An Assassin's Life Pt. 02

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Professional hitman's sexual journey across the USA heats up.
6.8k words

Part 2 of the 5 part series

Updated 07/01/2023
Created 04/20/2023
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An Assassin's Life - Part 2


Rob McCall4

This is the story of a professional hitman and his adventures traveling across the USA. He is a complex and complicated man with many sides to his personality, both good and evil and everything in between. A warning: There is violence in this storyline, If that's not your thing, please move on. Then again, it's a story about a hitman. What would you expect? This could be read as a "stand-alone:" but I believe you'll enjoy it more if you read Part 1 first. I hope you enjoy it.

© 2023 RMcCIV & Rob McCall4 - All Rights Reserved

It was 2am in the morning. The shot came through the sliding glass door, hit the mirror on the far side of the room, and shattered it into a million pieces. The door was tempered glass, so it stayed intact.

The slug buried itself into the wall. I threw us off the bed on the opposite side, shushed Dawn, looked around the room to see what lights were on, crawled to shut them off, dove back to Dawn, and covered her with my body.

There wasn't a second shot. I reached up, grabbed my backup Glock from under the pillow, and crawled over to the edge of the glass door to figure out where it came from.

It made no sense. It was night, dark, the ground was flat around the hotel, we were up on the third floor, and there was no obvious place for a hitter to be situated. Even though if they were any good, any place would work since our curtains were open to enjoy the night sky.

There was no helicopter sound or indication that it came from the air. I didn't think it was a drone, too sophisticated and too much attention. So it could only have come from a couple of places: Either a room from a building off to the west of the hotel or a long sniper's shot from one of Moab's many hills and geological formations. My money was on the sniper shot.

"Jax...?" Dawn was looking at the gun. I motioned her down as I scanned the horizon.

There was a pounding on the door.

"Everything alright in there?"

It was the hotel. I turned towards the door. "Yes. Great," I shouted. "Over enthusiastic with the champagne corks. Sorry about that!"

"Well, keep it down. I'm gettin' complaints."

"You betcha. Won't happen again. Nite."

I looked at the bullet hole and then back to the window. With the angle of the shot from the window to the mirror, it couldn't have reasonably come from a roof or the other building. That meant it came from far away and was probably a professional killer contracted to erase me.

The shot hit a couple of degrees too high. Someone's sight was off. That meant he wasn't good enough, and I could take him. All I had to do was find the motherfucker.

The question was how? I knew the why. But how could they have possibly found me here in Moab? Maybe it really was just a drunken asshole shooting a rifle.

I ran through my entire journey, and there was only one realistic possibility; it had to be the internet café.

I went back to Dawn, "Are you okay?"

"Who are you!" she was shaking.

"Dawn, are you okay?!" I asked again.

"Who the fuck are you!" she said.

I took her into my arms. "I'm sorry. I didn't think this would happen or you would be involved like this. I'm sorry."

She was clutching me in a death grip, shaking. "Jax, who the fuck are you? Wh-y-y-y did this happen? What is this? I need to get the fuck out of here." All shock reactions.

She tried to bolt, but I held her in my arms tight to me.

Dawn pounded her arms into my chest. "How's my hair? Is Denise okay? Was she hit? I've got to know if Denise's okay. Is my sister okay? We've got to get out of here!!!"

"Dawn, listen to me," and I slapped her. The shock brought her back to now. "Your sister's not here. She's home safe. We're in Moab. It's just you and me." I held her tighter.

"Breathe, breathe. I know this is a shock. I will explain everything to you, but first, you've got to get your shit together, and you need to do it now!"

I held her back from me and looked at her hard.

"Listen to me! Your life may depend upon it."

I looked at Dawn to see if she was with me. Her eyes told me yes.

"The cops will be showing up in any minute. You need to put your clothes on, wash the sex off you, and we need to agree on a story that sounds true and that we both can say with believability. Understand?"

She nodded yes.

"Good, the best part is everything is real and true. We were in bed having a romantic evening, and a shot came through our window. We have no idea why, and it scared the shit out of us.

That made Dawn smile. "Yes, it did."

"Well, those are the facts. As far as I'm concerned, it was some kind of weird random shot that seems to occur in America too frequently nowadays. Let's jump on it and call 911."

