Almost Lost then Saved (True Love)

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Cheating wife caught with date - Love Wins.
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My first attempt in the Romance Category. For the illustrated version, just send me an email - which you can find on my profile page.

Almost Lost but Saved

(From Cheater to True Love)

Within the agency, I assumed the cloak of a senior accountant, a cover that shielded the true nature of my work from my wife and friends. They were oblivious to the fact that I was deeply involved in a highly dangerous position. Instead, they perceived me as a mere desk jockey, a misconception that often led to jests and comments like pencil pusher or file clerk. I did not enjoy their taunts and humiliation, but lived with knowledge of my true role in the FBI.

Our social circle, composed of individuals with powerful positions and successful ventures, only magnified the disparity between their perceptions and my reality. Their high-flying careers cast my own in a dim light, fostering a sense of inadequacy within me which often led to a desire to let them know my true function in the agency.

To add to the humiliation, I sensed a discomfort from some of my family regarding my profession, which only deepened my internal conflict. Compared to all our friends, I had the least interesting position, albeit with the FBI. Despite my fervent desire to disclose the truth and garner the recognition my work deserved; strict nondisclosure agreements bound me to silence. So, I struggled with the burden of their disappointment.

My darling wife, Erica, always took my side and told everyone I had a safe job and was proud that I was working for the FBI. She didn't have to worry about me getting hurt in the field. She was proud of me and respected me for who I was, not the job. We had a strong marriage, and I loved her dearly. We were close and shared everything, which made it hard for me to keep this secret from her.

After 23 years with the bureau, I was being groomed for a promotion and invited up to DC with my partner, Roger Sikes. My name is Brock Williams, and I have been assigned to a dangerous clandestine operation force, designed to uncover terrorist cells in the US for the last 5 years. After taking down several of the largest terror cells in the country, I was being considered for a big position that would be my last job with the agency before I retired in seven years.

As I mentioned already, every aspect of my job was secret, and my cover was meticulously planned. None of our accomplishments were made public, and none of our friends or family had a clue of the dangers and things we had to do in order to take down the bad guys. I couldn't even tell my wife, Erica, much about my job as my position called for complete secrecy and Top-Secret access.

Somehow, I was able to compartmentalize my job and be a normal husband without her knowing the dangers I faced in the field. My cover as an FBI accountant allowed me to explain my travel and career functions. The truth was that I was part of a secret team that infiltrated some of the most dangerous terrorist cells in the country that wanted to inflict great harm on our country.

Over the years, several of my team members were injured and killed on the job, but not a word was ever mentioned or brought into my family life. I traveled often, so this trip did not come as a surprise to Erica. I told her I would be gone for two nights and be flying up to the DC office. I kissed her goodbye at 4 PM when my partner Roger picked me up at our house. My darling wife gave me a warm, loving kiss and waved to us as we drove away.

A little story about Erica, our children, and our 25 years together as husband and wife. Erica and I met in our first year of college and were inseparable. We were soulmates, and everyone knew we were the perfect couple. We married right out of college and for the last 25 years had the perfect marriage. We raised two wonderful children, who were now in college, and looking forward to my retirement in five years.

Not for one minute did Erica ever give me a reason to be jealous or doubt her love. In fact, she seemed proud of the fact that I worked for the FBI and always showed me great respect around our family and friends.

Erica worked as an office manager for a local government contractor and had been approved for Top Secret clearance due to the sensitive information that agency handled. Erica was well respected and loved by her colleagues and myself, her adoring husband. At 47 she still looked great with a wonderful figure kept sexy by her gym workouts and healthy diets. We seemed to have it all, and now my career was about to reach a new level, and I would finally be able to tell Erica about my past work if I got the promotion to assistant director.

As we did on all of my trips, I gave Erica a warm loving kiss goodbye as we exchanged loving words to each other, which Roger found hysterical after 25 years of marriage. On the way to the airport, Roger commented, "Man, are you two really that happy, or is all that just for show for me?"

