Alternative Grad School


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Josh moved the few boxes of essential items from the dining room table to his car before calling Bye-Bye-Junk to empty the house. Though he knew it was best and what his mother had wanted, watching his life's history carried from each room and tossed unceremoniously into the back of a truck took its toll, souring his mood.

Carol Mitner wanted no burial, no service, and no "fuss" made from her passing, and Joshua honored her wishes. But with death, there is always paperwork, and thankfully the lawyer Carol hired was open to receiving a call on a weekend. Many legal documents were already in place, but the death certificate unlocked the last of them. Joshua's childhood home was put on the market that day.

His last stop may have been the most painful. When the door opened, Judy Harris said, "Oh, Joshua, I'm so sorry for your loss." Then, "Please come in."

"Thank you, Mrs. Harris," he said, stepping through.

"Please sit down. Can I get you anything?" She asked.

"No, thank you," he said. "I should say I'm sorry for your loss, too. You and Mom were close for years, and I'm sure you're hurting, too."

Judy sat and faced Joshua. "She was my best friend, and I can't believe she's gone. But I hope you won't be a stranger. Will you come and visit an old woman once in a while?"

"Of course," Josh said. "I know funerals and memorial services are for the living, and you must feel cheated that Mom didn't want any of that. But you know, Mom. Once she got something in her head--"

"There was no talking her out of it," Judy said, laughing. "I tried to talk her into a service these last few weeks, but she was having none of it. She said you should honor people while they're alive, not just when they're dead. That was how she lived."

Josh reached into his bag and drew out a framed picture. "With that in mind," he said, "I brought you something. This is a picture of the three of us. I don't know when it was taken, but I was just a kid, and you two look great. I wanted you to have it."

He stood and walked to Judy to give her the gift.

"Oh, Josh, this is wonderful," she said with a tear in her eye. "Thank you. I remember this! You were about nine, and we'd just gotten ice cream. Carol looks so young."

"And so do you," Josh said with a smile. "You were Mom's best friend, but you were like family to me."

Judy stood and hugged Josh, crying on his shoulder. "Your mother was so proud of you," she said.

When she released him, Josh smiled and said, "I need to go, but I wanted you to have the picture and thank you for everything you'd done for me."

"Of course. Take care, Joshua, and stay in touch. I'll always be here for you," she said.

As he got into his car, he looked at Judy Harris's house and felt his last connection to his old life fade away.

He rose early the next morning for his trip back to Pittsburgh, the remnants of his life packed into his car's trunk and back seat, with only the road noise to keep him company. He was truly alone for the first time in his life, but the notion didn't bring sadness as much as exhaustion with the five-hour trip draining him.

When he arrived back at the house, Marie met him at the door and hugged him. "I'm so sorry, Joshua." When the embrace ended, she led him to the kitchen table and got him seated. "You were on the road a long time. Would you like some coffee or tea?"

"Tea would be great," he said.

She served the tea and sat to his left, offering her hand on the table. He took it and smiled. "I was worried about you," she said.

He nodded and looked at her. "I had a lot of time to think on the drive back," Josh said. "I realized how lucky I was to find this little house where I could rent a room." He gave her hand a little squeeze in appreciation.

They drank their tea in silence until Marie said, "You have to be exhausted. Can you sleep for a bit? I'll make us an early dinner if that's OK."

"Thank you," he said, rising and climbing the stairs.

Chapter 5: Birthday

Just before Thanksgiving, Marie met Josh at the door when he returned from school. "Come in! Come in!" She said, grasping his hand and leading him to the kitchen.

"What's this all about?" Josh said, smiling.

When they arrived in the kitchen, Josh noticed a large cupcake with a candle.

"Happy Birthday!" She said. "Now sit down. What will you have to drink?"

"Um, maybe just water," he said. "How did you know it was my birthday?"

She giggled. "Remember all that paperwork you filled out to rent the room?"

He pointed at her and said, "Sneaky. You have all my personal data and did a background check." Looking again at the cupcake, he said, "This is a lot of cake. Split it with me? Please?"

She found two small plates and a knife. "First, make a wish," she said, lighting the candle.

He closed his eyes, smiled, and blew out the candle. When he opened his eyes, he saw her watching him, glowing. He cut the large cupcake in two.

"Thank you," he said. "You made my day."

"What did you wish for?" She asked.