"Listen, I know you're scared." I continued. "I tried to warn you, but there is no way to understand until it happens. I get it. But no one was gunning for you. It was probably an errant shot from a drunken hunter. If anybody was the target, it was me. Do you understand? It was me. But there weren't any other shots which makes me think it was most likely some drunk, and I believe we are safe here tonight.

She looked at the Glock. "Then why the gun?"

"Better safe than sorry. Now, let's get you out of here and back to your friends as if nothing happened. But you have to act your part. Nothing happened here except for a lot of really hot sex.

That made Dawn smile.

"You have to be flippant and make them all jealous, especially Stephanie. Tell her about my large cock and how I went down on you and made you cum so many times you couldn't count them all. That will get her going, for sure."

She smiled again, subconsciously licking her lips.

"It was random. I'll wait for the cops, and at some point, they will contact you to collaborate. And tomorrow, we will get together, and I will explain it all. No secrets. Okay?"

She nodded yes.

I took her by the shoulders and looked deep into her eyes.

"You said you loved me. Were you lying, or was that true?"

"True," she said timidly.

I reached in and kissed her, and she stood there quivering with my hands on her shoulders and looked me into my eyes.

"Yes, true." A few sobs. "Jax, I think I love you."

"Good, because I love you too! And I have never loved anyone before."

She looked at me in amazement.


"Dawn, I am as serious as a heart attack. I have never loved anyone before in my entire life, and you stole my heart. You are the first and only one."

She looked at me with love in her eyes.

"Do you understand that? I asked.

She was quiet for a bit and then looked at me with those large, blue eyes.

"Yes, Jax, I believe you.

You said you trust me."

She nodded her head yes.

"I will take care of this. I promise. You were here, we had a romantic evening, then a bullet went through our window. We don't know why. It's as simple as that. Okay?"

Another nod, yes.

"I'll get you back to your friends, and tomorrow, I'll tell you everything. Okay?"

She nodded again.

But you need to do something for me, and I need you to look into my eyes and make a sacred promise."

I pulled her closer.

"What you may or may not have learned about me must be our secret. Seriously, our secret. You can't even share it with Denise. Otherwise, we could be in danger. Can you do that for me? Can you do that for us until we have our long talk tomorrow?"

She crossed her heart and lifted up her right hand with three fingers up and her thumb holding down the pinkie.

"Girl Scout's honor!"

"Well, then get over here and kiss me; get yourself washed up and dressed before the cops show up because I've got to get you out of here first."

I called 911 as Dawn pulled herself together. I snuck her down the stairs, got her into an Uber, and went back up, waiting for the cops to arrive, prepared to play a totally innocent, clueless guy as to why a random shot hit my window.

"Gosh, officer, do you think it could have been a hunter somewhere? It scared the shit out of me. Pardon my language."

Chapter 2

The cops were in my room for about two hours. A detective, two uniformed officers, and the forensic guy who took a lot of pictures dusted some stuff and then dug the bullet out from the wall. It probably would have been shorter except for the looky-loos from neighboring rooms and the understandably anxious hotel execs and staff.

The forensic guy brought the slug over to the detective.

"I'll have to get it into the lab, of course, but I'm thinking it's a 6.5 PRC Precision Rifle Cartridge. My guess is someone was hunting out-of-season or drunken kids, but I'll have more for you in the morning." After taking my prints and a Polaroid, he split. I wasn't worried about that. There are no identifiable prints of mine in any official record of any kind. And no mug shots or images of me on file. Everything had been erased years ago by one of the top hackers in the organization, also another one of my friends with benefits. So, I knew she wouldn't fuck me. At least, not that way.

I sat with Detective Nelson for another hour, going over for the umpteenth time my story about what happened, carefully explaining Dawn's involvement and why I thought it was best for her to be with her friends for comfort and support.

With the classic warning not to leave town and to come down to the station tomorrow, he left, seeming to buy the whole story.

And why not? I told him the truth. We met at Woody's, they could collaborate that, we went back to my hotel and were having a romantic evening at this lovely 5-star resort, and a bullet came through the window.

He seemed convinced it was some sort of misdirected random shot from a hunter. They weren't sure how or where but said they'd look into it. I knew they never would. Shootings happen in America every day, no one was hurt, and this was going on the back burner. Especially with such a small force and so many tourists in town.

