Alone With Alison


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“That’s mine to deal with. I cheated on my husband and I have to figure out what to do about it.”

Ted got up and came around the table and pulled me to my feet. He hugged me, crushing me against him. I clung to him, but felt uncomfortable. Where I would have just felt my brother hugging me before now I couldn’t help but feel his strength and masculinity. Still, I stayed in his arms and hugged him back.

I looked up to Ted and told him, “That can never happen again. We can never cross that line. You understand, don’t you?”

“Of course. Don’t worry about me.”

“Good,” I said, squeezing my brother and releasing him.

“I’m going to go on up to my room. Let me know if you need anything.”

I cleared the table, I wasn’t hungry at all, and went on up to my bedroom. I’d remade the bed, but still every time I looked at it I saw what we had done and while I wanted to hate it, I couldn’t. I could not forget how Ted made me feel, how he’d made me feel better than any other man ever had. I turned on the TV, but instead of lying in bed and watching it, I sat in a chair off to the side. I wondered if I would ever be able to lie in the bed again without thinking about making love to my brother.

The television did a poor job of distracting me. I could not stop thinking about my brother at the other end of the hallway and wondering what was going through his head. I was afraid this would cause a permanent rift between us. If things changed people would noticed and how could we explain that? We certainly could never tell the truth.

Slowly creeping down the dark hallway, I approached Ted’s room. His door was nearly closed, but not all the way and I put a hand on the knob and was about to knock when the sounds coming from the room stopped me short. It sounded like Ted was moaning. There was a light on, but maybe he was sleep and dreaming. Mixed in with Ted’s moans I heard him whisper my name. I eased the door open another couple inches and I could see Ted’s reflection in the mirror that hung above the dresser opposite the bed.

My brother was nude, lying on top of the covers of his double bed. His hand was on his cock and he was stroking it. There was a bottle of hand lotion beside the bed. I knew I should go back to my bedroom and forget I saw this, but instead I stayed in the doorway watched Ted touch himself. His cock looked as huge as it felt, it was so thick around and looked like it was at least eight or nine inches. It was the largest cock I’d ever seen. Ted’s eyes were closed and as he worked his shaft he whispered my name again.

My body was reacting, even as I told myself I could let it. I let go of the doorknob and move back into the hallway, flattening against the wall as my pussy continued to tingle. No, I told myself, don’t do this. Don’t think about this! But you can’t un-ring a bell and I couldn’t force myself to stop thinking about how good my brother’s cock had felt inside me. I peered back through the door and I watched Ted again in the mirror. I wanted to feel him inside me again. Damn it all, I wanted him to make me feel as he had the night before.

I retreated to my bedroom and based back and forth at the foot of the bed, trying not to look at it and picture being in it with my brother. It was a losing battle. I cursed myself for being so weak. I’d always had zero willpower when I was really turned on and Ted turned me on more than I’d known possible.

Just a few minutes later I was back at Ted’s door, but this time I did not stop at the threshold, but entered.

Ted’s eyes were still closed and he didn’t know I was there until I stood beside the bed. His eyes snapped open and he froze, his cock in his grip. “Alison, I…I…I’m sorry,” he fumbled. I could feel his eyes crawling up and down my body. I was wearing my short, green satin robe, which revealed a lot of leg.

I hushed Ted and sat on the bed beside him. “Stop apologizing to me,” I added quietly. His eyes were full of questions as I reached out and replaced his hand on his cock with mine. My hand looked tiny wrapped around that monster. He’d only been fondling himself and his cock was dry of any lotion. It felt so hot to my touch. I squeezed his cock and milked it until a big drop of precum formed on the tip.

“What…” Ted stammered.

“Don’t think about it, Ted. I’m exhausted from thinking. I just want to feel.” I pulled the belt on my robe loose and pushed it off. Before I came back to Ted’s room I’d changed into the very lace bra he’d taunted me with the day before and it’s matching panties. Ted’s eyes drank me in and I heard him catch his breath. He gingerly reached out to my breasts and cupped it, while feeling for my nipple with the tips of his fingers. It was diamond hard and I moaned softly when I felt his touch. Leaning forward I kissed Ted passionately while I held onto his cock.

I kissed Ted’s smooth, bare chest flicking my tongue over his skin. He rolled my nipple between his fingers and I kissed his stomach hard, sucking on it and then continued kissing downward.

