An All Family Business

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My wife goes away on business and her mother’s life is expla
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This is a fantasy. Any similarity between this story and any actual incidents are pure coincidental.

I had always regarded my mother-in-law as a remarkable woman. When I first met her, Barbara was approaching 50 years of age. She was, and still is for that matter, a vivacious, attractive and intelligent lady. She had held down a busy and demanding job for quite a few years and was regional director for a building and property management company.

That was how our paths crossed. I had just started up as a design consultant for building services, HVAC, plumbing and so forth. Her company were refurbishing a student accommodation block and I won the design contract. I had a partner who did the electrical side and we worked on it together. I thought she gave us chance at it to see if we were up to the work. Things went great. She got us onto their next project and asked me to work with her assistant. This assistant was still learning the construction business as part of her management training. Yes, her assistant was Sarah, a young woman graduate. I was soon to find out that she was also Barbara's daughter.

Now Barbara's husband, Ted, was a completely different type of person altogether. He was a nice enough bloke but not the man you would expect a high flyer like her to be married to. He struck me as a fairly ineffectual character. He was pleasant and hard working, good at his job and well rewarded. I just could never imagine him in bed fucking her. They just seemed an odd couple, mismatched but happy all the same. However they produced their children I could not understand. Ted worked for the same company as she did, but at a different office, in the accounts department for a different director. My working life rarely crossed with his.

As you may guess, working in close proximity with beautiful Sarah led to dates and finally to marriage. Looking back now I see that mother-in-law had planned this. Not that I had any objection. Sarah was as intelligent and gorgeous as her mother, what more could a man ask. Well, you could ask for great sex and, yes, I got plenty of that all right. She was unbelievable in the sack. However, after training, Sarah went to work at the same office as her father. I only saw her professionally once a month and we were not in each other's pockets all the time. Otherwise our dating and wedding went rapidly. Married life became a somewhat routine but being apart during the day made the nights all the better. Naturally babies came along rapidly but her job was never in doubt. She got leave of absence and child care whenever it was needed. That seemed to be naturally expected by everyone. Well that's just how it was.

The company mother-in-law worked for had branches, regions, all over the country each with their own director all answering to a main board and the chairman, Mr Douglas Macklin, who owned the whole lot. He was the founder of the company and had worked his way up from tradesman to millionaire. They erected and rented out all types of small buildings all over the country and raked in cash. They were a diverse operation and so had many branches doing different jobs in different areas. As I got to understand more about the whole set up I noticed that more than half of the directors were women. Not just women but very attractive and intelligent middle aged ladies. I thought old man Macklin had selected them on that one criterion and let them find out about the work once they were in the job. All were mothers of children who were either employed by the company or were married to well-placed employees. Not all the children were top management potential, as may be expected. However all were in secure positions and all were well educated and remarkably good looking.

Once each month mother-in-law had to visit head office and that meant an overnight stay in London, all on expenses and at a company owned hotel of course. Spouses, including father-in-law, never went. The directors and chairman had some private time together for whatever they wanted. Additionally, old man Macklin visited the mother-in-law's office every few weeks and met her over lunch. They made a tour of the works in the afternoon and had dinner at night at his hotel before turning in. It happened that he requested my Sarah to meet him with her mother at one of his visits. Father-in-law had our own two children until I could pick them up. Until then I had not thought why husband and wife did not meet the old man together but, of course, it was company business and he was not required. Neither was I for that matter.

Anyway I picked up the kids and sat chatting to him for a while. Our pair sat in front of the telly laughing happily. Ted and I sat in his lounge watching the evening sky darken and exchanging the usual observations on the events of the day. I had a question for him.

"Ted," I began, "What goes on at these monthly meetings, the ones that Barbara goes to?"

"Oh, it's normal company business," he replied. I thought I detected a resignation to something inevitable.

"Yes but Sarah is there tonight. What do they want with her? She's not really made it clear."

"Er, well." Ted was hesitating. "Barbara and Doug have, shall we say, a special relationship. It had started long before I was introduced to her. I had to agree to it to be able to marry her."

"You mean she sleeps with him?"

"Well I don't know for certain what goes on but it's for the company's good."

It became plain to me that he was not expecting his wife, my mother-in-law, back at home until very late, if at all, that night. He was comfortable with knowing that she was probably fucking the boss.

"What, you mean you don't mind what they do?"

"It's not for me to interfere."

What could I say to that? I was gobsmacked. A quick notion crossed my mind that the boss had got my own wife there for the very same reason. Clearly, he was intending to have a threesome with mother and daughter. I asked, no I demanded of father-in-law if he suspected this.

