Always On The Bare

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A short spanking story, featuring punishment by the cane.
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As soon as she mentioned the name of the house, Thomas was transported back fifteen years to his school days, and he felt a shudder of fear run down his spine. As a schoolboy, Thomas and his friend, Dan, used to pass "Wood End House" on their way to and from school. It was a large, detached and quite sinister looking, red brick Victorian house set in its own grounds behind a high brick wall. Entrance was via a huge, ornate, wrought iron gate. He and Dan always imagined that it was haunted.

On their way home one evening, they had been joined by Wendy, a girl that Thomas had a schoolboy crush on. Both Dan and Thomas were both in a particularly boisterous mood, both trying to impress Wendy. Dan dared Thomas to take a few apples from the tree just inside the wrought iron gate of "Wood End House".

"My brother said the house is haunted," warned Wendy.

"There's no such thing as ghosts," replied Thomas, trying to sound confident and knowledgeable. "How many apples do you want?"

"Six," replied Wendy. Her eyes widened with nervous admiration as Thomas pushed open the heavy, squeaking, wrought iron gate, and began to scale the apple tree just a short way up the drive.

"You can have a dozen if you like," Thomas called out cheerfully from half way up the tree, relishing the opportunity to demonstrate his bravery, as his two friends watched him from the other side of the gate.

"I'll give you a dozen!" said a woman's voice from the direction of the house, "A dozen strokes of the cane across your bottom young man."

In complete panic, Thomas dropped from the tree, apples scattering around him, and ran as fast as his legs would carry him through the gate and into the street. His friends were already scampering away up the road. He didn't look back, so he didn't see the lady, but he heard her footsteps walking briskly towards him on the gravel drive. He pictured her with a cane in her hand.

Thomas changed his route to school after that incident, always fearing that a woman wielding a cane would be waiting behind the gate for him when he passed by. The image of her haunted him. Even now, fifteen years later, the image he had manufactured in his own head, made him nervous each time he had to pass near to "Wood End House".

Now, he was running his own small gardening company. The call he had just taken was from a lady called Ms Craven. She had a refined voice and explained that she had a large garden that needed regular maintenance because her regular gardener had recently retired for health reasons. She lived in the same town and Thomas agreed to call in to quote for the work. Then she mentioned the name of the house. Thomas realised his hand was shaking as he put down the received after agreeing a time to call.

Later that afternoon, Thomas pushed open the same heavy wrought iron gate he had last run out of all those years ago. It still squeaked. He became aware he was sweating as he walked past the apple tree. It seemed smaller now. A minute later he pulled himself together and knocked on the oak front door of "Wood End House". Of course she won't recognise me after all this time, he thought to himself. It might not even be the same person, she might have moved.

The door was opened by a glamorous and attractive lady, smartly dressed in a conservative suit. Her dark hair was held back into a tight bun and beginning to grey. He guessed she was in her late forties. She looked at him for a few uncomfortable moments, before he found his voice.

"I'm Thomas," he said, clearing his throat, trying to disguise his nervousness, "I've come to quote for the gardening."

"Oh yes, of course," she said, studying his face carefully.

There were a few uncomfortable seconds of silence and Thomas felt himself flushing.

"Perhaps you would care to take a look around the garden, Thomas," she said eventually, "As you will see, it's suffered a few weeks of neglect. Perhaps you could quote me for tidying up, weeding, and trimming hedges. If you'll excuse me I'm in the middle of something, so just knock when you've had a look."

She closed the door.

Thomas was nervous and excited by the mere presence of this refined lady. The thought that it might have been the same lady who had promised to cane him fifteen years ago was impossible to put out of his mind as he looked around the large garden. He realised he had an erection. Ten minutes later he knocked on the door again.

"I've had a look around, Ms Craven. It's a lot of work, I think it will take about a week to put it back in order,"

"I accept the quote, Thomas," she said as soon as he had given her a price, "When can you start?"

"I usually ask for a fifty per cent deposit," he said shyly.

"Well I don't usually pay a fifty per cent deposit," she replied firmly, "I pay when the work is completed to my satisfaction. When can you start?"

Thomas found himself becoming erect again and his face flushed again. He felt sure she had glanced down and noticed the bulge in his trousers. She looked back into his face with a hint of amusement in her eyes.

