All's Fair


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Ashley enjoyed the feeling of the tiefling's tongue playing on the organ and pulled Kathryn forward by her horns on instinct, seeking to bury the cock in as much warmth as possible. Kathryn gagged slightly, but managed to take it all in and ran her tongue along the shaft as Ashley thrust in and out of her tight body, eliciting guttural moans each time.

Eventually, Ashley pulled out, knowing that the male body would likely only be able to cum once. While the idea of forcing seed down Kathryn's throat held great appeal, there was a better place for it. Dishes were swept to the side as Ashley helped Kathryn onto the table and spread her legs wide open. Ashley positioned the member at Kathryn's entrance and slid in all the way. Kathryn's cunt wrapped itself tight around Ashley's cock, and the vibrating plug in her ass only added to the pleasure.

Something warm and hard whipped Ashley's thigh and then proceeded to wrap around it. Kathryn's tail had gone wild and was thrashing about with a mind of its own due to the pleasure its owner was receiving. A wicked idea popped into Ashley's mind, and Kathryn soon found her tail in the firm grasp of Ashley's fist. She started to protest, but all rational thought ceased when Ashley stroked it.

An electric current ran up Kathryn's spine and she shuddered in delight at the treatment. She had never felt so full in her life and wanted to feel as much of Ashley in herself as possible. Kathryn wrapped her legs around Ashley's waist and raked her nails along Ashley's back, begging for more. Ashley smirked at seeing the assassin driven crazy with lust and placed a thumb firmly on Kathryn's clit. The pressure caused Kathryn's hips to buck, and Ashley took her time in massaging the little nub while fucking the woman.

"Come for me," Ashley ordered, driving in all the way and pressing down hard on the assassin. The table shook as Kathryn came and her pussy rippled around Ashley's cock. There was no possibility of Ashley holding back between the vibrations from the plug, the tight fit of Kathryn's pussy, and milking effect of her orgasm. Ashley looked Kathryn in the eye as she filled Kathryn with her seed. The tiefling's mouth was open in a perfect "O" and her eyes had a dazed look of satisfaction about them.

Ashley took her time pulling out of the tired woman. She might have finished and left Kathryn alone if the sight of a cock covered with gleaming juices did not bring more ideas to mind.

"Clean it off, bitch," Ashley ordered. Kathryn knelt down immediately and set to the task with such enthusiasm that she actually managed to draw out a small spurt of cum from Ashley's tired member. The tiefling let Ashley out of her mouth with a gentle plopping sound and displayed her prize proudly with an open mouth before swallowing the entire thing.

"Good girl," Ashley cooed. "Now let's see about your little problem."

The words were joy to Kathryn's ears, and the tiefling's ass pulled herself back onto the table with her ass in the air. Her tail curled to the side to reveal the plug's flange still buzzing away. The plug, of course, would have to be deactivated first, so Ashley searched through her clothes for a small white pebble and squeezed it. All vibrations stopped instantly as the plug shrank down to its normal small size.

The sorceress ran her fingers up and down Kathryn's spine, occasionally letting them wander down the tiefling's tail. When she was sure that Kathryn was relaxed enough, Ashley reached for the plug and pulled it out by the flange. Ashley enjoyed the sight of her rival's orifice stretching to release the sex toy, which came out with a satisfying pop. Kathryn's ass was left open for a brief moment before it got used to its newfound emptiness and closed into a tight little rosebud. Ashley thought it was actually kind of cute.

"I'll just leave you to handle the dishes, shall I?" Ashley mocked as she magicked her clothing back on and walked out of the room.

Round 3

Little happened to pique Ashley's interest the next day. Kathryn had steered clear away from her and was even avoiding the daily exchange of banter they usually engaged in. While talking with her rival was never pleasant, it would have at least been something to preoccupy her time now that Antonia was spending all of her off duty hours with Richard. The bastard.

The entrance portal glowed and, to Ashley's great surprise, Antonia came in with red, puffy eyes. She sat down dejectedly on the bottom bunk next to Ashley and started crying. While Antonia was the more sensitive of the two, she had rarely ever broken down before. Undead hordes, mass murders, four hour operas, and eldritch abominations had shaken her, but nothing have ever gotten to her like this. If Richard was responsible there would be no helping him.

