Alone Ch. 01

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Young love, American Football and a breakup.
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Note; Thought i would write a three chapter story about a couple of teens in their younger years, high school and then onto college and marriage. Remember as SaddleTramp1956 wrote : This is my universe and things can happen in the fictional world of my mind. Used Microsoft editor so expect to find mistakes Just set back and enjoy this story. Positive and constructive feedback appreciated.


Anna Johnson sat nervously on the sofa listening to her family sitting at the dining room table in the next room. She heard her mother laughing and joking about the time her long-time boyfriend Alex dropped a whole dozen eggs as he carrying them from the refrigerator to the counter. That was four years ago when both Alex and she were 14 years old and had just graduated from middle school. Since that time Alex spent most of his life at her house and had become one of the family. His mother died from breast cancer at an early age and his father spent most of his time at the oil storage facility. Alex was more of a brother than a boyfriend. What really worried her was how she was going to tell him and her family that she liked someone else.

"Why did you leave the table?" Alex asked as he landed on the sofa next to her and reached his arms around her for a hug. "Mother was laughing so hard she almost peed her pants."

She didn't look at him. "She's not your mother Alex."

"What?" He asked not believing she said what she did.

A tear formed in her left eye as she turned and looked at him. "I need to talk to you about something. Will you go with me outside?"

"Uh...sure but what's wrong?" He had never seen her so serious before.

"I can't... talk about... it here." She stood on shaky legs and walked towards the patio door. Once outside she stopped and turned. "I uh..uh don't know how to say this but...I...Alex I can't be your...your girlfriend anymore."

He laughed. "You're joking right?" But when she looked down and started crying he knew she wasn't. "But why? Did I do something to make you mad? If so I'm sorry."

"'s not you. You are a wonderful person. It's me...I uh...I like someone else."

"Oh God," he gasped. "Who?"

"It doesn't matter who he is. I'm breaking up with you." She turned and ran back into the house.

Alex had to sit down. It was something he had not expected and felt like he was just hit by a train. Thoughts flashed through his mind. He realized that he had not just lost a girlfriend. He had also lost his family. His tears started flowing as well.


Anna's mother= Margaret heard the patio door slam shut and moved into the den to find out why. She saw her daughter and heard her crying as she ran up the stairs to her bedroom.

"Anna what's wrong?"

But her daughter ignored her and soon was out of sight. She looked out onto the patio and saw Alex sitting with his eyes covered by his hands. As she neared the door she heard him crying.

Alex heard the door open and looked up hoping it was Anna coming back to tell him that it was not true. But he saw her mother. "I...uh need to leave."

"Wait!" Margaret said loudly as she lunged forward and grabbed his elbow. "What's going on? Why are Anna and you crying?"

"Ask her," Alex said jerking away and hurrying out the side gate, which lead him to the driveway and street.


"Anna open up and tell me what is going on," her mother said as she tried to open the locked door. "Did Alex and you have a fight?"

"Please leave me alone," she yelled back. "I can't talk about it." She didn't hear her mother say anything else but heard the door being unlocked. Before she could jump up to keep it closed, her mother opened it.

"I'm not leaving until you tell me."

"I broke up with Alex."

"Alex. What did he do?"

"Nothing. It's me. I like someone else."

"Oh my God. Are you sure? You know you really hurt him. He was crying when he left."

"I know. But he needed to know now that summer is coming."

Margaret was more worried about Alex than her daughter. She didn't say anything as she turned and walked out.

"Hey I'm crying too."



Alex's home was dark when he moved up to it. He lived only three houses away and across the street from Anna's. His dog Harry barked when he wiggled his key in the door.

"It's me boy," he said as he dropped to his knees and hugged him. After Harry licked him on his nose the dog looked around him to see Anna. "She's not coming here anymore." As soon as he said it he fell face down on the hardwood floor and closed his eyes.

It was around 9:00PM when Alex's father Bob came home. He was surprised that the door was cracked open. He thought about calling the police since his son normally stayed at his girlfriend's house until 10:00PM. As he walked into the foyer he stumbled over his son's foot. "What the hell?"

Alex woke up not sure of where he was and if he just had a nightmare. "Dad."

"What's wrong? You are never home this early." He clicked on the overhead light and saw his son sitting up.

