An Immoral Marriage Contract


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Sara didn't feel sad. She was used to it. She whiled away her time as she waited for her parents to come home by watching a movie and then preparing dinner for when her parents arrived home. They arrived home at about sixish and were in good spirits.

"Sara!" her mother cried theatrically to her daughter as she walked in the door and embraced Sara warmly.

Her father kissed her on the cheek and embraced her. Both her parents had more than a faint whiff of alcohol on them.

"We have some very important and exciting news to tell you!" Sara's mother told her looking like she would burst.

"Yes. It will mean some big changes in our lives but for the better, I think," her father continued. Her mother smiled proudly at her father.

"Come, let's have dinner and we will tell you all about it." Sara's mother said enthusiastically. "Whatever you are cooking, it smells delicious!"

Sara served dinner.

"How much I missed your cooking, Sara" her father complimented her, squeezing her hand with affection when they began to eat. Sara and Michael had a particularly strong father-and-daughter bond. They always loved each other's company even though they could spend days or weeks without seeing each other. Sara often liked to email her father and he always found time to reply.

"Tell Sara the good news, Michael," Felicity told her husband impatiently.

"Okay, Okay!" Michael smiled laughing. "Sara, please keep this to yourself but on Monday the Prime Minister announced in cabinet that he will resign in the new year. I have spent the week talking to the party and I have managed to get enough promises to win the election for party leader."

Sara looked at her father wide-eyed.

"That's right," Felicity continued bursting with joy. "Your father is going to be Prime Minister!"

"That is wonderful news," Sara said, dutifully standing up and kissing both parents knowing that her mother was just as responsible for her father's success. Without Felicity's support and counsel, Michael would have barely made it as an MP.

Sara was genuinely happy for her parents. Whenever her father's career took a step up the house was happy for months and her parents showered her with attention and affection, so she was pleased for herself as much as them.

"Now, enough about us. What about you, Sara," Michael said changing the subject. "How is university life? Are you studying hard? Are you getting good grades?"

"University is great, and my grades are good. I'm top of my year."

"That's my girl!" Michael said proudly with a little laugh, reaching out and squeezing Sara's hand. "I knew you would give them hell."

"Also," Sara began, building herself up to give some big news of her own. "I have made a friend."

Her parents were stunned into silence. A sense of relief came over them. Although they were proud of their daughter, it did worry them that she was never able to make any friends."

"Tell us all about your friend. What is she like?" Felicity asked with excitement. This was turning into the best day for a long time in the Nugent house.

"Well," Sara started to get bashful with the news. "My friend is a boy."

Sara's parents looked at each other with a kind of bemused happiness. Is she trying to tell them she has a boyfriend?

"His name is Sam. Which is short for Samael. Isn't that an unusual name?"

As soon as Sara said Samael the mood in the room changed. Her parents stiffened, the colour draining from their faces."

"He is wonderful," Sara continued excitedly, oblivious to the change of mood. "We went out together and we talked all night."

"That is wonderful," Felicity said forcing herself to be happy for her daughter.

They ate the rest of the meal in an uncomfortable silence.

Sara went to her room after dinner. Her father needed to finish some work in the study and her mother received a phone call.

After her phone call, Felicity went to see Michael in the study.

"This boy, Sara is seeing, do you think it's him?" Felicity began with concern in her voice.

"I don't know," Michael said wearily.

"You did notice that she said his name was Samael, didn't you!?" Felicity was getting a little agitated with Michael mistaking his weariness for lack of concern.

"Yes, I do have a religious education, remember." It was Michael's turn to get irritated.

"You don't think we..., do you?" she asked as fear replaced the agitation in Felicity's voice. She was unable to say it.

"Don't be silly, of course not," Michael replied unconvincingly. "The idea is ludicrous."

Felicity frowned. She was sick with worry. For the first time in her life, she didn't know what to do.

Sam was as good as his word. He called Sara regularly throughout the Christmas break. Sara plucked up the courage to call Sam as well. Thanks to Sam's attention Sara was happier than she had ever been. Feelings built inside Sara that she had never felt before, and she realised she missed Sam's company and wished she could be with him.

