American Mom Ch. 13-15


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"Oh hell yeah!" he replied, remembering the raunchy translucent white robe she wore over her garter and stockings. She had never dressed that sexy for him before.

"Well I had that outfit on at eight o'clock when you were scheduled to come home. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. When I slung open the bedroom door to meet you in the hallway I was wearing that outfit...but instead of you in the dark hallway, it was Steve."

The imagery raced through Stan's mind of his son drinking in Francine's naked form, causing his cock to spasm a bit of pre cum.

"So...what did you do?" he asked softly.

"I tried not to traumatize the boy Stan. It wasn't his fault. I told him I hoped he would feel better in the morning and I backed into the bedroom." She said, leaving out the part where she escorted him to his room.

Stan thought for a moment to the events of that night. After that unknown event his wife had fucked him harder and nastier than he had ever been fucked in his life. Even harder than in Baltimore.

"How did it make you feel Francine?" he asked calmly.

"Honestly Stan?"

"That's what we are doing now Francine...honesty."

"Knowing there was a teenager staring at my naked body...I mean...I really couldn't cover myself...not quickly enough. He saw everything. And knowing that this kid was excited to see me, even if he was my son? It really turned me on; a lot!"

To which Stan replied, "I could tell by the way you fucked me when I did get home that night. The things you did that night were incredible. Is that all that happened while I've been gone?"

"With Steve?" she asked, hoping to distract her husband and avoid for the time being revealing her gang bang at the bookstore and other indiscretions.

"Well things went a little downhill with Steve for a bit. I was really worried that his sexual developmental growth was going to be impacted by a couple of other incidents, but I think I got them taken care of by myself."

"Ok then, what happened?" He asked, once more having his interest piqued.

"I was doing laundry this morning when I found a pair of my panties in his dirty laundry. They had his crusted cum in them. He's been jacking off in my panties."

"What?" Stan laughed deeply.

"It's not really funny Stan. I don't care about the underwear, but that just seems a bit off to me. It didn't seem normal. Would you want to jack off in my underwear?" she asked with a tone of seriousness.

"I honestly don't know." He replied. "I could see how that would feel good."

"Well, it went a little further down from there before it got better." She said, without mentioning that she had sucked all of his cum from her panties.

"So I take the clean laundry upstairs and knock on his door in case he is in there. There is no sound of any sort from the other side of the door, so I walked in, with the laundry on my hip." She paused.

"And?" Stan inquired.

"And there he sits at his computer in the dark, headphones on listening to music, and his arm going up and down in his lap."

"What the hell?" Stan laughed, "You walked in on him beating off? Was he using your panties?" he laughed hysterically.

"Stan Smith!" she admonished. "This is serious. Wow, I am really glad you were not here. I didn't see anything, but Steve was mortified. I let out a big gasp, and accidently dropped the laundry basket. Steve was frantically pulling up his boxers. He looked terribly embarrassed on looking up and seeing me. I quickly grabbed the basket and accidently slammed the door behind me a lot harder than I intended."

"I suppose I can see where your concern is. Being so young he must have been terribly embarrassed at his mother seeing his little dick."

"Uhh...hee...hee...Uhm well I didn't get to see his dick when all of this happened." She replied, unsure if her husband could handle the news about his son's enormous cock just yet."

"In any case, I worried all that evening about what this might all do to his psyche. While I was lying in bed I became concerned that I might have scarred Steve for life. I knew I shouldn't have raised my voice the other night in the hallway at him...for God's sake, that was not Steve's fault. I had compounded the issue by running out of his room without telling him that masturbation is only natural. How confusing would all of this have been to you Stan if you were to put yourself in his place?"

"I guess I hadn't thought of it that way." Stan replied, losing some of his erection.

"He's confident enough and interested in sex enough to want to watch me tanning nude." She smiled, "and yet he seemed to really lack confidence that afternoon." She paused briefly.

"I knew I had better go to Steve that night to set things straight. The longer I waited the more damage it could cause so I got up out of bed, took a deep breath, and walked to Steve's room."

"Way to take the bull by the horns Francine."

"Thanks Stan. I knocked on his door and we talked for a while."