"I don't think I'm supposed to say," he said, his eyes narrowing.

She grinned. "Oh, go on."

Nodding, he said, "OK. Don't make fun of me. I wished for happiness."

"Aw! That's so sweet. I thought you'd wish for a blonde," she said with a wink.

"I already have one," he said. "I don't need two."

She blushed at this but smiled. They ate their cake in silence, though they exchanged grins throughout.

"So, what will the birthday boy do now?"

He backed his chair out, stood, kissed the top of Marie's head, and said, "Now the birthday boy will go upstairs and study for his Bioinformatics exam. This was wonderful. Thank you."

Chapter 6: Thanksgiving Break

Tuesday afternoon before Thanksgiving, Josh came through the door and shouted, "I am free!"

Marie popped around from the back of the house and said, "What's all this about?"

Josh put his computer bag down triumphantly and said, "I am off for nearly a week."

"That's wonderful," she said.

"I have a plan," he said. "We get Chinese takeout tonight, and I set up the TV with one of my Mom's old movies. I even bought popcorn," he said with a wide grin. "Oh, and white wine. We deserve a break."

When Josh had completed the DVD player setup, he turned to Marie and said, "Mom and I used to watch old movies all the time. How about something with Katharine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy? Have you seen Desk Set?"

Marie had been thumbing through the disks in their sleeves, shaking her head. "I've not heard of any of these movies."

He grabbed his shirt at his heart and gasped. "Oh my god! You poor thing. I can see we'll have many wonderful nights exploring film's golden age. Now sit down. Right here," he said, pointing to the loveseat. "I'll be back with popcorn and wine. I brought an afghan we can curl up in. Just relax."

He extinguished the lights as he approached the loveseat, and the room was now illuminated only by the TV. Marie was almost giddy. "This is so nice. Thank you."

He settled in, and she snuggled to him, her head on his shoulder, covered by the afghan. Josh pressed play.

When the movie was over, Josh found that his arm had been around Marie for most of the night. She looked up at him as the credits rolled. The look on his face was blissful.

When he finally glanced down, he saw her face, radiant, smiling, and joyful. "You are really beautiful," he said in a whisper.

"Then kiss me," she replied.

He pulled her close and kissed her gently, their lips meeting, her hand reaching for his cheek. She raised up and draped across his lap, laying in his arms, her hands in his hair. His hands brushed the locks from her face while he kissed her, tongues dancing, and breath hot.

"I've waited so long for this," she said.

"Me, too," he said, chuckling. "I didn't want to mess it up, move too fast, or make you uncomfortable."

She sighed and said, "I've never felt more comfortable."

He kissed her again, but when the kiss broke, she shifted, straddling his lap, facing him, her arms around his neck, and her forehead leaning to his. "Joshua," she said, "I'm not young. I'm forty-three. It's almost too much to hope that a young man would be interested in a woman my age."

He held her at the waist and pulled her upright, staring into her eyes. "I don't care about the age difference. I don't think you do, either. It's nothing. Look at me," he said as her eyes dropped away. She did. "I want you in my life. You're smart and funny and beautiful," he said. "And you're kind. That's what matters to me."

She wiped tears from her eyes and smiled. Then she dropped her hands to his chest, feeling the muscles beneath. "I was married, but I'm not very experienced. My husband was," she paused, "unimaginative in bed. I'm so nervous right now. I'm going to need time. Do you understand?"

He held his palm to her cheek and nodded. "I'm no Lothario. Will you tell me if I make you uncomfortable or if I'm doing something that scares you? Please, I would never judge you. I just want to make you happy."

She nodded and smiled in relief.

"Would you like to go upstairs?" He asked.

"Yes," she replied so softly he almost missed it, but she got to her feet and held her hand out for his. They climbed the stairs hand-in-hand.

When they got to the top, Josh said, "I'm going to wash. I've got buttered popcorn all over me. Can I come to your room in a few minutes?"

Josh arrived in the master bedroom to find Marie seated on the side of the bed, still dressed in her sweatshirt and yoga pants, looking lost. Only the light from the master bath was on. He sat beside her and held her hand before saying, "Are you OK?"

She nodded but couldn't speak. He waited, and she finally took a deep breath and said, "I feel like a virgin on her wedding night." Her look was one of helplessness when she glanced at him.

"Do you want to wait? We could slip under the covers just as we are and sleep together. That would be nice," he said.