Ted’s cock was beautiful and I was glad the room wasn’t dark so I could see it. The shaft was so dark while the smooth helmet head was red and dripping. His public hair was sparse and I felt it tickling my fingers as I massaged his heavy balls. I watched that cock as I played with it. Ted leaked a lot of precum and it dripped down the head before I finally scooped the thick nectar with my tongue. I bathed the head of Ted’s cock with soft kisses and then let my tongue trail down the other side. His cockhead felt so smooth in my mouth and I sucked it eagerly. I felt Ted stiffen and he moaned my name again, but this time he wasn’t fantasizing. I wasn’t either. Where just the other night I’d pictured myself sucking his cock, now I was doing it. I pushed that cock halfway into my mouth and gave it a hard suck before I licked my way down that proud shaft.

His balls were just as big as his cock, but I opened wide sucked each one into my mouth and was rewarded by feeling Ted shiver with delight. He stopped touching my breast and instead ran his hands through my hair and keeping it out of my face so he could watch me as I licked my way back up his cock and took it back into my mouth. I wanted him so badly I had to force myself not to rush. It was a hard job to get Ted’s cock into my mouth and I could only work about half of it in, but I gave that half my all. My cheeks hollowed as I sucked that thick shaft. I used one hand to squeeze him and massage my balls while I sucked.

“Mmmm, Alison, oh God…” Ted moaned. “You don’t know how many times I thought about this. It’s even better than I imagined.

Saliva ran down his cock as I sucked and sucked his cock. Ted jerked his hips and slowly humped at my mouth, pushing his head even deeper into my throat. My jaw ached, but I kept on sucking, wanting to make my brother feel as good as he’d made me feel the night before.

“Alison, come here,” Ted told me, lifting my mouth from his cock. I lay on top of him and kissed him deeply while I rubbed my pussy into his cock. Ted’s hand rubbed my back and squeezed my ass. He slipped a hand into the back of my panties, but then just pushed them down and I pulled them the rest of the way off. Ted pulled me up on him so he could reach between my legs from behind and I felt his fingertips probing at my wet lips.

“I want you again, Ted. I want you to make love to me,” I breathed. I reached between us and grasped his cock while I raised rub and rubbed it against my lips. I used Ted’s cock like a toy, rubbing the head up and down my pussylips and teasing my clit with it. I had a hand on Ted’s chest to hold myself up while I masturbated with his cock. Wave after wave of pleasure flowed through me and I started to ease that big cock inside me. Ted reached up and opened the front hook of my bra and then covered my bare breasts with his hands.

Slipping Ted’s cock into the perfect position I slipped down into it, taking him deep inside me. God, his cock was just as filling as I remembered. I kept him inside me and ground down, rubbing my clit against the base of his cock and I worked my muscles around him. I churned my hips around and moaned, “Ohhhh Ted,” as he rolled my tender nipples between his fingers and sent thrills through me. “Goooodddd…” It felt so unbelievable. I’ve never been a size queen, but it was whole different experience being so completely filled by a large cock. It felt like my brother’s cock ran right through me. I leaned forward, hovering over him, and started working my hips up and down on him. I didn’t have the self-control to start out slow like Ted did. I wanted him inside me and I wanted to feel every thick inch of that cock sliding in and out of me. I pulled off and then plunged myself back down. I did this over and over, almost letting Ted’s cock slip free and then plunging back down onto it. My breasts were in my brother’s face and he captured them in his mouth, licking and sucking them until I was out of my mind, screeching and pounding down onto his cock.


Ted grabbed me by my ass and moved me up and down on him while he lifted his hips off the bed and drove his cock into me.

“I want you!” Ted grunted. “I want you so bad, Alison!”


“I’ve always wanted you like this!”


“I love you Alison!”

“YES! YES! I LOVE YOU TOOOOO!” I came with a heaving groan, every nerve in my body switched on.

Ted pushed up from his back and sat up with me in his lap, facing him, his cock still buried deep inside me. He kissed me furiously, holding me tight. Ted held my face in his hands and just looked at me while I clenched my pussy around him, twisting my hips in little circles. We locked eyes and just ground into each other.

“I want you to cum. I want you to feel the way you make me feel,” I told my brother, but in truth he wasn’t just my brother anymore and I didn’t know if he ever would be again. He was a man to me now, a man who had mastered my body and my passions.

Ted was gasping, but he got out, “What about the other stuff?”

“I don’t care about the other stuff. I just want you.”

