Amor Prohibetur Ch. 09


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In that folder, he found that one image, showing his daughter and her two friends posing against someone's bathroom wall. He studied their faces and bodies, before his eyes roamed down to their exposed backsides. Phil's cock strained to get out of his pants as he took in all three pairs of meaty swells. He filled up the screen with that image. As he stroked to it, he imagined that chubby girl on his bed with her fat butt propped up for him. He thought of the second girl, the shortest of the tree, with her sexy rear wiggling at him. Last, he envisioned his Lisa, making that same duck face as in the picture, making that face at him, as she pulled her shirt up and her shorts down to show her ass off to him.

Lisa thrilled him the most as she was in the house with him, only two doors down and with the bathroom standing between their bedrooms. She was probably still gloating over how she'd manipulated her mother and belittled her father.

Phil imagined the look she'd have on her face, if he strode down the hall and shoved her door open. He'd take her by the arm and push her back onto her bed, and hold her down with his body and weight. She would struggle, oh yes she would, by screaming at him and lashing out. She would punch and kick, maybe gouge at him with her nails, maybe even bite.

"I'm the man of the house!" Phil would shout back at her. "And I say enough is enough!"

He would take her then, by force, and he would reclaim all that manhood that she and her mother had slowly been siphoning away from him. He wondered what sort of noise his daughter might make while having sex; and wondered too if that young man she'd been with had heard them earlier. He thought of her body, as he'd seen it minutes before and of the hidden parts being revealed on his computer.

Before he knew it, his cock was gushing out into his hand, spilling its contents through his fingers and dripping them down on the carpet. Phil gasped as the sensation of release and pleasure coursed through him like a wave, as his body convulsed, as his mind relished in his fantasy of taking his daughter that way. He continued to stroke his cock, giving rise to more ecstasy than he had felt in some time, until the feeling passed and it wilted away in his grip.

Once it was over, Phil stayed seated, staring at the mess in his hands, on his chair's seat edge, and on the floor below. He couldn't even go into the bathroom to grab a towel, because his daughter might see him and figure out what he'd done. Instead, he undressed and wiped everything off as best he could, and changed into another set of clothes. Better to wash everything right away, he decided.

Lisa never came out of her room and that was fine with him. Phil took the hamper out of the bathroom and into the garage, where he got the washer going. As he stood there, listening to the water filling up the washer, and to the washer starting up after that, Phil had a good moment to think. His wife had been much of a wild cat when he'd first met her, just as Lisa was now. He could fairly say that he had taken a lot of that wildness out of his wife. In a real way, he had tamed that woman before he married her.

Phil thought of Lisa, and of how unruly she'd become as of late. He compared her, point by point, to what his wife had been like when he met her. He recalled how he had to come up with a plan to seduce his wife. When that hadn't worked out he'd gone to a second plan, and then another. He remembered a lot of things that hadn't worked and a few things that had. He ended up grinning, as the washer's noise filled up the entire garage. This was because he'd just come up with a plan for seducing his daughter.

Emboldened, Phil left the garage and went down the hall. Without even a knock to announce his arrival, he opened his daughter's door and boldly stepped in. She'd been lying on the bed listening to music on her headphones, but now she pulled these off to squawk at him.

"Dad, get out of my room!"

Phil ignored her as he walked over to open her closet doors. Inside, he perused through her dresses and shirts. These were things a kid in high school would wear.

"Dad, get the fuck out of my room!"

Phil turned around and said, "Make me."

He watched Lisa get out of her bed, as if she was going to run right up to him to try and push him out. That's when his daughter saw the defiant look on her father's face; as if this was exactly what he wanted. She wouldn't be tussling with a featherweight this time, that was for sure.

"I'm telling mom!" Lisa menaced.

Such a threat would have worked on Phil before, so that he'd end up capitulating to whatever she wanted. Not this time.

"Your mother's probably not even in this state right now." Phil estimated. "She'll be gone for, what did she say, a week this time? Come on, Lisa. Let's see what else you've got. Go to Plan 2, because Plan 1 won't work anymore."