"Uh by the way..." Stan interrupted. "I'm trying to envision all of this. You said you got up out of bed to talk to him. What were you wearing?" His voice trailed off.

"Do you really want to know?" she asked with excitement, pulling in yet another intense lung full of weed. "Yes" came his deep reply.

"You know the cute little pink satin gown I was wearing in the second picture I sent you that night?" she softly rasped as she held the smoke in her lungs.

"You mean the flimsy pink satin number that almost exposes your butt while you are standing? The one with the tiny matching thong panties? The one with the really tiny cups for your boobs? The one that clings to every curve on your body?" Stan replied.

Francine released the smoke form her body and stamped out the remnants in her ashtray. She was now intensely high. "That's the one." She began rubbing her smooth, wet cunt once more. "You mad?" she asked.

Stan remained silent for a moment on the other end. "No." came his response.

"So what did you tell him?" Stan asked.

"I told him he had nothing to feel bad about. It was me who should be sorry, not him. He asked if I was mad at him, and I told him no, that what he was doing in the privacy of his own room was his business and his alone. I told him I was the one in the wrong place the other night in the hallway and that I was only trying to spice things up with you. Hmmmmm." She moaned at the end, enjoying her fingers exploration.

"I told him I thought he knew that I have no problem with him or anyone touching themselves. Everybody does it. Can I tell you something naughty Stan?"

"You better tell me." Stan responded hoarsely.

"I decided to tell him we are all adults here in the house now. We should all be okay with seeing each other acting and dressing like adults. I purposely had gone to his room wearing that little pink baby doll and thong Stan. I told him that was an example of me being comfortable in my sexuality in front of him."

Stan felt his cock throb more. "So was that it?" he asked.

"Well no...God Stan I am getting so turned on horny right now telling you all of this." She rubbed her slick pussy lips even faster. "Promise me you won't get mad."

"Mad about what?" Stan laughed.

"Mad that I'm playing with my cunt right now while I'm telling you about that night."

"Mad? You are turning me on incredibly Francine."

"Ummmmggggg." Francine moaned before continuing. "I don't know to this day what I was thinking, but I asked Steve what kind of pictures he liked to look at."

"Pictures? Are you talking about what type of porn he likes to look at? What did he say?" Stan laughed.

"Oh fuck..." she pleaded breathlessly as her horniness intensified. "He said he just liked to look at things Stan...women... and I told him I wanted to see what he liked. Ohhhhh..."

"Now that was ballsey my dear. So what did he do?" he whispered.

"He got out of bed and we began to look at the porn on his computer together." Francine smiled, hearing an audible grunt as Stan shot his load then and there.

Ignoring his predicament, she continued. "We looked at all types of porn he had on his computer Stan. Big tits...MILFS...Cartoons. I laughed at some of the models names." She inserted a finger with a deep squishing sound into her well-oiled pussy. "He told me they all probably use fake names...Ouhhhhh...I told him that if I ever posted any naked pictures of myself online I would use a stage name...Yesssssss..." she hissed. "I told him I would use a name like 'Blondie'...or maybe 'Steve's Hot Mom. Oh fuck pussy is on fire...I wish you were here right now so I could have a hard cock in me."

The comment about her stage name choices got Stan's attention. "Hold on now. Are you saying you might be willing to have some nude photos of you posted on the internet?"

"Maybe." She purred. "I would agree to anything as horny as I am right now." she replied with a seductive tone.

"Well, maybe we put pictures of you sucking my cock online and we call you 'Stan's Hot Wife'." He suggested, thumping his chest lightly.

"Maybe... but back to the subject at hand." She said, seizing control once more of the conversation. "I started asking him what he liked about each model. He pointed out that he liked the ones who's boobs stick out all around their tops, and how he like the intense faces women make when they are getting into things sexually; stuff like that. He was using really clinical words like sperm, penis and vagina. I told him it would be okay if he used grown up slang words like cock, cunt and cum., and that girls would like that."

"I still don't understand what this has to do with you shaving you pussy. Is it because a lot of the models are doing that now."

"Sort of." She replied.

"Well what do you mean sort of?" Stan asked.

