An Officer and a Gentleman-1777 Ch. 03

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A New World.
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Part 2 of the 9 part series

Updated 08/17/2020
Created 07/12/2013
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Major Jeffrey Tremaine was frustrated. He and General Burgoyne had arrived in Montreal the first week in May to find almost nothing had been prepared or made ready. Sir Guy Carleton explained that the invading army was not his and his role was the military governor not commander of a large army. The requested wagons and carts were being made from green wood and were sure to fall apart. Worse was the fact that the teamsters hadn't been hired yet and there were few to be found. It brought to mind what Jeffrey's father said about the government's support.

One of the points Jeffrey brought to the General's attention when they were back in England was the need to make sure that the Army traveled light and limited its trains. There was great uncertainty about the roads and their condition. Instead he discovered that the General intended to travel with his mistress, her wardrobe, a four-posted bed, and a complete wine cellar. Other officers were bringing their wives. The German general, Riedesel, was bringing along his wife, his three children and their teacher. Jeffrey had limited himself to one trunk but that seemed like a futile gesture.

He had tried to convince General Burgoyne that they should move now or at least move parts of the Army south. He suggested maybe as far as Crown Point, which was about halfway down Lake Champlain. There were the remains of a fort that could be used as a forward base and scouts could be sent out from there especially to spy on Fort Ticonderoga. The Army was already at St. John's on the Richelieu River and it was not that far a distance to Crown Point. The General said he meant to keep the Army together and not allow it to be spread throughout the wilderness. He also brought up the fact that the promised number of Indians had not arrived as of yet.

Burgoyne had met with their leaders a few days ago and they promised that more were on the way. Tonight another meeting had been called, this time in their camp. Burgoyne was not going to attend and he told Jeffrey that he should go as his representative. Jeffrey was not looking forward to it.

The Natives' camp wasn't that far away, just across the river and a little south of the Army's encampment. At the appointed time, three Indians rowed Jeffrey across in a canoe, each wearing a mixture of European and Native clothing. One was able to understand French so he was able to communicate in some fashion. To Jeffrey, it was unlike any French he had ever heard. Still the two got their message across to each other. For reasons Jeffrey could not understand, when he told them who he was, the French speaking one became very animated and began to talk with the others, wildly gesturing. The others began talking loudly and to Jeffrey it seemed that something he said might have been the wrong thing.

As they approached the village, he could see numerous canoes along the bank. The shelters were of all shapes and sizes showing there were a number of tribes present. Jeffrey understood that in addition to the locals, the Abenaki, and the Iroquois, there were some from as far away as the Great Lakes. He thought those went with St. Leger and were at Fort Niagara. He could see that all of them didn't go and some remained here. He couldn't tell one from the other but he did notice the different styles of hair and clothing.

Jeffrey walked up from the landing. The gentle incline led to a wide, open area, semi-circular in shape with a bright red pole in the middle and a large fire burning. On a spit over the fire, a large ox was being cooked. It's fat dripped into the fire making it crack and sizzle.

The pole was decorated with some hanging objects that he couldn't quite make out. As he got closer, he suddenly realized what he was looking at. Human hair! Scalps! There must have been at least 50 of them, all lengths and colors. He had never seen one before but he was strangely tempted to take a look. At the same time, he was repulsed by the idea.

"Quite fascinating, aren't they, Major? A voice in a heavy French accent said, startling Jeffrey.

"Yes they are," Jeffrey replied in a calm even voice.

"Allow me to introduce myself. I am Michel de Langlade. I will be your interpreter tonight."

"Major Jeffrey Tremaine, aide to General Burgoyne. I speak French if it would makes things easier though it seems my French is slightly different than yours."

Langlade laughed. Jeffrey had heard of Langlade and despite his age he could see that this wiry little half-breed could still move swiftly and quietly. Just the type of men Burgoyne needed and the type Jeffrey wanted.

"I know who you are, Major. Your reputation has preceded you. The General has made a wise choice in sending you as his representative. Come, be seated."

Jeffrey sat with Langlade on his right and numerous chiefs to either side. A tin plate full of hot greasy meat was given to him. He noticed the others picking it up with their fingers so he followed suit. It was hot and it slightly burned his fingers but it tasted good. Langlade gave him a pewter mug and urged him to drink. One sip made him realized it wasn't French brandy but coarse English Army rum. It burned more than the hot meat going down.

There were other foods too. Some type of beans and maize mixture, a type of gourd, all things Jeffrey hadn't tasted before. He ate it with a smile and surprisingly he found it very good. Of course the rum flowed freely and he made sure to limit his intake. It wouldn't help if he got drunk.

Then the chiefs, one by one, began to speak. Each said basically the same thing, saying great things were expected, much plunder would be seized, that the Great White Father would be proud of them, and they were great fighters. Each referred to Jeffrey by name and seemed to hold him in some kind of awe. Langlade translated each one into French but seemed only to give the highlights.

