An Orgasmic Proposal


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Then it happened, the one move I mean. Ashley shifted around to get more comfortable and low and behold, her right knee was pointed straight up and she started swaying it, obviously unconscious of her acts, back and forth. At its peak movement upward, the gown material was tight and I could see it all; her thin thighs straight up to the thin blue material that covered only the most important part of that Venusian surface. What's more, there wasn't a hair to be seen sticking out the sides.

I sprang to attention, though I didn't move from my seat. I tried, struggled even, to divert my gaze but I couldn't. She nor anybody else it seemed took a notice though as she continued that swaying movement for nearly fifteen minutes before finally shifting herself again and laying both legs to rest once more.

"What do you think?" Carissa whispered in my ear. What was she talking about? Did she know what Ashley had done? Was I caught by the one person I would have rather seen do the same?

"Um..., wh... what do you mean?"

"Do you think she did it?" Did what? On purpose? 'I don't know,' I thought. I wanted to ask Carissa to do the same but of course I couldn't. I was caught, I just knew it.

"The lady in the movie. Do you think she killed him?" I sighed a relief.

"I've seen it before so I don't want to spoil it for you." My heart was racing a hundred miles per hour. Carissa gave me a peck on the cheek and returned her head to its leaning position, scooting down just slightly so her head would fit more comfortably. I looked back at her legs. They were so smooth, gentle. I wanted to caress them so bad.

That's when Rebecca leaned over, placing her head nearly on Carissa before lifting herself once more, whispering sorry. Carissa looked at me, indicated Rebecca with a head nod then swung her legs out from under her and over and across my lap, situating herself so that she was sitting directly against me, almost on me.

She whispered to Rebecca that she could lay down and I didn't protest. They were pink with something dark red on the hem; that I could tell. Even through her tightly closed legs a tiny space had appeared which gave me the news. Rebecca lay back down.

Glancing across Carissa's body, turning my eyes more than my head, I could see the spaghetti strap of Rebecca's nightgown had slipped down. What was more, from that angle, I could even see the curvature of the bottom of her left breast though of course the more important parts were still covered completely. Slowly my eye glance changed into my head moving in her direction, watching to see if lightning would strike twice. Would she also reposition herself like Ashley had done? I doubted it but I couldn't not watch to see if it would.

"What?" Carissa giggled in my ear. "What are you looking at? You're not even watching the movie." I turned my head directly back to the screen.

"Yes I am," I lied. "They think they are about to find out who the killer is but the person they're looking for is actually dead by the real killer." She slapped me on the arm playfully.

"I thought you weren't going to ruin it for me," she snuggled closer to me and wrapped her arms around my shoulders. I was starting to see that it was real. These weren't just playing cuddles, she had some serious motives behind what she was doing. She hadn't grown out of it and I was glad, very glad.

We were now three hours into the movie and at the end of disc one so everyone stood up and stretched. Carissa did so too, her little pinks which had little red hearts on them I saw, coming into plan view for nearly thirty full seconds. I waited a minute before I stood, concerned that my arousal was too noticeable.

"Wow, it's after midnight," Vanessa noticed. "Just let me go to the bathroom and we'll start the second half right away. Are you coming?" she asked the other girls. They all agreed so I decided to refill the drinks once more. I liked the effects they were having on everybody so I thought to add a little more rum and less coke to see if those effects might increase, especially on Carissa. I was thinking about pressing my luck a little with her if the right moment arrived during the second half; maybe a kiss or something to test the waters.


What was supposed to be a few minutes again turned into fifteen and then twenty. I was getting anxious, tired and yet still worked up at the sights that I had seen. Would there be more? I hoped so but I really wanted it to be Carissa. I loved her. Our snuggling had helped me realize that and, though I am a guy and would appreciate anything the others wanted to share with me, I desired her. I wanted her to be mine.

Getting a bit impatient, I walked to the door to knock and see what was holding them up. When I got there though, I froze. They were talking and it obviously was about me.

"Do you think he's noticed?" Ashley asked.

"Yeah, he has," Carissa responded. "He hasn't watched more than 30 minutes of this whole movie and he's warming up to me splendidly. You guys really got him going, I could feel it. His heart was racing and... you know what else was stirred up as well."

"Are you sure you want us to go through with this? Honestly, I saw how he snuggled with you. Your guys feelings are probably mutual. He loves you, I know it." Vanessa asked.

"Listen you guys, I've been trying to get him to be mine since I was thirteen but he never took me seriously. I need him all worked up, just like the plan. That way, when I make my final move, he'll be too damn horny to reject me. Then he'll be mine, forever."

"Alright, if you say so," Rebecca answered.

"You gals are the best friends I could ever ask for."