"It's nothing. I'm going to my room." He stood and headed up the stairs.

"Did you eat?"

"Yes at... at Anna's house. I have homework." As soon as he said it he remembered leaving his book bag at her house. "Uh... I forgot my backpack. I'll run over there and get it."


"I did it," Anna said to her girlfriend Nicole on her smart phone. "I'm free to date anyone I want."

"What happened? Tell me."

Anna told her that she waited until after supper and how both of them cried. "My mother is mad at me."

"She'll get over it," her friend said. "Are you going to call Brian now?"

"No, I think I need to wait a few days until all this cools down. I wonder if he will ever speak to me again?"

"So what if he doesn't. You just moved up from the 2nd string quarterback to last year's quarterback and Brian is hot."

"He's also a player. He had five girlfriends last year and the last one left school. Rumor is that she was pregnant."

"You said you wanted to experience more before you go away to college. So what if you only go out with him for a little while? You said Alex was afraid to go all the way."

Anna remembered how they had played around and would kiss all night. Both had agreed to wait until they were eighteen before they went all the way. Since their 18th birthdays were coming up she knew he was expecting to have intercourse with her. Now it would be someone else. As she leaned back against her pillow she heard the doorbell. "I gotta go."

Alex wanted to grab his book bag and run but when Margaret answered the door she smiled. "Hello Alex. Come in."

"I forgot my book bag and need to do my homework. I think I left it in Anna's room."

"Oh...OK do you want to go and get it?" She hoped maybe her daughter had come to her senses.

"No!" He answered quickly and loudly. "Uh...would you mind getting it for me?" He moved back away from the door.

Margaret's heart was heavy as she walked up the stairs and saw her daughter holding his book bag. "You give it to him."

"No, I can't," she said. "Would you do it please?"

"Sorry but you caused this problem so it's all yours to handle." Margaret walked past her and entered the master bedroom.

Alex was standing a few feet from the door and looking out over the quiet dark street. When he heard the screen door open he turned expecting to see Anna's mother and saw her instead.

"Here," Anna said coldly holding out the bag of books.

Alex didn't look into her eyes as he walked forward with his head down and grabbed the green bag. He turned and started walking down the steps when he heard her ask, "Can we at least be friends?" He kept walking and didn't turn back.


It was the next morning when Alex ate his breakfast alone that he realized he didn't have a ride to school. He only had a week to go and had straight A's in all his classes. "Fuck it. I'm not going." He grabbed a bagel and walked into the den to watch TV.

Down the street Anna sat in her car in the driveway waiting to see if he wanted a ride. When he didn't show up and time was running out she backed out onto the street and drove by his house slowly. It looked as if the house was empty.

"Did you see him yet?" Anna asked Nicole as they walked towards their first period class. Since they were long time daters they managed to get most of the same classes together. When she walked into the calculus classroom she noticed that his desk was empty. The teacher took the role and said Alex's name. He was surprised when the boy who never missed a day was absent. "Does anyone know where Alex is?"

They all turned and looked at Anna. She lifted her shoulders. As the teacher marked him absent and continued the roll call she picked up her smart phone and texted him. 'Where are you?' He didn't answer.

After the class was over, she headed to the 2nd period class and saw Nicole talking to a bunch of kids. She knew the news was now out. She glanced at her phone again and saw that he had still not replied.

It was at lunchtime when she entered the room and saw a bunch of the girls on the dance team look her way and begin to whisper. She also saw Brian sitting with the football team. He looked her way and smiled. She smiled back.

After getting a drink and a desert she sat next to Nicole. "I texted him and he didn't answer. Maybe I should drive to his house after school to make sure he's alright."

"You probably shouldn't do it," Nicole smiled. "I'll do it."

Anna knew that Nicole had always liked Alex. "You can't date him."

Nicole laughed. "You dumped him and now you're telling other girls they can't date him. Hello!"

"It's not that...I mean it's because you are my best friend and a slut and you might hurt him."

"Do you mean like the way you just hurt him? I'm afraid I would have a long way to go to cause that much hurt."

"God! You're like my mother. You worry more about him than me."


Anna's last period class was American Literature and knew Brian was in her class. She hurried to get there early and saw him sitting in Alex's seat, which was next to hers. "Hi," she smiled.

