Aloha Means Hello AND Goodbye...


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"What in hell is going on? I got your message but don't believe it. Kathy was arrested on drug charges? She doesn't do drugs. Where did this happen, at the health club?" I knew exactly where it took place.

"No she was traveling with umm a friend to Hawaii and was stopped at security where they found some illegal drugs on her and her friend." her father said in a low voice as if embarrassed.

"Wait a minute, just wait. She told me she was going to be home that she didn't have any plans. Who is this friend she was going to Hawaii with? I bet one of her girlfriends talked her in to going and got her into to all this mess."

Her father hesitated a moment, "Uh no it was with someone else. The important thing to remember here Hank is that she is in trouble and needs our help. She loves you and I know you love her so..." I cut him off.

"What aren't you telling dad? Who was she traveling with?" I yelled into the phone. I was enjoying this a little to much.

There was silence then he cleared his throat, "She was traveling with a man, Gary somebody. He has been arrested to but..." again I cut him off.

"So you're telling my wife, your daughter, was flying off to Hawaii with another man while I was out busting my ass to earn a living and she gets busted for drug possession? Is that what you're telling me?"

"Um yes I'm afraid it is what I'm telling you."

I took a long pause, "Ok I need to talk to her lawyer then this DEA agent and then I'm going to talk to her. After that we'll go from there but she better have one hell of an explanation as to why she was about to go to Hawaii with another man and taking drugs with her as well." I hung up on him before he could respond.

When I got home I saw there were over twenty messages waiting so I began to play them back. The first as expected was from me about losing my cell phone. The next few were from Kathy hoping I would check our messages while I was on my business trip. Several were from her father and the rest from her lawyer asking me to get in touch as soon as possible.

I called he lawyer and since he wasn't in the office at that time I made an appointment for the following morning. Next I called the DEA agent Defranco and agreed to meet him at his office downtown later that afternoon. I quickly got cleaned up and headed off all the while trying to think if I had covered my tracks so none of this could come back on me.

Soon I found myself in what I can only assume was an interrogation room. Agent DeFranco walked in carrying a folder.

"Glad you were able to stop by and see me. I have some questions about your wife that I was hoping you could answer." he said this while reading something from the folder.

"Look my wife isn't into drugs. As long as I've know her she has never taken anything illegal. Hell she doesn't even drink that much. This must be all a big misunderstanding or mistake. She's a Yoga instructor for God sake. Why would she be doing drugs?" I was putting on a little act but Agent DeFranco never looked up.

"People do all sorts of stupid things for all sorts of stupid reasons. Now did you know your wife was going to Hawaii with this guy Gary? She told us he was just a friend but Gary said they were going to have a romantic holiday. So do you know this Gary? Did you know your wife was having an affair? Did you know anything about the drugs?" now he was looking at me, hard.

I took a deep breath to clam myself, "I didn't know any of it until I talked with my father-in-law this morning. But I still can't believe it. She must have been coerced in to doing this. She is just to good a person to be involved in anything like this." I didn't want to over play this. I'm sure this guy could spot someone lying in a heart beat so I had to be very careful.

He sighed, "No I guess you didn't know. Well I hate to break it to you chum but your wife was cheating on you with a drug dealer no less. Now we've already searched his place and found even more drugs and soon we'll be searching your home as well. Now you could cooperate and let us in to your house or it wouldn't take long to get a search warrant. Either way we'll be there soon to do the search."

I knew her lawyer would have said not to but this was self-preservation and it would look good that I was not trying to hide anything. So I agreed and soon found myself back at the house with dozen of DEA and FBI agents and a couple of their dogs looking through my house. They did take a few things some pill containers she kept in the medicine cabinet.

The next day while I met with Kathy's lawyer I told him of my meeting with DeFranco and of the search.

He was not happy, "If you have any more contact with ANY law enforcement official I want to be there before you answer any questions. Do you understand?" I nodded.

I was pissed, "Now let me make something clear to you. I want to know everything that has happened that led to my wife being arrested. So far all I know is that she was about to board a flight to Hawaii with this guy Gary and if you or she wants my help somebody better tell me how this came to be. Do I make myself clear?"

"You know I can't discuss your wife's case with you..." at that point I walked out.

Next I went to the jail where she was being held and asked to see her. I met her in a room with several other inmates were meeting either with family or lawyers at round metal tables with stools around them bolted to the floor. I saw her being led in wearing a orange prison jump suit, no makeup, and her hair was pulled back into a tight but messy pony tail. She looked like shit, as if she hadn't slept in the last few days.

