Almost Pt. 04.1


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Mr. Harrison woke sharply at 5:30 am every morning. By 6:30 am he was in his private office reviewing everything he requested on his desk. When he came to the file folder (no computers for him...the harsh light was distracting) he read the copy before him.

Benjamin Harrison let out a deep breath as he started to read. Samantha had been out with a young man named, Alexander Daniel Hamilton. A student studying at same University where Samantha was. What the hell was she doing there again anyway? She already had her degree in Liberal Arts from Harvard in English Literature. Now she was tutoring students in English Literature for no pay. Would this girl ever get her act together?

Now, who was her boyfriend of interest? Life was complicated enough without having to worry about your children's well-being. As he looked at the file it consisted of only one page. And only 1/3 of that page had any information on it. What the hell kind of report what this. One page. 1/3 full?

He was on the phone immediately. "Sharon!! What is this on my desk regarding Samantha's date last night? 1/3 of a page??? "

Sharon da Vinci knew the shit was going to hit the fan when Mr. Harrison saw that report. She had been bracing herself all morning for this conversation. "Mr. Harrison sir, that's all security could come up with. They have never seen anything like this before. This 'Alexander Daniel Hamilton' obviously exist, but he doesn't anywhere on the data banks we have access too."

Benjamin Harrison was stunned to say the least. He had hundred-page reports on classified information of all the major world leaders. He knew more about Bill Gates than Bill Gates knew about himself. What kind of nonsense was this. It was ridicules. This was impossible! The only reason this could occur was he was being blocked. Those bastards in the FBI, CIA or some secretly government funded organization were behind this that's for sure. And how in the hell did HIS daughter get involved with this boy. The first thought that came to mind was the safety of Samantha. What was the real reason behind this young man with no background seeing his daughter. The worst thoughts imaginable came to mind.

"Sharon, I know I will probably be shut down, but I want you to get in contact with Donald's people in D.C. and get me 5 minutes of phone time with the Present. If they throw up any nonsense, tell them to deliver this message to the President him. "Benjamin Harrison says he needs to talk to him about a man with a horse."

Sharon asked, "Sir, could you repeat that message again. I'm not sure I heard you correctly." He repeated it again, but this time slowly and with steel in his voice. "Get that message to him now. I don't care how you do it, but make it happen!" Dammit, he had to get to the bottom of this even if he had to call in every favor the President owed him. Would Trump return his call? Yes. Trump owed him and he was a man of his word. Was he about to screw the 30 year friendship they shared by demanding Trump return his call with that coded phrase? Could be. He had to find out what was going on. Looking down again at the open folder. All of his resources and only 1/3 of a page??? Impossible.

"Mr. Harrison, I will do everything I can ..." then she heard the line disconnect. She didn't care. In her mind, Benjamin David Harris was 'her' office husband. She would love him with all her heart until the day she died.

Sharon made the called, delivered the message word for word, and the hung up. She knew her boss was upset. She knew his moods. And she was secretly in love with him. Sure, she was a few years older than her employer, 40 lbs. overweight, and never would have been mistaken for a model. But she was efficient enough to remain his faithful secretary for the last 26 years. And worst of all, the man she was in contact everyday, the man that she loved would never know how she felt. To her, life was cruel. Poor Sharon was ignorant like most people in this world who didn't understand that the world was not cruel. That the struggle for sanity in this world, is the struggle for reality. And to truly be in contact with reality is to understand, to know, that in this world, no one gets what they want. No one.


Dan was showered, shaved, and dressed within 20 minutes after finishing his call with Samantha. As he checked out his appearance for the last time in the bathroom mirror, his heart was pounding. The feelings Dan was experiencing were new and confusing. It wasn’t because he was shy around new people.

During his entire life, he was meeting new people every day. New people from all over the world who later became collaborators with the research he was involved in. Top scientist and professionals who stood in awe, appreciated and respected his work. He felt at ease with them because he was THE master of his domain. Dan’s research was still a few years from the work board to any practical use. But if successful, would change the world as much as the electric light bulb. That research was in the field of “High-temperature superconductivity”. Presently there is only Low-temperature superconductivity, and commercial applications so far have been limited. Why? To make Low-temperature superconductivity to work, liquid helium is needed to cool to superconducting temperatures. They are used in particle accelerators such as the Large Hadron Collider and magnetic fusion devices. Not many people have a use for a particle accelerator in their home.