"So is it true that you are now free and single?"

"Yes, why do you ask?" She teased as she pushed out her 34B chest.

"Well maybe now you will go out with me."

"Maybe. But it's my grandmother's birthday this weekend and we will have family staying at our house. Maybe the next week when summer vacation starts. Do you want my phone number?"

"I have it," he grinned. The teacher walked in and the class started.


"But I'll miss him," Anna's smaller 8 year-old brother Andy said when he heard that Alex might not be coming by their house again. "He was helping me build my model airplane."

"I know. We will all miss him," Margaret said glancing over at her daughter who pretended to look at her smart phone. "Anna how was it in school today?"

"Good, why wouldn't it be?" She answered pretending that Alex was totally out of the picture now.

"Did you see Alex?" Andy asked. "Tell him that I want him to come back to our family."

"He... uh didn't come to school today," Anna said hoping it would change the topic during the dinner meal.

"He never misses school." Margaret said sounding alarmed. "I'll take him some leftovers after dinner and make sure he's ok."

"Ma...just leave it alone," Anna said.

"Young lady. You can pick and choose whomever you want but don't ever tell me who I can associate with." She got up and walked into the kitchen.


Alex was playing video games when the doorbell sounded. He tried to finish his best score yet but the bell distracted him. He ran to the door and opened it. "Mrs. M."

"Hi Alex. I brought you some leftovers because I know you love the meatloaf I make."

"Thanks," he said. "But you don't have to do this. I really appreciate what you are doing but...but when I see and talk to anyone in your family it... it reminds me of before. Tell everyone I'm doing OK and I'll be fine." He closed the door and walked back into the house.


Anna waited downstairs to hear what her mother discovered at Alex's house. She had not planned on being the really bad person and it was something new to her. The more she tried to cut him out of everything the more she looked bad doing it. She saw her mother walk into the kitchen carrying the food. "So he wasn't home?"

"Oh he was but he doesn't want anything to do with us because it hurts too much to talk to and see us."

She saw the disappointed look on her mother's face. "God, why is everyone so involved in my personal life?"

"I heard the door," young Andy said running into the hallway. "Did Alex come back?"

"NO, AND HE'S NOT COMING BACK!" Anna yelled frighting her young brother who started crying. She realized what she did and dropped to her knees to hug him but he pushed her away.

"I don't like you anymore."


Alex was eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich when his father came in earlier than usual. "Hi Dad."

"Damn, my son is home again. There's got to be something going on."

"Yeah, well there is," he said trying to be brave about it. "Anna broke up with me." As soon as he said the words he felt a hard lump in his throat and swallowed.

"Anna?" Roger Young repeated not sure that he heard the right thing. "You're joking right?" He too had become attached to the girl who spent a lot of weekends at his house and enjoyed going out on his boat.

"Nope," Alex answered feeling a tear forming in his right eye. "But it's ok. It's probably best since I'll be a senior next year and...and I'll be more able to concentrate on my grades and football. Maybe I can work out in a gym this summer."

'That's why I'm home early," he said to his son. "I have to go to Alaska for two months for a new project and my brother has agreed to let you stay with him while I'm gone." He had expected Alex to fight him over it but with Anna out of the picture he wasn't so sure now.

"Wow...that's great. And if I work on the ranch maybe I can bulk up some. I'm in line to take over the quarterback position next year but there is a sophomore coming up that is pretty good."

"Well, the problem is that I need to be there in two days. I spoke to the school today and they said you are basically finished with your tests and you made straight A's as usual. We can leave early tomorrow to Wyoming if you can get packed in time."

"I'll do it now," Alex smiled.


Anna couldn't sleep that night because she kept hearing the words her brother said. "I don't like you anymore." She thought about Brian and how he dated so many girls and usually dropped them as fast as he started dating them. She had only known Alex and had seen so much of him every day and every night that she had to get away from him. But she knew that she had done everything wrong with her abrupt breaking up approach. Early the next morning she hurried to get dressed, packed her own lunch and rushed to Alex's house to apologize and tell him she was sorry for being so cruel. As she walked up to the porch she saw old man Foster sitting on his porch next door smoking a pipe. She waved and he waved back.

