All That Glitters Ch. 60


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"I do not recognize some of these instruments," Arttra mentioned to her host.

"These smaller instruments are called Ukulele; our children play them. The larger once is my own personal instrument and is called a Luttrell. It is made of the hardwoods of my home planet which are lighter and more resonant than the hardwoods found on other planets," Junelliya picked up her instrument and explained its construction and how it was used. She sat on a stool and quickly tuned the instrument and showed Arttra how it was played. Arttra was fascinated that an instrument could create its own harmonic resonances in so many different harmonies.

Junelliya gave her the instrument and Arttra was impressed at how light it was. She was expecting it to be considerably heavier. "I see what you mean by the lighter hardwood," she nodded to Junelliya.

"The instrument is basically two parts, a Lute like instrument similar to the Cattass, and a harp like instrument which gives very different but usually higher pitched notes that compliment the base notes," Junelliya explained. "The 'base notes' are not notes that make base level sounds but the basic notes of a musical piece. The harmonics are provided by the harp part of the instrument and support or harmonize with the base notes."

She showed Arttra the Lutrell's musical scale and how to pluck different notes from the instrument. She also explained 'vibrato' to Arttra and demonstrated it. She then put the parts together in a simple melody to show the all-inclusive effects. Arttra immediately noted that Junelliya was a master of her instrument. She was impressed and said so.

Arttra in turn showed Junelliya her instrument and explained how one drew out notes by either pressing down or lifting up on the strings. "You can get two different notes for each effect by either pressing completely down or only partway down and doing the same when lifting," she showed Junelliya what she meant by playing four different notes on the same string.

"I have seen instruments that are played in similar fashion but I have never learned to play them," Junelliya admitted.

They were summoned to the table where tea was made available. Arttra was startled by the variety of tea available and spent several minutes sniffing the offerings, which was very odd looking as the Byandi's noses were at the tops of the pointy heads.

They eventually settled on their selections and sat to enjoy their tea as Hanalei and Junelliya cooked the meal. The Cats suddenly came down onto the table and bobbed their heads at Arttra.

"They want say hi," Zarreniya told Arttra. Junelliya sat at the table and put her hand out and Juneya jumped onto it. "Hold your hand out near mine in the same manner," she instructed. When Arttra did, Juneya sniffed at the hand then stepped over onto it. She scampered up onto Arttra's shoulder and rubbed her little head against the Byandi's, rumbling her pleasure at meeting a new friend.

"She like you," Ikekiya told Arttra who smiled at the thought. Junelliya made way for the other two Cats who also greeted Arttra.

The door chime sounded and Junelliya went to open it to greet Mylat Alafka and her group who passed on their offerings to Junelliya. As they walked into the apartment, Arttra suddenly bounded upright and bowed low to Alafka, speechless to suddenly meeting the Mylat in this place.

"Porra, is this the famous Mainiss Arttra?" Alafka asked (Mainiss is the Byandi word for a Master in any particular field though it is principally applied to musical masters).

"It is Mylat. She is here at my request for a few months to pass on instructions in music to our Byandi families," Porra explained.

"Well, I hope that she at least allows the Piscium children to learn a little as well," Alafka stated off handily.

"Arttra will have to sing for her supper, Alafka, but that is alright as Junelliya and the children will too," Hanalei declared.

"We like you music," Zarrenia told Arttra with a smile, Ikekiya nodding her head in agreement.

"Then its settled, we have a good reason for staying a little later," Alafka replied.

Saalaa immediately went to the stove to see what the ladies were doing. Hanalei patiently explained all that she had already done and had Saalaa help her from that point on, much to the surprise of Porra and Arttra.

"Saalaa likes Anuran style food, or rather the Anuuran spices," Marrallan explained. "Hanalei is teaching both of us how to cook with Anuuran spices, but there is only so much room at her stove."

"You no exercise this morning," Ikekiya noted of the Byandi.

"Yes, little one, we had official business to attend to," Saalaa informed the two children.

"Meerlaa, why don't you watch the children go through their forms," Saalaa ordered one of the other two Brucomma. Meerlaa gave a nod and had the children move into the center of the room.

