An Indigo Bunting


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"I see," she actually managed a smile.

I resumed replanting. She sipped her iced tea. "So what time on Friday and what shall I bring?"

I stopped looked over to her and gazed at her eyes.

"Besides a bustier," she added.

"Black and red bustier if you can do it but seriously, can you be here in time to meet Fattie?"

"I can't. The school bell doesn't ring until three twenty five. I'm usually home by four. I can be here by...five or five thirty?"

"I don't think so. Let's think this through. You've got to get home. Presumably you will be already packed. You will have to give yourself a fresh shave...heh..heh...dress up in your vamp bustier outfit from Victoria Secret, put on all kinds of gaudy sluttish make-up and then make your way in a trench coat and ridiculously high heeled shoes, with your bags, to your underground parking spot, while everyone is coming home from work, and then drive over here. With traffic I don't expect you here before six thirty."

Sophie was a completely different colour again. Red heading towards indigo blue. Her neck veins were bulging. Her eyes flared staring at the floor.

"Not so easy being resort slut is it?"

She took a deep breath, but didn't say anything. I knew what she was thinking. Accidently meeting someone in her building when she's dressed like a tramp.

"Can I change here?"


"Why not?"

"Big entrance scene will be ruined."

"Why the big entrance scene?"

"Sophie, you do want my cock up, right?"

She took a deep breath. "Yes, upright."

"Is there anything in particular you would like for dinner?" I asked, then added, "obviously not chicken and egg."

"I don't care as long as we can start with...cocktails."

"Oh!..ho...ho..ho...I amsolooking forward to next weekend."

I knew what she was thinking. She knew she could pull it off. She would leave the condo, with no make-up on, flat shoes and probably sweat pants or something over the stockings. Everything else in a bag. And then a hundred yards from my house, pull off to the side...I was cool with that.

She was smiling. Does it get any better than this?

Eleven freshly potted begonia pots were lined up on the deck. They were surrounded with little soil spills. "Okay Sophie, which pot in which pot?" I picked up a pink arrangement.

She smiled, "Over there," she pointed to the back right corner of the property. I trundled over and put the pink begonia pot in the clay pot. There was an upturned plastic pot inside already, bringing the whole thing to just the right height. It did look good I realized as I walked away.

She had me alternating pink and indigo for each pot along the back. The two pots on the deck both had indigo.

"What do you think?" I asked her.

"I think it looks great."

"I do too. Thank you so much Sophie."

We kissed. I had to peel off my gardening gloves.

"I've really got to get going. You have a meeting to attend."

"Yes," I sighed, "I do. And I've got to get myself cleaned up."

She stood up, walked straight up to me and put her arms around my shoulders and gave me the brightest warmest smile that I'd ever seen. "Frank, thank you so much for everything. You have no idea..."

" sweet angel, my rare bird."

I tear rolled down her left cheek. I kissed it off.

"Go and get your stuff from inside. I've got to clean-up out here," I told her.

She kissed me on the lips and then turned towards the door wiping a tear away.

I cleaned up the patio.


She packed her blue leather bag and her purse together and gave me a kiss. It was a mad, passionate kiss. It had nothing to do with her dead husband. I was sure of that.

"We'll talk during the week, but I'll see you on Friday," I said.

"Bye," she answered.

We walked towards her car. I carried her blue bag.

We kissed goodbye again.

"That's funny it won't unlock," she said as she tried to open the door with the electronic key while holding her purse in her left arm.

"That's right it didn't open for me this morning either. You probably need a new battery for the e-key."

Sophie unlocked the door manually and tossed her bags in, sat herself in and closed the door.

Her car wouldn't start.


Not even the click-click-click of a dying battery.


I tried boosting. I redid the battery connections. There were no obvious wires off or hoses broken. I checked the fuses. We had the manual out. I wiggled wires. I got my current tester out, the battery was dead. Nothing came on. Just plain dead.

"I'll drive you home. Trust me. You don't want to pay for a tow truck on a Sunday to take it to a garage that's not even going to be open on a Sunday. As you said, you can walk to work. I'll look after your car tomorrow."

"I'm sorry," she said.

"No. I'm sorry for you. Your Audi is DOA. For me it's just a phone call to my mechanic in the morning. Don't worry he's a country boy. He'll set us straight. He can't afford to piss off one of the locals. We all talk."

"But you're going to drive me all the way home."

