An Enchanted Desire


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Jocelyn immediately began to lick along Dakota's pussy lips. Her tongue eagerly lapped up the copious juices that gathered there. "Mmmmm," she said to herself. "She tastes as good as she smells." Her tongue dove in for more, pushing its way in between the pussy lips. Starting low, she slid it upwards, moving from side to side.

"Oh oh! Oh fuck!" Dakota called out. Her body was shaking. Jocelyn might have just gotten to her pussy but she was already going over the edge. The anticipation was too much. "God, I'm cumming! Fuck!" she screamed as her body began to spasm. Completely unaware of what she was doing, her hands grabbed at Jocelyn's hair and pulled it as she twisted under her body.

Despite Dakota's squirming left and right, Jocelyn somehow managed to keep her face locked in against the gushing pussy. She sucked in as much of the tasty nectar as she could, her tongue darting here and there with intensity. She found the firm little clit sticking up and began to circle it. As yet, she hadn't touched it, but when she felt the tremors running through Dakota begin to weaken, she flicked it to the left and then the right. At the same moment, she carefully slipped a finger into Dakota's pussy.

Both actions had their desired effect. For a moment, Dakota froze, and then as the pleasure from them peaked once again, she screamed out a long shrill passionate cry. "Oh yes! Yes! Keep doing that, Joss! Oh, fuck me like that!" she groaned as she ground her hips down against her face and her finger. They flexed back and forth, trying to increase the pleasurable feelings.

Her cries became more and more unintelligible. Her head rocked back and forth in time with the thrusts of Jocelyn's finger. It felt so good, but it was slightly frustrating to feel Jocelyn holding back. No matter how hard Dakota lifted up her hips to try to drive it deeper, her lover was taking care to preserve her hymen. Even plaintive whines of desire weren't enough to change how she was fucking her.

Despite the strong orgasm from moments before, the tension in Dakota quickly grew. When Jocelyn felt her teetering on the edge, she bared her teeth and clamped them gently down on her clit, slowly tugging in it while sawing her teeth back and forth.

"Ahhhhhhh! Oh my god!" Dakota screamed as she fell over the precipice. Her body jerked harder than the first time, rising up off the couch in a large arch. It was all Jocelyn could do to stay on her, continuing to fuck her and play with her clit. Deep spasms ran through her body as her orgasm intensified and the thrusting of her hips was so violent that Jocelyn slid her finger out of the tight pussy for fear that she would accidentally tear her hymen. She instead moved downward so that she could replace the finger with her tongue. It could fuck her almost as well without penetrating too deep.

The flow of juice quickly coated Jocelyn's face as her tongue and lips eagerly attacked Dakota's soft wet pussy. Her need to please her lover was so overwhelming that she couldn't suppress a low growl as the savory nectar rolled down her throat. "More!" she thought before grinding her face even harder against it.

Jocelyn's own legs stretched out past the end of the couch, with one leg down onto the ground. It was the perfect position for her to grind her own pussy against the couch, creating a sizable wet stain. Her musky scent joined Dakota's to give the small office a smell like a cathouse. Neither one of them was even aware of it. They were completely absorbed in each other.

Although the peak of Dakota's orgasm was higher than the first, it seemed to burn out faster. After one last massive spasm, she collapsed back onto the couch. Her eyes fluttered before rolling back in her head, losing consciousness for a moment. She was limp except for quivers that continued to run through her body. At first, Jocelyn didn't notice, continuing in her fevered ministrations to the open pussy under her lips and tongue. Gradually she noticed that Dakota was no longer reacting.

Lifting her head, she looked at the other woman with the beginnings of concern. The rise and fall of her generous breasts reassured her. "I wiped her out," she told herself with pride. She fulfilled Dakota's wish and then some. There was a satisfied gleam in her eyes as she looked up and down the lovely young woman's body. She still ground her pussy against the couch, but now it was slower, sustaining her excitement without letting it grow. "This isn't about me," she thought as she lovingly kissed both of Dakota's thighs. Finding drops of pussy juice on them, she carefully cleaned them with delicate flicks of her tongue.

Those little caresses were the first things that Dakota noticed as her awareness returned. She let out a little whimper that let her lover know she was back. Lifting up her head, Jocelyn smiled in pride at how weak the other woman seemed. Her head dipped back down between her legs and she used her tongue to give a slow upward caress. Dakota shuddered and twisted a little.