"Is that what you want?" She said in a panic.

"No," he said calmly. "I want to help you undress, kiss every inch of your body, make love to you, make you cum, and have you fall asleep in my arms."

"I want that, too," she said. Her arms crossed, and she pulled the sweatshirt over her head. A light red T-shirt now shone in the faint light.

He smiled and turned toward her. "Unbutton my shirt," he said.

Obviously nervous, she fumbled with the first button, but the rest came free easily. She pulled his shirt from his shoulders and tossed it to the floor. "Tomorrow is laundry day," she said.

He snickered and kissed her. "Maybe my T-shirt should be next," he said.

She pulled his T-shirt over his head, then drew close to inhale his scent. Her hands ran over his torso, up to his shoulders, and back. "Oh my god, I knew you were strong, but--" her voice dropped off, and she kissed his neck, moving her hands behind his back and dragging her nails down his spine.

When she sat up again, Josh kissed her and rubbed a thumb over a breast, bringing it to life.

"Oh, god," she said, leaning her head on him.

He whispered to her, "Feeling more relaxed? I want you to feel comfortable. I want to make you happy." He repeated the motion over her breast, and she flinched.

"Fuck," she whispered.

"I'm going to take that as a yes," he said, chuckling. He stood before her and helped her remove her shirt. He tossed it to the floor and said, "Tomorrow is laundry day." She laughed and looked at him with longing.

He reached behind her and unhooked her bra. Her breasts were small, the breasts of a runner, and sat perfectly on her chest, small nipples angled up. Josh lowered his head and kissed each breast, sucking each nipple gently, licking and exhaling his hot breath on them. She grasped his head and drew his head to her chest, holding him tight and muttering, "Oh fuck. Oh fuck."

When he stood again, she stared at his belt. "It's OK," he said. "If it's too much, we can stop. We can just cuddle."

With a determined look, she pulled at his belt, unbuttoned his jeans, and lowered the zipper. She pulled his jeans to his ankles, and he stepped out. His boxers were now before her, and his cock, slowly hardening, lay beneath. She rubbed the palm of her hand over the lump, tracing its length, feeling its girth, touching the end, and seeing a spot of dampness appear on the fabric.

She pulled his boxers down a few inches, releasing his cock. Then she looked up at him, almost crying, and she said, "I know I'm supposed to put it in my mouth, but I've never done that. I don't think I can."

"Just hold it," he said, "move your hand up and down on it."

She did, and his cock expanded in her hands. She felt it get heavier, stiffer, and more moist near the head. A faint musky scent made her heart race.

He bent slightly so his voice could be a whisper. "Feel my balls," he said. "Lift them. Squeeze them gently."

She hefted them, then dragged her nails across the bottom of his scrotum. "Fuck," he whispered.

He bent to kiss her. She released his balls, but her other hand continued to jack his cock. When the kiss broke, he said, "Take off your bottoms and come to bed with me."

She stripped naked and slipped under the covers. When he joined her, she asked, "Are we going to make love?"

He held her close and kissed her, his cock flopping on her. "Not yet. I want to make sure you're relaxed and wet enough. I don't want you to be uncomfortable. In fact, you should probably be on top the first time so you can be more in control."

"I've never done it that way," she said. He looked puzzled. She sighed and said, "I would get on my back, Frank would get on top of me, and a few minutes later, he was done. That's the way we always did it."

He kissed her, leaned close, and whispered, "Do you trust me?"

She nodded, and he began kissing her neck, her shoulder, breasts, and belly before scooting down the bed and climbing between her legs. Marie stiffened. He slipped his arms beneath her knees and lifted, rotating her ass slightly and giving him better access to her pussy. When he licked her the first time from bottom to top, slipping his tongue between her pussy lips and landing on her clit, she gasped. Her hands gripped the covers.

He worked slowly, kissing the insides of her thighs, licking her pussy from end to end, rubbing his face in her mound, and using his fingers to part the place where the button lay hidden. Though he could not see her clit in the darkness, he could sense it, and he ran his tongue in circles around it. Marie's grip on the covers became more desperate.

She was nervous, and it took a few minutes for her to relax enough to become wet. Only then did a finger invade her. He finger fucked her tight pussy enjoying the scent of their lovemaking. When she had relaxed enough, he turned his attention to the G-spot, drawing his finger lightly across the roof of her pussy, touching ever so gently the bundle of nerves that would bring her joy. His lips now concentrated on her clit, licking, sucking, circling, nibbling, occasionally releasing his hot breath on her button.