"Ted, be serious. Is Macklin planning to fuck my wife?

He shook his head and sat upright, "No certainly not. The boss wouldn't ever consider sex of any kind with Sarah."

He slumped his head down and shrugged his shoulders. I guessed he knew who the copulating pair would be that night.

"Look Richard, I like you and won't lie, but just let it drop. And please don't say anything to either Sarah or Barbara."

I was reluctant but went along with his request. "I don't like this set up, Ted. If you won't tell me I'm going to get it out of Sarah somehow. Sorry you might not like it but I must know." I got my children and took them home.

Sarah was home late that evening but I said nothing as I promised. She was very elated that night and very much in the mood for bedroom fun. She had not been fucked; I could tell that. She attacked me in bed and we had the best sex for weeks. I hoped she had remembered to take her pill. If she had not she would have been pregnant again five times over by now.

Six weeks later Sarah said that she and her equal on the rental side of the business would soon both be making a trip to head office. I had met the man she named on a couple of occasions and found him a likeable and smart character. He was maybe too likeable and too smart to be taking my wife to London for a couple of days. I felt I had to watch out for him, particularly after what father-in-law had indicated about his wife and the boss. Duly the day arrived and this man turned up in a BMW. Sarah skipped out to meet him. I was sure she kissed him while in the hallway where I could not see them. He came in and shook hands with me saying, without a hint of disdain, that he would take good care of my wife. Off they went together. I watched my wife being driven away to a hotel in London by a handsome, smooth talking man. A man I barely knew and who I sensed had something going on with her. Shit.

That evening I put the children to bed and looked for the company folders that I knew Sarah kept in her desk. I felt I had to find out more about the odd set up of the company. It was unlike any other company I had come across. There were details of all the directors, men and women but more women than men. It was unusual that there were so many women, more than you normally find, in a building firm. There was also mention of their marriages and children. In addition, the department managers and supervisors all seemed to be spouses or relatives of directors in the different regions and divisions of the company. There were photographs of company meetings, group pictures with the boss and individuals with the boss. I even found some family photos but none of the boss and his wife. I knew Sarah had mentioned the boss's wife and that she was not around very often. It appeared that she was involved with a religious charity back home in Poland and rarely came to the UK or visited the boss. Perhaps this was why he was fucking my mother-in-law?

It struck me that the female directors were in descending age order, mother-in-law being sixth of eight women from a total twelve men and women. All the women were married with children. All had husbands were in a similar position to my father-in-law, at a lower level in the company than their wives were. On the other hand the few male directors were younger, only a little older than I was. Moreover, all the male directors were either sons of female directors or their wives were the daughters of female directors. Another thing the company records brought up was that all the directors' children went to expensive fee-paying schools and all had university education. Even if some did not graduate, they had found partners who had graduated and these partners now worked for the company. Looking at the families again I saw a 'company style'. The female directors were all very similar in appearance, and their children all had similar features. I was even more curious.

On Saturday morning, three days later, the two of them returned to our house. I had wondered why leave it until Saturday. I would have expected them to finish off business on Friday and come straight back home. Why did they need an extra night at a London hotel together? I resolved to get the truth of their friendship. They had stopped for a meal on the way back so I got them coffee and a light snack. We sat down and I wanted to talk. Of course this was not possible with our children running round wanting to see their mother who they had not seen for three days. I wondered if this would be the last family weekend together. Anyway he and I took our drinks outside and got to talk together. He clammed up when I asked about his relationship with Sarah but he assured me that everyone had their own room and there could be absolutely no bed sharing by unaccompanied people. Sex of any kind was impossible between them. I asked if the boss had forbidden it and he said he did not have to, they all knew the correct relationship to each other. I wondered if that applied to mother-in-law.

With the children in bed I got the opportunity to talk to Sarah alone. I asked her to tell me the structure of the company and the relationship between the personalities. She paused and stared at me. She appeared nervous of my enquiries. At first she would not say anything so I coaxed her a little. I sat close and put my arm around her. I stroked her neck and slipped a hand to her bra, unclipping it. I slid my hand inside and teased a nipple. She giggled and swung over my legs and cuddled up to me. Was she trying to avoid answering? If she was trying she was succeeding. I carried her to bed and tried again with the questions. Still I got no answer and her silent demand for a good fucking stopped me asking again. It seemed plain that sex was most urgent on her immediate wish list. So I obliged using all the ploys I had learned over the last few years. Sleep eventually overtook us in a tangle of sweaty bed sheets.

