Among Friends


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For many years, I thought that the small orgasms I gave myself were the only kind there were. I didn't have a real one until I was a sophomore in college and started going out with a boy who had a lot of experience and was able to give me a first-class screwing of the kind I'd never had before. I should mention, by the way, that Megan had been giving herself authentic orgasms all through high school. I was amazed by them (and jealous too) and I had thought that my teeny ones were just an individual difference between her and me and that was just the way it was. I was 20 before I knew better.

Once I learned how, I could almost always get a good orgasm having sex with Mark and with a couple of other boys before him. The easiest way was lying on my back with him on top of me, my butt on a pillow tilted way up, and my feet on his shoulders. It also helped when I rubbed by nipple with my fingers while he was inside of me. I'm not as sensitive in my breasts as Megan, but they do turn me on and help me cum.

So that's why I didn't do much masturbating that first night, listening to Megan and Jimmy. I had my fingers in my panties a little, but mostly I was just listening.

The next morning after that night listening to Megan and Jimmy, I heard the two of them get up, so I got up too. I walked to the kitchen, still in my shirt and pajamas, and as I walked by the bathroom I saw that the two of them were in the shower together. The bathroom door was wide open, and I could see them washing each other behind the frosted glass of the shower door. I couldn't see details because the glass is heavily frosted, but I could see enough to know what was going on.

I continued on to the kitchen, made coffee, and eventually heard them turn off the shower. When they walked back to the bedroom, I caught a quick glimpse that told me they were still naked. It looked like Jimmy shared Megan's inattention to modesty. I couldn't decide if this was going to be a problem or going to be fun. Time would tell.

When they came into the kitchen, they were, thankfully, dressed. Jimmy came up behind me, hugged me and gave me a kiss on the neck and nibbled my ear and patted my butt. Just like nothing had happened. Which it hadn't. Later, we all went out to lunch, then Megan went to work at 3:00, and Jimmy and I went out window shopping at the expensive stores in Boston on Newbury Street. We held hands while we walked, and sometimes we put our arms around each other.

We got something to eat and we came back to the apartment and just hung out for a while. I went to bed at about 10:00, before Megan came home from work, so if there was a sex show that Saturday evening, it was after I was asleep so I didn't know it. I went to work Sunday morning.

It was the three-day Memorial Day weekend, so Jimmy was with us Sunday night also. Sunday night, I again made it a point to go to bed early before Megan got home from work so that I'd sleep through the sex show. I didn't have to work the next morning, so I slept late but still got up before Megan and Jimmy. I was sitting at the kitchen table leisurely eating a bagel, listing to my I-pod with headphones on, when I felt Jimmy put his arms around me and give me his normal morning kiss. When I turned around, I felt my arm rub against something unusual – a penis. A soft penis surround by pubic hair. Jimmy's penis. Yes, Jimmy was completely naked, smiling at me as though this were completely natural and unremarkable. (Yes, I know, it is natural, but you know what I mean!)

I kept my cool, didn't stare, nor did I ostentatiously look away. I just acted cool, calm, and collected while Jimmy poured himself some coffee and spread cream cheese on a bagel. In a minute or two, Megan came into the kitchen, wearing bikini panties and a t-shirt. She hugged me, made herself breakfast, and the two of them sat down at the table with me. Just like that. Just like that.

I guess I didn't do such a good job of acting cool, calm, and collected as I thought I did, because, that evening after Jimmy left, Megan asked me if I'd been upset that Jimmy had been naked in front of me. Fortunately, I'd had a few hours to think about the question and had decided that I was ok with it. I didn't want Megan and Jimmy to have to adapt their lives around my hang-ups. And, besides, who doesn't like to look at a naked boy, especially somebody you really like? I told Megan that I was ok with it and she didn't need to worry. I convinced her and later I worked on convincing myself.

The next weeks were much the same. During the week, Megan and I, when our work schedules allowed, renewed our friendship back to the level we had in high school – very best buddies. On the weekends, wonderful Jimmy joined us. I often offered Megan and Jimmy time to go out alone or just be by themselves, but they never accepted and always insisted on including me. We were the Three Musketeers, always together enjoying each other's company, and sometimes devolving into the Three Stooges when we were silly or a little drunk or stoned. They were very sweet.