He hadn't stood up to her in so long that she didn't know how to respond to that. The gears of her young mind were trying to come with something quickly, but they failed. The result of it was that she went to sit on the edge of her bed.

"What do you want?" She asked.

"You've been telling me that you want me to treat you less like a girl and more like a woman. You do remember this?"

"Yeah. So?"

"Take a look at your room. It's a pigsty. You've got clothes and trash everywhere."

"So what?"

"I'm not finished." Phil said.

"What do you want?"

"I'll make you a deal."

"What are you talking about now?"

"All the clothes you have in your closet are what girls in high school wear. If you really want to look like a woman, I'll buy you the right clothes. The thing is, if you want to be treated like a lady you'll have to act like a lady. I want you to go into your mother's bedroom and take a good look at how she has her things nice and tidy. There are no clothes on the floor and no trash. If you can get your room looking like that by tonight, I'll take you to the store tomorrow and we can choose an outfit for you. Oh, and that means no boys in the house either, because a real lady wouldn't allow them in."

Lisa sat there, trying to work out the angles her father was using against her. She couldn't. "I already know what mom's room looks like. If I clean my room, are you really going to buy new clothes for me?"

Phil glanced around the room for a moment. When he spotted a couple of popular teen magazines, he went over and picked them up. He tossed them on the bed, next to Lisa. "Everything in those magazines is garbage. If you really want to look like a lady, we can go to the store and see what's on sale in the ladies department, because that's what ladies in town wear. It can't be too fancy, because we're not trying to make you look like a fashion model. What we want is for you to look like a lady, because that's what you've been complaining about for the last few months. We want something you can wear around town and show off to your friends. That is, unless you made all that up about wanting to be treated like a woman. You've been acting like a little girl, so maybe you're not ready to be an adult yet."

Phil caught the flash of irritation in Lisa's face when he said that last part. He figured it would because Lisa was so independent and forward, just like her mother.

"I'll clean my room." She said, rebelliously.

He nudged his chin at the worst of her mess. "Prove it. Get started."

Lisa went and picked up a couple of garments, before she realized just how many clothes were lying all over her room.

"I left the hamper in the garage." Phil motioned with his head.

She went out and brought it back. This time, she simply tossed everything that was clothing into it. It took her a minute or two to see that her father was gazing at her, and noticeably, at certain parts of her. Straightening up and facing him, she said, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Oh." Phil grinned and crossed his arms. "The other day you left some pictures on my computer. I was just wondering if you had your red panties on right now."

"I'm telling mom!"

"Go ahead." Phil shrugged, as he started for the door. "You left them there. I'm sure your mother will understand the part about how those pictures got on my computer in the first place."

She started after him. "You need to erase those pictures!"

Phil turned around. "Make me."

There was the look on her face, as if she wanted to jump on him and scratch his eyes out. What was stopping her, Phil wondered. His size? His strength? Maybe Lisa didn't want to put her hands on him, because he would retaliate and put his hands on her. Maybe that was it.

"Pervert!" She said, finally.

Phil chuckled. "Why don't you tell your chubby friend that I'd like to meet her? I'll tell you what. When you start treating me like your father again, I will consider erasing those pictures. In the meantime, clean your room. We'll see about getting you some new clothes tomorrow."

"So you can stare at me some more?"

"Well, you're legal now, aren't you?" Phil grinned. "Weren't you rubbing that into my face not too long ago?"

For the first time in a very long time, Lisa was left speechless.

The next day, Phil got home from work. There was no boy around, thankfully, but he did find Lisa sitting on the couch waiting for him.

"I told mom that you wanted to buy me new clothes." Lisa admitted. "I also told her that you were staring at my butt."

"And what did she say?" Phil asked.

"She didn't believe me. About the clothes, yes. About my butt, no."

"There's this story, about a boy who cried wolf too many times..."

"Dad!" Lisa cut him off. "Are you going to buy me new clothes or not?"

"Did you clean your room?"

"Go look."

"I will go look, because I don't trust you." Phil revealed. "That's because you enjoy stabbing me in the back whenever your mother is around. Maybe when you start acting like a lady, I might find it in my heart to forgive you. Then I can start trusting you again. Give me a few minutes to change and we'll go to the store."