The new year brought the end to the Christmas break and a return to university. Sara saw Sam in the lecture hall. As usual, he was surrounded by girls. Sara waited until the end of the lecture to approach Sam.

"Hi," Sara said nervously.

Sam looked irritated which changed to relief and happiness to see Sara.

"Hi, sorry I thought you were just another girl."

"I am a girl," Sara said sounding a little hurt.

"No!" exclaimed Sam getting a little alarmed, realising he screwed up. "I meant you're not just any girl, you are you and well they are them."

"Really?" Sara said raising her eyebrows and looking unimpressed. "That still wasn't a good way to say hello." Sara was surprised to realise she was toying with him. She knew what he meant despite how clumsy with words he was. The compliment made her happy.

"We don't have any classes for the next couple of hours, do want to go for a coffee?" Sam asked blushing furiously trying to salvage the situation.

"Okay, but you're paying. You need to apologise." Sara was going to make sure Sam didn't get off too lightly and it felt fun doing it.

Sara and Sam spent a lot of time together. It didn't go unnoticed by the others on the course. The consensus was that they had become a couple. The other girls disliked Sara for being able to do what they couldn't. They couldn't understand why someone as good-looking as Sam would be interested in someone as dowdy as Sara. It didn't bother Sara though. They wouldn't have been friends with her anyway. The boys began noticing Sara for the first time. Realising that behind her dowdy façade and glasses she was a very good-looking young woman.

Sara was as attractive as her mother but didn't have her confidence. She hid her figure behind plain clothes, her black hair which she got from her Spanish grandmother, was neat but not styled and she wore unstylish reading glasses which hid her face. It was not how you'd expect a typical nineteen-year-old to dress.

As the academic year went on Sara and Sam got closer. They were both top of their year with grades. So much so that the others on the course now wanted to work with them to boost their own grades instead of trying to date them.

Matters came to ahead towards Easter. Sara and Sam went out for an end-of-semester drink together whilst the other students partied. Sara had developed strong feelings for Sam. He was so easy to talk to and she loved being in his company. His good looks were a bonus.

Unlike at Christmas Sara decided to dress up. That Easter was unseasonably warm. Before their date, Sara went out and bought a summer dress. It was shorter and more stylish than anything she had worn before; matching sandals completed the look. She also wore makeup for the first time since, on the insistence of her mother, she last accompanied her father on a political fundraiser a couple of years ago. She looked like a completely different person. Why she decided to change her look, she couldn't tell you, but it was important to her that she looked her best, especially for Sam.

She met Sam at the same bar they went to at Christmas. Sam almost didn't recognise her. Sara had to call him to get his attention. His eyes kept wandering over her body which Sara secretly enjoyed.

"Do I look okay?" Sara asked coyly when she noticed Sam was staring at her.

"Erm, yeah you look......gorgeous!" Sam blurted out. His cool persona disappearing. Their evening felt like a dream. Sitting on the bar garden patio they held hands at the table. It felt slightly awkward but natural.

Finishing their drinks Sam looked in his wallet and realised he had forgotten to get money before he arrived because he was late. He apologised to Sara and left to get more leaving Sara alone.

Sara immediately felt venerable accurately aware of how she was dressed and how out of character it was. With Sam not there, men started to check Sara out. One man came over and asked Sara if he could buy her a drink. She politely declined and he went away disappointed. The next one was more problematic. He was slightly drunk and couldn't take no for an answer.

"Yer boyfriend left yer in the lurch, eh?" The man slurred. He was well over thirty and had a slight paunch hanging over his trousers.

"No, he has gone to get some money," this man made her nervous not to mention nauseous.

"Mind if I keep you company until he gets back." He said sitting next to Sara uninvited. Sara had to lean away to get away from his smell.

The man repulsed her. His breath stank of stale booze and his clothes were stained where he spilt his drink down himself.

"You look lovely by the way." He kept putting his hand on Sara's knee and running upwards. She kept trying to push him off, but he kept putting it back.

Sara was panicking. Not knowing what to do.

"Tell you what, why don't we go somewhere together? You can be with a real man instead of that boy."

"No, thank you," Sara whispered nervously.

