An Acquired Taste Ch. 08 (fin)

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Erin finds resolution.
4.8k words

Part 7 of the 7 part series

Updated 04/18/2024
Created 05/13/2023
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I expected this to be a relaxing get-together with friends. Why do I feel so uncomfortable?

Is it Jake's masculine presence? Being in the same room with him and Jenna when there's some attraction there. They almost went on a date. Or, knowing Jake, worse...

Or could it be Allie? Whose eyes, even when smiling and laughing, pierce through my very soul? And the cherry on top? She knows my secret. And just minutes ago, she was rubbing my dick through my pants with her foot.

If everyone else is having fun, why am I not? Why can't I help but think back to yesterday? When things were so easy, and I was the most relaxed I've been since coming to this school. Why can't this be like that? What's wrong with me?

No. Enough being in your head. Be like Jake!

My eyes wander over to him, and I again analyze what makes him so different--his muscles, charisma, and enthusiasm. There's no way he's sitting there thinking about what a loser he is. No, that thought never crosses his mind, especially right now--reclined on his bed with a woman like Allie in his arms, already a beer in and starting to get crossfaded.

I look to Jenna, who is enraptured in a conversation I haven't been paying attention to in over a minute. She's so beautiful. Her brown hair frames her face and rests gently at the top of her shoulders, which is stunning. If I grew my hair out, maybe it'd be like that.

I look down at the drink in my hand and realize I've barely drunk any. I lift it to my lips and throw it back. This may be what I need to be like Jake.

"Woah, slow down there, lover boy," Allie snickers. "We have all night. And you don't look like the kind of boy who can hold his booze."

Jenna rests her hand on my lap. Jenna and I are seated mostly upright, unlike the two sitting across the dorm. Jake and Allie are intertwined, and we must look stiff in comparison. An outsider looking in would assume that Jake and Allie were the ones who were madly in love - but they aren't even official.

"Let him be," Jake says. "He's a big boy; he can make his own decisions. You want a hit, bro?" Jake offers me his blunt, and I am reminded of how much I coughed and struggled the last time I smoked.

"Actually, I brought some edibles," Jenna interjects. "Would you rather do that?" she asks with a smile.

Thank god. I don't want to make a fool of myself with the state I'm in right now. My nerves are killer, and getting high would definitely take the edge off. I pop one of the gummies she offers in my mouth, chew it quick, and swallow.

"Babe, those are pretty intense. Maybe you should've started with a half of one?"

"Sounds like lover boy's gonna have some fun tonight," Allie says.

That's the goal. Have fun until we can have the room to ourselves, or go back to Jenna's. Then we can finally fuck.

At that moment, I notice Allie's foot, propped in the air, one leg over the other, making small circles in the air. Then I see she's looking right at me with a smirk. It's like she's trying to remind me of what happened before Jake returned with the drinks.

"Ehm," I clear my throat and stand. "Anyone want another?" I say as I reach into the mini-fridge for another beer. Nobody responds, but I do hear a slight chuckle from Allie and Jake. I look down and realize I'm hard as a brick in my pants, and it's obvious despite my size. Another downside to not wearing any underwear, I suppose.

I try to shift it to a less obvious configuration, then sit back down.

The night goes on, and I feel more comfortable when the edible hits. By that point, everyone is feeling good. The evening fully sets in, and one lamp is all that is lighting our tiny dorm room. The atmosphere isn't exactly romantic, but the lighting at least makes it feel like it's not just a guy's dorm room.

As the conversation lulls, Jake grabs Allie, and they start making out. I can feel my dick twinge in my pants at the sight of such passion. A few beers in and hornier than ever, I find that I'm willing to match his display of romance. I put a hand behind Jenna around the small of her back, grabbing her waist. I pull her in and kiss her as passionately as I can.

She responds in kind, and feeling emboldened, I slide my tongue into her mouth. Her tongue meets mine, and they dance inside of her. I grab her waist tightly, then slide my hand under her shirt to her stomach. I'm fully wrapped around her, and I have never felt like such a man before.

Our kiss continues until she breaks away and starts dropping to her knees near the edge of my bed, directly between my legs. Her hands trace down to my pants, and she begins to undo them.