I was starting to lean towards the drunken hunter and thinking maybe it was merely my paranoia getting the best of me, but it wasn't going on my back burner. I had been meticulous in my planning and my escape and needed to know what the mistake was, if any, that allowed them to find me.

The Seekins Havak HIT Pro is not a hunting rifle, even though they market it that way. It is built for professional shooters like police SWAT snipers and serious competition shooters like The Olympics and other world-class competitors.

If it wasn't a random shot, the security crack had to be the Moab internet café. I decided to go back there first thing in the morning, right after the cop station.

I had gathered up my things and moved to a new room, this one with an interior view, checked in with Dawn and laid down to grab a couple of hours of shuteye, crashing into a deep sleep

I woke up to room service bacon and eggs and ample hot coffee. It was on my third cup that I thought, "Shit, I let Dawn in."

She was outside of the world, but I let her in. Love, lust and my cock had made me make the biggest mistake of my life.

For the first time, I had submitted to love, and because of it, I fucked up.

Someone else knew. And it was Dawn.

And if Stephanie and the rest didn't know, soon they would despite her promise. Twin sister Denise was a guarantee. I could tell their bond and knew the sisters were one person inhabiting two bodies.

I told her I loved her. I think I actually loved her. But I let her in.

She might have to die. They might all have to die.

I fucked up and let my guard down.

Shit, piss fuck!!!

I was going to have to call Medea.

She'd help me figure it out.

What a shitty way to start the day. Also, I needed a hacker. I needed the best on the planet. I needed the hacker equivalent of me. I needed Dixie Mitchell. I had no idea where in the world she was.

Medea would help. I sent her encrypted text to her encrypted number.

From a carefully planned, tightly structured operation, suddenly, a lot of folks were elbowing in.

I looked down at my cock, "You blew it, buddy."

Once again demonstrating why a man's smaller head and his heart exposes him to danger and possible death.

Chapter 3

After an hour with the cops, who were convinced it was a drunken hunter, I walked back down the street to the cute, little Moab internet café, The Coffee Fix. At least it wasn't a Starbucks.

When I was there the first time, it was cozy, homey, and welcoming. It continued to be.

I did my scan of the place. It was empty, but I still noted the back exit. I walked to the counter to talk to the barista. The same young lady as last time.

She was 20ish, brunette with large eyes, a pretty face, and really big boobs. Probably why she got the job.

She was wearing a dirndl, the German style low neckline ruffled, blouse, and tight fitting apron that pushed up her boobs. When she leaned over, her cleavage was so ample most of her tits were on full display along with her white lace bra. I'm sure they attracted every pig in the joint, creating many passes and maybe an occasional tip.

I went up to the counter, and I made a point to look into her eyes, as challenging as that was. They were a deep brown and reminded me of finely polished walnut. I needed to get to know her and gave her my most winning smile. It frequently works, and it did.

"Hi," I looked at her name tag, "Winny. How are you doing today?"

"Fine," she said, happy to be noticed as a human being.

"I was here yesterday, and you were the barista.

Nerves appeared. "I was?"

"Yes! And you were so great I decided to come again today."

She broke into a gigantic beaming smile. "Really?"

"Really. And I'd like to have one of your delicious cappuccinos. And thank you, Winny."

"Gosh, you're welcome..."

"Jax. Write that J.A.X. on the cup, okay?"

"Yes, sir." with a little salute. "Are you to go?"

"Nope, I'm going to enjoy this right here."

"Fine, coming right up. Have a seat, and I'll bring it to you."

I did, and she did.

Since there was no one else there, Winny stood by my table waiting.

I took a sip.

"So, how is it?"

"Maybe the best damn cappuccino I've ever had," I lied.

She beamed. "You're new here."

"Yes, rolled into town a few days ago for some hiking and to enjoy the area" I took another sip. "My, this is good."

"Thanks!" She said. May I sit down?

"Sure." She did.

"How did you find this place? No one ever comes in here. It's all Starbucks and Peet's. I spend my day alone. It is nice to see and talk to someone else. Is your cappuccino really okay? I can make you another if it's not.

I waved my hand. It's great. Don't worry. Winny? You did say, Winny?