Lisa was unusually quiet during the drive.

Inside the store, she was quiet too. She wasn't bragging to anyone about how she was legal now, because she had no idea what her father would say this time. Quite possibly, he would embarrass her more than she'd embarrassed him the last time. Instead, she lingered by their shopping cart as Phil went around collecting the essentials, and until they finally ended up in the women's clothing section.

"One full outfit for starters." Phil told her. "That means a nice blouse and not a kid's tee shirt with a cartoon on it, and a nice skirt to go with it. I never had a chance to get you anything useful for your birthday, so you can consider this your birthday present. If you behave, you can wear your new clothes tonight and I'll take you out to dinner, wherever you want to go."

"Okay." Lisa said, before she went to browse through the aisles. She only took about five minutes, before she came back with two expensive items. She held them out to him. "This is what I want."

She was so much like her mother, Phil considered. "No, Lisa. That isn't what you want. You picked those because they were expensive, not because you like them. Go put those back and we'll start over."

When she returned, Phil asked her what her favorite colors were. This time, they took a more casual walk through the display racks, where Lisa would choose a few things and show them to her father. In the end, they both agreed on a blue blouse, a green blouse and a white skirt.

"I want some lingerie, like mom has." Lisa told him.

Phil shook his head. "I don't think so."

"Come on, dad!"

"Nope. Not if you're going to be bringing all kinds of strange boys into the house."

"Dad, that boy was gay." Lisa admitted. "We were just hanging out. I was trying to see how you'd react to him, so I could really bring a regular guy in next time."

"No lingerie, period."

"What if..." She gave him a coy look. "What if I wore it around the house, but only when mom's not in town?"

This, Phil did not expect to hear from her.

"Come on, dad. You said you've seen me in my red panties. Did you really see all those pictures of me and my friends?"

Phil felt his face start to redden. His mouth and throat suddenly went dry.

"I'll throw in more pictures of Tabby?"

"Who's that?"

"My friend with the big butt. I've got more pictures of her on my phone. So, is it a deal or what?"

"What kind of lingerie are we talking about?"

Hearing that, Lisa did an about face and walked over to the lingerie section. Phil had been following her around through the rest of the department, but there was no way he was going to stand beside his daughter while she picked her next items out. After a couple of minutes of browsing, she came back holding a set of skimpy sleepwear: a top and panties made of cotton and colored pink.

"They're not that expensive." Lisa said.

She looked her father in the eyes, held the items over the shopping cart and let go. Phil watched them drop into the bottom of the basket, noting just how skimpy they were.

"Are we done shopping?" Lisa asked.

Phil nodded and started off toward the checkout lanes. Lisa disappeared for a few minutes. When she came back, she tossed a small box into the basket. Phil noticed it was a box of condoms.

"For my gay friend." Lisa admitted. "Don't worry, I'll pay you back for them later."

"Are you sure they're for your friend?"

"I just told you, didn't I? If you don't believe me, I'll ask him to come over to the house and you can give them to him yourself."

Phil purchased the condoms along with everything else.

As he led the way to the car, and later, as he started the drive back to the house, he was having second thoughts about all this innuendo he was impressing on his daughter. Sure, he was trying to get her off his back, and to an extent, he was pushing the envelope to see how far he could go with her. He had masturbated while fantasizing about her twice now... But past all that, he assumed there would be a line he couldn't cross with Lisa. He thought that by now, she would have let him know exactly where that line was.

Phil didn't even know how to broach the subject. Simply, he said, "It's nice that you're not trying to make me feel small anymore."

"Well, it's nice that you're buying me things." Lisa replied. "But it's not only that. You're not talking to me like I'm a little girl. You're not looking down on me like I'm doing something wrong all the time."

"I don't do that to you."

"Bullshit! You do that to me all the time. I don't know if it's because mom goes out of town so much or what. You look at me like I'm about to set the house on fire, and you talk to me like I'm ten years old. I'm not mom, okay? I'm Lisa. I didn't do anything to you except that I want to go hang out with my friends sometimes." She held her phone out to him. "Look, I just told mom that I made you buy me some nice pajamas."

