Amanda Takes on the Internet

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She starts to think too much of a bad thing might be good!
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Note: I've tried to make this story work as a stand-alone tale, but for anyone wanting to see what leads up to the beginning of this story, this one picks up right where "Katie's World is Rocked by a Coat" leaves off.

Thanks for reading!


"You saw WHO?" Amanda demanded of Ryan, "And HOW?"

Her flustered boyfriend was pretty sure he'd been clear about it the first time, but replied as calmly as he could, "I just saw Katie, our roommate. Naked. Nude. Not wearing any clothes!"

"Where, exactly?" Amanda pressed him for more detail.

"Right in the hall, just outside the bathroom. I heard the two of you yelling back and forth about her borrowing your coat, then as I was coming out of the bathroom I damn near ran into her as she was coming from the living room!"

"It doesn't make sense, I asked her to hang my coat up maybe 20 seconds at most before hearing her squealing and slamming her door shut. If you saw her naked in the hall in between those two events then she must have been..."

"Naked except for the coat when she came in the door! Wow, that's hot!" Ryan blurted, "God, I wonder where she went and what she was doing!" He realized even as the words were leaving his mouth that he was digging himself a hole and better not keep telling his girlfriend how sexy their roommate was, especially while naked.

Fortunately for Ryan, Amanda turned her attention away from him, thinking back to several other times she had been pretty sure her raincoat had been moved on days she never touched it. She hadn't thought much about it at the time and really didn't mind Katie borrowing it, but wasn't too keen on it being part of whatever kinky stuff Katie was getting up to. She definitely didn't want Katie walking around the apartment they all shared in her birthday suit!

The next morning Amanda waited until Ryan had left for his 9 AM class, then knocked on Katie's bedroom door. Still embarrassed at having been caught naked by Ryan, Katie started their conversation taking an apologetic tone, but her face reddened when Amanda scolded her, "I don't know exactly what, but I know you've been doing something sleazy. Just keep your perverted stuff to yourself, leave my coat and my boyfriend out of it. And keep yourself covered in the apartment!"

"Okay. Got it. Will do." was all Katie growled before slamming the door on Amanda. Though she thought Amanda was overreacting and was furious at being lectured to, she knew she'd been caught with no good way to explain her exhibitionist behavior.

Considering the tone of their conversation, Amanda wasn't satisfied with Katie's promises; the class and studio schedules of the three roommates meant there would be times each week Katie and Ryan would be home at the same time while she was away at the campus. She trusted Ryan but worried about what might develop if Katie kept flaunting her body while the two of them were together and she was away.

She remembered seeing some really cheap, really small wi-fi enabled security cameras when she'd been looking for a birthday present for Ryan a few weeks earlier. After a few minutes of browsing, she found a good deal on what looked like a fairly simple to operate camera and ordered a couple of them, hoping to either set her mind at ease or if her fears turned out to be justified, catch Katie breaking her promise.

When the cameras arrived, Amanda tried to get the devices set up to work with the wi-fi network Ryan had set up for their apartment, but the instructions were pretty confusing and she wasn't very skilled at this sort of thing. Since she couldn't very well ask Ryan or Katie to help with her surveillance project she visited a friend who had a work-study job with the college IT center. She thought Matt had a bit of a crush on her, so she figured he'd be likely to help if she asked.

She wasn't wrong; he jumped at the chance to do her a favor, setting up an account for her with the manufacturer of the cameras and doing most of the setup for each device. He told her how to complete the installation with a few details specific to her own home network. With the head start Matt's help provided she was able to finish the setup for the cameras on her apartment's network in just a few minutes. She found a good spot to set up the first camera at her desk, providing a good overall view of the apartment's living room and dining area.