The children took out their expanding staffs which they always carried with them now. The flicked them open and began going through the five forms that they knew for staff work under Meerlaa's watchful eye. "Not bad, children but you need to add some strength to the end of each movement of your forms," Meerlaa informed them, then demonstrated what she meant with her own collapsible staff.

The children caught on immediately and began to add the strength moves at the appropriate points in the forms much to the delight of the Brucomma in the room. As a reward for their efforts, Meerlaa showed the next form to the happy children.

Dinner was served not long afterwards and all enjoyed the tasty smoked clam chowder and Seafood Jambalaya with juicy, plump, grapes that popped in the most delightful manner in the mouth.

"I have never enjoyed a meal so much!" Arttra said afterwards to much agreement from the others.

Junelliya had the children play a couple of pieces on the piano together. The last piece they played was a waltz and Fayad took first Hanalei, then Junelliya, Porra, and finally Alafka, for a spin in the living room much to the delight of those who were not dancing.

The children them picked up their Ukulele and began to play several pieces. They even played two more recent and very popular songs by Seeka, again surprising the Byandi. Arttra in particular was quite amazed by their capabilities.

The children put away their instruments and came to the table to take Arttra's hands and pull her to the music area. Arttra picked up her Cattass and began to play. She was a master with the instrument and her skill was immediately recognizable as she began to bring out the best from the instrument. Her voice was beautiful as she sang classical Byandi songs for the listeners. After a half dozen songs, she put her instrument down and asked for Junelliya to take a turn.

Junelliya took up her Luttrell and began to play. Like Arttra, it was immediately apparent to all that she was a skilled musician and a master of her chosen instrument. From the start, she had her audience hooked. When she finally came to her signature song, 'The Song of Life', there wasn't a sound in the apartment.

Junelliya ran through the range of emotions using her empathy as she worked the Luttrell to bring out its best. The sound of the instrument and the sound of her voice were more than enough to captivate those in the room but when she included her empathy, she took the listeners to a much higher level of enjoyment as she brought the song to its conclusion.

Byandi did not shed tears as humans did but the emotions of those in the room were clearly evident as the song ended. After a brief pause, they rose as one to applaud Junelliya for her performance.

"Junelliya," Arttra began, "there are only a small number of people who I will stop to listen to if they are playing their music. I now include you in this number. I am truly pleased that I have been your guest this evening," she finished with a low bow that was copied by all the other Byandi guests.


A couple of days later, Arttra made an appearance at the Piscium apartment in the afternoon while she knew the children were at the daycare.

"Arttra, what a pleasant surprise," Junelliya said as she begged her guest to enter their home.

"Junelliya, Hanalei, I have brought many Cattass with me intended for the families of the Byandi who now live on this station," Arttra explained her presence and the reason she was carrying two small cases for Cattass. "However, many of those same families already have instruments of their own for their children. Thus, I find myself with two instruments that I have no home for. I would like to present them to you for your children if I may."

"Arttra, you need not do such on our account," Hanalei begged off the offer.

"Ah, but I do, Hanalei. Your children are truly gifted musically, which is not so much of a surprise seeing as Junelliya is also their mother. But I have seen them perform in the daycare. Musically, they are light years ahead of their contemporaries regardless of species. They deserve to have the finest of instruments.

"These two instruments are intended for slightly older children; however, they are the same sized instruments that your children play with in the daycare so they will have no issues with them as they grow into them. They will perhaps be able to use them for five years or so, then these will have to be replaced with slightly larger versions.

"I have no issues with leaving these instruments with you as I know they could not have found a more deserving home. I will provide as much training as I can while I am here to your children, to all the children on Liramor-23 who wish it." Arttra opened up her new comp and touched it to Junelliya. "When I return home, I will continue to provide instructions to your two children. Thank you, Hanalei, Junelliya, for allowing me to call you friends, for allowing me to instruct you children in Byandi music and allowing me to be a guest in your home."

Arttra gave a small bow, turned, and left, leaving two surprised mothers in her wake...

