All the King's Horses Pt. 03


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Tiff nearly fainted. Instead, she straightened her back, tightened her hands, nodded stiffly, turned and stalked off down the corridor. She walked a few feet before Kfap whispered in her ear, somehow sounding as if the shipsoul was standing right beside her. "Wrong way!" she hissed. Tiff spun on her heel and stalked back up the way, heading past Bryce, who opened his mouth, but Tiff lifted her hand, spreading her palm.

"Talk to the hand, Bryce!"

"Good luck!" He called after her.


Tiff rehearsed what she was going to say as she walked down the corridor to Sebastian's room, her tongue darting along her lips as she walked. Hey, Sebastian! Just wanted to did good. Since that shifter was bad. And evil. And shit. And, like, once, I had to threaten a guy by dangling him over a building. It sucked, and I hated it, and I threw up afterwards, but, you know, you have to do what you gotta do, right? Also, my throat sure is looking clean and beautiful today.

Tiff paused, then put her hands over her face. "Scrap that last part, Tiff, you ditzo dumbslut."

She lifted her hand to knock on the door of Sebastian's room, paused, then firmed herself in her confidence. She rapped three times -- and then the door hissed open and Sebastian looked over at her from where he was seated -- before a small desk, where a hologram of two women playing a harp shimmered and glowed. His brow was furrowed.

"I thought there was a technical fault in the door," he said as Tiff stepped in and the door closed behind her. "I also didn't invite anyone in here."

"I-" Tiff looked at the hologram. "You're watching that?"

Sebastian sighed. "Some of us have cultured tastes, T...Winters." He said, swinging around in his chair. "I enjoy refined entertainment when I-" He leaned backwards against the desk, jostling it and causing the hologram to shift to those two women kissing one another, their legs locked around one another. The brunette's top was off, her stupendously perfect breasts heaving as the other, the blonde, kissed down her neck, then began to suck on her nipple, their music replaced by moaning. Sebastian, in the most unvampiric, flailing way possible, slammed his palm down on the desk until the hologram shut off. He didn't blush -- vampire blood only moved when they willed it.

But he still looked as if he wanted to die.

Tiff grinned. "You used to have to steal cable to get that stuff, mas-" She closed her eyes. "Seb. As. Ti. On."

Sebastian groaned. "Well. At the very least I am doing an excellent job in completely ruining the mystique of vampires for you," he said, quietly.

"Meeting a vampire named Blitzkrunk did that, don't worry," Tiff said, grinning at Sebastian. He looked so fucking cute when he was mortified. All his prickles and his stiff upper lip and his frowns, transmuted through the magic of seeing him in his most awkward, virginal nerd-worst, was turned into someone she just wanted to...tie up and ride until he was raw. It was a weird, confused feeling -- the blood made her want to call him master...and ride him...but...she also wanted to...ride him too. Maybe it was a sliver of the adrenaline from earlier today, maybe it was because he saved her life. Maybe it was just cause she was horny and he was cute. And...


Victor -- and every boyfriend after Victor -- had proved...

Vampires gave great head.

Scratch that, she thought. Vampires give head. Period.

Sebastian snorted. Tiff walked over, then held out her hand, as if she was trying to draw back a chair. She had seen others using the same gesture, and Kfap recognized it. A chair extruded from the floor and she settled on it, smiling at Sebastian. "L-Listen, master, I get why you hate it. Domination? It's gross. It sucks., that shifter was a total whackjob. She thinks she's a god and runs a fucking Omni-Imperium. And, now, like, maybe this just me judging a book by the cover, but I figure anything called the Omni-Imperium's gotta have, like, more than a teeny bit of blood on its hands. Like, remember Saddam?" She asked.

"No..." Sebastian said.

"Well, he was this, like, bad dude, okay?" Tiff said, nodding. "And, like, bad dudes are bad. Sometimes, you gotta..." She blushed.

"That's the same reasoning that led to the torture and detainment of millions of people throughout history," Sebastian said, frowning at her.

"Y-Yeah, but, like, you didn't like doing it, master!" Tiff said, reaching out to grab his cool hand. He tensed, his hackles literally rising before her eyes. He looked away, jerking his hand out of her grasp. Or. At least. He tried. Tiff gripped his wrist, holding on tight. The end result was that the chair scooted along the ground with a faint squeal and her knees bumped against his knees. Tiff's breath caught. "I..." She bit her lip. "H-How long does it take for...vitae addiction to wear off?"