"Oh, please. No more!" she said. "It was so good but now I can't take anymore." The effort to speak caused her to breathe heavily for a moment.

"Okay, Honey," Jocelyn told her. Instead, she got up onto her hands and knees so that she could move up and slide in between her and the back of the couch. When she offered, Dakota happily moved into the circle of her arms. After turning to face her, she returned the embrace. Her head rested on Jocelyn's shoulder. For a short time, they both rested like that with fingers gently stroking each other's back. A warm secure feeling came over Dakota as she continued to recover from her earth shattering orgasm.

Her eyes closed for a few moments and they opened again. "I don't want to miss another minute of this," she thought. Lifting her head, she tried to find a clock to check the time but there wasn't one in view. Her phone was somewhere in the pile of clothes. It would go off when there were ten minutes left on the spell. "I guess it must be about 30 minutes so far," she decided.

Focusing again on the other woman, she leaned forward and kissed her full lips. Unlike their kisses earlier, these were slow and sensual, accompanied by barely audible sighs. The familiar taste of her pussy was on them. Her arms were folded up in between them as Jocelyn held her tight, making it easy to cup her cheeks with her hands. One kiss followed another; both of them taking their time to fully enjoy it.

As much as Jocelyn loved the sensual kisses, she was already quite aroused when they started, and this wasn't helping her to calm down. The desire burning between her legs was raging higher. Parting her legs, she slipped them on either side of one of Dakota's thighs and pressed her pussy against it. She was dripping wet and it immediately left a nice slippery spot. Her hips ground down against it, sliding with ease.

"Yes," she hissed into the kiss. Her teeth closed a little, giving Dakota's tongue a little bite. When she realized she was hurting her, she opened her mouth again. With more access, Dakota got a little more aggressive. Kissing her harder, she bent her head back and slid her tongue in as deep as she could before starting to slide it in and out. Beyond that, she pressed her thigh against Jocelyn's pussy. She could feel the bare lips parting, opening up her most sensitive places.

"Ahhhhhhh," Jocelyn cried out, ripping her lips from Dakota's. She arched her body and threw her head back. "Yes, like that! More! I need more," she moaned as she tossed her head.

Wiggling, Dakota managed to turn into her back while freeing her hands. The movement caused her thigh to slip away from where it was, causing Jocelyn to cry in frustration. Grabbing her hips, Dakota pulled her over until she was back in place.

An inarticulate grunt was all that Jocelyn could manage as her hips started to thrust up and down. She needed the raw pleasure and her lover was glad to give it to her. She was vaguely aware of Dakota pulling on her ass, pressing her down while raising up her thigh. The blonde woman rode it, putting every ounce of energy into it.

"That's it, Joss! Fuck my thigh! Keep fucking me," Dakota urged her. It made her feel a little better, knowing that she could at least return the pleasure. "She may not remember it, but hopefully some trace of it will linger," she thought. Even still, the guilt remained; all of this was only because of the spell that took away Jocelyn's own will.

"I shouldn't have," she thought with sudden certainty. "Now I understand why Mrs. Hazelton talks about our responsibility so much." Despite the lust filled woman humping her leg, some of Dakota's enthusiasm ebbed away. She still lifted her thigh to match each thrust, but it was now a chore to be completed. It would be too cruel to deny Jocelyn her own release, whatever the reason she wanted it.

Instead, she focused on looking up at Jocelyn. She wanted to memorize every inch of her lovely face. Even through the primal lust, her beauty was still easy to see. Dakota felt her heart break at the thought that this would never happen again, but it couldn't. "I can't do this to her again. I wish I hadn't now," she thought. Her eyes prickled as a few tears welled up and ran down her cheek. With Jocelyn's eyes closed and head back as her orgasm approached, she quickly turned her head a little and wiped it against the pillow under her head.

She still had a duty to perform and she could feel the shudders starting to race up and down Jocelyn's body. Dakota redoubled her efforts to make her cum. By straining her neck, she managed to flick her tongue against one of the long nipples. The resulting scream encouraged her to do it again. This time she was able to get her lips around it and suck, using her tongue to run over it again and again.