"What's wrong?" Ashley put an arm around her friend and waited for her to calm down.

"I... I don't know," Antonia sobbed. "Men, I guess."

"Surely not the entire gender?" Ashley asked jokingly. "Let me guess, one in particular?"

"Yeah," Antonia admitted. "Richard is such a dick."

"I suppose he is." Ashley struggled to maintain a straight face at the unintentional pun and reminded herself that her friend was in trouble. "What happened?"

"He was... he was... oh, I don't want to talk about it!" Antonia hugged Ashley and buried her head in the sorceress' neck.

"Er... there there?" Ashley patted Antonia on the back awkwardly. "You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to."

"Thanks," Antonia cried. "You've been such a good friend."

Most other women would have loved to receive such a compliment, but most other women were not sexually interested in their roommates. Ashley became too caught up in lamenting the fact that Antonia had cemented her position as someone she would never become involved with to notice the kiss Antonia planted on her neck.

"What the -" Ashley broke off from Antonia and turned her head to ask what was going on. What she got was a tender kiss on the lips from her roommate.

Well hooray, huzzah, and hup hup hurrah, Ashley thought. The kiss was soft and sweet, everything she had imagined Antonia would feel like. It was so enrapturing that Ashley did not notice the handcuffs being placed on her wrists until it was too late.

"Surprise," Antonia mocked in Kathryn's voice.

"You!" Ashley shouted as she struggled to get out of the assassin's grasp. She mentally kicked herself; of course an assassin would have known basic shapeshifting.

"I thought I'd be nice to pay you a visit," Kathryn said. "You know, since you've been so mopey and all."

All Kathryn got from Ashley was silence and a stare. The assassin shrugged and Kathryn proceeded to undress her victim. Clearly Kathryn had been paying attention yesterday when Ashley had taken off her clothes, for she managed to pull open the front of Ashley's robes without any trouble. There was no way to completely remove the garment due to the handcuffs, but Kathryn did not seem bothered by that. She straddled Ashley and cupped the girl's breasts together with her hands. Kathryn's thumbs ended up on Ashley's nipples and she began to press down on the nubs while gently massaging the breasts.

"You've got quite a nice pair," Kathryn teased, flicking Ashley's nipples with her thumbs. "Pity your robes don't do them justice."

"At least I don't go out in public wearing more leather than an entire drow army." Ashley's retort resulted in a few nails being dug into her breasts. It hurt, but she would not give Kathryn the satisfaction of knowing that and bit the inside of her cheek to keep quiet. Unfortunately, her tormentor noticed the action and dragged her nails along Ashley's breasts, earning a stifled cry from the sorceress.

Kathryn smiled in triumph and planted several soft kisses where she had raked Ashley, which relieved the pain somewhat. Ashley moaned and thrust her chest out to allow for better access; it might not have been Antonia touching her, but it was close enough.

"Remember what you did to me yesterday?" Kathryn asked between kisses. "I think it's my turn to put something in you."

A very bad feeling welled up in Ashley's stomach. While she was fairly certain that reproduction was impossible with basic shapeshifting magic, she had no desire to test that theory out for herself. Unfortunately for her, Kathryn was strong enough to wrestle lions to the ground and effortlessly pulled the sorceress' pants down to her knees over while contained her feeble attempts at escape at the same time.

Instead of taking a male form, however, Kathryn proceeded to produce a large jar from an extra-dimensional pouch on her belt. It was filled with yellow-green water and four creatures which looked something like a cross between a slug and a centipede, entwined about each other like a ball of yarn.

"No fucking way," Ashley spat, struggling to free herself with renewed vigor. Lustworms were highly illegal parasites often kept by assassins for their secretions. Only a small amount of it was needed under most conditions, and Ashley shuddered to think of what would happen if she got a full dose.

Kathryn wrestled with her until she was behind the sorceress and holding the girl's body between her well toned thighs. Ashley's head wound up nestled Kathryn's breasts, with a clear view of her own pussy. The jar was quickly placed on a desk next to the bed and unscrewed. Kathryn plucked one of the lustworms out and dropped it on Ashley's stomach. The disgusting creature set her skin on fire when it made contact and left a trail of warm pleasure as it inched its way downwards. Ashley tossed and turned the best she could in an attempt to shake it off of her, but the bug clung on tenaciously.