"Roger, I've loved that woman since the day I met her in the college bookstore. Without her, I would be nothing. Yeah, I love my job, all the action, and success we've had, but without her I would be nothing. I can't wait to get this promotion and to be able to spend more time with her and finally let her know about the job. It's been difficult keeping it a secret for all these years, and I can't wait to tell her the truth after all these years."

As we drove to the airport, I reflected on my life and spent a few minutes in silence sending out my feelings of appreciation for the life I've had with all its blessings. My kids, my wife, our health, and all my dreams that were coming true.

Airport Fiasco

As soon as we got to the gate, we had a one-hour delay, and we did some work on our laptops as we waited in the airport lounge. One hour turned into two hours and finally a canceled flight due to mechanical problems with the plane. We tried to find another flight, but they were all booked and we had to reschedule for the following morning.

As we left the airport, I tried calling Erica, but her phone went directly to voicemail. Since it went into voicemail on the first ring, I knew her phone probably had a dead battery, which was a common issue she had with her phone. I've been after her to get a new one, but she kept putting it off. Oh well, I'll get her one this weekend.

"Brock, I'm hungry, and we're passing by Emilo's on the way home. We're due a nice dinner on Uncle Sam, and I think we should stop for dinner."

"That's a great idea. I'm in the mood for a nice steak, and that's a great place. Yes, it's expensive, but since the agency is paying the bill, I'm in."

Just before 8 PM, we were seated and ordering our first drink. We talked about the delay and left messages with our handler about our flight cancellation. They changed the schedule to accommodate us and took care of the hotel reservations. I was in the middle of my second vodka martini when Roger looked up and laughed.

"Brock, Erica's doppelganger just walked into the restaurant."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, don't turn around just yet, but this woman is an exact copy of your wife. If I didn't know better, I'd say it was her. OK, they're sitting six tables directly behind you. Take a look and tell me I'm crazy."

I slowly turned and saw the woman he was talking about. He was almost right; she wasn't a double, she was my wife. My wife Erica was sitting with some man I didn't recognize.

"Roger, that's not her double. That's my wife. Crap, that's not good. Maybe it's a work meeting or something. I'm going to call her again and see if she answers. It's ringing."

Erica heard her phone, took it out of her purse, looked at the number, and hit the end button. Once again, the call went straight to voicemail. I was shocked as I watched her ignore my call and dismiss me so easily. After she put the phone away, she reached over and took the man's hand and stared into his eyes with a look she used to give to me, and was now giving to another man -- which wasn't me!

This wasn't a business meeting; it was a date. Fuck! My wife waited until I was out of town to go out on a date, cheat on me, and our marriage. Not in a million years would I have expected this. Damn, I was an experienced investigator, how could I have not seen this? I felt anger starting to take over, but using my skills, I was able to calm down and analyze the situation.

Roger knew me well and saw my reactions and realized that I was in a danger zone, "Brock, this sucks. What do you want to do?"

"Nothing yet, let me think this through." I called her phone again, and this time it went straight to voicemail. She obviously turned her phone off so as not to be disturbed. I left a message telling her how hurt I was to watch her intentionally dismiss my call, in order to give her attention to her date. After finishing my drink, I had a plan, "Roger, are you game for some action? I don't want to drag you into my personal problems, but I can use your help."

"Are you kidding, I'm all in, brother. What's the plan?

"When I give you the word, I need you to take the predator outside and do a little field investigation, if you get my drift."

"Copy that. Tell me when, and I'll get the asshole outside and do a little interrogation."

"We better not order any food because I don't think we will be here that long. We can get something on the way after we're done with these two cheaters."

After a few minutes, she was getting out of her chair, "Brock, she's getting up and heading to the ladies room."

"Perfect. You take him outside, and I'll take his place at the table and surprise my loving wife when she returns from the ladies' room. It should make for an interesting conversation, don't you think?"

"Brock, this is bad, and I'm so sorry about all of this."

"Not your fault, now you better get going."