"Oh god, I'm going to cum. Fuck! Yes!" Jocelyn screamed. Her body thrust downward with more force than before, and then went rigid before she began to shake uncontrollably. Her nails dug into Dakota's shoulders, leaving red marks that almost drew blood. Her high-pitched wail would have been easily heard outside if anyone happened to be passing. She vaguely felt her pussy gushing all over Dakota's leg.

It was about to start fading when Dakota bit down on her nipple. The unexpected combination of pain and pleasure released another wave of orgasmic spasms. She moaned and cried, but without quite the same volume. The massive orgasm was leaving her completely weak. Even as it continued, she collapsed onto her lover. Lying there moaning, she couldn't move as tremors ran through her. She was almost crying with the relief from releasing all that pent up desire.

Dakota held her like that, her hands slowly stroking her back. In a different situation, she would have spoken reassuring words to let her know that it was all right. As it was, the guilt from using a spell to force the encounter hung over her. "Anything I say would be insincere," she thought. "Even if I mean them, I took advantage to make this happen."

As the moans and labored breathing passed, Dakota became aware of a buzzing noise coming from the pile of clothes. "Oh fuck! When did the alarm go off?" she thought in panic. She had something less than 10 minutes to get them both dressed. Even still, it was hard to make the next move. After the peak in her pleasure, Jocelyn was now cuddling with her, giving her tiny little kisses on her shoulder, neck, and chest. "It's my last few moments with her and they're so lovely," she thought with a sigh before finally starting to get up.

"Uh Joss, I'm sorry, but we need to get dressed," she finally said. When that got no reaction, she reached up and gave a gentle tug on Jocelyn's hair. "Hey, did you hear me?"

Lifting her head, Jocelyn gave her a smile that was so full of affection that Dakota felt the tears start to come back. "Why? I love feeling this way. I never want it to end," she whispered.

Her words were like a knife going into Dakota's heart. "God, I wish that too," she whispered back as the tears started to fall.

"Honey, what's wrong?" Jocelyn asked, seeing how distressed she was.

Another alarm went off. There were only two minutes left to go. "Oh fuck, I screwed this all up," she said. There was no way that they could both get dressed and gone before the spell ran out. She sobbed. Now Jocelyn was going to know what happened. Even worse, all of the good parts would be gone, lost as the fantasy enabled by the spell ended; replaced by the horror of realizing she was taken without her consent by a lovesick schoolgirl. "She'll hate me," she thought.

As the last seconds ticked down, Dakota reached up and caressed the cheek of the woman she adored. Her heart wrenched again when Jocelyn smiled at the touch. "I just wish you would remember the happiness," she whispered so softly that the other woman barely heard her.

"Why wouldn't I remember that, Dakota?" Jocelyn said, still smiling. "I loved every moment of the last hour." She leaned down and gave her a soft kiss. Surprisingly, the desire and affection were still there.

"Or did you think that you're the first young witch to try and seduce someone in the town?" Jocelyn asked. Now her smile held a hint of amusement, though the other feelings remained. She let out a throaty chuckle at the confusion on the face of the younger woman.

"What? I saw you drink it!" Dakota said, blurting out confirmation that she tried to enspell her.

"True and that was very naughty of you, but every potion has a counter agent, surely you know that. You witches have been here a long time. We found the one for the love powder. My silver spoon was mixed with it when it was cast," Jocelyn said.

Dakota's jaw dropped, speechless for a brief moment. "How did you know?" she finally asked.

"You aren't as subtle as you might think. When you crush, you crush hard," Jocelyn said.

Her voice was hard to read. Dakota couldn't tell if she was angry, scornful, or just amused. She felt her face grow red in embarrassment. "Then why?" she asked.

Jocelyn leaned down and kissed her lovingly. At first, Dakota was too stunned to respond but then she returned it although slightly more hesitantly than Jocelyn.

When the kiss ended, Jocelyn looked down again. She got a little lopsided smile. "Because, you silly girl, I was tired of waiting for you to make the first move. If this was what you needed to have the confidence to do something, I wasn't going to complain," she said.

"What?" Dakota said. She knew she sounded stupid, but she felt that way right then.

"Honey, you know the way it is. The townsfolk here have been taught to leave you witches alone. If I read things wrong ... Well I didn't want to be turned into a toad," Jocelyn told her. "It was safer this way."

"Oh," Dakota said, realizing she wasn't helping dispel the image of being an idiot. Finally, after another pause, she continued. "You mean to tell me that you wanted this too?"