Every weekend night, Megan and Jimmy had sex and I listened. I got very good at deducing what they were doing based on the sounds I was hearing. If the bed were moving back and forth and both were making noises, that was the missionary position. Usually, they'd start in the missionary position and continue a while until Jimmy climaxed. (I learned what noises he made when he climaxed.) Sometimes, if only Jimmy were making noises and the bed was still, it meant that Megan was giving him oral sex. If only Megan was making noises and the bed was still, it meant that Jimmy was giving her oral sex. Sometimes, but not always, they'd start with oral sex, but not for very long, because they always went into missionary position immediately after.

After Jimmy climaxed, they'd rest for a while, with a little talking and kissing, then the bed noise would switch to up-and-down, which meant that Jimmy was ready to go again and now Megan was on top. Jimmy would say little, Megan would be vocal, and the word "boobs" would show up every once in a while. Megan would ride him for about 10-15 minutes, which is a long time, then she would climax, which was always a high-pitched muffled sound. They would then rearrange, rest for a few minutes, and Jimmy would go to the bathroom and pee and flush the toilet.

All this, I deduced from listening through the wall. Alone, in my bed.

Usually, I masturbated while I listened, and it felt really good and sometimes it helped. But just as often, it left me unsatisfied and worse off than when I started. I even secretly started using a toy. I bought a dildo online and made sure that the delivery would happen on a day that I wasn't working but Meghan was. I don't know why I didn't want to tell Megan – she would have told me. But I was embarrassed. I was even more embarrassed that it didn't really help. It was clumsy to use and I couldn't get it to rub just the right spot inside, and since my right hand was in use, I couldn't rub my nipple properly. It didn't help, and I eventually threw it into the dumpster.

As June wore on, my sexual frustration grew. Megan knew this, of course, because she knew I didn't have a sex partner. I didn't discuss my masturbation problems with her though. I don't know why, but I didn't.

I never said anything about listening to their sex, but Megan and Jimmy eventually figured it out. It was a Saturday night at the end of June, and when Megan had finished her orgasm, I heard, through the wall, not loud but a little clearer than usual, Megan say "Goodnight Jenny." It took me a minute to figure out what had happened, then I replied, "Goodnight Megan." Megan and Jimmy burst out laughing and I did too. The secret was out.

Megan and Jimmy came running into my room, both stark naked, wet, and smelling of sex, and jumped onto my bed, giggling. "Did you enjoy the show?" Megan asked. I nodded in the dark. She picked up my right hand and sniffed it, then gave it to Jimmy to sniff. "What do you think she's been doing while she listened?" she asked Jimmy.

Jimmy sniffed, made a fake frowning face, and said, "Smells like self-abuse to me." He was right, of course. That hand had been very busy just a few moments earlier. I don't know whether he actually could smell it or was just guessing, but I could feel myself turn red. Fortunately, it was too dark for them to see.

Megan now frowned also. "That's what I thought too." Then she looked at me sternly, "Little girl, I think we need to punish you. Self-abuse is the path to ruin." Then she started tickling me and Jimmy joined the party. They pulled back the covers and I realized that I was wearing nothing but a t-shirt because my pajama bottoms and panties were somewhere on the floor. I wanted to cover up, but there was nothing I could do about it. It was dark and maybe they didn't see.

I am very ticklish, and the two of them were all over me, so I was screaming for them to stop. They stopped tickling, then it got worse. They rolled me over on my stomach and now my bare butt was exposed. They could see that for sure. Megan gave me a single good hard spank, then Jimmy took over, but he was much more merciful and after a few real spanks, gave me only play-spankings. Lots of spankings. Megan wanted him to make it harder to really punish me, but they were just play.

Both Megan and Jimmy now lay down next to me, one on each side, each with an arm around me, and we all slowly stopped laughing. Finally, Megan said to Jimmy, "I think we should let her get some sleep. She has to get up very early for church tomorrow to repent for her sins." They got up and Megan gave me a kiss on my bare butt and covered me with my sheet. Jimmy blew me a kiss on the way out, and they went back to their bedroom.

I thought the evening was over, but then, through the bedroom wall, I heard Megan, speaking loudly and clearly so that I could certainly hear. "Fuck me again baby. I need some more. I need it really bad."