"Damn girl," Vanessa replied. "You'll be a lucky girl to have him. I've shown off more to guys that weren't even half as cute as him... and he's so damn nice too. Letting us stay here, the booze and all. Shit. I'd run around naked just if he asked me too."

My heart and breathing had stopped completely. Vanessa's last offer was quite enticing but damn... she loved me. She wanted me and this whole 'we don't have anywhere to go' routine was just an elaborate plan to get me. I stood at full attention, my head swimming with the best news I had received... probably ever. And the best part was she didn't know I knew about her plan. I figured there had to be a way I could enjoy that fact.

Just as they started to turn the doorknob, I froze thinking I was caught. Then I decided to knock on the door.

"I need to use the bathroom, please," I announced through the door. There was a shuffle inside and after a few seconds, Carissa opened the door.

"Sorry," she said, smiling at me as she passed by. "Hurry up so we can finish watching the movie."

"Yeah, I will," I said. I hadn't needed to go but now that I mentioned it, I did. Standing over the toilet, though, I noticed the cabinet door under the sink wasn't quite closed all the way. I tried to shut it but something was blocking it. Opening the door, I was pleasantly surprised by what I saw.

Scrunched up in a multi-colored ball were four pairs of panties; the sky-blues of Ashley, the pinks with red hearts of Carissa, a yellow pair and a white pair. So, that was their plan. A little game of show-but-don't-tell to get me ready for whatever Carissa's big move was supposed to be and seeing as hers were there too, I was going to be in for a treat.

I contemplated my options. I could take what I found out to the living room and call their bluff, make them finish the job by taking it all off. No, that would embarrass Carissa too much maybe and then she would be mad. I decided to return the items where I found them and just play along. From the sounds of it, it was going to be fun anyway. Maybe I'd even play a little hard-to-get, see how far they go to get me to give in. Still, knowing how I felt for that beautiful blond, I knew I wasn't going to be hard-to-get in the least.

Returning to the living room, I found Ashley on her loveseat but Rebecca and Vanessa were both sitting up straight on the floor. Carissa had the entire couch to herself, laying on her side in my shirt and, as I knew but she didn't know that I knew, completely bare beneath that fabric. Every desire within wanted to just tear that shirt off her and make passionate love to her right there in front of her friends; but I waited.

"Took you long enough," Ashley called out when I returned. "We thought you had drowned or something." I laughed. They were sure ones to talk. Carissa and Vanessa were both holding small bowls of fruit

"I saw you had some fruit salad in the fridge. Hope you don't mind," Carissa announced. "Come on, it's almost 1:30. At this rate, it'll be dawn before we finish the movie and its just getting to the best parts now." She patted the couch next to her once more. Could she be any more obvious? Why all this cat and mouse game? Of course I would have accepted her if she had just asked. Hell, at this point I'd probably marry the girl if she'd proposed.

Obediently I sat where she asked and she resumed her place leaning on my shoulder, this time her legs curled up behind her though. I had hoped she might lay them across me again so I could get a sneak peek but she didn't. Still, an inch or two of movement on that shirt would give a very fine view of her sweet caboose. I lay my hand at her waist with the very intention of doing just that once the movie was on.

We were only ten minutes into the movie when Carissa called to the two girls sitting on the floor that she couldn't see because of their heads. They both laid down on their stomachs, making sure their nightgowns were fully hiding everything as they did. It must not have been time yet for them to start whatever they were planning I thought. Ashley was also laying down on the loveseat but her head was toward us once more, her legs extended toward the tv. I pulled Carissa a little closer to me, making sure her shirt budged just a little as I did.

They were good, I had to admit it. Thirty minutes into the movie, both girls laying on their stomachs had inched themselves backward very slowly so that even I did not notice they had moved until the very bottoms of their buttocks were starting to show from under the gowns. I'm not sure I was as sly with my hand movements along Carissa's shirt but if she had noticed, she wasn't stopping me. Her round caboose was peeking out from underneath and, if I had been in a different position, I'm sure much more would have been seen.

It was Ashley who acted first, about ten minutes after I had worked Carissa's shirt as high as it might go without becoming absolutely obvious, revealing to my view the sweet humps of her ass. Laying on the loveseat, she moved to lay on her back, putting both her knees up which, now I'm sure she planned, made the gown drop to her hips. She then crossed her left foot on her knee, pushed up slightly with her right foot and bingo... I couldn't actually see much directly due to the folds of her crossed legs but it was bare, completely bare, all the way down. I had been expecting it but still I reacted with a startle upon actually seeing it.