"Probably as long as you have," Jocelyn answered with a nod. Leaning down, she gave her another soft kiss.

"Mmmm," Dakota murmured as it ended. "And you're not mad at me for trying to enchant you?"

"Only that you took this long."

The lovely feeling of happiness from the afterglow of Jocelyn's orgasm was starting to return to Dakota and she hugged the other woman tightly.

"I hope you know now you don't have to go to these lengths again," Jocelyn said quietly as she returned the hug.

"Thank goodness! The ingredients of that powder were really expensive," Dakota said with a smile. It slowly faded a little. "Joss, I'm sorry I tried that. It was wrong of me," she told the other woman.

"It's all good, I already said that," Jocelyn said, trying to brush it off.

Dakota would have none of it. She grabbed Jocelyn's hand and kissed it. "No, it doesn't matter that it turned out okay. I promise you, I'll never do something against your will again. I swear!"

The fire in her eyes matched the fierceness in her voice and Jocelyn felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up, just as they did earlier when Dakota was casting her spell in the restroom. She knew instinctively that this was no mere promise to be easily broken. What the consequences of breaking it were she didn't know, but she was sure there were some and they were unpleasant.

"Okay, thank you. I know you won't, my sweet Dakota," she said as she bent her head and kissed their joined hands.

They lay there like that for several minutes before Dakota remembered spell or no spell, she still needed to get back to the Academy for dinner. They sat up and started to get dressed. As they pulled on their clothes, she started to giggle.

"What?" Jocelyn asked, as she paused in the middle of putting on her panties.

Reluctantly Dakota averted her eyes. They didn't have time for distractions right now. "Did you really think I might turn you into a toad?" she asked.

It was Jocelyn's turn to blush. "Maybe, just a little," she admitted.

"Silly woman, I couldn't do that to you," Dakota said as she leaned down to put on a sock. Looking up at her lover, she gave her a grin. "We haven't learned that spell yet!"

Jocelyn laughed, and then looked down at the couch. It was practically ruined. There were stains all over it and parts were soaking wet. "I'm not sure what I'm going to tell Mrs. Alvarez. I don't think I can clean that up."

"That I can help you with," Dakota said. Standing up in only her bra, panties, and stockings, she began to chant.

Once again, Jocelyn felt the hairs on her arms and neck rising up as the magic began to gather. She could already tell that being with Dakota was going to be very interesting.

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lilbluechevylilbluechevyabout 2 months ago

Any chance of getting more of this? Even if it’s just 2 or 3 page filler while taking a break from the longer stuff?

FranziskaSissyFranziskaSissy3 months ago

Good to know that we are not helpless in such situations, we as in normal towns folk …. 😊 ….. cute sweet tale and jocelyn played her part marvelously, maybe she should made a move in Hollywood ….. 🧙🏻 witchcraft - townfolk or humans are fascinated or fearful , But we only fear things that we cannot master ourselves or that our minds cannot grasp …… This fear, not that of society but that of men, especially church representatives, led to witch hunting and burning in the Middle Ages .... Little has changed since then, men are still the 'simple minds' But alcohol helps vanishing that fear 😧 the fear being a simple mind

FandeborisFandeboris4 months ago

A magically bewitching tale (sorry/not sorry) of two young ladies. I am glad it turned out the way it did. Recriminations can be deadly for one so young.

Still, it was nice to see both parties coming together to achieve their goals.

DocErotic3DDocErotic3Dover 5 years ago

Lovely and fun story. I hope we'll see more of these two soon.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Unholy Relations

Two of a kind find passion together but the story ends with th reader expecting more than the author provided, as the supposed victim should by rights become victimized by magic in some fashionable way.

MaonaighMaonaighover 7 years ago
Eat your heart out...

Eat your heart out, J K Rowling. This kind of magic beats fighting evil wizards and Dark Lords hands down. I think you could have the basis of a series here, Ripley---it's worth thinking about.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

A continuation would be interesting.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Lovely and sexy

Would it be too much to ask for a continuation of this tale?

CliterateDykeCliterateDykeover 7 years ago

Delicious, sexy, so poignant and heartfelt. It's an absolute delight to read another new tale from you. Thank you Ripley, you are truly masterful at crafting and telling lovely and reply emotional stories.

TSreaderTSreaderover 7 years ago
A yummy tale!

I love it, and do hope that you'll add to this story! Thank you!

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