"Next Monday," he said meekly.

"Good. I'll expect you at 8.00am sharp." She raised her eyebrows slightly, indicating that she expected a reply in the affirmative.

"Yes, Ms Craven," he replied obediently.

* * *

Thomas was unable to put Ms Craven out of his mind for the rest of the week. He was almost desperate to know if she was the same lady who had threatened him with the cane. The thought excited him and scared him.

He began work on Ms Craven's garden at the agreed time the following Monday. She occasionally brought him out a cup of tea and inspected his progress, but other than that he saw little of her during the following week and she didn't seem interested in engaging him in conversation.

Towards the end of his last day, he was tidying away his tools, happy that the job was complete, and he found himself standing by the apple tree he had tried to steal apples from when he was a boy. He tried to imagine what it would have been like if he'd been caught. He found himself becoming erect again, ant unconsciously put his hand to his erection.

"A penny for your thoughts, Thomas?"

Her voice made him jump and he quickly pulled his hand away from the front of his trousers, looking to his left to see Ms Craven standing to his side with a cup of tea.

"I was just admiring your apple tree," he replied awkwardly, not being able to think of what to say. She looked at him with a slightly amused look on her face and he felt his face flush again and his erection harden.

"Yes," she said at last, "Of course you were."

Thomas blushed further as he took the tea from Ms Craven.

"They're coxes -- the apples." she said after a few moments, obviously in no hurry to return to her house. "The tree's past its prime now, but I enjoyed excellent crops until a few years ago."

"Oh," replied Thomas weakly, face now bright red.

"Yes," she continued, intent on reminiscing, "In fact the apples were so abundant that they attracted the attention of a few young scoundrels from the local school. They tried to steal some. I nearly caught one of them. I watched him climb up the tree from the kitchen window over there," she said.

Thomas looked over towards the window, trying, but failing, to appear casually interested, face still glowing red.

"He's very lucky I didn't catch him," she continued, smiling at the memory. "He may have found it difficult to sit down for a few days if I had."

Thomas could think of nothing to say, and after a few moments Ms Craven seemed to forget the past.

"Come up to the house when you've finished clearing up, Thomas. We can settle our accounts."

Ten minutes later, with his work complete, Thomas knocked on the door with his empty tea cup in his hand. He was sweating profusely, excited and terrified.

"Come in, Thomas," she said firmly, and led him to a large oak study, and sat down behind a desk to face him, leaving him standing.

"We need to settle your account," she said, looking directly into his face. He felt himself look down at the floor, unable to hold her gaze.

"But first," she continued, "I'd like you to help me with a bit of maths. It's not my best subject."

"Of course, if I can," he replied, "but it's not my best subject either."

"I'll make it very simple, then," she said. "Let's suppose I owed you, what shall we say... twelve apples, for example. Let's suppose it took me fifteen years to pay you back. You'd be owed interest, wouldn't you?"

"Yes," he whispered, cringing inside.

"Well, as I said, maths isn't my best subject, but I've worked out that if the interest was, say, five per cent a year, then I'd owe you twenty-six apples. Does that sound right to you, Thomas?"

"I suppose so," he whimpered.

"Good," she said, standing up and walking to a cupboard. "Let's swap apples for strokes of the cane, strokes of the cane across your bottom, Thomas."

She reached into the cupboard then stood to face him. She had a wicked glint in her eye and Thomas felt his legs go weak as he looked at the long cane she was flexing in her hands.

"I recognised you as soon as I saw you," she explained "So let's settle this long overdue account now, then we can settle the other more recent one for your gardening."

"You can't do that, Miss," he whimpered as his legs felt like jelly.

"Oh but I can, Thomas, and I will. Step over to the desk, please. Face the desk, now, or I will add strokes."

Hesitantly, but obediently, Thomas complied. He felt the power of her domination over him and had no option but to obey.

"Take down your trousers and underpants, Thomas," she commanded firmly.

"Oh... surely not," he pleaded, "That's not right! You can't expect..."

"Always on the bare, Thomas. Always on the bare," she said patiently, "There's no other way. Now take them down at once or I will double the number of strokes."

Whimpering with fear and humiliation, Thomas slowly undid his trousers and allowed them to drop to the floor, then, with his face now glowing an even brighter red, he eased down his underpants.