She flipped up her name tag, "Yep, Winny."

"Winny, why is a smart, really good looking girl like you making cappuccinos in a place like this and not a Starbucks or someplace that could use your talents?"

She lowered her head and blushed.

"This is my dad's place. We are trying to save it.

"I'm sorry."

"That's okay, you didn't know."

I took another sip. "Well, fuck them all. This is really good and better than Starbucks."

She blushed. We sat at the table quietly.

I waved my hands around the room. "There's no music."

"Dad turned it off. Called it a waste of money."

"But you have to have music in any kind of store. It makes people happy. You need to turn it back on.

She nodded her head in a "no fucking chance" way.

Hey! I have an idea. I think you guys should start booking a band in here during the day. That will attract customers. The others don't do anything like that. Make yourself different."

She lit up. "You think?"

"I wouldn't have said it if I didn't."

"Wow, thanks! I'll tell my dad. He might go for that if they'll play for free. I know a few local bands who would love to have an audience."

I snapped my fingers. "You see! Give it a try. You never know."

"Thank you so much!" and she rushed over to give me a kiss that started as a thank you peck but soon turned into a deep French kiss with a lot of boob smashing into me.

Really large boobs.

Gotta say it was nice.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I got carried away."

"What are you sorry for? It's not every day I get kissed by a gorgeous young lady."

Winny jumped up, blushing, hastily straightened herself out and started to excuse herself.

"Don't leave. I have a question, if I may?"

She stopped and looked at me.

"When I was here yesterday, I used your computer to check my emails, but I think that maybe somehow mine got mixed with somebody else's."

I looked at her with my best confused eyes."

"I'm not very good at his tech stuff. Are you?"

She smiled, happy to meet a kindred spirit. "No, I'm not."

"Well, I was wondering, did anyone else come in here and use your computer? Maybe I got his or her stuff by accident."

She shook her head. "Nope. Not while I was here. I think you were the only one. I'd remember."

I looked at her earnestly. "You remembered? Why?"

"Errr, gosh. You've got me there."

I waited.

"You have a nice butt," she blurted out.

I went around the table, grabbed Winny's head, and kissed her again.

"Winny, thank you for the nicest compliment anyone has given me in months!"

And I kissed her again. This time sneaking a hand onto her left breast. Soft, sweet, and delicious. I noticed her hips started moving a bit, rubbing against my rapidly growing hardon as we embraced, and then grinding harder as she noticed. I snuck my knee between her legs, finding her hotspot for a moment. We broke our kiss.

"Are you sure no one else used the computer? I'd really like to get their messages to them."

"Well, I could ask Kelly. She works the night shift."

"That would be great. Hey! Maybe we could get together sometime?"

Another blush. "Sure, that would be nice. You know," she whispered. I know all of the places in here where the security cameras can't see anything, and I could lock up for a 10 to 15 minute lunch break." and she gave a seductive smile.

"I'm in town for a few more days. Who knows? Maybe we could give that a go."

"Great! Can I have your number?"

"How about you give me yours. It will be easier that way since I'm hiking and out of cell phone reach."

She gave me her number. I gave her another long deep kiss and headed out back to my room to make some calls, carefully rearranging the raging hardon in my pants into a more comfortable position.

There was a funeral procession led by a black hearse driving down the street, followed by ten or twelve cars with their lights on. I stopped to watch. I'd caused a lot of those, and I hung my head in respect for the dead stranger. An expensive hearse and twelve cars in a small town like Moab, a family was grieving. I stood there holding a good thought for them, whoever they were, before moving on.

Chapter 4

I opened the door to my new room, heard the sound of another human being, and put my hand on my Glock just in case. I stopped, my antennas on alert, trying to get a sense of what was in front of me, decided to go for it, and stepped into an enthusiastic, "Hello!"

I looked over to see a totally naked, lustful Stephanie waiting for me in the armchair with her left leg swinging over the arm, putting everything on display, especially her captivating flaming red firecrotch.

Steph's long, wavy red hair was flowing behind her like a goddess in the breeze. Her voluptuous D-cup breasts had wide, flat, dark-pink areolas with pierced nipples. Both sporting a golden bar. A womanly tummy with a sparkling belly-button ring and that bright red pubic hair, nicely trimmed and fully waxed around her pussy.