Flipping us around, Ted got me on my back without pulling out and I wrapped my legs around his back. “Yes, make love to me,” I moaned. I spurred him with my heels and he rammed into me, slamming his cock down. Ted still showed control, but he did not keep as calm as the night before. This time was different and we both felt it. It didn’t just happen this time, we’d both been thinking about it and consciously made it happen. Ted plunged his cock into me until we both exploded, me first this time, followed by my brother flooding me with his cum. Afterward I lay in my brother’s arms, naked and fell asleep. I did not leave until morning.

A couple days later Mike came home and Ted and I did a good job pretending nothing had happened. My feelings changed over time. I didn’t feel as guilty about sleeping with my brother as I did about cheating on my husband. I convinced myself that if I was going to cheat at least I’d done it with someone who I knew loved me and was not just using me. Ted and I spoke and agreed that while we both enjoyed it and felt no more guilt about what was between us that we could not allow it to happen again because I was married.

Unfortunately, I could not stick to that. The next time Mike went away it was only a day before I was back in my brother’s bed. I felt almost like an addict as we established a familiar pattern. We would make love and swear it would never happen again and then we would not be able to keep our hands off each other. I shared my brother’s bed every night while my husband was away. It started to feel like I had two husbands, Mike while he was home and Ted while he was away. I had never been so sexually satisfied in my life, but at the same time I just wanted more and more. I found myself going out of my way to look sexy for Ted because I knew he would want me.

When Mike’s project ended in Houston it threw a wrench in my arrangement with my brother, but we still managed to sneak away to be together. It was made easier by the fact that Mike wasn’t the least bit suspicious. When Ted and I would go running together we would sneak off and hurriedly make love in the woods. With Mike less distracted by work our marriage and love life improved. Mike and I were making love almost daily, but still I was sleeping with my brother too. I felt like I could never get enough sex.

After six months Ted got his own place and I felt a great sense of loss. The house felt empty without Ted in it. I went to his new apartment and even though there wasn’t much privacy, he had a roommate, we made love in his room while I buried my face in a pillow to muffle my screams. Over time though, we stopped sleeping together. I found I could pull away without Ted living under the same roof and after another month I stopped going over to my brother’s for sex.

By the end of the year my life was back to normal, just as it had been before Ted moved in, but I wasn’t the same. I had those wonderful memories of making love to my brother. I couldn’t really feel guilty because it had just been too wonderful and in the back of my mind there was always the secret hope that Ted would sweep me into his arms and it would happen again.


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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Very, very good story!

Although there were quite a number of small typos, it is still a seriously sexy hot story, with a good plot that was very realistic and totally believable.

The characters of Ted and Alison were perfectly portrayed, and their lust and love for each other was palpable, and the sex descriptions hot, wet and throbbing with excitement.

I was disappointed with them drifting apart at the end, though. Despite no valid reason being given to hate the character of Mike, it would've been wonderful to have Alison and Ted continue with loving each other fully and daily in a homey little house all their own with Mike out of the picture permanently.

What can I say? Their passions were just too satisfying to abandon!

I can only wish that something like that had happened to me.....



ToughSailorToughSailor9 months ago

Beautifully written story. I'm just disappointed that it had to come to such a logical conclusion . . . .

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

8letters was right!! I can see why you're one of his 2 favorite authors. This was a GREAT story!! Thanks for writing it.

ScrewedLogicScrewedLogicabout 1 year ago

By far one of the best stories on this site! Wow

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Too bad the story ended with the brother and sister moving back apart and not continuing their physical love for each other. But it was steamy hot and loved it

Tokyo_TenguTokyo_Tenguover 2 years ago

This is one of the scenarios that I think happens a lot more often than most people are willing to admit. Very nice read.

EZ8ltEZ8ltalmost 3 years ago

Ending makes me rate it low.

mrdata9770mrdata9770about 3 years ago


Your story was both erotic and poignant. If Ted wasn't her brother would she have left her husband for him? This goes right into my most believable stories list. I believe that husbands should strive with all their ability to make their wives happy and never take them for granted, and communication is the key. In the back of her mind, she dreams of someday being taken back into Ted's arms again, and it would be Mike's job to make sure that dream fades into a distant memory. If he does not strive, then he deserves to lose her, IMO. 5 stars from me. I see that you're still submitting your stories after 9 years.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Needs proof reader

Way too many errors that interfere with reading without losing my place.

OOAAOOAAalmost 5 years ago
AMAZING story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Excellently written!!!!!!!!!! Really exciting!

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