"Now bend right over the desk," she said quietly, placing the long cane across his back to encourage him.

Hesitantly, Thomas leaned forward, excruciatingly aware of the sight his bare bottom would present to this elegant lady. With his all his weight on the desk, he had never felt more exposed in his life. The cool air on his bottom only adding to his feeling of exposure and humiliation.

"I do so like an unblemished, white bottom to cane," she purred as she looked down at his offered buttocks. "Tell me, Thomas, have you been caned before?"

"No Miss," he whispered.

"Excellent. This will be fun then. The cane hurts so much more than you might imagine, Thomas. I do so love to observe the reaction of a first caning. Perhaps we'd better make sure you stay in place."

From somewhere, she produced a coil of rope, and before Thomas had grasped what was happening, she had secured his wrists to a heavy brass drawer handle on the far side of the heavy oak desk.

"Now, twenty-six strokes I think we agreed."

Thomas couldn't believe what was happening to him. He felt the cane tapping gently across the centre of his bared bottom cheeks, He had no idea what to expect, but he was dismayed that even these gentle taps stung unpleasantly. He screwed his face up in dread in anticipation of something considerably more painful


Nothing, but nothing could have prepared him for the excruciating agony as Ms Craven brought the cane down with amazing force to bite deeply into his virgin white flesh. His whole body tensed in shock and disbelief at the ferocity of the stroke and the intensity of the line of fire that erupted deep in the flesh of his bottom. As he hissed in a lungful of air, he clung to the thought that she must have made a mistake, she hadn't meant to cane him so savagely.


Stroke two confirmed it had been no mistake -- it was even harder. Thomas shrieked in agony and began to struggle.


Agony overlaid agony. It was more than he could stand. The pain was at a level that was beyond his ability to comprehend. He was writing and screaming now. His legs were weaving around in a frenzy, but his wrists were held firm as the cane continued to find its mark, again and again, biting ever deeper into the writhing buttocks. Ms Craven's face was a picture of determination and concentration as she wielded the cane with merciless venom.

At twelve strokes, Ms Craven paused for a break and took a seat behind Thomas to enjoy watching the weals mature across his squirming buttocks.

"I beg you, Miss, no more, please, I beg you, I can't take any more."

She smiled at his pathetic pleading.

"But we're not even half way through, Thomas," she said, cheerfully.

"I'll come back another time to take the rest. I promise, but I can't take any more now, please Miss."

She stood, then walked up to stand behind him, then gently traced her finger across the lattice of angry weals that covered his bottom.

"You do look rather sore," she said after a few moments, as her hand continued to caress his blazing bottom. "If I did agree to postpone the remainder I would need to be quite sure you would return."

"You can keep my money until I do," he replied at once, desperate to say anything to avoid any more strokes of the cane biting into his burning, throbbing bottom.

"Very well, I think I can agree to that," she said after some thought. She took her hand away from his bottom and picked up the cane again. "But I think I'll add four strokes for the inconvenience. Better get them out of the way now."


Before Thomas realised what was happening, the agony erupted with increased intensity across his bottom and the room filled with screams. Ms Craven sat down with a sparkle in her eye, flushed with excitement and a smile on her face, as she waited for the screaming and writhing to subside.

She eventually released him and he rose unsteadily to his feet. He was erect.

"I expect you back within two weeks," she said, "And if you take your caning well I may do something about this." She gave his erection a gentle tap with the end of her cane.

* * *

With a shaking hand, he picked up the phone and punched in the number. Sweat stood out on his forehead as he listened to the phone at the other end ring. He whimpered as the phone was answered.

"Hello, Ms Craven. It's Thomas. I'd like to come back to receive the remainder."

"But it's been only three days, Thomas. You must still be very sore."

"I am, but I still want to come."

"You do realise that it will be very, very, painful, Thomas," she said sincerely, leaving him in no doubt that she meant it, "I intend to cane you very hard."

There was a long, long pause, before Thomas answered in a whisper, "That's what I want, Miss."

There was another long pause before she answered quietly, "Then I shall make sure it is, Thomas. Come here at once. I want you here in ten minutes and I will add an extra stroke for each minute you are late."

"Is that a promise?" he found himself saying.

