An Intoxicating Seduction

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A young man discovers seduction may not be as it seems.
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An Intoxicating Seduction on the Bus to Bliss

On a recent bus trip from Miami, Florida to my home in Bliss, Idaho, a trip that was to take at least three days and nights, I settled myself into a window seat hoping to make the best of such a long journey. I read from my Kindle for a few hours and then just aimlessly watched the countryside go by as passengers got on and off the bus at each stop. As dusk approached, the bus made a rest stop in Atlanta, Georgia, to allow continuing passengers a break for a meal, while many others ended their journey in Atlanta.

At the end of the break, several new passengers were stowing their luggage and queueing up outside the bus, tickets in hand, waiting to board. One passenger, I couldn't help but notice was a rather large woman. And when I say large, I mean a remarkably plus-sized woman--tall, with very broad hips, a thickened waistline, and prodigious breasts.

She wore a rather tight-fitting flower-print dress that did nothing to disguise her more than generous proportions. As the woman neared the bus entrance, she staggered and weaved noticeably, and other passengers, showing their annoyance and distaste, kept their distance. I smiled, realizing the woman appeared to be exceptionally drunk and wobbled with each tentative step she made toward the bus. She carried a large valise-style purse hung over her shoulder that kept slipping from her shoulder and dropping to her elbow. It was almost comical to watch her constantly stopping to adjust her purse while holding up the others behind her who were waiting impatiently to board.

She eventually managed to navigate the three steps up to get on the bus, gave the driver her ticket, and began to wend her way down the aisle to find a seat, her broad fleshy hips bouncing off the seats on each side of the aisle as she passed like some kind of demented pinball.

As she neared me, passing several rows of empty seats in front of mine, I inwardly cringed. Oh, please God, no. The two seats beside me were presently empty and I was sincerely hoping they might remain empty so that I could stretch out and have more room, possibly even be able to lay my head down later during the overnight hours.

She staggered down the aisle toward me and, to my great relief, selected the row of vacant seats directly across the aisle from mine and flounced unceremoniously down with a heavy sigh, dropping her purse onto the floor. The other passengers who got on after her seemed to take note of where she had chosen to sit and then made a concerted effort to keep their distance, selecting seats closer to the front of the bus leaving our rows well to the back.

As the bus finally pulled out of the station to resume the trip, I breathed a sigh of relief that no one had decided to share my row of seats with me. I looked over at the woman across the aisle and gave her an appraising look. With her head forward, her chin resting on her chest and her eyes closed, I didn't have to worry about her noticing my attention.

As I had mentioned previously, she was a big woman. Having watched her navigate the aisle in search of a seat, I could see that she was tall, at least five feet nine or ten inches in height, in her low-heeled sandals. Judging from her girth, and if I had to hazard a guess, I reasoned she could easily be somewhere near one hundred and seventy to one hundred and eighty pounds at the very least. Seemingly oblivious to her attire when she had plopped into her seat, her dress rode carelessly high above her knees, revealing an unexpectedly alluring expanse of thigh. Despite her stature, her legs boasted a surprising allure, their contours undeniably shapely and attractive.

I returned my gaze out the window at the passing countryside for several minutes until a noise to my left attracted my interest. I turned to see that the woman had fallen over onto the vacant seats beside her, lying on her side. To my pleased astonishment, the hem of her dress was now even more completely awry, and, with her hips facing the aisle, I was unexpectedly confronted with a rather startling sight of the back of her legs and a significant portion of her buttocks, accentuated by a slim strip of white panties peeking out from the cleft of her buttocks cheeks and extending to the swell of her vulva.

I couldn't help but smile, and tried to imagine the embarrassment she would feel had she realized how her intoxication was contributing to such an intimate view beneath her dress. I leaned back into my seat and smiled, clearly enjoying the view.

Several minutes later, the woman sat up with a heavy groan and wobbled in her seat. For a moment I thought she might even fall over into the aisle. But, despite her inebriation, she remained upright, bending over to get her purse from the floor in front of her.