"The literature says, ah, between a day to several weeks. Depending on...susceptibility..." Sebastian said, not looking at her. Tiff leaned forward, still gripping his hand. His skin was so smooth, and the faint chill of his touch was just as exciting and exotic as she remembered it. Her nose flared as she drew in his scent. Vampires had a scent -- but it was faint and still. Not the scent of the dead -- but the scent of stasis. As if they had been caught in amber and preserved there. Beautiful and glittering. Her eyes half lidded and she barely resisted the urge to nuzzle his hand. Instead, she squeezed him and felt his trembling.

" did you get turned?" she murmured.

"Why do you care?" he asked, his voice prickly.

"C-Cause I'm in the freakflipping fucking future," Tiff said, grinning at him. "I wanna know everything. Like, hecksause, I don't even know what the Eugenics Wars are! And you guys will not stop name dropping them."

"Well, the Eugenics Wars were a-" Sebastian started. Tiff squeezed his hand threatening. He squirmed and gasped. "Okay, okay! Fine! The story is...I applied for the Clan Primogentiar after I graduated from college at the top of my class. I wanted to join Survey and, well, I knew the galaxy was too vast, too beautiful for just one life time. I was interviewed by the Antedeluvian Council and the Camerilla. I went into psychosomatic testing, had my future foreseen by a Wyrdling, and had to do community service for five years with the Rhoa wereshark tribes..." His tongue, nervous, darted along blood red lips and the trembling grew more pronounced. But he wasn't trying to draw his fingers back anymore.

"Then?" Tiff asked, grinning. "Was there a blood orgy?"

Sebastian's head snapped around, his eyes wide. "What?"

"Well, I mean, back in my day, when I was running around Earth," Tiff said, grinning. "A vampire gets turned when another vampire drains them dry while...ya know..."

"I was taken into a hospital, given localized anesthetic, and Embraced via an infusion of vampiric blood through a system of blood pumps," he said, his voice tight. "To prevent any initial vitae dependence."

"Like with me," Tiff murmured, quietly.

"Yeah..." Sebastian looked at her. His eyes and hers met. He seemed to remember that his hand was in hers. He drew it back and away from her, starting to stand, coughing. "Thank you for this-"

Tiff tackled him. It was an instinct, a pushing, crawling need that had bloomed inside of her and she acted with the instincts of a hunter -- of the Hunter. A snarling, growling voice in the back of her head told her to do more than just slam him back. Her fingers wanted to grip his throat. They wanted to drag his top open. So, she split the difference and planted her palms to either side of his head as he collapsed under her onto the bed. His legs sprawled out and his arms were caught above his head, his eyes wide -- frightened. Tiff panted, her lips skinning back as she tried to harness her Hunters instinct.

It crawled along her spine and prickled under her skin, like an animal.

It got her hot.

It got her wet.

She panted, softly, looking down at Sebastian, meeting his eyes. "Master..."

"Tiffany, we-'re not in your-" He stammered.

"Shut up, you fucking nerd," Tiff breathed out, a ragged snarl, and leaned down, almost bending herself in half. Her mouth pressed against his cool lips, bumping against his sharp, eager little fangs. His tongue didn't move, didn't respond to her tongue -- and so, she claimed him. Explored him. Her tongue thrust into his mouth, her hands cupping his cheeks, holding him in place. His hands reached up, for a moment, about to touch her hair, before drawing back, gripping the bed instead, as if he wasn't sure what to do with himself. But slowly, tentatively, Sebastian started to kiss her back. He didn't warm -- but his tongue started to press against hers, flicking gently, sliding along hers, into her mouth.

Tiff drew back, panting, then grabbed onto his top and tugged at it. Her strength was more than enough to split the silvery fabric apart underneath her strength, tearing apart with a delicious rrrriping noise. She drew back more to admire her handiwork and the handiwork of Survey and the Camerilla. Under the training of the Federation's largest branch of civil service and with the gentle kiss of a vampire's transition, Sebastian's chest was flat and sleek and seamed with muscles. She could have traced the line of every pectoral muscle, of every abdominal muscle, and still had time to lick his belly button and explore that for a few million years.

She grinned. "Niiice..." She caressed his chest, slowly and Sebastian trembled, whispering.