"What's wrong, hon?" Carissa asked, noticing my jolt. I said it was nothing but she sat up on the couch. "I know something scary is about to occur. Can you please hold me? I always get so scared." Yeah, that was good. Of course I accepted and she spun her legs around to lay across mine and positioned both of my arms around her waist, put both hers around my neck and kissed my cheek once more before going back to the movie. Something was about to occur and she was getting ready, I could tell. So could my buddy downstairs as he stood up a bit more in anticipation.

The supposed scary part came, though I really wasn't affected having seen the movie five times before. I had a feeling the girls didn't really feel scared at all either but they played it well.

It was nearly all at once, Vanessa and Rebecca both squealed and in doing so, their legs instinctively spread much wider giving uninhibited visual access to everything. Vanessa was browner there than her usual body tone and completely bare, her lips not entirely smooth but tightly closed together. Rebecca on the other hand had a dark flesh pink with a light covering of hair all over. Her inner lips extended from the outer ones along the bottom half while the top had a pronounced hood that could be seen even from my distance. Due to her overzealous movement, though, that made it obvious there as no mistake to this, the light pink inner flesh and even the hole itself were visible for my viewing.

Ashley had also reacted, though not as dramatically. She had moved to her side, her leg once more up and swaying back and forth. I could see her slit, separated by the spread, the inner lips protruding outward forming a capital W letter. Even when things on screen calmed though, none of them blocked my view. I couldn't help it, I was at full attention.

Carissa's reaction would no doubt have noticed my immediate attention too. She had pulled herself up to my lap, her Venusian heat penetrating my pajamas as she pressed herself close to me. She unmistakeably took notice.

"What's got you all worked up?" she whispered in my ear. I pretended not to notice although my eyes did not wander from the sights they held before them. The girls had each brought their hands down to caress themselves, Vanessa and Rebecca with their hands under their bodies, caressing the folds of their vulvas in circular patterns. She followed my eyes and feigned bewilderment and surprise.

"Oh my God, no wonder," then she rocked her hips back and forth over my lap playfully, noting that I appreciated what I saw immensely. Then she turned to me, kissing me passionately on the mouth, mine opening to accept her playing tongue and at the same time, she grabbed my hand from around her waist and guided it to her own warm honey pot. She paused her kisses only a moment to inhale deeply as I explored her feminine region, feeling a thin tuft of hair above the heat source. I caressed the edges of her lips with my fingertips, up and down slowly, every step increasing the heat that burned from within her. I noticed with my hands that she was just as smooth and tight as she must have been when we first met.

She never stopped her kissing, though the subject of her attention alternated between my mouth, my neck and my ears. I didn't immediately go for the gold though, continuing to explore the outside until she reached a point where she couldn't resist longer. Using one single finger, she guided me into her chamber that, even though was quite moist, I was unsure would accept anything larger than one finger. She was tight and, as I reached a point partway down my finger where I could go no further, she was indeed intact. She moaned in my ear a single word, "finally."

I worked her very slowly, realizing now that I had a virgin on my hands. Had it been for me that she had waited? I wasn't sure but she wasn't waiting any longer on my finger at least. Though I tried to keep her slow, she picked up the pace moving her hips against my hand.

"Oh God..." she released her lip lock on me long enough to mutter. I dug my thumb into the folds of her slit, searching out that magic little button she had down there. When I touched it, she immediately released her kiss once more.

"Oh... Brian, right there." Our lips locked once more but it was short-lived as her breathing started to become laborious and short. She grabbed my free hand, the one that was still around her waist and guided it into the large armhole of the shirt, shifting her body so that her left breast was completely engulfed in my hand.

"Yes... oh thank God... Brian... I'm yours..."

I vigorously shuffled my thumb back and forth across her clit, my finger diving in and out of her hole as deep as it would go without breaking the hymen. I didn't want a mess and I figured that should be a more intimate occasion perhaps. With my right hand, I roamed her perky breast. It was not large at all, nor was it even round like I thought breasts were. Instead, it was more cone-shaped, at least seeming to my touch. I found her nipple which was already erect and rolled it between my thumb and forefinger.

"At last... Brian... make me yours..."

As I picked up speed a little more, I could see the face of blissful oblivious moving in.

"the... last... nine... years... fant... fantas... sies... re... re... reality."

Her breathing was extremely short, I thought she might have an asthma attack or something but she was lost in a world beyond our own, climbing that mountain, nearing ever closer to that royal peak. Even still, she kept talking to me though the words were louder.

"I... I... love... you... Bri... Brian..."

She pushed herself even harder against my hand, bringing herself closer for a deeper kiss, even more passionate than any we had yet shared before leaning back on her elbows, her eyes squinted nearly shut.

"p... p... please... I... I... I... m... m... ar... rr... y... me!"