Liramor-23 Daycare, Mike Deck, Liramor-23, The Piscium System

The next day, when Arttra came to provide instructions on the Cattass, she found four fewer students available, which did not surprise her as those four students were not that musically inclined. She was pleased to note two little human girls waiting for her. The children came over to her and bowed low to her.

*Mainiss Arttra, we thank you for your gift of lessons,* they both spoke together as only twins could do.

Arttra smiled and nodded. *Your Byandi is getting much better, little ones. I almost understood you this time.*

Knowing that Arttra was joking with them, the children giggled at the comment. *We make better next time,* they told her.

All the children settled in, Ikekiya and Zarreniya taking two of the instruments of the daycare.

"You do not have your own Cattass with you?" Arttra asked quietly, surprise showing on her face.

"We know we special," Zarreniya spoke for the pair. "We try not be special in front of our fwends."

Arttra smiled and gave them a nod of understanding. Her impression of the children, and the family as a whole, went up another notch. She took great pride in teaching her instrument but even more so in teaching these two special children.

After her lessons, while the children were putting the instruments away, three excited children came to the door of the music room and practically screamed 'Its almost time!'

The Piscium children each grabbed one of Arttra's hands and pulled her into the big gymnasium, leaving her with the other grownups as all the children lined up in rows in front of the large monitor.

The monitor flickered to life and a familiar face was there. "Hello, children!" called the human female on the monitor.

"HELLO MISS BARBARA!!" all the children screamed back excitedly.

"What is it that children like to do?" Miss Barbara asked.

"We like to MOVE!!" the children came back.

Then the music started and the children began to march around as Miss Barbara showed them what she wanted from each of them, her moves specific to each of the species.

The music changed and the children began to prance around, those who could skipped, some used a different gate and those who could not, shuffled, but all participated as best they could.

Arttra was entranced and openly showed her glee at the children's antics. She looked to the other adults in the daycare and saw they too were smiling.

"Miss Barbara is very special," Urano unnecessarily informed Arttra. But she had to agree with Urano's assessment; Miss Barbara was indeed special.

After some time, Miss Barbara praised the children and admonished them to keep moving as she waved and signed off the children were now ready for a snack and, for some, nap time...

Arttra stayed most of the day, watching how the staff worked. While race specific workers were there, no child was left needy for attention regardless of who was providing it. Arttra knew that children feared the new but none of these children feared the daycare staff. Even the overly large and fearsome Asocan Caregivers were accepted by all. At the end of her day, Arttra was very much impressed by what she had seen.

Palace Hospital, The Palace, Pod-Saar, Sharanas System, 109 Nine Light Years from Terra

Varnela-Henad, High Priestess of the Maha-Oran came into the room of her boss, Pemipinae Melda-Hetta. Melda could see that she was excited about something.

Melda was happy to see her, especially now when the excruciatingly annoying itching from the limb regeneration had finally stopped and she had been released from her restraints.

"Good day, Varnela, you look to have some news?" the Pemipinae asked of her High Priestess.

"We have been continuing to look into the issue of the Festival of Midrranna and have found an obscure prophecy but we do not know how to interpret it," Varnela explained.

"The reference was found in conjunction with an old prophecy about the prediction of the end of Midrranna. It states: 'The star will cease to shine not long after my passing but it will return again with me.' We know not how to acknowledge this as we are not sure if it is in reference to Prakeshya or not. Most prophecy about Prakeshya use her name in the prophecy, this one does not," Varnela ended.

Melda bolted upright into a sitting position and called for her aid. "Call the Kumar-Pair and their High Priestess. Have them come here immediately," the Pemipinae ordered.

As soon as they arrived, Melda had Varnela repeat the prophecy. That caused immediate excitement with the others.

"Varnela, I have had you looking into the issue of Midrranna for a reason," the Pemipinae informed her friend. "We have recently been given a new prophecy which indicates the possible return of the original Resestess to our Home Star. However, we did not know if the source could be trusted, nor did we have any corroborating testimony with other prophecy. You have just brought that to us. We now know we can trust the new source of prophecy and can prepare for events in the immediate future."

"How immediate, Pemipinae?" Varnela asked, trepidation rising in her.