At that moment Sam returned and saw Sara with this man. Sara pleaded with her eyes for Sam's help. Seeing what this drunk was doing, Sam flew into a temper that Sara never thought he was capable of. Something that shocked everyone witnessing it. He seemed to move with an effortless speed. He grabbed the drunk by the throat and lifted him into the air with one hand before throwing him to the floor with what felt like supernatural strength. The man looked up at Sam first in disbelief then anger then with fear as he looked into Sam's eyes. Sara wasn't sure but she incredulously thought Sam's eyes went crimson red. It looked like something almost demonic. She could see Sam was going to hurt this man. No matter how much the man repulsed and disgusted her, how much he touched her, she wasn't harmed, and he didn't deserve what she could see Sam wanted to do to him. Not knowing what else to do she stepped between the man and Sam and holding Sam's face in her hands she kissed him gently on the lips.

"Leave it, Sam," she whispered desperately. "Let it go. He didn't hurt me. Let's go home?"

With the kiss, Sam calmed down. The red in his eyes disappeared and he returned to normal. Sam looked shaken. Sara hoped this had never happened before.

With that, Sara led Sam out of the bar by his hand. Sara supported Sam despite being the one who had been in danger.

It was getting dark when they reached Sara's place. Sara took Sam inside, sat Sam down on the sofa and went to make a cup of tea for them both. While the tea was brewing, she changed into her night clothes and removed her make-up. This was not how this night was supposed to go. It had turned from a dream to nearly a nightmare.

Sam was still in a shaken daze when Sara entered with two cups of tea. Sara wasn't sure what happened, but she could see Sam needed her.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what happened. I've never done anything like that before." Sam whispered when he finally came out of his daze.

"Don't worry. No harm was done," Sara said gently trying to soothe Sam.

"I saw him touching you and I.......,I don't know. I felt so angry. I felt like I needed to protect you. I couldn't anything happen to you." Sara felt Sam wasn't telling her something but that was for later. What mattered was here and now.

"I should go." Sam suddenly said trying to stand up.

Sara held on to him and tried to pull him down, but she felt that supernatural strength again which she felt from him in the bar.

"No. please stay, you can stay the night with me." Sara pleaded with Sam. She could see he was in no condition to go anywhere.

Sam looked down at her and that strength flowed out of him. He fell back rather than deliberately sitting down next to Sara and she wrapped her arms around him in an embrace.

"I love you, Sam," Sara confessed not knowing if Sam heard or expecting Sam to reciprocate the words.

They looked into each other's eyes and kissed. After what seemed like an eternity they broke apart. Sara took Sam to bed and held him close until he fell asleep.

Chapter 3

The morning sun shone through the cracks in the curtains as the young couple stirred in bed. They were lying next to each other, their eyes locked together with an air of awkwardness yet neither of them wanted to be anywhere else. Sam took hold of Sara's hand and gently kissed her. Sam released Sara's hand and moved closer. He tentatively stroked her hips and legs. Sara allowed Sam to slowly move his hand to stroke her behind. Sara could feel Sam get hard and plucking up the courage, reached down to touch it through his underwear. Sam moved into a dominant position, and he moved his hand up and under her pyjama top to caress her breast, her nipple hardened on his touch. His tongue was welcomed into Sara's mouth and their tongues began to dance in intricate circles. Sara moaned slightly into the kiss with his touch. This made her stroke Sam more vigorously and it was her turn to make Sam moan.

Sam was making Sara feel incredible. Her body was flushed with an arousal she had never felt before. Sam was touching her in a way no one else had done. She was touching Sam in a way she never thought she would touch a guy. She never thought she would enjoy as much as she was. It wasn't just the way she was being touched but who was touching her, and how she was touching Sam and his reaction to it was what was giving her a thrill.

Sam's hand moved down and moved under her clothes and touched Sara between her legs. She was already moist from arousal, but as Sam began stroking her untrimmed pubic hair, she became wetter. Sara's body began to move as the pleasure increased. Sam's finger slid inside her. As enjoyable as it felt, Sam was too clumsy with his inexperience.

"Slow down. You're too rough." Sara admonished breathlessly.