"Master, shut up," she said, quietly. "Right now, I haven't had sex for three. Hundred. Fucking. Years. You're hot. I'm horny." She grinned, then rocked her hips. "And I can feel you want it -- so, maybe...ya know..." Her grin was even more feral now as she leaned forward, her voice a purring croon. "Go with it?"

Sebastian's tongue slid along his lips. "What if I hurt you?"

Tiff blinked. "Master, I'm the fucking vampire hunter." She slid her hands along his cheeks, down to his throat, along his shoulders, up his arms, to his wrists, which she held down as she leaned forward and kissed him again. Sebastian wriggled, then stilled and kissed her back. When she drew back again, she was panting, whispering. "Master..." She rolled her hips, grinding her clothed sex against his bulge. She released his wrists, grabbing her collar and tugging hard. Grunge was tough. Grunge was cheap. But grunge was no more able to withstand her strength than his silvery future suit. Her breasts heaved as they were freed from her top and she shoved her jeans down, kicking the last scraps of her clothes away -- and only once she was done did she see the awed expression in Sebastian's eyes.

His hands half reached for her, before freezing. Tiff scoffed, then took his hands, placing them on her breasts. She moaned, huskily, as his fingers tightened against her -- then found the hard nubs of her nipples. The gently tweak he gave her sent a shiver of raw pleasure along her spine. A Hunter's instincts included enhanced senses -- what Christian, what none of the ancient books of lore had taught her, was that those senses included the sense of pleasure. She hissed, then whispered. "Harder..."

Sebastian looked at her -- and she grinned. "I'm tough."

HE squeezed her, taking some confidence from her moan, then he kissed at her nipple. His cool tongue swirled around her nipple, teasing even more eager mewls from Tiff's throat as she closed her eyes, her hips spreading wider. The wild tuft of her pubic hair rasped against his belly as she started to grind her eager cunt against his bulge, slicking him up. She felt him throbbing with eagerness through his leggings -- a pale shaft, waiting to plunge into her hot, waiting depths. Tiff's head almost spun as she reached down, hooking her finger on his legging.

She tore.

And his cock slapped against her rump -- long and thin. It wasn't as thick as she preferred, but oh. Oh it was beautiful looking. Craning her head down and lifting her hips, she felt him glide between her thighs, bouncing free as his dick caught for just a moment upon her sex before slipping free. The tip glistened with that momentary connection. Tiff bit her lip, slightly, then murmured. "That. Is. A very. Very nice vampire dick."

"Seen many?" Sebastian asked.

In another tone of voice, in another context, he'd have sounded judgmental. Furious. Sneering. Condescending. But in that gentle, slightly wondering tone of voice, his eyes wide as saucers, looking up at her with a tender kind of awe, Tiff found herself grinning. "A-A grand total of two..." She said, quietly. "Victor a-and..." She bit her lip. "There...was this guy, named Hector. He was a douchebag, but...I'd just broken up with a human boyfriend, so, I went out hunting and ended up fucking Hector -- he wasn't a killer. Just a dick."

Sebastian gaped at her.

Tiff grinned at him. "So...any more questions, master?" She licked her lips. "Saying that's feeling better, you know?" She leaned forward, her voice growing soft. "I think it's cause I" She blushed, not finishing that sentence. Instead, she kissed him, her belly trapping his cock between her warmth and his chill -- and slowly, his hands settled upon her back, as if she was made of blown glass. She growled and kissed him harder and, in awkward, stumbling, virginal response, his fingers found her ass and squeezed.

Tiff spread her thighs, rearing her hips up. She felt his cool dick up against her cunny. Her lips spread for him and she ached. She needed him so badly. More than she needed air. Her breath caught and she whispered. "Do it..." She whispered. "Do it I won't do the rest..." She licked her lips. "Do it."

Sebastian squeezed her ass tighter and thrust his hips upwards, his cock plunging into her. He was just cool enough to be exciting, a tingling rush through her body as her back arched, her breasts mashing against him. Her head rolled back, her mouth opening in a silent moan as Sebastian let out a little growl, leaning forward. His fangs grazed along her neck, erotic pressure against her skin, making her tingle and tremble. Her breath catching.

She had been in this situation...a dozen times...

The memories flashed through her head. A vampire's breath, cold and dark against her skin, his claws gripping her hair, her hand scrambling on her stake. And even at that time, even in the deadly, serious danger, the raw need of the moment burned clear. The want for the fanks to sink. The blood to gush, warm and red and delicious, filling their mouth and letting the pleasure of the Kiss carry her away.