With so much of the apartment covered by the first camera she didn't think the second camera would be needed, but just to be sure it was working she plugged its power supply into an outlet in her bedroom. She was just about to call the second camera up on the app Matt had set up on her phone when Ryan called, asking her if she could bring him some papers he'd left at home when she came to the campus an hour or so later, offering to buy her a latte for her trouble. She looked all over his garbage pile of a desk while talking with him, eventually finding the papers he needed. She left right away to allow herself time to relax and chat with her boyfriend at the student center coffee shop.

A full week after setting up the living room camera, Amanda had found nothing to be bothered by in her high-speed playback of the time she was away from the apartment. Ryan showed up, as did Katie, but there was no sign of Katie misbehaving. With a major project due in her photography class in a few weeks, she was relieved to have one less thing to be stressed out about. The photo assignment called for producing a series of self-portraits; the instructor made it clear to the class that the assignment was meant to be completed in a way which forced the students to produce images which would allow a viewer to know something significant about the subject's personality or interests, much deeper and more revealing than the selfies they were used to taking.

While the instructions for the assignment called for photos revealing the student's psyche, rumor had it that more physically revealing photos tended to receive better grades. Amanda had been struggling with how to approach the assignment, but had experimented with some fairly revealing shots, lounging on her bed wearing only lingerie; she'd even done a few photos where she was topless but kept her breasts mostly covered.

With just over a week left before her self portrait assignment was due, Amanda was up late reviewing her latest photos on a tablet, sitting in bed next to Ryan, who had been sound asleep for over an hour. Hearing the apartment's front door open, she quickly switched over to the living room camera's app in time to see Katie close the door. "Well, at least she's wearing her own coat these days," Amanda thought. Already bored by what looked like yet another ho-hum clip of her roommate passing through the apartment, she was about to switch off the app when she noticed Katie looking around the room as if checking whether anyone else was there.

Instead of closing the app, Amanda let the recording continue and kept watching as Katie took off her coat and hung it up, just like she'd seen her do dozens of times since installing the camera, but with one significant difference; tonight Katie hadn't been wearing anything under her coat! Amanda watched in stunned silence as her naked roommate casually walked over to a table near the couch and looked through the day's mail, eventually finding a letter addressed to her and taking it with her to her room. Hearing Katie pass by her room seconds after disappearing from the camera's view, Amanda had a hard time keeping quiet; she was beyond angry that Katie had broken her promise to stay covered in the shared area of their apartment, but needed to focus on her assignment. How to deal with her exhibitionist roommate was a problem for another day.

Amanda had only one class the next day, in mid-afternoon, allowing her to sleep in after her late night of editing her photos. It was nearly noon when she finally got out of bed and had a shower. She had just started to dry herself when she heard a loud knocking at the apartment's front door. Wrapping her towel tightly around herself she crossed the living room and checked the door viewer; she was surprised to see Ryan standing in the hall. He apologized for interrupting her shower, "I left my keys here; I was able to get in the door downstairs as someone was leaving. I tried calling but you didn't answer."

"Good thing I was late getting up, if I'd already left you'd have been locked out all day, Katie has classes until 5 PM!" she said and welcomed him with a kiss.

"Perfect timing, considering how you're dressed..." he said, pulling her body tight to his and letting one hand drift down her back and begin to massage her butt through the towel. She responded with a sigh and matched his caresses with her own. After a few minutes of increasingly intense kisses and fondling, she pulled away slightly, thinking it was time to lead him to their bedroom, but he took advantage of the slight separation to reach for an edge of her towel. She felt the damp towel loosen, and had a moment of panic realizing they were being recorded, and in fact were much closer to the camera than Katie had been when she'd been caught last night!

The realization that she could delete this episode later calmed her down. "Here?" she said smiling, "Okay, why not!", as much to herself as to Ryan. She let the towel drop to the floor and undid his belt, unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans and slipped a hand down his boxers. Finding him already pretty hard, she dropped to her knees and quickly took his pants and boxers down to his ankles. She licked a path up the underside of his erection, starting at the base and leisurely working up to its tip before swirling her tongue around the head a few times. Seeing his cock now fully hard and twitching with a drop of pre-cum visible, Amanda took it deep into her mouth and bobbed up and down on it.