Jimmy responded equally loudly, "I just can't do it again honey. I just can't. You'll have to abuse yourself like Jenny does."

I responded sternly this time, "Goodnight Megan. Goodnight Jimmy." They quieted and I smiled to myself. Megan and Jimmy are such fun friends.


The next day at breakfast, both inquired as to whether my butt had recovered. I was wearing my panties and pajama bottoms now and Megan actually pulled down the waistband so she and Jimmy could look to see if I was still red. Very funny.

Later that day, after Jimmy left, Megan asked me "I hope it was ok, what we did last night."

"I loved it," I answered, smiling.

"How much can you hear through the wall?" she wondered.

I smiled some more, "Pretty much everything."

"Everything?" she asked.

I was in a naughty mood, so I imitated her high-pitched orgasm ooh-aah sound. It was a pretty good imitation, if I may say so. I gave her a big grin.

Megan frowned. "Every night?"


Megan paused for a moment. "I'm sorry. We shouldn't do that to you."

"It's ok. The walls are thin. There's nothing you can do about it. Actually, I kind of enjoy it." Then I added, laughing, "It's the only sex I get!"

Megan was sympathetic. "I don't know what I'd do if I couldn't have sex for three months. I'd go nuts."

I shrugged, "Yep, that's pretty much what I do. Go nuts." I thought some more and realized that I hadn't gone three months without sex since I was 16.

Megan was quiet for a few moments, then looked at me sincerely, not smiling any more. "Do you want to borrow Jimmy some time while I'm at work?"

I was stunned and stammered, "I couldn't do that!"

"Why not? It would be ok. I want you to."

"Are you joking? I couldn't do that with your boyfriend." I wasn't seriously considering the offer – it was so outrageous -- but there was the obvious question, "Would Jimmy want that?"

"Of course he would. He's a boy and you're a pretty girl. What boy wouldn't want to have sex with you?"

That made some sense. You know how boys are. But then she added more. "Besides, I already asked him."


That Wednesday, we could stay up late because neither one of us had to work the next day. So we decided we'd have a sleepover, just like we used to do when were kids. We went down to the corner convenience store and brought back snack supplies, then we pulled down all the window shades and changed into our sleeping clothes, which were just a tank top and panties in the summer. We brought all the blankets and pillows from the bedrooms and the cushions from the couch to make a big bed on the living room rug.

Then we popped a big bowl of popcorn, put our very oldest CD's into the changer, and brought out a deck of cards. We decided that there was going to be one important difference between this sleepover and the ones we had as teenagers: we substituted beer for soda. We're grownups now. Kind of.

Then we sat down on the floor and played the same card games we always had. First, we played double solitaire, then go-fish. I know you're thinking that go-fish is pretty lame, but the nice thing is that you don't need to pay much attention and can focus on other important things, like talking about boys.

We talked mostly about boys from our high school days. Megan had been in touch over the years with some of our friends from high school so she was up-to-date on a lot of the news. She knew which boys who seemed so hot back then were losers now, and which ones who had been pimply shy nerds were now real grownups. She knew a few who were married, and one or two who had children, and even one who was married, divorced, and re-married already. We tried to remember which ones we'd hooked up with, and we remembered the ones we'd lost our virginities to. We laughed remembering how incompetent our sex had been then. There was one boy that we'd both had sex with, me as a sophomore and Megan in the summer after graduation, and, probably for the 20th time, we compared what sex with him had been like. He'd learned a lot in two years.

After we had gone through all the news, we'd had enough of cards and were wondering what to do next. Megan had an idea, "Let's play with ourselves!" She gave me a big smile and I burst out laughing. I tried to remember the last time we'd masturbated together. It was three years at least, maybe four.

"Do you have a Playgirl?" I asked. That's why she used to bring Playgirl to our sleepovers in high school, so that we could play with ourselves while "reading" it. Back then, we'd pick an evening when my brother was out, block the bedroom door with a chair, and hover together over the Playgirl photos, getting ourselves off.

"Even better than Playgirl," Megan answered, and went off to her bedroom. She came back with a DVD. "Clara at work has a porno collection. She supplies the whole floor. She's like the Netflix of porn."

She handed me the DVD, but there wasn't much to look at. No cover pictures or anything. "What kind of porn is it?" I asked.