That confidence I had rushed out the door. It's one thing to make out in the same room as Jake, but it's another to have my cock out. My eyes dart across the room to find that Allie and Jake are too busy to notice what we're doing. Still clothed, Jake is on top and thrusting against Allie as they kiss. I watch as his hand pulls up her shirt, nearly revealing her breasts.

Jenna's hand meets my face. Gently, she guides my attention back to her. The look on her face says, "It's okay. Don't worry. I want this." I try to push my nerves away. My flaccid cock is freed from my pants, and Jenna begins to stroke it in her hand.

One hand is all it takes, even with her feminine hands. I throw my head back and enjoy the sensations of someone else's hands on my cock. Somehow, I'm not struggling. I was worried that, with how sexually frustrated I've been, I wouldn't be able to hold it in. But that doesn't seem to be an issue.

I look across the room again and find that Allie and Jake are in a similar situation. Allie is between Jake's muscular thighs, and the head of his huge cock is in her mouth.

I find myself again lamenting the difference in size between our cocks. I look down again to see if mine has gotten any bigger as it engorges. Oddly, though, it hasn't even begun to harden. I was so hard earlier. But now that it counts, I can't get it up? This has never happened before.

The panic sets in, and I think Jenna senses it, too. She takes the limp cock into her mouth and swirls her tongue around it, probably hoping that the warm wetness of her mouth will spark some life into it. Yet, it doesn't.

My nerves increase rapidly. I look at my roommate. He's fully hard. With one hand on the back of Allie's head and the other on a joint, he's having the time of his life. Jenna notices me looking towards them and turns to look. I see the edges of her cheek redden, even in the low light.

Is she impressed by the size of Jake's cock? Is she embarrassed about the situation we're in? Does she look down on me for my inability to perform? Why can't I be like Jake? Why is this so hard for me? My emotions swirl until, finally, I burst.


I puke. I do my best to aim it away, but it mostly lands on Jenna. I hear gasps from across the room, and Jenna shrieks. I fucked up.

Jenna stumbles back and looks at me with disgust.

"Yoooo! What the fuck" I hear Jake say as Allie laughs.

Tears swell in my eyes, and I give in to my instincts to flee. I stumble to my feet and do my best to get my pants back on as I head toward the door, not bothering to close it behind me.

As I rapidly move down the hall, I realize I don't know what to do or where to go. I don't stop but glance behind me to see if anyone follows. Nobody. In fact, I see the door close.

I instinctively head to Cameron's room.


To my surprise, Cameron isn't home. Layla answers the door.

"Look who's back. What, did your friends bail on you?" She chuckles, but the look on her face softens as she realizes my state. "Come in, sweetie."

She walks me into the room, sits me on Cameron's bed, and retrieves a water bottle. The room spins as she offers me the bottle before sitting beside me. I force myself to drink a portion of the bottle. I struggle to put the cap back on, so she takes the bottle from me and caps it herself, then coaxes me into lying down with my head on her lap, just as before.

"We don't have to talk about it. Just relax." She runs her fingers through my hair, and I feel calm for the first time today.

A few minutes pass before Cameron enters the room carrying a bag. For once he seems surprised - I've never seen him anything other than calm and in control of everything. The surprise fades from his face into something that seems more understanding.

He pulls some snacks out of the bag - most notably some popcorn, which he takes with him as he excuses himself from the room. I assume he's going to microwave it.

A few minutes after he leaves, Layla speaks gently, "Y'know, if you ask nicely, he probably won't mind if you stay here tonight. I know you know how to ask nicely."

I don't respond, and Cameron returns a few moments later with a freshly popped bag of popcorn.

"I have one rule if you want to be here," he states plainly, gesturing to the cage that once concealed my penis. "But you're welcome to stay. We're having a movie night. You like Marvel movies?"

I drunkenly push myself up and nod my head. From my seated position, he seems larger and more imposing than he ever has. But there's a comfort to knowing that I don't have to worry about making the right call or doing the right thing. He tells me what to do, and there is no room for error. I see the beauty in the trust that comes with that.

I look to Layla. My concern is evident on my face. I guess she isn't as indifferent as she seemed last night. I nod to her, and she smiles. We share no words, but she knows exactly what is happening.