"Yes, and I have that meeting that I'm starting to get late for on the way. Your place is not that much further. Come on, I've got to get cleaned up and we've got to go."

I washed up, grabbed my stuff and off we went. Lovie got in the back seat.

"We never finished our conversation, it got interrupted by a Hairy Woodpecker," I said as we drove along.

"Ah yes, would you like me to continue?"

"You were talking about Christianity spreading like wildfire and Jesus' message and that fact that everything we know about him comes from the Bible and that you had found answers."

"Yes, I recall," she paused carefully to form her words."What I was saying was that I have faith in the answers that I've found, to the questions that I had about Jesus' life and message."

"You're not going to get all preachy on me are you?" I turned right at the lights.

"Haa haa haa!" Song-song laughter, "A fourth grade teacher? Me? Haa ha haa!"

I must have had an incredulous look on my face. I had to prod her on. "Well, tell me more then."

She took a deep breath and then said, "What I'm about to tell you will be decidedly un-preachy."

"Go for it."

"I called myself Arian-ish. Arius was an early Christian bishop that was expelled from the community for his heresies."

"Was he a Satanist?"

"Ahh ha haa! He was probably called that! Ahh ha haa!"

I didn't get it. We quietly drove along for a few moments.

"I'm trying to figure out what to say without sounding too preachy."

"You're not trying to convert me are you?"

"From what? The Hindu atheist, Christian and Muslim agnostic? The creationist that doesn't believe in evolution? No, I'm not going to try to push my faith, or lack of it, on you."

"No, I just want to know about Sophie Cumberland and what she believes in." She sat silently beside me. "I want to know what makes you tick. What were the answers you found and what were the questions you had? But if you find it too uncomfortable to talk about we can drop the whole issue."

"It's not my comfort that I'm worried about, it's yours." Before I could look away from the traffic she added, "And I suppose I'm a little worried about what you will think."

"What? Sophie. It doesn't matter what you say, you will still be a lovely lady. Even if Arius was a Satanist. It won't change you."

She sat quietly for a moment and then said, "Well I guess it all started with doubt and a lack of faith in the Catholic Church. And when I coupled that with the lessons I learned through the study of its history, my doubt and lack of faith increased until I couldn't sustain my faith with a clear conscience. Do you know what an indulgence is, or was?"

"I've heard the term..."

"During the renaissance the Catholic Church found it expedient to sell indulgences to their flocks. Indulgences were pre-paid forgiveness of sins. It amounted to Get Out of Jail Free cards, or in this case Get Out of Hell Free. You want to have sex with your cleaning lady? That'll cost you a hundred. You want to murder your brother-in-law, that'll be ten thousand. It's how all of the glorious basilica and cathedrals were financed. That practice and a number of other objections to the Catholic Church is what caused Martin Luther to nail his ninety five theses up. Their attitude was, and still is to a large extent, what we tell you is right and that's what you have to believe and don't question our authority and by the way the Pope is infallible. Do you know when the Catholic Church accepted that Galileo was right and that they were wrong?"

"No. When?"

"Nineteen sixty four."


"That's right. As a result of the Second Vatican Council."

"That's nuts."

"That's the Catholic Church for you. Are you familiar with how cozy the Vatican was with Benito Mussolini?"


"Sad but true."

"How about Catholic priests and little boys?"

"Frank. That's a testosterone thing, not Catholic teaching. Besides have you ever heard about sexual improprieties between nuns?"


"Well then. Having said that though, sex with a young slave boy was perfectly fine for a male Roman citizen, how can that be such a surprise for a Roman Catholic clergyman then?"


"Maybe that's a bit harsh."

"Just a bit Sophie."

"Still, I'm fairly certain that the offensive behavior conducted by priests has much more to do with being male than their faith. Which is another point, why can't women be priests in the Catholic Church?"

"I don't know."

"Because it's an all male club."

"You're right. You're not being preachy at all." I turned onto a very nice residential street, the houses were huge. "So you don't like the Catholic Church, I get that."

"I don't have faith in what the Catholic Church has built. On what they have built right from the get go."

"I'm not sure I understand what you mean."

I pulled up in the Yutang's big driveway.

"Sophie, please come inside with me. It will only be twenty minutes, half an hour tops."

"Frank, I don't want to interfere with your work, I'll just wait outside with Lovie."