"I noticed hairless pussies appeared in so many of his favorite photos, so I asked him point blank, 'Do you like it that they have no hair down there?' He moaned 'Oh God, Mom...' I swear to God Stan, my boy moaned and then told me 'Yeah...that's pretty damned sexy.' So I asked him again, 'You really like a shaved pussy?' And do you know what he told me Stan?"

"Uh; no idea I'm sure." He responded, his cock suddenly re-inflated by this turn in the conversation.

"He told me 'I like it a lot better than those old timey woman with a big bush.' OLD TIMEY WOMAN WITH A BIG BUSH." She consciously emphasized each word. I couldn't believe it Stan. He had seen my bush in the hallway a few nights earlier, and here he was, telling me I was old fashioned. He did come back with some nonsense about a trimmed one being 'Okay...I guess...' I am not going to be an old timey woman Stan. I am just now coming out of my sexual cocoon and I like it."

"Me too Francine." Stan said supporting her view while also realizing she was losing concentration on her lust. Hoping to get her story back to an erotic mood, he asked, "So what happened next?"

"I said 'So my boy likes to see a shaved pussy, huh?', and I bent way over and leaned on his shoulder, bringing my lips within inches of his ear, and I told him. "Maybe I should get out of the 1980's and shave mine tonight."

Stan's cock spewed another out of control cum volley at the image of his wife telling their son she was going to shave her pussy.

"Oh My God! That was so hot Francine. How could this story get any hotter?"

"It almost did Stan." The intensity of the fingering of her pussy returned. "Oh yeeeaaahhhhh...It wouldn't be possible to get any hotter...Uhmmmmm...but I almost stepped over another boundary...God this feels so good slit is sooo wet...It couldn't get any hotter...I was so close to asking Steve sit in the bathroom with me... to watch me as I shaved my pussy smooth for the first time."

"That is fucking incredible it true? You really wanted him to watch you?"

"Yes....yes...yes...Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh..." She responded as she came with intensity.

After several breathless moments, Francine began to compose herself enough to finish the story.

"I'm a changed woman now Stan since we had our "Couples Neuro Relaxation Therapy" session. I find myself more turned on each day by the next taboo. Do you hate me for teasing our son with my body?"

Stan quickly replied. "Honesty again Francine...No...I'm not mad. In fact I'm as turned on right now as I have ever been in my life. I now know that I want to watch as you become a teasing slut for other men...maybe more...and I'm pretty sure I want to watch you be a teasing slut with our son."

"I've been so bad while you have been gone Stan. I've had such erotic thoughts and been doing nasty things too...nasty things that I want to share with you. I was afraid you would never forgive me. So help me Stan, I can't stop myself, and I don't want to. I've been masturbating four; sometimes five times a day since we did our training. I can't stop thinking about Steve or what he's been doing with my panties."

Stan's cock was ready to burst for a third time. This was the dirtiest, hottest and wildest conversation he'd ever heard! All he wanted to do was be home so he could throw his wife down on the bed...or maybe even the kitchen table; and fuck her. He knew that he had to be careful because he didn't want her to stop her newly found provocative lifestyle, but he didn't know how to tell her without sounding like a pervert. It was all so hot and crazy and his cock had never been so hard.

"I think what you have been doing is normal Francine." As much as she wanted to believe her husband, Francine knew what she'd been doing wasn't normal but she loved him for saying so.

"Normal? Come on Stan, normal is going to Steve's math meets or baking him cookies. Normal isn't sexually teasing my own son." she paused for a moment, thinking if she should cross this next boundary with her husband before blurting it out. "Or fantasizing about having sex with him."

She let that settle in before continuing. "We both know what I've been doing is wicked, but thank you for saying you think it is normal. So help me, I don't want to stop what I've been doing. I know it would be wrong to some people, but I've never felt so alive." A little smile crept across her face and she told him, "I hope you like the new me Stan."

"You bet I do baby," He said

"I think you just discovered something exciting about yourself; something that's been waiting to get out for a long time." He said, hoping she believed him because he wanted her to keep right on following her current course. "It's not as if you really did anything wrong Francine. It is just a fantasy and everyone has fantasies. Even hot and naughty ones like yours."

"Tell me Stan...tell me you want me to continue fantasizing about teasing other men. Tell me you want me to continue fantasizing about teasing our son Steve."

"I do want you to continue." He said, giving her even more confidence.