"Oh baby I'm so glad you're here." she cried. I was about to give her a hug when a guard came over and told us we could have no physical contact. This made her cry even more.

"Its okay baby we'll get this whole mess sorted out. What I need now is to hear you side of the story. How did you end up about to fly off to Hawaii with this guy?" I said this with no emotion what so ever.

She started to cry even more, "Hank I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry."

"So it is true. You were having an affair with this guy Gary, this drug dealer. How could you? Weren't you happy with me? Don't you love me? I don't understand this. I mean you and him, then there are the drugs. What were you thinking?" I waited but I knew she didn't have an answer.

"Please please believe me when I say I've always loved you. This was just a one time thing, it didn't mean anything to me. Can you please find it in you heart to forgive me?" she was pleading with me now.

I looked at her for a long moment then said, "I might have found it in my heart to forgive you, but you shattered it into a million pieces and therefore I have no forgiveness for you. When I leave here I'll be talking to a divorce lawyer and all the locks will have been changed on the house. I'll have all you clothes and other belongings sent to you parent's place because I want all traces of you removed from MY house. As of now you are no longer part of my life. I want nothing more to do with you. Oh and tell that lawyer of yours that he better not use me as a character witness because I'll have nothing good to say about you. Goodbye Kathy. I hope things work out for you." she was crying her eyes out and begging me not to go that she needed me.

I never turned around but just went straight home and started to pack up her shit. I called a lock smith and had all the locks changed the following day. Then I called a security company and arranged to have them come by next week and install their top of the line system for me. With in a few days I had most of her stuff packed and ready to be sent to her parent's house. I'd also received, and ignored, several call from Kathy wanting to talk. As far as I was concerned she could go to hell.

Finally I was able to return to work and we were able to sign those big clients we had been pursuing. Soon I had my promotion and the pay raise that came with it. I was able to divorce Kathy with little trouble as it was a straight up 50/50 split with no alimony and with her footing the bill for her legal fees from her drug arrest. She kept trying to get in touch with me but I wanted to put some distance between us.

Now she never went to trail as the evidence was so overwhelming that her lawyer said she couldn't win. It was in her best interest to take a plea deal and get a shorter sentence. She was not happy to say the least. Gary on the other had fought tooth and nail to try and prove his innocence. Dumb bastard was sent up for fifteen years where as Kathy only got five years.

It was the day of Kathy's sentencing and she had asked to see me one last time before she started serving her sentence. I agreed and we met at her lawyers office an hour before she was due in court.

She looked at me and I could see she had been crying, "Hank I just wanted you to know that Gary didn't mean a thing to me. It was you I loved and always will love. I'm so sorry I hurt you like this. It was never meant to be this way. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me someday." she was on the verge of tears again.

"Kathy I want to know one thing. Why. Were you bored? Did I disappoint you in bed? Was it the thrill of doing something wrong and getting away with it? What? What made you do this and destroy our marriage?" I said sadly.

She looked at me, "I don't really know why. I guess it was the excitement of doing something wrong but I always loved you."

"Apparently you didn't love me enough or you would have never done this in the first place. Kathy I hope this will be the last time that I ever have to deal with you but I never, NEVER want to see or hear from you again. I also want you to spend your time in prison thinking just how much you've lost all because you wanted a little excitement in your life. I'm guessing you going to have some exciting times behind bars once those ladies see your tight little ass." she started to cry again but this time out of fear.

Over the next few years the company grew and I worked my way up to a VP position. The business expanded and we now had an office in New York and I was chosen to it head up. This meant selling my house moving to Manhattan and getting an apartment. Early on I had received a few letters from Kathy but sent them back unopened. That was a part of my life I wanted to put behind me and move on.

It has been seven years now and my life in New York was good. I was still single and dating a different woman every few months. I had no desire to get married and put myself at risk of being betrayed again. Once was enough. I was sitting in my office when a call from the lobby came in and my administrative assistant Amy came in.

"There is a woman down stairs wanting to speak to you. She says her name is Kathy."

I paused for a moment, "Have her shown up but have two security guards standing by. Also I have something I want you to do for me." I wrote something down and handed to Amy. "Call me a few minutes after you show her in." she looked at what I had written and smiled at it.

A few minutes later Kathy was in my office but she looked at least ten years older and had put on some weight but not in a good way. Her once beautiful long brown hair was now showing some gray and was frayed. I could see the bags under her eyes which were sad looking. The clothes she wore were stylish but conservative and a bit dated.