She retrieves the device as Cameron loads up the movie. In a matter of moments, my cock is once again locked. I never even got off, let alone fuck Jenna. Yet, it's oddly comforting. Cameron smirks and we all pile into bed. I barely make it past the opening fanfare before I'm fast asleep, not in Layla's lap, but Cameron's.


The following day I'm awoken by the straining of my cock against it's cage. Rather, that's the first thing I notice. In reality, I'm likely awake because of a hand teasing my nipple. I then feel a hardness pressed against my ass. Cameron is awake; and horny.

My mind processes yesterday's events but is quickly derailed by a burning need inside me. My body craves the pleasure it's been denied, and it leaves me not thinking clearly, even fully sober.

My ass grinds against his hard cock instinctively. I feel Cameron's hand grip my waist, and I feel small. I don't care what the consequences are. "I need it." Did I say that out loud?

Cameron moves me from my side to my back and climbs on top of me, between my legs. He kisses me passionately enough that I don't even notice that Layla isn't here. He humps into my bare groin. I become self-conscious as I realize I'm wearing nothing but a shirt. The thought doesn't last long, however. Cameron grabs my throat with his large, strong hands, not enough to choke, but enough to know that I have no power at this moment. I give in to the situation. My hands move on their own, caressing his solid back muscles. I'm enjoying this.

He releases his hand and stands up, his musculature in full view, thanks to the morning light. "Go get cleaned up. I'll punish you for not wearing your panties when you get back."

It isn't until I'm halfway down the hall that I realize how quickly I'm moving. When did I become so eager? I reach my dorm door and realize I do not know what is on the other side. I haven't thought about my friends since Cameron arrived with his snacks. I didn't even take my key with me when I left. But this is worth the risk of whatever is on the other side of this door.

I try the handle, but it isn't locked to my surprise. The door squeaks as I inch it open. A wave of relief hits as I see Jenna isn't in my bed, which is the first to be revealed. A surge of anticipation follows, though. Did she sleep with Jake?

I push the door the rest of the way open, and Jenna is nowhere to be found. Jake and Allie are asleep in his bed, so I quietly grab my cleaning supplies. I turn to the door but hesitate, then return and grab a pair of panties as well. As I pull them from my drawer, I notice movement out of the corner of my eye. Jake is fast asleep, but Allie's eyes blink open as she stirs.

We lock eyes and she sees the underwear in my hand. She smiles, then closes her eyes. I take my leave and wash up, sliding my panties on over my caged cock when I'm done.


When I returned, the situation quickly returned to hot and heavy, almost as if we had never paused. Cameron undresses me and finds my panties. "Good slut. I guess I won't punish you...unless you ask for it."

"Can't you just be nice to me for once, sir?"

I fall as soon as I finish that sentence, only to be caught by the soft bed behind me. Cameron pushed me, then dropped to his knees. Before I know it, my knees are up to my ears, and Cameron pulls my thong to the side. He tongues my hole tenderly. I can't help but let out a moan. This is a pleasure like I've never felt before.

His tongue presses into me, and I caress his head, running my hands through his short hair as another moan forces its way out of my mouth. The man eats me out for what feels like an eternity of pleasure before rising to his feet and lubing up his cock. We lock eyes, and I can't help but feel seen in this moment. Literally, obviously, but also emotionally.

He presses his manhood into me, and my voice finds its femininity. He thrusts into me slow at first, easing his way to the base. I feel his balls press into my ass as he gives me every inch he has. He begins thrusting rhythmically, and pleasure courses through me in waves each time he presses against my prostate. The pleasure swells until it's almost unbearable.

Very consciously, I decided to play into how I feel. I look Cameron in the eyes with the most submissive, most seductive, feminine "kiss me" look I can muster.

"You know what to do."

"Please kiss me, sir. I need it."

He obliges, and the pleasure peaks as we kiss. His hands were around my waist, leaning over to kiss me while thrusting methodically. It's too much to bear, and I cum. It's not an eruption. No, cum leaks from my locked, limp cock all over his chest and my stomach. My muscles contract as I cum, and the feeling doesn't stop. Cameron continues to hump me, picking up speed, and the cum flows from me in kind. My orgasm easily lasts the better part of a minute and leaves me feeling drained but determined to make him feel just as good. I summon what's left of my energy to contract my hole and milk the cum from his cock.

"I feel you tightening up on me. Who owns this pussy?"