Sam obeyed. Waves of pleasure flowed through Sara as Sam, under her instruction, learnt to be gentler. His gentleness made the pleasure more and more intense. She moved his hand to her clitoris and taught him how to rub it in circles. Sara kissed Sam harder as the pleasure grew. It grew and grew, emanating from her clitoris until her body stiffened and she kissed Sam hard to muffle the moan of the orgasm that racked through her body.

"Thank you," Sara whispered, feeling hot and flushed. After a moment she told Sam with a naughty smile, "Your turn," and moved from under him and pushed him onto his back. She released him from his underwear. Seeing him or anyone else for the first time excited her. Lying onto her side she reached down and wrapped her hand around Sam's member and began massaging him. Roughly at first. Sam's gasp of pain made her stop, but with his help, she learned how to please him. It did not take long for Sam to finish. Sara loved seeing the expression of pleasure she had given Sam on his face.

Sara cleaned up the mess Sam made, and they both gently kissed each other until they were interrupted by Sara's phone ringing.

"Mum?" Sara said answering the phone.

"Sara, what are you doing!? You need to get ready!" her mother told her urgently.

"What? Why?" Sara replied in confusion.

Sara heard her mother sigh heavily on the other end of the phone.

"Don't you watch the news? Your father has won the party leadership contest, he is now prime minister. Like we told you at Christmas. Don't you remember!?"

"Of course, I'm Sorry I forgot." Sara said sounding flustered before she playfully slapped Sam as he kissed her while she was talking to her mother, "I'll call father to congratulate him."

"No, you need to get ready! A car will be with you at any minute to take you to 10 Downing Street so you can be with us for the press photos."

"Why do I have to be there?" she asked nervously. The idea of being in the papers and on TV horrified Sara.

"It is to support your father. I'm afraid you have no choice. You will have a suitable change of clothes waiting for you here, so you look right for the press photos. We will see you in about an hour!" There was a slight pause before Sara's mother asked suspiciously, "You're sounding flustered. What are you doing?"

"I'm getting ready, like you asked," Sara lied flushing red needlessly.

"Be quick about it! The car will be outside in any minute."

Sara and her mother finished the call and Sara turned to Sam,

"I'm sorry you have to go," she said pouting an apology. "You know I told you my father was a politician? Well, he has been made prime minister. They're sending a car to get me so I will be with him when he has his photo taken by the press."

"Wow!" Sam said, not really knowing what to say but being impressed all the same. "I'll get going." He kissed Sara and getting serious said, "Thank you for last night. If you hadn't stopped me, I don't know what I would have done."

Sara smiled and kissed Sam. Pleased to have been needed.

Sam got dressed and left,

"Call me when you get the chance." He said as he left.

It had been a strange night. So many things happened, Sara thought as she closed the door. Where did he get that strength from? That guy was older and bigger than Sam, but Sam's strength was unreal. He did save her though. Something she was grateful for and being saved like that by a kind of knight in shining armour was kind of romantic. Did his eyes really turn red? And what happened this morning? What were they doing? "Perhaps next time, we could even have sex," she thought with a thrill.

Suddenly snapping out of her thoughts, Sara realised what she was supposed to be doing. She had barely got out of the shower when the security buzzer rang.

"Miss Nugent, we're here to take you to London." A voice called before Sara had a chance to get to the door.

"I'll just be a minute," Sara called back as she ran to her bedroom.


The car as normal came with a bodyguard. There was also a police motorcycle escort with them. "Ma'am," the policeman nodded as Sara passed. It was all a bit surreal.

The car got to 10 Downing Street in under an hour. Considering the speed and the police escort flashing their lights with sirens blaring, it wasn't surprising and somewhat bewildering for Sara.

"You're late." Sara's mother snapped as she arrived. "What on earth were you doing?"

Sara blushed heavily. Sara's mother noticed and guessed that Sara's relationship with Sam had developed further. She felt uneasy about this but that was for another day. They had more pressing concerns. Today was the culmination of over two decades of work.

"Go get changed. Your room is second on the left and hurry up we can't keep the British public waiting. Don't forget to put on some make-up!"

Sara went to her new room. It was smaller than she was used to, and it was decorated to a taste some might like but Sara was not one of them. It would take time to get used to it and she was thankful that she wouldn't be sleeping there that often.