"Langlade, they mention my name only at the beginning of their talk then they seem to call me something else. Is it good or should I be concerned?"

Langlade struck him on the back, hard. "My dear Major, you are the honored guest. They believe you are a great warrior and have given you a name which does you great honor. They are calling you, 'One who stares down Death.'

Jeffrey was taken back. "Why in God's name do they call me that?"

"It seems that story has spread that you stood alone, unarmed, and faced Death. By the force of your look, Death became so frightened that he killed himself."

Good God, Jeffrey thought, the dual! But how in God's name do they know about it?

"But that is not how it happened!"

"It is what they believe, Major, therefore it is true and now they are waiting for you to speak to them. I will translate. Speak slowly and clearly."

He rose slowly to his feet. Even though he drank only little of the rum, it made him unsteady briefly. He moved to the center of gathering and raised his hands. The men grew quiet and he looked around. Never in his wildest dreams had he ever pictured this. Hundreds of brightly painted warriors, the smell of roasted meat, scalps dangling from a pole, a meeting surrounded by an immense wilderness, illuminated by the large fire, all waiting for him to speak.

"Wematin!" he began. "I call you brother because that is what we are. We are all brothers who have faced death and shown we are not afraid." He paused to let Langlade translate the words. He continued. "Soon we will set out on a great journey and will punish those who dared to disobey the Great White Father. He knows that we, we brave warriors, will not fail him. From this day to the end of the time, he who fights for him shall be remembered. He that sheds his blood with me shall be my brother. When people gather and sit around the fire, they will talk of the great deeds we will do and wish they were here." The natives began to murmur loudly and begin to gesture wildly. His talk had excited them.

Jeffrey found himself building to a frenzy, feeding on the energy of the group. He picked up a tomahawk which was lying on the ground. He held it in his left hand and threw up his right, fingers spread wide. "Alone we are like the fingers of a hand, powerless, but bring them together." He slowly closed his hand, forming a fist. "They can not beat us." He whirled and struck the wooden pole with the tomahawk, burying it deep.

A tremendous scream erupted from the warriors. They rose as one and rushed to where Jeffrey stood leaning against the post, a scalp rubbing on his face. They began to dance and sing, excited by his speech. Langlade pushed his way to him. "Very good, Major," he said. "They have invited you to spend the night."

"No, Langlade," Jeffrey said shaking his head. "I must get back to camp."

"Major, you do not understand. You must stay. You have been invited and you can't refuse. It would be a great insult and could do much harm for the General and his plan. Understand?"

"It seems I have no choice then."

"That is correct, Major but I think you will enjoy it," Langlade said with a smile.

Langlade led him to a small dwelling. "As honored guest, they have set aside this place for you."

Jeffrey bent down, threw back the blanket door, and entered. As he rose up, he froze. There standing in the center of the room, bathe in the dim firelight, was a young woman. She couldn't have been more than 19. Her long black hair fell pass her shoulder and she was naked except for a small loincloth.

He turned and stuck his head out the opening. "Langlade, what is this?"

"The Major is an honored guest and must be treated so. This woman has been chosen just for the Major. Her name is Polikwaptiwa, butterfly who sits on flower. You would be doing a great honor to her, her family, and her tribe when you sleep with her. Good night, Major."

Jeffrey re-entered the room. What a strange people, he thought. Willingly giving me this young woman to use as my own for the night. What would they say back in England?

He walked around her, noticing every part. Her eyes were dark and she lowered them as he approached. He touched her shoulder, feeling how soft her dark skin was. Her breasts were not large but stood out from her chest. Her hips showed just enough flair. Jeffrey undid the knot holding her loincloth and let it drop. It was then he noticed she was completely hairless, as smooth as the day she was born.

She smiled and said softly, "Vous aimez?"


She helped him off with his coat and shirt and motioned for him to sit on the furs. She removed his boots, stockings, and pants so he sat entirely naked before her. She smiled, as she looked him over. Jeffrey moved to embrace her but she moved away. She shook her head.

He was confused as she moved the other side of the room and then returned. She handed him a small bowl full of a watery gruel type mixture. She motioned for him to drink it. He raised it to his lips, all the time wondering just what this was and hoping it wasn't poison. It smelled terrible so he quickly poured it into his mouth and swallowed. The taste was sickly sweet and it burned slightly as it cascaded down his throat.

As Jeffrey drank, the girl began to rub oil into his shoulders and chest. She pushed him onto his back and started rubbing the oil into his body. It gave his body a tingly sensation as she continued. As she reached his cock, she took extra care. He grew hard and erect under her manipulations. The oil seemed to cause his cock to tingle and become warm. She continued her rubbing and then suddenly stop.

She got on her hands and knees and turned away from him. She exposed herself to him, her lips swollen and wet. Jeffrey needed no spoken words. He rose onto his knees and positioned himself behind her. Slowly he pushed into her until he was completely in. She gave a sigh of contentment.