"No way," I said, "they're a really nice Chinese couple. It'll actually be better if you're there. I hate the business aspect of dealing with residential clients. They're all accommodating and I'm stuck in business mode but trying to be personal too. Please come along. I'll be more comfortable. It may actually be fun for you too. You don't mind mixing a little business with pleasure do you?"

"Business and pleasure? What an odd concept. As a school teacher, I never get too. Business and pleasure it is then."

She had the most devious look on her face.

We stepped up to the Yutang's front door exactly at four as scheduled. Lovie was locked in the car with just the right amount of window rolled down.

Lin and Lily graciously accepted us into their house. They're always polite and accommodating.

"Lin Yutang," Sophie asked, "namesake with the philosopher?"

Lin smiled in response.

I had no idea what she was talking about.

After the introductions and the niceties were done, we sat down and I pulled out drawings for proposed wood bas-relief carving plus custom made light fixtures.

They loved it.

I showed Lin and Lily the plans for five different drawings of lily carving plans plus I handed him a sample carving. Each drawing was 9" x 36". They could be mixed and matched any way they wished. Each plan lined up with every other plan. There were five in total.

"It doesn't matter which pattern is butted up to the next. They all match, the lily pattern becomes unique every time. There are countless possibilities by mixing and matching."

He smiled. "There are a hundred and twenty," he said.


"Lin's right," Sophie said. "Five times four times three times two is a hundred and twenty. Times one doesn't mean anything."

Lin was smiling, "If all five are used, every time."

Sophie just bailed me out.

"It's very nice, I love it," Lily said. Lin was smiling.

I showed them drawings for outdoor lighting. They were over the top.


"Thanks," I said to Sophie as we drove away, "you really made the whole meeting more comfortable."

"It wasn't me," she replied, "it was the drawings that they loved."

"Yeah, but it's not my work."


"It's my wood carving guy's. And he's just picked up a new employee. Caitlyn. I've met her twice. She's a Goth chick but she's fantastic. But the bottom line is that Doug, the wood carving guy, has really stepped up to the plate this time."

Sophie sat quietly in the car as we drove along.

"Doug, the wood carving guy, I use all the time. Unlike with municipal and highway projects, residential is word of mouth. Someone sees my work and is impressed. It's Doug's carving work that makes my landscape architecture unique. As I said, it's my brand. On top of that Doug is fair priced, honest, reliable and always on time."

"So you owe him?"

"Not really. I give him business. And I never quibble about the price."

"That's fair enough I would think."

"I think so too. But this time, with Caitlyn, he's really delivered. Do you mind if I call him right now?"


"He doesn't need to know you're here too. I don't want to complicate things."

"No, that's fine," she said, "I'll be quiet."

I dialed his cell on my cell phone in speakerphone mode.

(Hello?) Doug answered after a few rings.

"Doug, it's Frank Proulx, how are you?"

Sophie undid her seatbelt next to me.

(I-I-m okay.)

"Listen Doug, I'm on my way back from the client's now. They loved your proposal and especially the light fixtures. Sorry to call you on a Sunday."

I watched Sophie as she lifted her bum off the seat and reached under her skirt.

(O-okay.) He sounded squeaky.

"Your Caitlyn, she's done a great job. She's making me look good."

Sophie pulled her panties down. They were around her ankles.

(Ggrrhhh.) Is he okay?

"You okay Doug?" I was a bit concerned.

She pulled her shoes and panties off.

(C-caitlyn's here, do you want to talk to her?) He's trying to get off the phone with me. What's Caitlyn doing there on a Sunday afternoon?

And what the hell is Sophie doing?


(Frank howareyou?) What a graceful pleasant voice. Totally un-Goth-chick-like.

Sophie twisted in the car seat, slunk down and leaned her head against the passenger window.

"I hope I didn't catch you guys at a bad time. Is Doug okay? He seemed a little strained."

(Oh he's fine, just a little tied up right now.)

Sophie lifted her left leg and put her left foot on my headrest. Her pussy was wide open.

A little unnerved I stared straight ahead and continued the conversation. "The clients loved your proposal. The carvings and the light fixtures. They're definitely going to go ahead with some of it. I don't know how much yet. But it's all positive."

(Great! That's great.)

The fingers on Sophie's right hand found her clit. She started rubbing it. I had trouble keeping my eyes on the road.