"You do, sir. It's yours!" I exclaim.

"Fuck yes, it is. You're mine. You hear me?"

"Oh god, yes, sir. I'm yours." The words force themselves out of me without a thought.

Finally, Cameron's grip tightens, and I feel his cock pulse in me.

"Breed me, sir. I need it. Give me your cum" I beg and strain to lick my liquid semen off of his chest.

He erupts inside of me. I feel the hot, gooey sensation inside of me.

Cameron collapses on top of me and chuckles. "That's the best orgasm I've had in a while. Thanks, slut."

I wrap my arms around him and embrace him. "Me too. Though, I haven't exactly come in a while."

We lay together a moment before I think to ask, "Where's Layla?"

"She left after the movie last night because she thought the bed wouldn't be big enough for the three of us."

"Oh. That was nice of her."

"Be sure to thank her yourself next time you see her. What about you? Didn't want to be with your friends last night? You were finally free."

I try to contain my embarrassment. "Things...went south. I don't know how I'll show my face around them after that."

"Well, you're welcome to stay here a bit. I was lucky enough to land a single unit, so it's just me here. You can't move in, but as long as you play by my rules, you can spend as long as you need here."

"Thank you...sir."

He pats me on the cheek and says, "Good girl."


So I spent the day with him. And the next. And the next. Before I knew it, a week had passed. I returned to my own dorm infrequently to grab the essential things I needed, doing my best to avoid Jake by going at night when he would either be sleeping, staying with a girl, or fucking one loud enough that I could hear it from the hall and know to avoid it.

Somehow, Allie was the only person I encountered during the week apart. She teased me, and we spoke briefly. I told her I was staying with a friend. I think she knew what that meant. I apologized for running away from my problems, but she simply said, "I don't think you're running away. I think you're finally embracing yourself."

Jake was easy enough to avoid; he never goes to class anyway. Jenna never bothered to even text me. I'm certain we're done. She has to hate my guts. If not for puking on her, then certainly for running away and ignoring her.


Jenna answers the door after I knock. I expect her to be shocked, but she seems almost relieved.

"I'm sorry," I say as genuinely as I can.

"'s okay."

"What?" I blurt out. Did she just say okay? I thought for sure she'd hate me.

"It's okay. I figured you'd need some time. I wanted to give you the space you needed. And now here you are. And it's okay. I'm sorry you felt the need to drink that much. You didn't need to run. I'm sorry I didn't come after you, but...I was covered in vomit."

"I can't believe this. You're an amazing girl."

She smiles at me, then steps in close and kisses me. I kiss her back, but it feels wrong. Everything feels wrong. I break the kiss.

"Erin? What's wrong?"

"I...don't deserve you. Or, maybe I just know what I need now. I'm sorry, but...I'm in love with someone else."

Now the shock hits her face. "Then...why are you here? Why are you doing this to me?"

"I'm sorry. I didn't realize it 'til...well, 'til that kiss."

Her face crinkles up in emotion, and tears start forming in her eyes. I feel like such an ass, but I also feel more true to myself than I ever have.

"Goodbye, Erin."

The door slams in my face.


Months pass, and my life only continues to improve. I smoothed things over with Jake. He's a pretty understanding guy, all things considered. I still don't spend much time in my dorm, and it's definitely awkward when we're there together, but it's handled, at least.

My hair is longer than it's ever been. I can even put it in a bun now. I've embraced my feminine side, and I couldn't be happier. I've started dressing more femininely, though still presenting as "masculine." The first step was painting my nails. Layla helped me.

After speaking with Jenna, I returned to Cameron's and told him I wanted to be his fully. He made some remarks about my chastity and already being his, but it feels good to accept my chosen role. I'm his the same way that Layla is. It's not "official" and there are no labels. All that nonsense made me stressed when I went through it with Jenna. I don't regret it, though. It got me to where I am today, and I'm much happier now.

Cameron, Layla, and I still get high and fool around often. Cameron has really softened up. I think he doesn't feel the need to so outwardly display his dominance with me anymore. However, it could simply be because I give in more easily now than ever. Submission comes so naturally to me. I fought it for so long, but submitting to a real man feels right. I am certainly no real man. That much is clear to me after experiencing true masculinity. I can't compare, and that's okay.