In the morning I could hear the children playing in their bedroom so I persisted with my question. Lying in bed with her well satisfied got her talking. I wanted to know the relationship between her mother, her father and the boss. Tears rose in her eyes and she said she would tell me. It would give her pain and it may have consequences for her in the company, but she would tell me all the same. She said I ought to know now.

Her mother and father, well the man she referred to as her Dad, had a marriage of convenience. They were platonic friends and cared about each other and for the children. However sex between them simply did not happen. He had raised her and her brother and they loved him but he was not their biological father. Douglas Macklin, the boss, was. The boss's wife had virtually deserted him to organise her charity at a convent in Poland. She had had some sort of religious enlightenment soon after their wedding and never wanted children but for the same religious reasons she would not divorce him. A rather cruel decision but she allowed him to take mistresses.

This seemed crazy. So the boss had to find another woman to bear his offspring. She had to be intelligent, qualified and capable of running his companies. She was to be beautiful and, of course, be fertile and willing to produce babies. He found the woman he wanted and she agreed to the arrangements. One other stipulation that his wife insisted on was that there were to be no bastards. Their solution was to find a willing man to marry the mistress, which they succeeded in doing.

For various reasons the new husband was unable to find a wife of his own, details were not given, but they worked an arrangement out. The mistress became a partner and director in the company and the husband was found a suitable position with appropriate rewards. Oh, and with the minimum of sex as he needed to keep him happy. That meant none.

The business grew and diversified and more regions were set up. The boss wanted more directors; therefore more mistresses and it followed that there were more children. Hence more husbands were needed. Sarah had assumed the men were either too shy, or gay or impotent or similar to acquire wives on their own. Anyway husbands were found or bribed into what were strange, willing cuckold, relationships. Whatever they were, they were well paid for their efforts and had comfortable lifestyles.

Mother-in-law was the sixth mistress and she had two children. So the man Sarah went away with to London was a bit more than just another department manager, he was her half brother. There was never going to be sexual activities between any of the managers or with the boss, they were all close family.

The whole company was a family affair. The boss was indeed the founding father of the company in more ways than one.

Furthermore, Sarah continued, one reason they waited until Saturday to return home was that they needed a family discussion with Doug Macklin. He had sounded her and mother-in-law out about me becoming a director. "What," I responded in surprise, "surely, as his daughter, you should be the first choice for a new director?"

"Well that's the thing, you see, I shall be looking after our children and won't have any time to devote to the business." Sarah had snuggled up was whispering in my ear.

"But it's your family business. Our two are well cared for as we are. Why not you?" I asked.

"I shall be taking care of our own family business." She held my hand and placed it on her belly, "Anyway, there's soon going to be more than just two."

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Interesting story in terms of the "who done it genre" but otherwise inane and dull..

kirei8kirei811 months ago

DNA, then take the director job. Then, NEVER let wifey participate in the company again.

LilacQueen15LilacQueen15over 3 years ago

The boss's wife has no say so over the divorce. Most churches recognize the need for divorce under those circumstances. In fact the Roman Catholic church and most Orthodox churches grant annulments for refusing to have children.

Just_WordsJust_Wordsover 4 years ago
I don't know what I think of this.

The story was told well. I think someone should kill the boss man, strangle him with the umbilical cord of his next bastard. I'm also not sure I would want to raise children with a wife who found that sort of thing to be in any way acceptable.

However, nice twist and an interesting tale. I don't need to like the characters to appreciate the story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Uh, uh

It's DNA testing time.

26thNC26thNCover 4 years ago

I have read several of your stories and I have to read carefully to catch your twists. Good stuff.

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago
Just nasty

No point at all.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Yeah but

Whose kid is it?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Idiotic, this extends to your fantasy!!! MINUS 5*!!!

Only insane people can write such a crap!!!

Tw0Cr0wsTw0Cr0wsover 9 years ago
like a circle

This "story" is like a circle; completely pointless.

The story/plot in one sentence: Dude gets stressed out wondering what his wife is up to on a business trip, accepts her explanation without evidence.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Good writing skills

The story is not erotic enough.

Writer's craft is excellent.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
I don't think you know what the word bastard means.

Please by a dictionary. Also this story was crap.

bruce22bruce22almost 10 years ago

One could think so many alternate continuations from here.

ramonbrookramonbrookalmost 10 years ago
Yes, interesting is the correct word

I think I need to read a couple of more times to understand! I will post another comment once I do understand it better!

However because it is so interesting and would REALLY like to see another chapter I gave it a 5.

g912493g912493almost 10 years ago

I have to say this story is off to a very different start. I think I like it but I'm not sure. Please continue. But.............. there's always a but, you are kind of long winded and could probably cut back on the descriptions, etc. I don't mean cut them out, just edit them down

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