To my astonishment, she reached into her purse and pulled out several small bottles of what appeared to be alcohol. I have no idea what type of alcohol she had, but suffice it to say, some of the bottles appeared to be amber in color, while others looked to be clear. Whiskey? Vodka? I could only guess. She opened one of the bottles and upended it into her mouth, draining the entire contents in several gulps before putting the empty bottle back into her purse and burping softly into her hand.

A moment later, she repeated the process with a second bottle. Holy crap, I thought to myself, she's liable to be too drunk to even be able to exit the bus when it reaches her stop.

She placed that empty bottle and the rest of the full ones back into her purse where they all clinked together. Several minutes later I watched as she once again fell over onto the seats beside her to reveal an even more explicit view of her panties and buttocks.

At the risk of sounding like the world's biggest pervert, I have to admit that I was sincerely enjoying the intimate views she had been presenting. While I've never been particularly passionate about plus-sized women, I honestly have to admit that I found the intimate glimpses she was offering beneath her dress to be exceptionally appealing and even afforded me a rather pleasant erection. At that moment, I couldn't help but fantasize about what it might feel like to be sexually intimate with such a big woman and lay between those lovely plush thighs. I smilingly surmised that the physical sensation would feel very comfortable indeed. I took a moment to look around and wondered if it might even be possible to masturbate while watching her without anyone noticing.

I slipped my hand under the elastic waistband of my nylon shorts and began to caress my erection, feeling a need I would have never expected to experience on a long bus trip. Sadly though, I realized it would very likely be a rather messy endeavor inside my shorts and put aside the inclination.

The drunk woman suddenly rose up in her seat and adjusted her dress, looking around and blinking, bleary-eyed. She mumbled something to herself and all I could discern was the word "fuck".

With some difficulty, she managed to stand and step into the aisle, and using the seats to hang onto for support, she staggered her way to the very rear of the bus to the tiny restroom there. I smiled, thinking that might be the last I would see of her if she passed out in there.

Several minutes later, I heard her shambling gait as she began to make her way back to her seat. It took her a moment to figure out which seat she had been sitting in, but she must have spied her purse on the floor and moved toward that row.

At that moment, the bus lurched, and she lost her balance, stumbling onto her knees and groaning softly. Thinking I would help, I slid closer to the aisle and held out my hand to help her get to her feet. As she began to stand the bodice of her dress fell away to reveal an extremely generous view of her deep cleavage.

"Thank you," she mumbled, slurring her words horribly to sound like "Shang hu." She turned her back to me and made as if to resume her seat when the bus lurched once more and she again lost her balance, this time staggering backward to fall onto the aisle seat beside me. She took a moment to look around in confusion and then toppled over onto her side with her head coming to rest on my lap.

"Hey, lady?" I said, shaking her shoulder when she made no move to get up. "Come on, now. Wake up. You're in my seat. Come on, you can't lay here on top of me."

She lay completely inert, seemingly passed out in a drunken stupor. I shook her shoulder almost violently to no avail. No amount of shaking or prodding was making a bit of difference, and I sighed in exasperation. It was then that she began to snore softly, and I rolled my eyes in frustrated despair. That's just fucking great, I thought, being held captive in my seat by some drunk woman. I shook her shoulder once again, and this time much harder, almost shoving her off of my lap and onto the floor, but still she remained completely oblivious.

Resigning myself to my fate with an exasperated sigh/groan, I leaned back in my seat and hoped she would come to her senses before too long and move away. At that moment, though, it occurred to me that, with her head in my lap, I didn't quite know what to do with my hands. I didn't want to just fold them on top of her head, so I ended up just resting them on her arm and shoulder. As I slid my hand along her arm, I was suddenly struck by the exquisite silkiness of her skin. I stroked her arm lightly and marveled at the smooth texture of her flesh. It occurred to me then that, if she was conscious, she probably wouldn't appreciate me caressing her arm.

My eyes flew wide, and I was jolted from my lethargy as I suddenly realized that, in her present unconscious condition, I would pretty much be able to get away with almost any type of physical indiscretion. Impulsively, I moved my hand from her shoulder down to her chest and boldly cupped and caressed her breasts. I marveled at the sheer size of her breasts. Even with my fingers fully extended her breast filled my hand and felt surprisingly soft and supple. My erection sprang to new life as I continued to caress her, and the need I had felt earlier was suddenly renewed with a rising sense of urgency.