And I had trouble staying focused on the conversation. I was sweating. "They're going to consider all of the carving stuff and get back to me. They loved the sample panel that you made up. Just to verify, that was an intricately carved version?"

(Mmmm, unh-huh.) Caitlyn answered.

She pushed her left hand index finger into her hole, still rubbing her clit.

I had to ignore what she was doing. "The light fixture drawings blew them away. I told them that we can do it in low voltage. Is that okay?"


Sophie was grinning ear to ear. Clearly she loved taunting me.

I focused on the road in front of me. "They'd like to see a sample. It doesn't even have to work. Just the artistic aspect of it. Can you do it?"

(Yeah we can make a mock up.)

My cock was pressing against my pants.

"We just need one."

(Just the pendant?)

Sophie's expression changed. It seemed she might just cum.

I nearly ran off the road. "They know they'll be custom made, so I suggested we'll sell them at cost plus twenty five percent."

(Cost plus twenty five sounds reasonable. Do we split the twenty five?)

She was rubbing herself furiously now. Her eyes were closed.

"Sure, I'll take ten. Are you good with the rest?" I couldn't watch anymore.

(We're good with fifteen.)

I watched. Sophie's legs started to tremble.

"Cool. We'll work out where and when. I'll get my fixture guy's number to you tomorrow." This call has to end.

(That's great, thanks Frank. I'll have Doug call you tomorrow. I'll just let you say bye to Doug, bye.)

She pulled the finger out from her vagina and licked it.


"You okay Doug?"

She licked two fingers.

(I-I was just choking on a piece of ginger.)

"Sorry, I didn't realize that you were eating. You know Caitlyn did very well. The clients are impressed. She's very talented."

Both the index and middle fingers sunk into her vagina.

(F-frank, you have no idea what she's capable of.)

"You must be very happy with her."

She was rubbing furiously. Her eyes were closed.

(I'm absolutely delighted. I'll call you tomorrow.)

"Okay Bye."

(Bye Frank.)

"Auuugh," Sophie came on the seat next to me. Her left foot hit the back of my head. I could see spasms raking through her body. I had trouble keeping my eyes on the road.

"Business and pleasure you said," she grinned at me.

"Yeah, but I certainly wasn't expecting that. Thanks for the little show."

"My pleasure Frank."

She put her two fingers into my mouth. I eagerly licked them off. "Mmmm." I drove on. My cock strained in my pants, but it was sore.

I dropped Sophie off at her condominium. It's a good thing Lovie was with us because Sophie wanted me to come upstairs with her. It's a no pets building. Although guest pets are allowed, I just didn't think Lovie, the farting monster, was going to contribute anything positive to Sophie's broadloom.

Sophie reluctantly concurred.

"You haven't explaining your Arian thing."

"Nor have you, your Genesis and science theory."

"Well, I'm looking forward to next weekend."

"Good. So am I."

We kissed goodbye.

"Frank, what if it's raining next weekend."

"Then we're cooking inside," I answered as I closed the door.

Monday morning I called my mechanic. He sent a tow truck. Apparently the alternator completely died and it was off warranty. He sorted out with Sophie how to deliver and pay for the repairs.

She seemed happy with the outcome.


Everything was ready. I was dressed watching the window. I just needed to slip my jacket on. Dinner was ready to go. Cocktails were ready.

Sophie's A4 pulled into the driveway. I realized I was nervous as I heard her car door slam, I had just pressed the play button on the sound system.

My heart was pounding in anticipation as I opened the door.

The doorway was filled by a big black man!Six five or so, three hundred pounds in a shiny red bustier and corset, massive thighs held by black fish net stockings. Obvious wig. Shiny red high heels, got to be size sixteen – men's. What the fuck?

"Hey Frank!" in bass voice.

I nearly fainted, I had to clutch the door frame.

"Who the fuck are you?"

Again in a bass voice, "It's me Sophie. Don't ya like my slut costume?"

My knees turned to rubber. I couldn't breathe let alone speak.

"It's Friday we have a date. I hear you got some upper bowel area that needs to be explored..." bass voice, "you're an anal virgin..."

I jerked up in a panic, sweating. The room was dark. I was shaking and heart was pounding wildly...Oh Fuck!..Oh fuck!..Oh fuck....


I was dreaming. It was a nightmare.

My sweaty body flopped back down onto the bed.

What the fuck?

I took a couple of deep breaths in the dark. What the hell was that all about? I stared off into dark space for a while.