The feeling he felt was unlike any he had felt before. Yes he had deflowered a virgin before but he felt no resistance here. She was tighter than any he had. Jeffrey wasn't sure if the oil had any effect but his cock felt alive with sensations. He began to move in and out and she matched his movement. She gripped him tightly as he moved. He increased the speed and she stayed with him. All the time Polikwaptiwa quietly moaned.

The feeling grew stronger and Jeffrey began to yearn for release. Instead it seemed only that the feeling grew stronger yet and he felt like he would burst. Suddenly it felt like he exploded and he slammed hard into her. He held her hips tightly as he filled her. After a few minutes he pulled out and collapsed on to the furs.

Polikwaptiwa crawled upon him. She began to squirm and rub herself on his body. The oil made her slip on him. Jeffrey felt different than he ever felt. His skin seemed as if was extremely sensitive to her touch. The more she rubbed the more alive his skin felt. He also felt a tremendous surge of energy come over him. He flipped her onto her back and grabbing her legs, he spread them wide. He was larger than he ever was. He positioned himself at her opening, which was wet from the oil and their previous lovemaking. He pushed and slid in easily. Polikwaptiwa arched her back and threw her legs across his back. She placed her hands on his ass and held him. He thrusted deeply into her causing her to cry out.

There was no gentleness in their movements. She bit him on the shoulder, hard but the pain felt exquisite. He pounded her causing their bodies to slap together loudly. It was all consuming lust. She dug her fingers into his back and cried out as she came. She clamped around his cock as her body reacted to it. Jeffrey threw back his head as he gave a final push into her. He groaned as he filled for the second time.

His heart racing, he tried to catch his breath as he tumbled onto the furs again. The small room seemed to spin as he shut his eyes. He felt her move next him and toss a leg over his. He tried to fight back, to say no, wait, but she gently placed her hand on the back of his head. He felt her nipple press against his lips and opened his mouth. He sucked it between his teeth and twirled his tongue around it. Her nipple grew hard and erect as she held his head to her breast. He took more into his mouth as she sighed.

Keeping his mouth on her nipple, she moved to straddle him. Jeffrey was physically spent but much to his surprise and her delight, his cock began to respond to Polikwaptiwa's movement. She reached down and guided him into her, sinking down until she took him entirely in her. She seemed to understand his exhaustion and she sat straight up. She moved her hips slowly against him, ever so slightly rising up and down. The feeling was remarkable and it spread throughout his body. She moved faster and clenched then relaxed around him. It was as if she was trying to pull him deeply into her. For the third time, Jeffrey came, grabbing her hips, holding her down so he could fill her. Never had he felt such an overwhelming surge. It seemed to extend to all parts of his body. Polikwaptiwa collapse on to his body in sexual exhaustion. Jeffrey pulled a fur over them as they fell asleep.

Twice that night after a brief sleep she woke him and they made love. When the morning came and Jeffrey awoke, she was gone. Despite a slight headache, he felt amazing refreshed and ravenously hungry. He dressed quickly and crawled from the dwelling. The bright sun caused him to squint and shade his eyes. He noticed Langlade walking towards him.

"A fine morning, Major," he said a bit too loud. "Did you sleep well?" Langlade laughed and slapped Jeffrey on the back.

"Langlade, what just happened here?" he asked.

Langlade handed him a wooden bowl of steaming mush. "Here eat this. You must be famished. I will explain."

Jeffrey took a spoonful and thrusted it into his mouth. It seemed to be some type of maize chowder and it was heavily laced with rum. He didn't care as it was hot and felt good in his stomach. He ate while Langlade talked.

"They consider you a great guest and to honor you they gave you a gift, a young woman to enjoy. You also did them a great honor by accepting their gift. You also paid a great honor to Polikwaptiwa by being with her. I understand 5 times, very good."

"She gave me some very sweet gruel to eat before we did anything and then rubbed me down with some type of oil."

"The gruel is a form of aphrodisiac which wives give their men, usually on their wedding night. It is to increase stamina and fertility. The oil rub is to excite the body. Very powerful."

Jeffrey put down the bowl. "Let me understand this. They wanted me to be with this woman. To take her as many times as I could. It sounds like they wanted me to make her with child."

"Now you understand, Major. A child, your child, would be seen as a great event."

Jeffrey shook his head. "I don't think I will ever understand these people. Thank you, Langlade. You have been most helpful."

"Major, tell General Burgoyne that more braves are coming this way. Explain that he must move because we can't stay long. We must see to our families too."

Jeffrey walked to where the canoes were. The fire was dying beneath the cooked ox and the sun caused some of the scalps to shine. A thought crossed his mind. Last night he experienced the most amazing time of his life, the kind treatment, and the sensual lovemaking and then to see the scalps nailed to the post. He looked up to the sky. "No, he would never understand these people.

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