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When I worked late, Amanda would have supper waiting for me. She'd usually be studying in the library. I remember the first time I came home late for supper. I went into the library. Amanda was working on her computer. There was music playing. It was Oscar Peterson's Canadiana Suite. I was amazed. I guess that I expected that she'd prefer some sort of rock or rap. She looked up and smiled at me.

"You're listening to Oscar Peterson."

"Yeah. Isn't he wonderful?"

"Yes, he certainly is." The kid was full of surprises.

Amanda had been with me for about a month when it became painfully obvious to me that I hadn't had sex for a very long time. Many months, in fact. Not with anyone else, at any rate. Just Mother Thumb and her daughters. I was, as my dad would have said, "horny as a 3-balled goat." And Amanda's usual evening costume now consisted of shorts and one of those little tops that leaves the tummy bare. Having a scantily-clad teenage girl around the house didn't help my case of horns. I resolved to do something about the situation at the first opportunity.

That opportunity arrived more quickly than I expected. One Friday, Amanda told me that she'd be home late. She'd be studying at a friend's house, and she'd have supper there. That being the case, I figured I'd eat out. I went to the pub next to my office. At the bar was a woman that I'd met a few times. She was a friend of a friend and worked in the area. She was a cute brunette in her mid-thirties. Her name was Roxanne Miller. I'd been told by a couple of people that "Roxy" was available for fun and games.

Roxy and I had a few drinks and a bite to eat. We seemed to be hitting it off, so I suggested that we continue at my place. She agreed, so I thought I might get lucky. As soon as we got in the car, she stuck her tongue in my mouth. I was sure I was going to get lucky.

Roxy and I arrived at my place. I hung up our coats, and she attacked me. She hauled out my dick and popped it in her mouth. Wow! This was pretty wild stuff. I suggested that we continue upstairs. When we got to the second floor, she was all over me again, unbuttoning my shirt and opening my belt. We left a trail of clothes up the stairs to the third floor.

In the bedroom, Roxy pulled me over to the bed, straddled me and sat on my dick. She began to fuck my brains out, and she was pretty vocal about it.

"Oh fuck! Oh Jesus! Oh yeah. Oh, I need cock. I gotta have dick. Aw shit..." And so on.

Suddenly I heard a door slam. At least I thought I did. Then I heard another door slam. There was no doubt about that one, and into the bargain, Alice the dog began barking. I was busted. Roxy stopped jumping my bones.

"What the hell was that?"

"Oh, it's just the girl who lives here. I guess she just got home."

"You son of a bitch! The girl you live with! What the hell is going on? Let me out of here!"

Roxy leaped off the bed ran from the room and collected her clothing. I grabbed my boxers and followed her. When she got to the second floor, she dressed hurriedly. I tried to explain, but she wasn't having any. She literally ran down the stairs and out the front door, slamming it behind her. I stood in front of the door in my underwear for a few minutes. Then I went upstairs and put on some jeans and a shirt.

I went back down to the first floor. I went into the study and got myself a large Scotch. Bowmore seventeen-year-old. Neat. I sat down in an overstuffed chair. I stared into the dark fireplace. I felt just as empty as that black hole. I had really fucked up now. I doubted very much if Amanda would speak to me again. The more I thought about it, the more I realized how much that would hurt. I was one stupid bastard. I finished my Scotch and was just pouring another when I heard stumbling footsteps in the hall. Amanda came in.

She was wearing one of her little shirts and a pair of faded gym shorts. Her hair was mussed. She was crying, and she looked like she'd been crying for a long time. She was also stinking drunk. I'd never seen her like that, and I strongly suspected that she'd never been so intoxicated in her life.

"Bob, I'm so sorry. I'm so fucking sorry."

Actually, it came out more like "show fucking shorry."

"I ruined your evening. I did it on purpose. I'll leave if you want me to. I'll find someplace else to live."

Amanda was sobbing away with her head in her hands. I went to her. I put my hand under her chin and lifted her face so that she was looking up at me.

"Sweet, sweet Amanda. I'm the one who should apologize. I didn't know you were home, but that's no excuse. Forgive me."

Amanda hugged me and sobbed against my chest. I gently led her to the chair. I sat down and pulled her onto my lap. She cuddled against me and continued to cry.

"I was home when you got here," she sobbed, "Ayesha's mum was sick, so we called off our study session. I thought about calling you on your cell. (sob) I wish to God I had. (sob) When you got home, I was in the library working. I heard you come in, and I was just about to call out to you. (sob) Then I heard someone else."

Amanda sobbed uncontrollably for a few moments, then, "I heard you and that whore," she pronounced it "hoor," "and then you came upstairs. I ducked back into the library. I looked out and saw the two of you heading up to your room throwing your clothes everywhere. (sob) I couldn't believe it. (sob) And then I heard you fucking. Oh yeah, you were fucking her. She was howling away. (sob) I couldn't stand it. I slammed the library door. Then I slammed my bedroom door. Alice started barking, and I messed with her so she'd keep it up." She looked into my face. "I couldn't believe it. You and that goddamed whore. Oh God."