That's what they called it.

The Kiss.

Sebastian Kissed her. His fangs sank into her neck and blood gushed from her, filling his mouth with a wet, slurping noise. Heat dribbled along her neck, dripping down her breast, sliding along his jaw. And the pleasure. Oh. The pleasure. It burned along her veins and her nerves, as if her whole body had been set on fire. Her eyes unfocused and her mouth trembled as his cock began to heat inside of her, his hips moving with a feral, frantic pressure. His balls slapped against her ass, rebounding against her as he drank and drank and drank, his eyes half closed, his fingers working through her hair. Tiff felt light headed as orgasm after orgasm roared through her body, her spine arching.

Her cunt, clenching.

Her breath, catching.

His fangs jerked free and his tongue lapped along her neck, another jagged spike of pleasure. His seed, a gush of shocking chill that rushed through her body, leaving her shuddering and quivering, her breath choking in her throat as she moaned out, a noise that could barely be called a word. The two of them collapsed back together. His hands remained fastened around her, holding her close, and her legs slid around him, squeezing him tight. Her eyes closed and she nuzzled against Sebastian's neck as his cock slid, slowly, from her sex, leaving her oozing with his vampiric seed.

"Whoa..." Sebastian whispered.

"Mmm..." Tiff drew her head slowly back, looking down her nose at him. Her hair was a wild, bedraggled mess. Her eyes were unfocused and she looked down into his beautiful face with a little smile. "That was good, Master."

"Thanks," Sebastian said, sounding faintly dazed. "I..." he blinked, looking at her. "Y-You...keep calling me that..." His hand caressed her neck, slowly, the back of his knuckles rubbing along her cheek. His thumb slid along her lips, smearing some blood against her plush, kissable lips. His voice was ever so soft. "I liked it."

Tiff half closed her eyes, then laid down on him. "Don't get used to it."

She closed her eyes. And Sebastian held her -- caressing her, letting her drift, slowly, to sleep.


When Tiffany woke, it was with the best mood that she had had in centuries. Her body felt as if it had been wrung out and twisted and left to recover. She had aches. She had pains. But god, it was a good ache. It was the ache of a run. The ache of a fuck. She didn't even feel faint anymore. But the best thing was that something warm and furred was pressed against her -- a huge, comforting presence. Tiff then blinked.

She turned her head.

A massive, silvery wolf -- almost half as big as she was -- curled up beside her on the bed. Tiff's eyes bugged -- and then she squealed. "Oh my god!" She put her hands on her mouth, sitting up and the wolf woke up all at once. He sprang to his paws and then melted, like a sandcastle beaten by the rain, growing and expanding, until Sebastian was beside her, on his palms and his knees. He looked at her, his eyes wide.

"I can explain!" He said. "'s a protean form, since, as a living wolf, I don't-"

"You're. So. Fucking. Fluffy!" Tiff squeaked, then grabbed him, slamming him against the wall so hard that even Sebastian looked shock. "Change back! Change back! I must pet you!"

"All bridge officers, report to conference room 1," Kfap said.

"Thank Gaia," Sebastian whispered.

Tiff pouted.


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DragonCoboltDragonCoboltabout 1 year agoAuthor

Me, definitely!

okami1061okami1061about 1 year ago

Who's having the biggest romp with this?


Or you?

shyspudshyspudover 3 years ago

wow.....i want her

SensualSigmaSensualSigmaabout 4 years ago
Sounds like...

I would want to pet him too. Fluff/floof-iness is more than most humans can expect to resist.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Yet another brilliant chapter. Please keep them coming!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

5/5... again!

Please keep writing!

DragonCoboltDragonCoboltabout 4 years agoAuthor

This story is brought to you by the following harem members (and patreon supporters)

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keen_FlattendHedgeHog, Paks, Phraxius, Pierce Gray, Taco1085, Albert Finney, Indianguy, MaxxDredd, MDG1969, Etorius Starwalker, Dave2282, Seth, Red24g, SylentNight, CrispnCrunch, AutumnStripe, Gillered, zerozero, Jarath, Daddy Lenin, clauskj3r, Devi Lacroix, Doughnut and Dracorexidae.

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Thanks for Reading!

AxelottoAxelottoabout 4 years ago
That's just Beautiful...

"OMG, you're so fluffy!"

You have NAILEDthis whole Slayer thing, my hat is off to you so very, very much.

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