The world exploded when the lustworm touched Ashley's clitoris, and she forgot to breath due to the intense euphoria that the creature's secretion's produced. It seemed like every nerve in her sensitive little bud had fired at once, overloading her senses. Just as she managed to regain control of herself, the bug started to crawl over her nub, and the additional stimulation caused an orgasm to roll through her like lightening. Ashley's eyes rolled back as cum gushed out of her and onto the bed.

"If you think that's good, just wait until it gets inside you," Kathryn whispered gleefully. Ashley turned her head around and tried to bite her captor, but Kathryn simply pulled back and kept the sorceress at a safe distance until the creature slipped into her. Waves of heat pulsed through her vagina and hit every pleasure center along the way, including some that Ashley never knew existed. The sorceress lost all composure and threw her head back for a primal howl that shook the room, with all thoughts of attacking Kathryn forgotten in the throes of her orgasm.

Every moment with the lustworm inside her seemed like pure bliss, until the situation escalated once again when it reached her cervix. Ashley's back arced and toes curled as a white hot flash of pleasure accompanied her latest earth shattering orgasm. The stimulation quickly become so intense that it turned painful. Tears ran freely as the creature forced its way past her cervix. It hurt worse than the time she had been run over by a war chariot, and yet it felt so good. Ashley became lost in a haze of pleasure and pain, no longer sure which was which, as the creature made its way through and settled into her womb.

After the aftershocks had died down, Ashley saw that she was still trapped in Kathryn's clutches. The older woman was gently stroking her stomach, which glowed with a comforting warmth. A small pool of Ashley's juices was leaking out from between her lips and coated her thighs. The two remained entwined for several minutes before Kathryn reached for the jar again.

"We don't want the little fellow to get lonely in there, do we?" The assassin asked maliciously as she pulled another lustworm out. Ashley broke down sobbing at the thought of having to go through the process three more times as a second lustworm was dropped on her stomach. One exquisite orgasm followed another until Ashley passed out as the fourth creature entered her womb.

There was no way of telling how long she was unconscious for after that, but Ashley awoke to find herself face down on her own bed. Even after all her orgasms, her body still lusted for more stimulation. Ashley ground her clit into the mattress in an attempt to relieve her arousal as she tried to assess her situation. The sound of rubber snapping on skin caught her attention and she caught a glimpse of Kathryn out of the corner of her eye. A turn of her head showed the assassin holding a very large white pill in her gloved right hand.

"Good, you're awake," Kathryn smiled. "You know what the most serious problem with using human hosts to store lustworms is? The initial biochemical changes in the host's system result in severe constipation. Fortunately, I raided Doc's medical supplies before I stopped by."

"Shove it up your ass," Ashley snarled. Kathryn might have gotten the upper hand for now, but Ashley refused to play along.

"Funny you should say that," Kathryn drawled, enjoying the sight of color leaving Ashley's face. The sorceress was too worn out to actually escape, but she tried anyways, wiggling her ass adorably in the attempt. Kathryn gave her a hard slap on the cheeks, which resounded through the room and immediately caused Ashley to stop struggling.

"There there," the tiefling comforted. "I'm only trying to help."

It was clear from the glare Ashley shot her that she had more to say, but the sorceress bit her tongue as Kathryn spread her cheeks open. The suppository was placed on her rosebud, where it met a tightly closed sphincter, thought it quickly relaxed when Ashley felt Kathryn tracing around the reddening hand print on her silky bottom.

The pill slipped through her sphincter and elicited a whimper as Kathryn pushed the suppository in with her middle finger. The digit seemed to go on forever and only stopped when Kathryn had buried herself up to the knuckle, after which she wiggled the finger around playfully. Ashley had never tried anal sex before, so the pleasurable stimulation of nerve endings came as a surprise to her. Ashley did not know if it was due to the lustworms or the general situation she and Kathryn had gotten themselves into in the past few days, but she found the experience intensely erotic.