Why was Dan’s research so important? Imagine zero energy loss from its original production point to its final delivery point. Presently energy loss is around 80% from a power plant to your home and is the reason why booster stations along to way are needed. 80% loss! Now imagine ZERO loss. Zero loss in every bit of technology you own. The commercial applications are unlimited. The even better benefit would be for the environment. The world would be one step closer to an actual form of clean energy. The commercial applications for this technology would be unlimited and have a profound upon the world. It represented potential multi-trillion-dollar markets for US companies. And the US was determined to have that technology first. Superconductivity also had incredible military protentional for new weapon programs. That is why the Agency became involved. The end. And Dan was the point man in the field.

And the reality of the situation? No one close to Dan, except his immediate family, knew Dan at all. Most people would find not him very remarkable nor would they remember him after meeting. To most, Dan was just another guy trying to get some degree in IT as a consultant. Dan developed a dual personality. He never discussed his work with anyone who couldn’t speak his language. The language of Theoretical Mathematics and Physics. Dan reasoned this all out as a child. Very early he realized there were somethings he couldn't discuss with his Mother and Father. Suppose you could speak another language, but the people you met couldn’t understand a word you were saying. Why would you talk to them in that language? In his field among his peers, Dan was Master Yoda. Government agencies around the world knew him and wanted what was in his head. The Agency’s program, “Happy Little Camper,” was created to protect this American asset from potential harm and assist in any way to develop this new technology. Among this small group of friends, Brian, Cheryl, (the Agency had done full background checks on them both, their families, friends, and acquaintances. Both were considered solid citizens and good Americans) and now Samantha, Dan came off as just an unassuming, unassertive, nice guy. Dan lived very comfortably in both worlds. But because of Samantha, shit was about to get real, and his friends would find out who the real Dan Hamilton was.
When he walked into the living room, Brian and Cheryl were sitting on the couch watching some info commercial crap. As he grabbed his jacket from the closet, he heard Brian behind him, “Where you off to big guy?” Dan still a bit embarrassed by the “tissue incident” earlier with Cheryl and was reluctant to turn around to reply, but he knew he would have to look her in the face at some time. Avoiding watching Cheryl directly, he focused on Brian, “This is crazy, but Samantha called and asked me out. Go figure. I’m going to meet her outside in a few minutes, grab a bit to eat, and talk some more.”

Cheryl was feeling so proud of her accomplishment. Inside she was cheering for them both, YES, YES, YES! She looked at Dan, “See, I told you she was interested in you. She’s a terrific girl and fun too!”

Brian turned to looked at his sweetie briefly and bit his tongue before he said something would later regret. He slightly winced at the thought of Sam being a “fun girl.” Looking back at Dan he said flatly, “Yeah, that’s just splendid. Who knew things would turn out so well.” Dan missed his sarcasim, but Cheryl didn’t and slightly elbowed him in the side. Dan smile back at them both and trying to be clever said, “Who knows? Don’t wait up for me you two.”

Brian grabbed a pillow off the couch and threw it at Dan, “Get the hell out already or she’ll think you are trying to make her wait. Besides, this info-commercial is just getting to the good part, and I don’t want to miss it.” For some reason he couldn’t fathom, Brian really liked Dan. The guy just seemed so stupid, but so likable at the same time. Sometime in the future when Cheryl wasn’t around, he was going to sit down with Dan and have a serious, “man to man” conversation about the world and women.

After Dan left, still looking at the TV Cheryl said, “I’m not stupid you know. I heard your tone. What’s a matter with Brian? Jesus! Can’t you be happy for them both!” Still watching the screen Brian slide his hand in between Cheryl’s legs, started to gently massage the object of his desire, “Cheryl we can do two things. We can fight or fuck. You call it.”