After a couple of minutes of her energetically sucking his dick, she recognized his typical signals that he was about to come. Normally she would have continued sucking and swallowed, but even though she'd surely be deleting this something about knowing she was being recorded made her want a more visually dramatic ending to their encounter. She pulled her mouth away from his dick and held it inches from her face just in time to let the camera see several spurts of semen spray across her face. She licked all that her tongue could reach before wiping her face off with the towel she'd been kneeling on.

"Wow, where did THAT come from?" asked Ryan.

"Just felt like getting a little messy, I guess."

With Amanda's afternoon class drawing near, they didn't have much time to relax and cuddle. She was looking forward to reviewing the recording as soon as she had some time to herself.

The next morning Amanda had the apartment to herself for a few hours; she knew she should do some work on her self portraiture project, but first she had to see what her blowjob performance looked like to the camera. Reviewing the episode on her laptop she thought some of the expressions captured on her face were more interesting than any of her attempts at self-portraiture so far. She decided to try an experiment; she set up her still camera with a full view of her bed and set it to take photos every 2 seconds. She started the camera, climbed back into bed and watched the recording of her and Ryan on her laptop, being careful to keep the screen facing away from the camera.

After a few minutes of feeling more awkward and nervous than excited, watching the recording began to inspire her to start fondling herself. As her arousal ramped up she peeled off her pajama top and began squeezing her breasts and tugging on her nipples. Since the experiment was supposed to be about what kind of facial expressions might be produced by her masturbation she couldn't really think why she felt a need to be completely naked for her camera, but a few minutes later she found herself slipping her pajama pants down and finally completely off.

Even knowing not another soul would ever see an uncropped version of these photos, Amanda blushed as she moved on to stroking and fingering herself as the camera continued clicking 30 times each minute. Just the knowledge that there was, however temporarily, a folder full of pretty graphic photos of her masturbating brought her to orgasm much sooner than usual. After cooling off, she began reviewing the photos and was pleased with the results. Almost all the photos would need significant cropping before she could let anyone see them, much less submit them for her course, but she liked the range of expressions she'd captured.

Finally feeling confident that her photo assignment might soon be under control, Amanda took some time to think about how to deal with Katie and her new tendency to walk around the apartment in the nude. It occurred to her that if Katie liked being seen naked so much maybe it was time to give her some help! She spent a few hours online looking for websites specializing in naked photos and videos submitted by the public, finally picking one and signing up as a contributor with a bunch of fake contact information and a new email address.

At the point of submitting the video of Katie, Amanda hesitated for a moment, but the memory of Ryan seeing Katie naked convinced Amanda to go ahead and submit the video. She hit the upload button, then started checking the new email account she'd used to sign in about every fifteen minutes, looking for confirmation that her video had been accepted. She ended up not getting the confirmation until the next day; the email she received landed in her inbox during a long class, so she didn't have a chance to log in and see how many people had viewed Katie naked and if anyone had commented yet.

When she finally got a chance to log on to the porn site, Amanda was stunned to see that in just the hour and a half that the video had been online it had been viewed almost 800 times and had several dozen comments, all but one or two complimenting Katie's body! She hadn't realized how many people would view the clip and how fast; she thought her experiment was spinning out of control, so she quickly deleted the video from the website.

The volume of views and comments rattled her. She tried to imagine how Katie would feel if she knew she'd been seen naked by hundreds of strangers. It was a short jump from thinking about how Katie would feel to imagining herself in Katie's shoes, being an object of desire for who knows how many viewers! If seeing the reaction Katie's video caused shook her up this much, how much more intense would it be to be seeing those kinds of stats and comments in reaction to a video of herself?

The rest of the afternoon the idea of posting a video of herself on the same porn website where she'd briefly put Katie on display was all she could think about. She couldn't decide if it was good luck or bad that she would have the apartment all to herself until at least 10 P.M. There was nothing to stop her but her own, what was it, common sense, modesty, caution, fear, cowardice?