Roger walked up to my wife's date, and his massive body towered over the man. He then took out his FBI ID as he towered over her date. I watched as he asked the man to come outside, so as not to cause a scene. The man hesitated, but Roger said something, and the man stood up and followed Roger out of the restaurant. Roger is six-foot three inches and 240 pounds of muscle, and is an imposing man that most people respected. Once outside, Roger turned on his voice recorder and started asking questions while he had Roger pinned against their car.

"What's your name?"

"Clark Williams"

"Clark, are you aware that you're on a date with my partner's wife? He's also an agent, and is sitting inside with Erica right now."

"No, I didn't know he was with the FBI. I thought he was an accountant."

"But you knew she was married?"

"Well yes, but she said he was OK with her going out with me."

"Do you always date married women?"

"No, but we've become good friends at work."

"Does she work for you?"


"Are you married?"


"Does your wife know you're on a date tonight?"

"No, and she can't find out. Do you understand, it would kill her and ruin me."

"You know you really fucked up, right? Why should I care about you or your family when you've just destroyed my partner's marriage?"

"Please don't tell my wife. I have three young children, and I don't want to ruin my marriage. I'm sorry about this, and I never would have taken her out if I thought he wasn't OK with it."

"Listen Clark, your wife finding out that you're a cheater is the very least of your problems right now. How long have you been dating Erica?"

"This is our first time. I swear."

"Don't lie to me Clark. Have you fucked her yet?"

"No, I swear, this is our first date."

"Did you have plans to fuck her tonight?"

"Well, no plans, but I was hoping she would take me back to her house."

"Did she give you any reason to believe that she wanted that?"

"No, but I just assumed she wanted it. You know, being married and allowed to date outside her marriage."

"OK, wait here and don't move until we find out what my partner wants to do with you."

"Sir, I'm scared shitless here. Can you cut me a break and let me go? My wife will divorce me if she finds out about this, and I have three kids that need their dad."

"Oh, so now you're worried about your wife and kids? You weren't worried about them before you met me, were you? No, you're an asshole for dating a married woman, and cheating on your family. Just shut up and wait for my partner. I don't want to hear another word come out of your cheating mouth."

Back inside the restaurant

As soon as Roger and Clark were out of the restaurant, I went over to Erica's table and sat in his chair. I held up the oversized menu to cover my face just before Erica came back to the table. I felt her presence, and recognized her scent as she walked by and sat in her chair. I felt my heart breaking as I knew I was about to experience one of the worst moments in my 25-year marriage. I had my phone recording the conversation as I heard my wife speak to her date, which was now me.

"Sweetheart, I'm back. Did you find something good on the menu? Clark, please put the menu down, I want to see your sexy eyes."

Slowly, I lowered the menu and said, "Sweetheart? Sexy eyes? Care to explain, Erica?"

I watched as her face contorted when she saw me sitting across from her, and suddenly, shock overcame my wife. When she realized it was me sitting there, she let out an unrecognizable moan, like an injured animal, and immediately collapsed in her chair. The shock actually caused her to faint. I just sat there looking at my soon-to-be-ex-wife as I tried to contain my anger.

After several seconds a woman at the next table, who happened to be a nurse, rushed over to her side, took a napkin, and soaked it with ice water. She then placed the cold napkin on her face, and after a moment, Erica came out of her fainting spell. The nurse gave me a dirty look as I thanked her for her help. I just sat and stared at Erica with a shallow, dark expression on my face. She was physically shaking as I sat across from her in complete silence. She was still in shock, confused, and her spirit was broken as tears fell from her eyes.

Sobbing, she looked up at me and just said, "I'm sorry."

Without saying a word for what seemed like hours, she continued to cry as I continued to hold back my anger. Finally, I spoke and just said one word in a voice she had never heard.


She broke down again and cried into her hands as the other patrons in the restaurant watched the dramatic scene take place. The restaurant manager came over to see what was causing the commotion. He calmed down when I showed him my ID and told him the lady was overwhelmed with a surprise. I then gave all my attention back to my dear wife.

"Erica, right now, your boyfriend is outside getting interrogated by Roger, and pretty soon I'll know everything. I suggest you tell me what's going on before I hear it from Roger. I want the truth and don't bother trying to lie to me. I'll know everything shortly. Tell me, why did you do this? How long have you been cheating on me?"