"Don't know. I haven't seen it. Let's watch it. I want to get myself off. How about you?"

"Are you kidding?" I laughed. "I've been permanently horny for three months. "

Megan turned off the music CD's and put in the DVD and turned on the TV. Then she ran back to her room and came back with a small package. She handed it to me.

"What's this?" I asked.

"What's it look like?"

I turned it around and examined it. It had four small bottles, each named with a fragrance. I realized what it was and started laughing. "It looks like jack-off lotion! Where did you get this?" I was laughing hard.

"It's Personal Pleasure Aroma Oil for Women," Megan answered. "I got it at CVS."

"The drugstore sells this now? Weren't you embarrassed to buy it?" I asked. We were both giggling.

"There was a teenage boy at the checkout. I gave him a great big smile when I paid. He turned twelve shades of red. I wanted to ask him for help choosing just the right lotion, but that seemed too cruel so I just paid for it." Megan smiled wickedly and examined the four bottles, "What fragrance do you want?"

I picked lavender and Megan picked vanilla. We took off our panties, sat down on the floor next to each other and started up the DVD. I put a few drops of lavender oil on my fingers and rubbed it into my pussy, and it felt surprising nice. We fast-forwarded over the bullshit "story" to get to the good part-- where the clothes came off. Soon, there was a heavily made-up girl with huge fake boobs, fake lips, and fake moans getting screwed doggy style by a heavily-muscled black man who looked like he was probably gay. This was the worst kind of porn. After a few minutes, my attention wandered from the TV and over to Megan and my fingers wandered out of my pussy.

"I wish I had pubic hair like yours," I told Megan. I was starting the ritual, complimenting her on a feature I admired. She was lying on her back now, and my hand touched her patch, running my fingers through the soft fur. Megan's hands joined mine, stroking her beautiful bush. She has very fine hair, almost straight, and as soft as rabbit fur, while I have a huge mass of over-grown coarse heavy curls. Her patch is beautiful and mine is a mess regardless of what I do to try to tame it.

"If you had pubic hair like mine, you wouldn't have that gorgeous hair on your head," she responded, taking her role in the ritual. It was true. The same thick curly hair that looked overgrown in my crotch was fun and bouncy on my head, while Megan's hair was thinner and flat and straight. I accepted the compliment quietly.

"Maybe you should shave it," Megan said. This wasn't the first time we'd discussed shaving my pubic hair. I'd considered that, but had heard that it itched when it grew back and it was a pain to keep shaved, so I hadn't done it. She continued, "If you shaved it, it would show off your pretty pussy. Your pussy is a lot prettier than mine."

Megan and I had traded compliments many times over the years, but this was a new one. Nobody had ever complimented my pussy before. "What are you talking about?" I asked, taken by surprise. "What's a 'pretty' pussy? What don't you like about yours?" Though I didn't say it, I also wondered who I'd be showing off my pussy to – it wasn't like anybody ever saw it.

Megan answered, "I've got all these lips hanging out. Aren't they gross?" She emphasized the word "lips" with disgust, and opened her pussy to show me. She flicked the inner lips with her fingers.

I looked at hers and at mine. My lips didn't hang out and I guess it did look neater. "You're crazy." I told her. Your pussy is just fine. Jimmy seems to like it." That was indisputable.

We both laughed and I changed the subject, looking at the TV. "This DVD is really stupid," I said. "It's not doing anything for me."

Megan agreed and turned it off. "I've got something better!" she said brightly. She went to her bedroom and came back with her laptop computer and some cables and plugged it into the TV. "Want to see a video of me and Jimmy fucking?"

I was astounded. "You made a video? How did you do that?"

"We set Jimmy's camera up on the desk. It can take video. It can go for like 30 minutes or so if the memory card is big enough. We brought in some extra lamps so there'd be enough light. It came out pretty good," she explained, as if it this conversation were the most normal thing in the world. Of course you take movies of yourself having sex, and of course you offer to show them to your friend. Of course. Completely normal.

I did really want to see the movie, but I didn't want to seem over-anxious and I thought it was polite to ask, "Is Jimmy ok with me seeing it?"

Megan laughed, "I don't think he'd mind if I rented an auditorium and sold tickets. You know he doesn't care." She was right. He wouldn't care.