Amanda collapsed against me, sobbing. After a few minutes, she stopped crying long enough to say, muffled against my chest, "I love you so damned much. I just couldn't stand it. Why her? Why not me? What's wrong with me?" She wailed and sobbed for a few moments. "Am I so bad that you have to pick up some whore?" She began crying even harder. "You think I'm a little kid, but I'm not. I'll be twenty next week. I'm a woman. I'm a woman, goddam it, and I love you!"

I held Amanda close. She was still crying, and she was starting to get the hiccups. The sobs were intertwined with hicks. The poor little thing was so miserable. I held her close, and I kissed her tousled hair.

"Darling baby, I love you too. I love you very much. I'm such an idiot. I'm the one who needs forgiveness. Please don't even think of leaving. Stay with me. Stay with me always."

Amanda looked up at me. "Do you mean that?"

"Yes. Yes I do. Always."

She managed a little smile. "OK."

I held Amanda and stroked her. She wasn't crying anymore, but her hiccups were getting more prevalent. I couldn't help it. I laughed. Gently, I hoped.

Amanda looked up at me again. She was a mess, but to me she looked adorable.

"I know that I'm really a pain in the ass," she said, "but I do love you."

"I love you, too. I love you very, very much." I kissed her. "We'll talk more tomorrow, but now it's time for you to go to bed, my little love."

Amanda tried to stand, but she couldn't. I stood and lifted her little body in my arms.

"OK, baby. Time to put little Amanda to bed."

I wasn't in such great physical shape, but I didn't find her all that heavy. I carried her upstairs. I pushed the door to her room open with my foot and laid Amanda gently on the bed. Alice greeted us with a wagging tail and a doggie smile. I shushed her. I drew down the bedclothes and tucked Amanda beneath them. She woke just as I was about to leave.

"Bob, please don't leave me. Stay with me. Please. Oh please."

I shucked off my jeans and crawled under the covers. Amanda snuggled against me. She lay on my arm, her head cradled against my shoulder.

She murmured, "I love you. Oh how much I love you." Then, she began breathing slowly and deeply. She was out like a light. I was soon asleep as well.

I woke the next morning in some discomfort. My right arm was asleep. No wonder. There was someone lying on it. I also desperately needed to urinate. I successfully managed to extricate myself without waking Amanda. I used her washroom. I became aware of just how disgusting my mouth felt and tasted. I went upstairs and brushed my teeth. Twice. Then I came back downstairs and took Amanda in my arms once more. The clock on her bedside table said it was eight o’clock. That was the last thing I saw for several hours.

I awoke to Amanda's stirring. I opened my eyes to find her looking at me. The clock said ten-thirty.

"How are you, little love?"

"I feel terrible," she said. "I hurt all over. My head feels like someone is beating a drum inside it, and my mouth feels like a swamp. But at the same time, I feel wonderful." She snuggled against me. "I know that I was drunk, but I seem to remember your telling me that you loved me. Did you really say that?"

"Yes, I did. Would you like me to tell you again?"

"Oh yes. Oh God yes. Please."

"I love you. I love you so much that it hurts. It hurts so much that it feels great."

She looked at me very seriously. "But we didn't -- I mean you didn't..."

"No. We didn't have sex. I very much want to make love to you, but I want it to be making love, not just sex. When we're both able to enjoy it, we will. I promise you."

"OK. Give me a few minutes," she said. Then she got up and went into the washroom. I heard the toilet flush, water running, the sound of teeth being brushed. The washroom door opened. Amanda came into the bedroom. She was naked.

She was pink and rounded, curvy in the right places. Her little breasts were set high on her chest. They had small pink nipples, now erect. Her tummy wasn't flat but gently rounded. Her hips flared wider than you'd expect on such a small frame. Her thighs were definitely womanly. Nestled between them were little pink lips covered with light blonde hair. She was the most beautiful creature I'd ever seen.

I quickly shed my boxers and T-shirt. Amanda came to me. I cuddled her warm softness. We kissed, gently at first and then with increasing passion. We melded together, and I entered her. Slowly and gently at first. I didn't want to hurt this wonderful little being. Once again, she surprised me. She took the lead. We increased our pace and vigour. Soon, we were fucking like crazed minks.

Amanda and I made love until around noon. We coupled, cuddled and then coupled again for nearly an hour and a half. We dozed off for some minutes. She woke first. When I opened my eyes, she was staring at me, giggling.

"What's so funny, bright eyes?"

"You snore. Not real loud, but kind of funny. Like 'snog, too too, snog, too too.'"

"Well, you'd better get used to it. I think you'll be hearing my snoring a lot from now on. How about some breakfast?"