On the other hand, there was nothing to make her do something so insane except this new fascination with how it would feel to be seen, and being honest, lusted after by multitudes. Doubtless masturbated to by at least some, she thought with another small shiver! She decided to at least MAKE a video; maybe just the creation of it would let her imagine the feeling of exposing herself online and get this foolishness out of her system.

Which was how at 6 PM Amanda came to be standing about eight feet in front of her living room surveillance camera, wearing a black silk blouse, lightweight grey yoga pants, and a matching lacy black bra and panty set. She also wore a rosy glow, partly from embarrassment about what she was about to do and partly from the two glasses of red wine she'd had while getting ready for her performance.

Looking everywhere but straight at the camera, Amanda slowly unbuttoned the blouse, holding it open briefly to show off her bra. She pulled the sides back to almost closed before moving on to peeling down the yoga pants, giving her imaginary future audience a good look at her panties as she bent at the waist and freed her feet from the puddled fabric. Whether not yet comfortable showing anything too private or thinking it made for a better tease she kept her blouse on as she unhooked her bra and worked the straps down over her arms, keeping her breasts mostly covered; she knew the occasional opening wide of the blouse as she worked on the bra straps was likely showing brief glimpses of most of her breasts but was pretty sure her nipples hadn't been seen by the camera. "Not yet, but soon," she thought, shivering again.

She turned her back to the camera and slipped the blouse off one shoulder, then the other, letting it slide down her arms until most of her back was uncovered. After a short pause she took a deep breath and let the blouse drop to the floor. Covering her breasts with her hands she turned to face the camera; she looked straight into it for the first time before switching from simply covering her breasts to squeezing and pinching them. After a minute or so of playing with her boobs, she slid her hands down to her belly, revealing her nipples to the camera. Turning away from the camera again, she tried to ignore how her pulse was soaring as she hooked her thumbs into the waistband of the panties and slid them down below her ass, then farther, down her thighs before dropping them to the floor.

Out of the camera's sight, as Amanda had been lowering her panties she had moved her left hand to her pussy, and its middle finger had begun sliding up and down her inner folds while her thumb traced tight circles around her clit. Shaking now from head to toe, she forced herself to turn back to the camera and sit down on a chair she'd brought over before starting her act; legs spread wide, she continued probing her slick inner lips, plunging two fingers inside. Now moaning and licking her lips as she felt her orgasm building, she stared straight at the camera, imagining what at least some of her potential audience would be doing by this point in the video; the image sent her over the edge. Her head rocked back and her eyes shut as she came.

After a few minutes to recover, Amanda stopped the recording and went back to the beginning of the video, reviewing it three times. She copied the file to her laptop and continued to go through the motions as if she was actually going to post the video, though as she watched it one more time on the larger screen of the laptop she said to herself, "No way can I post this...can I? "

She downed another glass of wine during yet another viewing, picking the moment when her blouse hit the floor to end a version of the video she could imagine actually posting. "Topless, only wearing panties!" she grumbled, "That's pretty daring, isn't it?" The problem was, stopping the video there would leave her showing way less of her body than several hundred people had already seen of Katie's, and if she was actually going to do this she wanted to go at least as far, show at least as much as Katie had. Even though Katie had no idea she'd ever been naked online, this had turned into some kind of weird contest for Amanda!

"Maybe I could post the whole thing, but take it down almost as soon as it came on; just long enough to know it had been seen by someone and maybe get a few comments..." she thought as she poured the little bit of wine left in the bottle into her glass. Satisfied with this new plan, she edited the video to start with her first unfastened button and end with the last moments of her orgasm. "Am I really doing this?" she whispered as her hand hovered over the laptop's keyboard. She quivered a bit as she clicked the upload button. "Okaaaay, I guess I am!" she said as a message popped up on the screen saying her upload was successful!