"I'm driving right now. What did your mother say?"

Lisa got a reply after a couple of minutes. "She said good. She said I should have made you buy her some pajamas, too. Do you know what she told me the other day when you were at work?"


"She said she couldn't believe you've become such a pushover. She said there was a time when she would get on your case, and you would tell her to clam up and drag her into the bedroom. She said you don't do that anymore."

"That's because she's gone half the time." Phil growled.

"Well, what about the rest of the time?"

"She's bitching my ear off the rest of the time!" Phil snapped. "I'm tired of it!"

For the next couple of minutes, Lisa stared out the window. When she turned to face him, she said, "You know, I don't want to go out to eat tonight. What I would like is if you went to the liquor store and buy us some beer."

"You're not old enough to drink."

"Excuse me, but I can do whatever I want. Buy me some beer, daddy."


"Come on! I'm going to give you some pictures of Tabby. What else do you want? Do you want some pictures of Jessica, too?" She leaned closer to him. "Do you want more pictures of me, daddy?"

"I think I've got plenty of pictures of..." He paused, as he very nearly said 'you.' Instead, he finished with, "Your friends."

"Buy me some beer, buy me some beer. See how you're such a pushover? You can't even buy beer when mom is out of town because she won't let you."

"I can buy beer if I wanted to."

"So prove it."

He did end up buying a six-pack, although he was full of contradictions by then. It was one thing to sit in his room and fantasize, but another thing completely to know that he'd stirred something up in his daughter that he might not be able to control later.

They got burgers, and at Lisa's insistence they stopped off at the video store and grabbed a couple of rentals. These were sexy horror-comedies. You know the type, where a bunch of scantily clad women manage to isolate themselves into cabins or manors, and where a negligible plot including ghosts and creepy people guide them from one softcore sex scene to another.

They ate and they drank. As they both loosened up, they started to flirt with each other. It was safe enough to flirt with Lisa, Phil kept telling himself, as long as he drew a line somewhere. He kept to one side of the living room while his horny daughter stayed on the other. Phil caught his thoughts. Did he really just think his daughter was horny?

He was in the middle of his third beer when the first movie was over. Lisa went over to remove it and put the second movie into the player. As the first of the ads started up, she excused herself and went off to her room. It hardly registered into Phil's brain that she'd taken her bags of new clothes with her. When Lisa came back, she wore her new sleeping outfit. Man, Phil really had to struggle to keep from staring at all that bare skin his daughter was showing off. It was enough that he downed the rest of his beer in a couple of quick gulps.

Oh, she was tipsy, too. Lisa was giggling as she pranced back and forth a couple of times, while Phil kept telling her to stop blocking the screen. She saw that Phil had finished off his beer, bringing him the last refill, as she'd only drunk two beers and had very clearly reached her limit.

Lisa plopped her young body right next to Phil on the couch, and here was a new struggle he was going through. Much of her bare shoulder, arm and back were resting on him now, with only bits of soft pink fabric stretching across a narrow band at her chest and hips.

He should say something, Phil thought, to remind her, and also him, of where that line was that he'd set into his mind earlier. He didn't get a chance to speak, however, because Lisa started giggling at whatever was taking place in the movie. Phil took a look. A buxom blonde was apparently being tricked into giving a college professor a blowjob.

"What does this have to do with the ghost I saw in my bedroom?" The blonde in the movie asked.

"Well, everything, dear." The professor replied. "You'll have to trust me. I am a man of science, you know."

"Oh, okay." The blonde replied.

This flimsy dialogue set Lisa to giggling again, to where Phil could feel her body brushing against his as she laughed. Her hair was brushing against his cheek and neck. He found the feel of it arousing.

Unexpectedly, Lisa turned toward him and pressed up close. As Phil watched, she gave him a wicked grin, before she leaned further and put her lips around his bottle. She started moving her mouth up and down the bottleneck, as if she were performing a blowjob just like the actress in the movie.

The moment Lisa's lips left the bottle, Phil moved it away and set it on the side table. It was too much for him; he was losing his self-control. There was no telling how far he would go, or how far she would go, if they both continued this way.