Amanda nodded vigorously. We threw on minimal clothing and headed for the kitchen.

We put together a sort of breakfast. While we ate, we were looking at each other and giggling like little kids.

Amanda grinned at me and said, "I guess I'm forgiven then, eh?"

"There's nothing to forgive. Am I forgiven?"

"Well," she paused, looking into her coffee cup, "maybe. If you promise not to bring any more whores home." She looked up at me with a broad smile.

"Let me think about that for a moment," I said.

Amanda swatted me. "You pig!"

"Oink!" She hit me again, harder. "Ouch! That one hurt."

"You deserved it."

"I guess I did. Seriously, though, there's only one woman I want in my bed. And I want her there always."

We kissed across the table. We cleared up the dishes and went back upstairs. We had a lot of time to make up for.

That night, I had to go to the opening of a new play at Canadian Stage. Amanda came with me. She looked even more beautiful than usual. She seemed to be glowing, at least to my eyes.

It was a good, though not outstanding, play. We stayed for the reception following the performance. It was the expected thing to do. I was on the board of directors. Leaving early would look very bad. Amanda and I hung around, making polite conversation. After about forty-five minutes, she turned to me and said, "Bob, I'm a little tired. Let's go home and fuck."

Heads snapped around. It seemed as though everyone in the room were staring at us, although only a few people could possibly have overheard. Amanda glared back at them.

Somehow, I managed to keep a straight face. I said, "Yes, darling. I'll go get the car and meet you out front."

When I picked her up, Amanda got into the Porsche and immediately began to laugh. Soon, we were both roaring with laughter. As I've said before, this kid was just full of surprises.


Back to the present. In the office, the cardinal was speaking solemnly.

"Bob, I've always had great respect and admiration for you. You've done terrific things for the archdiocese. You've given us so much support during our many computer problems, and you've contributed money as well as time. If you were a Catholic, I suspect you'd have been made a Knight of Malta by now.

"But that's very much my point. You are not a Catholic, but Amanda is."

"And because Amanda is a Catholic, this is very serious for her. I want you to be very sure that you understand that. I know that she does. Do you understand, Bob?"

"Yes, Eminence. I understand."

"Now, just why do you want me to preside? In the eyes of God, all priests are equal. A cardinal is no better than any other priest."

"Eminence, I want it to be special. Besides, I'd like to think that we're friends, you and I."

"We are. Yes, we are. But I insist that both of you attend every instruction session, together and on time. If you don't, I'll make your lives miserable. Agreed?"

I said, "Yes, your Eminence." Amanda nodded so vigorously that I was afraid that her head would come off.

By this time, I had completely lost the circulation in my right arm. I gently removed Amanda's hands from my upper arm. I held her left hand. The diamond on her finger sparkled in the sunlight.

Cardinal Simsovic stood up. We also rose, as was fitting. He came around the desk to us. He smiled and hugged us both.

"I'll do it. Have you set a date for the wedding?"


The End

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MwestohioMwestohio9 months ago

She knows how to make veal scallopini but doesn't know what eggs Benedict is?

Rancher46Rancher46about 2 years ago

Great read, but why didn't the author finish the story. It would have taken 1 more page to bring this May-December romance to a happily ever after. 5/5

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

It would have been more romantic if he’d have at least showered before going from one woman to the other. Gross.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

So. Did they ever find out who smashed the Porsche window? Or why?

Chief3BlanketChief3Blanketabout 6 years ago
Very good

This author who wrote very entertaining and enjoyable stories only posted a few to Lit. I for one would have liked to have been able to read a lot more by him.

MoogPlayerMoogPlayeralmost 9 years ago
Another Great One!

Need I say more? You should keep going my friend. You have a great imagination with alot of really touching moments in your stories. I've been to Canada on eight different occasions and the people there always treated me like I was someone special, and each of your stories remind me of the nice, kind, and wonderful souls I met when I was there, so, please keep up the good work.


AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago


This was among the first stories that I read when I 'discovered' Literotica. I saved it almost instantly, and over the years, I have read parts of it, or the whole thing several times. (The last anonymous comment was me.)

To me, this is the 'perfect' story. Not too long, no unnecessary characters or unnecessary drama, a touch of humor and a wonderful conversational style of writing.

I realize that you haven't written in several years, and I respect your decision. As a (unpublished) author of erotica, I realize that sometimes its difficult to start anew.

Nevertheless, I hope you read my comment. "Amanda" is truly magnificent in style and structure, and I look forward to the day when I can read another one of your works.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

Very nice story.

Renee001Renee001about 20 years ago

I really loved your story. It was great! You really got to know the charactes and theie feelings and all from the very beginning. Who would have ever thought that a broken window to a car could lead to such a thing! Great imagination! Pease keep writing more stories! Woudn't mind (would love actually) to hear more about Bob and Amanda!

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