"Brock, he is not my boyfriend, and I've never done this before. I just wanted a night out with Clark. We're friends from work and became close. This was our first time out alone."

"Why didn't you just tell me you wanted out of our marriage? I loved you and wouldn't have held you back. But you did the worst thing possible. You hid it from me and cheated behind my back, and humiliated me in front of my partner. Who knows who else has seen you out with another man, out on a date, wearing this sexy outfit, all made up and looking like a woman on the prowl?

"Brock, I don't want out of the marriage. I love you."

"You love me. Really? You're going to sit here and lie to my face? You're on a date with another man, dressed up, obviously looking to get fucked tonight, and you say you love me? That's ridiculous, and you know it. No, you just ended our 25 years of marriage and destroyed a good man that loved you and wanted to spend the rest of his life with you."

"Brock, I love you, and I don't want a divorce. Nothing happened. You can't divorce me. I love you."

"Well, I loved you too, but you've already made your choice, and it wasn't me. You want to be with another man, so be it. Be with him, get your new man to fuck you. As you can tell, my travel plans have changed, and if you would have answered one of my calls, instead of ignoring them, you might have saved your marriage. But as things stand right now, we're through. I leave in the morning, and I don't know when I'll be back. I might just stay in DC and leave you behind."

Crying harder, "Please, Brock, don't do this to me."

"Don't do this to you? Are you on drugs or just stupid? You did this, not me. Stay here. I'm going to have a talk with your boyfriend and I'll have him take you home. I don't want to hear from you so don't bother calling or texting me. We have nothing to discuss."

Then I stood abruptly, and looked down at my beautiful wife, "Erica, you do look beautiful tonight. I just wish it was me that you were trying to impress. Goodbye, Erica."

A feeling of sadness overwhelmed me as I looked down at her, thinking it might be the last time we're together as husband and wife. My heart was hurting as I left her there, a broken woman, in tears. Hearing her sobbing as I walked away was devastating.

Meeting with Clark

Then I met Roger outside the restaurant, and listened his conversation with her date which enraged me hearing about our open marriage. I turned to the man standing by the car and immediately noticed that he was shaking in fear, nervous, and scared half to death.

"Brock, this is Clark, the man who has stolen your wife. He's her manager at her job, married with three kids. He claims nothing has happened yet and that you have an open marriage."

"Thanks, Roger. Open marriage? Well, that's news to me. Rodger, give us a moment, please." Roger walked away, and I got in Clark's face.

"So, you're the asshole who's fucking my wife."

"No sir, I never did that."

"But you were going to do that tonight, right? I just had a conversation with my future ex-wife, so I suggest you don't lie."

"Well, it's true. We have a special connection, but this was our first time together. I'm sorry, sir."

After hearing that, I spoke in my loud authoritative voice that jolted Clark, "So, you have a special connection with another man's wife? Clark, do you hear what you're trying to sell me? Do I look stupid? Tell me, why shouldn't I bring you down to the field office and start a deep investigation into your entire life right now?"

"Please, I didn't mean any harm, but now I see what I've done, and I'm really sorry. I'll never speak with her on a personal level again, I promise. Sir, you said future ex-wife, you can't divorce her. She loves you and talks about you all the time. Hell, I never thought she would go out with me, but I convinced her to do this. It's my fault. If I didn't press her, it never would have happened. You have to forgive her."

"Forgive her? I don't think so. Now, what do I do with you? You ended a 25-year happy marriage. In addition to destroying my marriage with Erica, your actions will impact my two children and they will be heartbroken. That really pisses me off. Do you actually expect to walk away from this?"

Clark continued to plead and was now crying, "Please, I'll do anything if you just cut me a break."

"Clark, right now, you're the least of my problems. I'll deal with you later, and you can be sure I'll know your entire life history within 24 hours. Your ass is mine, but right now, you need to take Erica home. Go inside and tell her we talked, and I instructed you to take her home. Do what you want with her; she doesn't belong to me anymore; you've taken care of that. Now get out of my face."