Emboldened by the woman's continued complete lack of awareness, I slipped my hand down inside the gaping bodice of her dress to caress her with even greater intimacy and even slipped my fingers beneath her bra to fondle her bare breast. Just like her arm, her breast was astonishingly smooth, silky smooth, like nothing I had ever experienced before, and I was awed by the sensation. I gently pinched one of her nipples between my thumb and forefinger and experienced the wonderful sensation of her nipple becoming erect.

As my arousal continued to grow, so too did my desire to explore more of her body. I slid my free gently down over the fleshy rise of her hip, caressing her smooth curves. I reached farther down along her thigh and grasped her dress, pulling it up almost to her waist to bare her body from the waist down. I suppose I had been expecting her to be wearing some form of full brief panty like most women of her age but, to my astonishment, her hips were almost completely bare as she wore a small white thong. I caressed her hip and her buttocks, marveling yet again at the silky sensation of her skin.

Suddenly curious as to whether or not she might be married, I reached down for her left hand and raised it closer to my face. No wedding ring, only a small pinky ring on her little finger. For some reason, it pleased me that she did not appear to be married.

I froze all movement as she suddenly made a snorting sound, smacking her lips noisily before adjusting the position of her head in my lap and resuming her gentle snoring. I was suddenly aware of a sensation of wetness on the front of my nylon shorts and, when I reached over her head to feel, I realized that, with her mouth agape, she had been slobbering onto my shorts.

Fuck! I thought. That was absolutely the LAST thing I needed, a big wet stain on the front of my shorts as if I had pissed myself. But then, my anger was quickly replaced by a sense of arousal as I realized that her mouth was now only an inch or two from the tip of my erection that was bulging the front of my shorts. I smiled as I rocked my hips and felt the tip of my cock bumping against her face.

Instantly I was overcome with a tremendous sense of arousal as wicked thoughts began to fill my head. Oh, my God...Oh, my god, I thought as my imagination went completely wild. I raised her head, bouncing it several times on my lap in a final attempt to arouse her to consciousness, and smiled when my semi-forceful efforts evoked zero response. I quickly pulled down the front of my shorts, allowing my erection to spring free. I rocked my hips again and grasped to feel the tip of my bared erection bumping against her face. Reaching around her head, I grasped my cock and began to rub it gently over the contours of her face, guiding the tip toward her gaping mouth where it instantly became slick from the drool that was dripping from her lips. I felt the urgency of an impending orgasm begin to rise in the pit of my stomach and I quickly surrendered to that urge, stroking myself rapidly.

My first ejaculation jetted up and over her cheek and even streamed into her hair. I quickly brought the tip of my cock to her gaping mouth and gasped as I felt the tip sliding between her gaping lips to touch her tongue. I closed my eyes and surrendered to the pleasure as I filled her gaping mouth with my semen.

I smiled as I finished, astonished at the unmitigated audacity I had just exhibited, by ejaculating into the unconscious woman's mouth, and rubbed my cock over her face to remove any residual semen from the tip. My semen dribbled rather copiously from her mouth onto my lower abdomen, and I was pleased that at least it wouldn't be adding to the stain on the front of my shorts.

She suddenly began to stir and I quickly covered my rapidly softening penis with my shorts. A moment later she coughed slightly and sat up straight, facing forward. With a sidelong look, I watched her smack her lips together and swallow, reaching up to wipe several drips of drool and semen from her lips and chin with the back of her hand.

Without even a glance in my direction, she turned away from me and half staggered, half crawled across the aisle to her seat where she immediately reached for her purse. I watched in astonishment as she quickly downed two more little bottles of alcohol and then staggered her way to the restroom again.

I giggled to myself, thinking of how it had been such an incredible experience with her, a veritable fantasy brought to life, and something I couldn't wait to regale my friends with the next time we got together for a few beers. It had been so completely audacious that I doubted they would even believe me.