Francine smiled. These days she loved thinking of herself as hot and nasty. "Thank you baby, thank you, thank you, thank you for being so understanding and being my husband. What if I told you I wanted to do more than just fantasize Stan? How would you feel about that...Huhhh...would that turn you on? Would it turn you on to watch me one day fuck another man...or to watch me one day suck Steve's cock?"

Stan almost lost another load. "Hell yes! I want you to keep doing that stuff honey. It makes me so damn hard to think about you doing all those nasty things you are talking about. You're almost torturing me for if I could stop you if you really wanted too. It makes my dick swell to think you would fuck Steve."

"Oh God Stan; do you really mean it?" Francine moaned. "Because I want to fuck Steve."

She was wild with lust now. Telling him her most secret desires was driving her crazy. She fucked herself again with her fingers with a passion she'd never known, her big breasts bouncing from side to side as she rode her hand to another orgasm.

"I know I sound like such a slut Stan. Like such a bimbo. But so help me Stan, I really do want to fuck him!" Reaching between her legs, she rubbed her clit. "I shaved my pussy for him Stan...for my son," she unapologetically admitted. "I shaved it for him." Confessing had made her incredibly hot.

"Oh Fuck Stan...tell me you love me...tell me you want to watch me be a slut... for other men...for our son...maybe his friends...just like you watched me be a slut in the parking lot in Baltimore...and the way you exposed my cunt in the hotel room for the bellboy...TELL ME TO BE YOUR SLUT WIFE STAN!" she cried out with passion.

"Fuck yes Francine. I want the same thing. I want to watch you fuck Steve...maybe even fuck his friends for me...for all of us." When Stan said those words it made Francine crazy for him. Visions of Steve naked, his massive cock throbbing swirled in her head. She knew Stan would get off watching her performing with more talent and beauty than any porn starlet.

"I'm so glad you feel the same way Stan and I'm glad you like the new me." Francine was so relieved at laying her most hidden fantasies open to her husband. "It certainly seems like you like the all new, dirty talking me. How exciting would it be to suck Steve off while you watched? Now that would be nasty." Francine laughed.

"I love it, I love it...I really love it baby. The dirtier you talk, the hotter you make me. Don't ever stop," Stan laughed. "I'm so incredibly turned on and so happy you knew you could tell me everything. Thinking quickly, he came up with an idea to try and push things along.

Unsure of how she would take his idea, he subtly suggested, "How about if you give Steve a little reward for giving you so many nice presents in your panties?"

Francine smiled. She didn't know what he had in mind but she already liked his idea. She definitely thought rewarding Steve sounded fun. "And what would that reward be, my dear husband?"

"Photos! You should take some really hot photos tonight and send them to Steve's phone."

"I don't know about that Stan. You really think I should send Steve some nasty photos on his cell phone?"

"Absolutely Francine. OH SNAP! I've got it. I know what you can do to make it look innocent. Just send them to me as the main recipient in a group message. You act like you sent them to me in the text message subject line."

Francine snickered that her husband had stumbled on exactly the trick she had used on Friday to send Steve the first sexy photos.

"What you do say Francine? How about if you take some really sexy selfies and then 'accidentally' send them to Steve? And maybe I'll show the ones you send me to my buddies over here in Afghanistan."

"What an amazing idea Stan. I'll do it," she laughed without a second of hesitation.

Smiling impishly now, she suggested, "But I think they should be a lot sexier than those old fuddy duddy vacation pictures you keep in your drawer." She now regretted how silly she'd acted years ago when he'd talked her into posing for the vacation pictures.

At the time, she'd felt demeaned and objectified. Stan had talked her into posing with her dress lifted to her waist while wearing sheer panties. In another, she had been wearing only her bra and panties but in the one she previously had hated the most she'd posed braless in a tight yellow T-shirt. She'd made him promise never to ask her to pose again and to never show the photos to anyone. Stan had assured her he only wanted them so he could look at her when he was away on business.

"Are you suggesting the photos should be X-rated?" Stan grinned from ear to ear.

"Yeah, I think that would be fun. Don't you?" She replied with a dazzling smile. He couldn't believe she was actually agreeing with him and was going to take explicit pictures of herself. He definitely loved this new Francine.