"Looks like someone's enjoying this," Kathryn observed as Ashley pushed back against her finger. The temptation to continue using the girl occurred to Kathryn, but she had been in long enough. A good assassin did not linger to savor her kill, she completed her business and left like a professional. The tiefling gave the suppository one final nudge before withdrawing smoothly and casually discarding the glove on the floor. Ashley mewed from the sensation of having a finger pull out of her and watched helplessly as Kathryn walked out of the room without uncuffing her or fixing her clothes, leaving the sorceress hot with shame and slick with her own juices.

Round 4

Overall, Kathryn thought the last few days had gone remarkably well. Not only had she managed to seduce her arch-rival - that was her story and she was sticking with it - but their last encounter had left the witch with a clear idea of who was in charge. The feeling of utterly dominating a long time enemy sexually was indescribably satisfying. Whoever said the greatest pleasure in life came from killing one's enemies was severely lacking in imagination. Humiliating someone and making them dance like a puppet to your will beat murder any day.

Breaking the girl had not been easy, but ever since the the incident with the lustworms she had never left herself alone. Every time Kathryn had come in, she had grown flustered and quickly retreated at the nearest possible moment. Judging from the aroused expression on her face during those brief encounters, Kathryn guessed that she had not found the trick about getting the lustworms out.

Of course, Kathryn could not just leave the situation at that. Sooner or later, she was going to have to reinforce the idea that she was in charge, and it would be much more effective if it were done sooner. Tonight would be a good time, perhaps after Antonia was asleep. The fewer people who knew about the affair the better.

She lay down on the floor and began her daily exercises. Keeping in shape was important for an assassin, and Kathryn found that she had to put more effort into stretching compared to other women as her muscles tended to get in the way of flexibility. It was something of a disadvantage, but her strength had allowed her to triumph in situations where other assassins could not; in the event that she was attacked by undead or other creatures without vulnerable areas, she could simply start laying the smack down on them without instead of having to resort to magic.

A presence suddenly appeared about halfway through her routine and suddenly Kathryn found herself transported to a dark void. There was no light and she could not even see herself. She reached for her body with her hands and panicked when she felt nothing. What had happened? Did she pass out? If so, she might not be found for hours.

"Hello?" Kathryn asked. "If this is a trick, it isn't funny!"

Silence followed her question.

"Dammit, I'm twenty three years old and in perfect health. I did not fall unconscious for no reason! I demand an explanation!"

Fuck. She hoped that she was not dead and floating in Limbo. That would have been bad.

"Anybody?" She pleaded desperately. The isolation was starting to gnaw at her mind.

Then, as suddenly as it had started, the isolation ceased and Kathryn found herself in her own room again. However, she was now undressed with her hands handcuffed behind her and to the bed frame.

"What the hell?" She yelled in surprise, only to find that her words were muffled by a ball gag. Saliva pooled around her lips and a thin strand dropped down to her breasts.

"Dammit, would it kill you to clean this place every now and then?" Kathryn looked down to see a naked Ashley pulling herself out from under the bed, stirring up a small cloud of dust as she extracted herself. The sorceress walked over to Kathryn's armoire and pulled a box of sex toys, whistling at the various implements she found within it.

"I bet you're glad you don't have to share this place with anyone," Ashley joked as she brought the items over to the bed and set them down by the assassin. "Now, I'm going to be honest with you. You stuck a lustworm in me and I'll admit I probably had that coming, but that's not all you did, was it? Impersonating my roommate and toying with my heart was a pretty low blow, even for you. Then there's the matter of the other three lustworms you brought along. Do you know what it's like to try and sleep at night with a hot girl sleeping naked five feet above you? It's hard enough without four parasites riding roughshod over your endocrine system."

Ashley brought out a box of her own from under the bed and drew out a jar with several thin metal needles resting in a clear liquid. The smell when it opened suggested that it was probably an alcohol based disinfectant. Kathryn froze at the sight of the needles and quickly ran through the various kinds of tortures that they would be used for in her head. None of them were pretty. If the sorceress had fallen off of the wagon as a result of what Kathryn had done, she was in deep trouble.

"Scared?" Ashley taunted, holding a needle up to Kathryn's eye. From here, she could ruin Kathryn's retinas or, if she drove it in at the right spot, perform a lobotomy. The assassin shot back as far away as possible - about half a foot, given that her only option was to flatten herself against the bed frame It did nothing to stop Ashley from closing the distance and leaning over to nibble on Kathryn's ear.