I looked at her but felt nothing, not love not hate not even pity, I was just empty of emotion. "So Kathy what do you want?"

"Hank I was hoping to talk to you. I felt the need to set the record strait as to what happened to me. You see I had no idea about the drugs and I still don't know how they got in my bags. Gary must of snuck them in when I wasn't looking. I'm not a drug user and never have been. Please believe me." she was pleading.

"Kathy you threw away our marriage for a fling and made our whole marriage a lie. Why should I believe you now? Why is it so important that you felt the need to track me down and tell me another lie?"

"You don't understand. I love you, I still love you. I want you back. I want us to be together again. I want us to..." just then the phone on my desk rang and I put it on speaker.

"Yes Amy. What is it?"

"Stacy called to confirm that you should get four tickets for the opening as her parent's are coming in to town and they want to meet you."

"Let her know that I'll buy four tickets. Oh and find out where her parents are staying. I'd like to send her mother a dozen roses." I ended the call and turned back to Kathy. "You were saying?"

Kathy was on the verge of tears, "Who is Stacy?"

"Oh just some woman I've been dating for a while but you're not here to discuss my love life. You were telling me you still love me. I'm flattered but you should know I do not love you anymore. That ended the day your father told me you were arrested and that you were about to fly off to Hawaii with Gary. As soon as your infidelity was exposed I was done with you. Now please leave and I never want to see you again. Do you understand me?" I looked hard at her.

"But I didn't have anything to do with those drugs they found. I was set up. Gary must of..." I slammed my hand down on my desk.

"KATHY ENOUGH WITH YOUR LIES. You were screwing around on me. You lied to me then and you're lying to me now. Just stop it. I don't believe you and I never will. I think it's time you left and please don't come back. I've instructed security that if you ever show up here again to have you arrested. Do I make myself clear?"

She was silently crying but nodded her head. I led her to the door and had the two security guards escort her out of the building.

Amy came in after she left, "What was that all about?"

"Oh that was just me saying Aloha to a great fucking time."

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AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

The drug plant was a bad idea. Had the guys been caught they would have dimed him out as a plea bargain.

At the end he should have told her he looked at her e-mails after she was arrested. That would have put paid to anything she could say, allowing her to see him at the end was pointless and no believable. It did have the virtue that she's get nothing in the divorce.

Good job building the plot.

trucker1965trucker19654 months ago

well that was a waste of my time.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Good but still not enough punishment in my books. She got off too easy IMO.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

No one likes being cheated on (except for cucks!) but does this punishment fit the 'crime'? Considering how many real crimes the MC had to commit in order to shaft his ex wife the answer has to be a resounding 'no'. Should have just divorced her and moved on with no risk of any legal consequences coming back to bite him.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Moe than a liitle vindictive. These sroeies are fiction but maybe a realistic outcome for the husband. Say something like being arrested for planting drugs on wife and her lover. Did he feel justified in puttin drugs in his wifes suitcase as well as her boyfriends? That is way too illegal in any case.

brian_scoobybrian_scooby7 months ago

A much better written story than… 5 stars for this one… 3 for the other. This was much more believable. This BTB was simpler and more plausible. The other RAAC had good written elements. But, overall just wasn’t that believable. I do like a RAAC story. Thank-you… looking forward to reading more from you

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

I can’t believe all the cucks who are screaming about her being set up, and that adultery is no big deal. This man was only doing what he had to, to protect his life. If his “ wife” wanted to be with another man, she should have divorced him. She broke the marriage contract. If he hadn't have tried to travel out of the country, she would never have been arrested. The husband in the story made a good point to his father in law- “ So your telling me my wife, your daughter, was off flying to Hawaii with another man, while I am busting my ass to earn a living?” This is the problem with our divorce courts. They reward the wife for not contributing equally to the household, by leaving the husband destitute. Look at the bright side haters- I am sure she learned some new skills there, like eating pussy!

5 stars.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

I lie a good btb but this was way over the top. The punishment should fit the crime. Prison time for adultery? What about the multiple felonies the husband committed? Husband should have confronted the cheaters.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Let me get this straight. He finds out his wife is cheating so he frames her for a crime she didn't commit, thus ensuring she'll a criminal record, and most of you are okay with that. Need I remind you that adultery isn't a crime but falsifying evidence certainly is!

kirei8kirei811 months ago

Now that's a burn!

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