! Get out Pemipinae! You go out now. Bad thing happen!" she shrilled.

"Prakesh! That is not the way to address our friend..." the Kumaraie started to admonish but was cut short by Junelliya.

"Do you two not understand? Prakeshya can see the future! She is telling you to run outside, Pemipinae, go now!!" Junelliya thundered.