"Within a human month's time, Varnela," the Kumaraie notified her.

A human month? Varnela thought. "And, if I may ask, who is the new source?" Varnela wanted to know.

"You have already met her. It is one of my Goddaughters," said the Kumaraie. As before, when the result of prophecy was so abruptly imposed on her, Varnela fainted.

L-1894 The Piscium Apartment, Lima Deck, Liramor-23, The Piscium System

Arttra was giving more lessons to the Piscium children on the Cattass and was very much impressed at how fast they were learning the instrument.

The apartment was active as it was approaching supper time. Once again, Mylat Alafka and her entourage was there, this time it was Marrallan, Alafka's Personal Assistant, who was cooking at the stove under the watchful eye of Hanalei. It never ceased to amuse Arttra how they fussed over the family, but then again, she herself was doing much the same over the children.

Junelliya got a call and threw it to the main monitor in the living room. "Hello Junelliya, I got a message that you wanted to talk to me?" said Seeka.

"OH!! Are those Cattass my little ones?!" Seeka gushed.

"Uh huh. We get from teacher, Arttra," Ikekiya informed their favorite singer.

"Arttra? Why am I not surprised to see the premier performer of that instrument in the Piscium Apartments?" Seeka quipped. "How are you on Liramor-23?"

"Hello, Seeka. Ambassador Porra asked me to come to Liramor-23 to teach the Byandi children here our instrument." Arttra explained.

"And you found two outstanding little musicians waiting for you and your Cattass?" Seeka surmised getting a nod and a smile from her friend.

"How have you been, Seeka?" Arttra asked.

"Very well, my friend. I am going to start a new tour in the human month of January. My new friend and fellow singer, Ciara and I will be conducting a joint tour of Byandi and Union space." (Ciara Collins was an up-and-coming star who had just become the darling of the human media and entertainment channels because of her two concerts at Denders Resort. They had pushed her over the edge of superstardom. She and Seeka had met during the concerts and decided to tour together.)

"Are you going to have issues with transportation, Seeka?" Hanalei asked.

"No, I will have my own Trine Class ship in five days time. I still need to find transportation to Liramor Prime in order to take possession of it," she said.

"Done," Hanalei informed her. "We have nothing going on and a quick trip to Mylatinyl and back would be a wonderful escape."

"Oh, thank you Hanalei! I was beginning to get worried about getting to Pallanders Shipyard on time!" Seeka replied. "Now, as to why Junelliya is calling me?"

"I am making a couple of musical albums," Junelliya began. "One will be just me and family, the other will be an album of collaborations with other singers/musicians that I know. I would ask if you would..."

"Done! Of course I would like to collaborate with you! Your music is wonderful and I have no hesitation with being part of it. Where would we do this?" Seeka asked.

"I have recently found a recording studio on Liramor Prime. Their setup up is quite professional. As well, they have a portable studio so we could come to you if your schedule does not permit you to come to us," Junelliya informed her friend.

"I am writing two new musical pieces with you in mind, Junelliya. I would love to record at least one of them on your album," Seeka told her. "As well, you could ask Arttra to be part of your album. She is the premier Cattass Mainiss in Byandi space. Would you consider collaborating with her, Arttra?"

"I would indeed, Seeka. I have heard Junelliya play and sing. I would be honoured to be part of such an album," Arttra answered, giving Junelliya a low bow.

"Now, how are my two little darlings doing with their new instruments?" Seeka asked.

The children smiled and began to play one of Seeka's newer songs, using their Cattass. Seeka was very much impressed and said so. "You will have to be careful, Arttra, in a few months time, they will rival your skill," she teased her friend.

"Very well, Junelliya, Hanalei. I believe my PA has Sylvie's contact number. I'll have her call Sylvie and coordinate timings. Thank you, both of you, for helping me get to my new ship," Seeka gushed. With a smile and a wave to the children, she signed off.

"That's two now," Hanalei stated with a smile.

"Three actually," Junelliya informed her. "I already have Aghavni lined up."

"Arttra, if you have nothing to do that day, would you like to join us on the trip?" Hanalei asked.