He wanted her to cum, and he seemed ready to eat her pussy all night if that's what it took. She was wet now, and his speed had increased, but he was still patient and gentle, wanting her to orgasm in her own time.

Marie began raising her ass off the bed, meeting his mouth sucking on her clit, and Josh's motion teasing the G-spot. In moments she was fucking his mouth, her hands on his head, holding it in place, while she began grunting, "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck."

There was no warning, just a squeal, as Marie's legs snapped tight around Josh's head. Her speech became incoherent as her ass continued to fuck Josh's face. Then, without warning, she cast him off, pushing his head from her crotch and kicking him in the shoulders before rolling on her side.

Josh sat up, waiting.

Marie, still lying on her side, shaking, was angry. "What the fuck did you do to me?" She shouted.

Josh tried to touch her, but she slapped him away. "What the fuck, Josh?"

He let her lay there for a moment, then said, "I gave you an orgasm."

She turned to him, still on her side, still shaking. "That was an orgasm?"

He shrugged and nodded, smiling. "Was it good?" He asked innocently.

She turned away again and sighed. "Fuck," she said.

"No, this is just the warm-up," he replied with a grin.

She laughed, then rolled onto her other side to face him.

"I thought I'd orgasmed before," she said. "I was wrong. Fuck. That was intense."

"La petite mort," he replied. "I think we got there in the end."

She looked down at his fading hard-on. "Is that what you feel when you--you know--cum?"

He dropped beside her, propped his head on his elbow, and said, "It's not that intense and doesn't last that long, unfortunately. You women win in that category."

She snorted. "Not if you have to wait forty-three years to have one."

"I promise," he said, "you'll not have to wait another forty-three years for the next one."

"I want to go to the bathroom and clean up, brush my teeth, and come back here and cuddle for a while. Is that OK?" She said.

Chapter 7: First Steps

They cuddled and slept the rest of the night. When Josh woke the next morning, he found Marie sitting next to him, watching.

"Good morning," he said.

She leaned to him and kissed him. "I've never slept better," she said.

"Orgasms are good for sleep," he said, yawning.

She slipped back under the covers by him and said, "But you didn't have one last night. That was selfish of me. I'm sorry."

He pulled her close. "I wanted to make you cum, so I got what I needed."

"I yelled at you," she said, shrinking.

He laughed. "You wondered what the fuck I'd done to you."

She hit him gently. "Don't make fun of me."

He let his hand slip down and grab her ass. "I'm not. You were in shock. It was an intense orgasm for the first one. I don't blame you for being disoriented."

She eyed him. "You're proud of yourself, aren't you?"

"Yup," he said brightly.

She rolled her eyes. "I'm glad I didn't know what I was missing." Then she looked back at Josh. "But now I've got some high expectations, mister."

"Yes, ma'am," he said. "I'll do my best."

Her face fell. "Is it OK that I don't do that for you? It seems too weird. I don't know if I'd like it. And," she looked down toward his legs, "you're really big."

"I'm not that big," he said, "and, yes, I don't want you to do anything that makes you uncomfortable. But someday, you might be curious. Don't pressure yourself."

"I'm afraid you'll lose interest in me," she said. "I was scared you'd find another place to live, and I'd never see you again."

He sighed. "That is not happening. Come here."

He held her close, her head on his shoulder, and she cried.

After a time, he said, "Let's sleep a little more and then have breakfast."

He held her in his arms, spooning her, his nose in her hair, and his hand on her breast, her hand atop his. But they did not sleep, and after a time, Marie said, "Please make love to me."

Josh released her, and she moved to lie on her back. "Please," she said, "make love to me this way. It's the only way I know."

He moved over her, settled between her legs, and she lifted her knees to accommodate him. Stiff-armed, hovering above her, he dipped to kiss her gently. "We can go slow," he said, "and you promised to tell me if you're uncomfortable."

She nodded and wrapped her arms around his back as he sank to his elbows, whispering, "You're nervous and tense. Please let me help you relax."

He moved lower, kissing a path from her breasts to her mound, when she said in a panic, "Don't make me cum again!"

Lifting his head, he said, "Trust me." He gently ate her, kissing, nibbling, and sucking. His hands were on her tummy, and he could feel her relaxing.