"That's a promise," she whispered. The line went dead.

Thomas took off his watch and put it down on the table in front of him. He spent fifteen minutes watching the minute hand as it slowly traced an arc around the watch face, then he strapped it back on his wrist and rose from his chair. He decided to walk to "Wood End House". It would take longer than driving, but he was he knew she wouldn't mind him being a bit late.

As Thomas set off on foot at a leisurely pace, Ms Craven looked at the wall clock in her study. She ran her tongue over her lip, then picked up the cane she had just placed on the old oak desk. It was the cane she had used on Thomas three days before. She put it back in the cupboard then removed another cane. This one was longer, darker, and because it was made of a denser wood, much heavier. She swished it through the air a few times, then placed it on the oak desk, next to the rope -- two coils this time, as she didn't want his legs weaving around so much.

Ten minutes later, she looked at the clock again and smiled.

"Oh, Thomas... Thomas.... You really have no idea what you are in for," she said quietly to herself, as she settled back in her chair to watch the minute hand of the clock steadily add to the number of strokes she would soon apply to his bare bottom.


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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

It was good and savage, but she should have made him come back in two weeks! soometimes doms have to say no unwise subs. A repeat caning three days later would have torn him to shreds, or she would have had to hold back for fear that she would really injure him to the point of needing medical care. But That's a quibble. Nice severe caning story. He had it coming!

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Well if I was held accountable for my thieving fruit from other peoples orchards when I was a young and cheeky adolescent male, then I would be owed many hundreds of severe cane strokes by these strict ladies.

Annie Bee is my favourite authoress by far. She can shoot a story from the hip and nail it every time.

Her superior knowledge and experience combined with her passion for writing BDSM types of stories places her in front of everyone else. Her highly descriptive way of wording a severe caning and the offenders anguish is the icing on the cake for any female dominant type of story to work for us submissive males.

She understands what many males crave for but lack in their lives. The love and power of a truly dominant woman who will keep them in their place with regular severe beatings. Loved this short story. Doggy Lover 4u2.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

A good read, nice build up. I've been caned a few times by a confident Lady, it can be very painful but strangely 24hrs later I need it again.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

A great read. Annie Bee is a star

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Great but desperate for more abour 2nd caneing

TheDokTheDokover 2 years ago

12 compounded monthly at 5% over 15 years is 25 not 28. Thomas was cheated!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

I only wished this happened in real life

This would be my dream woman

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
And then the Police showed up

And Ms Craven was hauled off to jail for a very, very, very long time. Stupid story with no thought given to consequences. So unreal it was laughable. Did it ever cross your pea brain that that type of caning would be fatal? God awful story. Glad you were a one and done type.

gspanker051gspanker051over 10 years ago
Overdue Caning

Annie I really enjoyed reading this I wish you wrote more here 5 stars

casati1casati1over 10 years ago
More like this!

A lovely short story, I'm glad to hear that the boy had an erect cock during his punishment, that's exactly how it should be.....

Thanks for the story

kari10kari10about 11 years ago
Cane and the sub males

She a very famous and expereienced author writes superb f/m spanking stories. It is necessary to pay for her books unfortunately, she has tghis deficiency only, but she knew the desire of the sub men perfektly, and they are selling her successful books like hot cakes.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

The perfect situation in which to find yourself if you're male and love being caned by strict ladies.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

This story opens with a spelling sentence....; and remains so until the end! On the one hand vividly explicit, it leaves on the other hand lots to the imagination of the reader and therefore offers the possibility to identify with the protagonist and feel it 'close to the skin' so to speak. Of course it also helps when one likes gardening ;-)

kari10kari10over 11 years ago
The overdue punishment

A superb story, the author know the sub males really!

jane marwoodjane marwoodover 11 years ago
What a lovely breath of fresh air

5***** story. Most enjoyable! I will look forward to reading more from you. Best regards.

mel_pomenemel_pomenealmost 12 years ago
Another new author ...

... another marvellous, well-rounded story. Thank you for joining Literotica and especially for sharing your work with us, AnnieBeeBrooks. I look forward to reading much more from you in the future. Well done - five stars.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

Thank you for a beautiful well written story. I am very hard now, just thinking of what poor Thomas endures in round two. Please tell us about it.

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