The bus pulled to a stop in a tiny rural town somewhere in southern Georgia, where the bus stop itself was really nothing more than a 24-hour Shell station. There were no passengers to pick up, but a surprisingly large group of passengers, who must have been traveling together, exited the bus. There was a wait of several minutes as the driver opened the luggage compartment for them to retrieve their luggage, but soon we were once again on our way. Looking over the tops of the seats, I could see that there was now quite a long gap of empty seats between me and the few other passengers up toward the front of the bus. There looked to be less than ten people, most of whom were in varying stages of repose.

The woman returned to her seat without incident and immediately fell forward onto the seat, lying on her side once more with her prodigious hips almost sticking out into the aisle. I smiled to notice her dress was at least somewhat adjusted to give her a much more modest appearance than before.

The bus pulled away and we resumed our journey in relative quiet, the only sound was from the bus's engine and the hum of the tires on the pavement. I still couldn't get over the fact that I had cum in that woman's mouth only a few short minutes ago. Thinking about how it had felt, I was rewarded with a renewed rush of arousal.

When I glanced over at the woman, I was almost disappointed that her dress was covering her so modestly. I shifted in my seat and leaned across the aisle toward her, smiling to hear her once again, snoring softly. Knowing she would never notice, I reached over and raised the hem of her dress high, baring her buttocks and her thighs even more revealingly than I had been able to see on the previous occasion.

I watched her for several moments as I stroked the rising bulge in my shorts and wondered about the possibility of masturbating once again and possibly even ejaculating over her buttocks...or maybe between her thick thighs. Holy shit, I thought as it occurred to me that it might somehow even be possible to have sex with her. I mean, shit, could something like that really happen? She's been so completely out of it that she would likely never even notice. The more I thought about it, the more I wanted to explore all of those possibilities.

I moved over to her and, placing my hands on her hip, jostled her gently. "Hey, lady," I called softly so as to not be heard by any of the passengers up in the front of the bus. If I aroused her, I planned to advise her that she might be about to fall from her seat. But I got no response from her whatsoever and her quiet snoring continued.

I shook her hip with greater force...and then again, almost violently, and still she remained inert. Oh, God, I thought, this was such a momentous opportunity. I slipped my hand between her thighs and caressed her legs, once again sensing the incredible silkiness of her flesh.

Glancing forward to make sure no one was in any way paying us any attention, I pulled my shorts down over my hips. With my erection freed, I leaned into the woman, rubbing my cock over her fleshy buttocks and thrusting my pelvis against her. The sensation was incredible and thoughts of possibly ejaculating over her buttocks became absolutely intoxicating. Wanting to prolong the beautiful intimacy a while longer to savor the moment, I slid my cock between her thick plump thighs and groaned aloud with pleasure as her soft flesh surrounded me with the warmth of her body.

Breathing heavily and feeling an almost overwhelming need to release, I grasped the thin band of her thong and pulled it away from the cleft of her buttocks and up over her hip to expose the pink puffy lips of her vulva. I caressed her slightly swollen lips very lightly with my fingertips, probing gently between her lips to find her deliciously slick and wet. I paused, my chest heaving with excitement, and listened to make sure she was continuing to snore. Once more I pushed roughly on her hips, and still she remained unconscious.

Impulsively, I leaned in toward her and guided the tip of my cock to her vulva. I thrust my hips forward, parting her lips, and slowly began to penetrate her. For as much as I tried to hold myself back, I lost control completely and began to ejaculate the instant I felt the tip of my cock begin to penetrate her vagina. As I began to cum, I gasped with pleasure and thrust myself into her deeply, holding her hip tightly to me as I let go inside her. I held myself deep inside her without moving, surrendering to the pleasure of my orgasm as my erection pulsed inside her with each ejaculation. I held myself inside her for several long moments after I finished, sighing softly as I savored every sensual moment.

I pulled from her and couldn't help but smile with satisfaction as I gently replaced her thong into its original position over her vulva. Then, because I had become rather fond of the view, I left her dress pulled up over her hips. I pulled up my shorts and resumed my seat grinning maniacally to think I had actually done it. I had fucked her. I smiled once more as I imagined how my buddies would guffaw with disbelief when I related the intimate details of my bus trip to them.