Jed Foster was freezing his old ass off sitting on the porch swing getting his puffs of tobacco in. He too got up early to get outside on the porch and light up his pipe before his wife Helen woke up. He was there when Robert and Alex packed the SUV and their dog and headed out for the four-hour drive to Wyoming. As the young cute girl knocked on the door a few times George put down his pipe and walked to the porch rail. 'They are not there."

"Oh, uh did Alex's father ride him to school?" Anna asked. She was surprised that Harry was not barking.

George laughed. "Nope. Wyoming."

Anna thought that the old guy was losing it. "No Mr. Foster," she laughed. "I asked if Alex got a ride to school with his dad."

"I know," George said before turning and going back to his pipe.


Margaret knew something was up with her daughter when she made her own lunch. She watched out the window as her oldest child ran across the street and down to Alex's house. She hoped she had come to her senses because she knew Alex was a good kid and not someone she had to worry about. As she sipped on her coffee she heard the door open again. "So was he home?"

"No mother," Anna answered from the hallway. "I'm not really sure where he is but I do know that Mr. Foster is getting senile."

"That's not a nice thing to say dear."


Anna knew that she shouldn't be worried about Alex anymore since she wasn't going out with him but something was wrong. He missed school the day before and not being home early this morning was puzzling. She hurried to her first period class and saw Nicole but Alex's seat was again empty. "Where is he?"

"How would I know?" Nicole answered. "You told me to stay away from him."

"He's not home and is not here."

"Why do you care?"

She realized that she did care and did care a lot. Again she texted him and again he did not answer. "WHERE ARE YOU?"

She asked around and no one, even Alex's closest friends, knew where he was. As she stood at the front entrance looking out to see if he was walking in late Brian walked up behind her.

"Hey gorgeous," he whispered moving her medium length hair to the side and lightly kissing her neck. "Are you looking for me?"

"Brian stop," she gasped pushing him away. She turned and walked quickly towards the office.

"You'll be sorry," he laughed.

"I'm already sorry," she said as she turned into the small office area. Behind the counter was Mrs. Kenricks, who looked as mean as she was. "Good morning Mrs. Kenricks. Will you tell me if Alex Young called in sick today?"

The older woman didn't look up. "No."

"Ok thanks," she said while turning. She stopped quickly. "Are you saying no that you won't tell me or no that he didn't call in sick?"

She still didn't look up. "Yes."

Anna normally kept her cool and was nice but worrying about Alex pushed her over the limit. "Listen you old bat tell me if Alex called in sick today."

Gertie Kenricks liked to mess with the kids and enjoyed it more to get under their skins. Again she didn't look up as she said, "Wyoming."

"What? Wyoming? Why is everyone saying Wyoming to me today?" Anna asked before storming out of the office. As she walked to her next class she stopped as she remembered Alex talking about Wyoming a few times. "Oh God...Wyoming is where his uncle lives."


Margaret was watching her soaps when she heard the door open. It was too early for the kids to be home from school so she jumped up and saw Anna sitting on the stairs crying. "Now what? There's more drama in my own house that on my soaps."

"He left Momma. He's gone." Tears rolled from her eyes.

Margaret didn't know if she meant the new boyfriend, whoever he was, or Alex. "Will you tell me who left?"

"Wyoming... he went to Wyoming?"

"OK, I'm getting close," she thought. "Someone my daughter knows went to Wyoming?"

"Was it one of your teachers?"

Anna sat up and glared at her mom. "NO! ALEX...HE MOVED AWAY AND TOOK HARRY!" She grabbed her book bag and hurried up the stairs.

Margaret- poured a glass of red wine and thought about the conversation. "So she dumped Alex who moved away to Wyoming with her new boyfriend Harry."


Alex looked at his phone and saw another message from Anna. The first few asked where he was and the last one said that she was sorry and that she wanted him to come back home. "Dad, are all women messed up?"

Robert chuckled. "It's not that they are messed up. It's just that they are made and think differently than we do. You know we men are made very simple. If you feed us and give us something to do we are happy. Women not so much. The more you try to figure them out the worst it gets."

"That wasn't much advice."

"Yep. But maybe it will do you both good to get away from each other for a few months. This summer vacation may be the best thing that happened to both of you. You know my brother played some quarterback so maybe he can give you some pointers."