When it came to sex, Brian was an Alpha male with a capital “A”. Cheryl was an incredibly beautiful, feminine submissive woman. There would never be another man for her except Brian. She closed her eyes, spread her legs, and surrendered. Brian looked at his goddess. He loved her more than life itself. Suddenly he stood up and looked down at her. With this sudden movement, Cheryl opened her eyes and looked up at his. Whatever point she wanted to make was secondary now. Brian slowly went down to his knees, all the time never losing eye contact with her. He moved both hands to the top button on her shorts, undid it and slowly unzipped them to remove them. Cheryl let out a soft moan of approval as she began to breathe a little deeper. Brian still maintaining eye contact, “Good choice baby.” Cheryl moved her body up a bit off the couch so it would be easier for Brian to remove her clothes. With one swift motion, Brian pulled both her thong and shorts down her legs, off her feet, and threw them both to the corner of the couch. Cheryl was completely smooth. For the first time, he broke eye contact, leaned back to take in the vision of her beauty. Fuck, she was so beautiful. He took each of her ankles by his hands and slowly pulled her legs up and apart to examine what belonged to him alone. Cheryl could see the passion not only in his eyes but the online of his work out shorts. Brian was hung like a horse, and when he was hard, it was quite evident. If Cheryl gave people the impression she Brian wrapped around her finger, that was only one-half of the story. When it came to sex, she was his slut to use as he wished and she was game for anything. Brian loved looking at Cheryl’s pussy and tight little anus. More than he loved looking, he loved her taste. All of it. Cheryl loved seeing how she excited Brian. To know she did this to the man she wanted to spend the rest of her life with frosting on the cake. It was such an emotional high that bound her to him. Brian looked her in the eyes again as he began with little kisses along her legs moving to her already moist pussy. She took a deep breath, and with eyes still locked with his, used both hands grabbed the hair on top his head. Just before his lips touched her pussy, she pulled his head back to get his attention, and deep breathe, “Brian….” With his last bit of self- control remaining, Brian looked up in her eyes and with a little more force than needed, “WHAT? What is it, Cheryl?”

Without any apology, Cheryl replied, “Can you make sure the front door is locked. I’m not sure Dan locked it on the way out.’’ Brian looked up. WTF! He knew if he didn’t get up and check the door this party was over. Cheryl would be thinking about that damn door all the time and wouldn’t be able to relax enough to enjoy herself. And her pleasure was his pleasure. Cheryl honestly felt bad as she saw his frustration but could only give him a, ‘I’m sorry’ helpless expression. Surrendering to the inevitable, Brian leaned back, looked her directly in the eyes and more calmly, “Ok, fine, I’ll check the door to make sure it’s locked. You go into my bedroom and take off your top. THEN, take out the handcuffs and nipple clamps from out of my bottom right drawer night stand, and I’ll be there in a second.”

Without another word, Cheryl jumped off the couch and ran into Brian’s bedroom while hastily pulling off her top. The only thought that came to her mind at that moment was, “Bonus!”

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

NGL, I was really enjoying the series but the trump crap ruined the whole thing for me.

WhoGivesAShitWhoGivesAShitover 5 years ago
Good story

It needs some consistency checks, but otherwise it’s fun and well written.

For example, through 4.1, Samantha’s family name has appeared as ‘Harrisonson’, ‘Harrison’, and ‘Harris’. In this chapter Cheryl asked Brian ‘...What’s the matter with Brian?’ when it should have been ‘...about Samantha?’ Little mistakes that get fixed by proofreads.

Schwanze1Schwanze1over 6 years ago
Sure is

popular to dog Trump right now. It's like junior high when everyone decides THAT kid is the one no one likes. There was no more honor in it then than there is now. Great people discuss ideas. Average people discuss things. Small people discuss other people.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
`Lovin’ It

All my thoughts are covered in previous comments. My primary advice is that you continue to entertain us with your magic.

Thanks for sharing.

P.S. thanks for Ch 2 of ......Perfect Marriage

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

"The President owed him. Would Trump return his call? Yes. Trump owed him and he was a man of his word. Was he about to screw the 30 year friendship they shared by demanding Trump return his call with that coded phrase?"

This. Seriously?

I was enjoying the hell out of it until this. I mean, come on, that mentally retarded chimp, that worthless excuse of a man-baby, that Darwin award waiting to happen couldn't hold a oonverstion for thirty seconds much less a friendship for thrity years! And keeping his promises? Has he kept any so far?

Dude, unless you were going for comedy then for the love of God why include the petulant, dementure suffering moron?

I apologise in advance for the reference to chimps. I in no way intend to disparage the good name and reputation of chimpanzees or other primates.

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