The last few breaths were building both in volume and pitch until the last came out in a squeal that not only did I know the girls heard, the neighbors probably did too. Never had I felt such force as hers that clamped down on my finger, paralyzing any movement in or out. Yet at the same time, the heat that emanated from her was so intense, I swore I could feel it all the way up to my face.

It had to be a full minute since the first phase hit and yet her body was still convulsing, though she had traded her squeals for sucking on my tongue. Finally, she calmed down enough and broke free with both pairs of lips. That was met with a round of applause by our spectators of whom I had completely forgotten about.

"So?" she asked, panting heavily still. "Will you?"

"You were serious?" I asked her. One can never be sure if words spoken during an orgasm were truthful or just wishful thinking.

"Well, yes!" Carissa nearly shouted at me in return. "I've only like been dreaming..., hell fantasizing about this moment ever since I met you. You sure can be pigheaded sometimes, geez. I tried everything I could to get you to love me when I was a girl but I was always too young. I..."

"Yes," I broke into her ranting explanation. "I do want to marry you."

"I... saved... myself..." she never finished as the reality of my words sunk into her head. "You will?"

"Yes. Holding you here tonight, snuggling with you like we did so many times years ago, even before you got your friends to get me all worked up, I realized how much I have loved you since then. I ..." it was her turn to cut me off but this time was with another kiss as her three friends jumped up and down in an emotional burst of 'Oh my Gods' and 'She did it'

When Carissa broke off the kiss, she reached down to her finger and, after wiggling a bit back and forth, produced a ring.

"This was my mother's when she got engaged to my real father before he died. I've been wearing it every day since I was thirteen and I announced to the world I wanted to be Mrs. Carissa Baritol." Now that I thought about it, it did look familiar. "Now, finally, thank God, you get to propose to me and put it on my finger and now I don't have to lie to people about being engaged anymore."

At 4:30 in the morning, less than 12 hours from leaving my job for spring break, the credits of a six-hour long Stephen King movie playing in the background, in a room full of girls wearing neither panties nor bras, I got down on one knee in front of the girl who had once been my younger step-sister and officially asked her to be my wife.

She said 'yes'

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
More than a step back from reality?

No, it's more like someone tossed any concept of reality under the bus, and did so with contempt for the readers.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
total piece of shit

it is the WRITERS JOB to post complete stories that have a PROPER beginning, middle and end. it is NOT the job of the readers to fill in the plot holes left by a hack writer. the webmasters need to do a better job of screening stories BEFORE they are posted to weed out the trash.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

This was so sensual. It certainly did to me what you hoped it would! Characterization was excellent. If you decide to continue the story, that's fine; but I get annoyed with anonymous posters who seem to want a complete biography of everybody in the story. (They lack imagination as well as experience.)

Same for the ones that want to re-write your story. I'm guessing the guy might not have responded to Carissa's forwardness if it hadn't been for her friends---that was brilliant! And without the girls' session in the bathroom, he wouldn't have been sure that Carissa would welcome his advances. You've got a fine feel for language as well as psychology. Keep it up! (the writing, I mean!)

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
there was potential here

I think you spent a little too much time on the other girls, if you had cut them out and focused on there relationship more I think it would have enriched the story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Very well done

Though it would be great to have a continuation I have to say its perfect the way it is and I can't for the life of me figure out why other commentators can't use their imagination to fill in the obvious. Thank you for such a wonderful story please keep up the good work

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
yet another asshole commenter

so ass what phone book do i find timtom12 in? you so called members are just as anonymous as we are. the writer should be ashamed of himself for FAILING to post a chapter one and also FAILING to post the next chapter as promised. either delete all stories NOW or finish them NOW and be sure to use a good editor and always start at the beginning and go forward. good writers have the WHOLE story written out in rough draft form before doing any editing so it only takes a few days to get a chapter out and the readers don't get left hanging by a writer that has a brain fart like you are having now.

slider6428slider6428about 11 years ago
What happens next?

Does she let her friends have at him to show her thanks?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
follow up?

Would love to see a follow up story to this as it was just getting interesting

Timtom12Timtom12over 12 years ago
Shut up

Wow, another "Anonymous" who is too chicken to stick his name to a comment, or learn to spell for that matter. As much as it is disheartening to see a promise of a follow-up and no delivery, it's even worse to see patrons getting all bent out of shape cause of it.

Take a chill pill and go read read something else.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
another dumbass


HappyBananaHappyBananaalmost 14 years agoAuthor
Thanks for the comments everyone

This was of course my first submission and I am so happy to see that it was well received. I am working on a 'next chapter' for this one as we speak, having just finished my second story 'Chesst Master'. I'll keep what you guys said in mind for chapter 2.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago

Looking forward to the next chapters... such a great start. Defently needs to get some alone and group times with all those pretty ladies....

klaxxklaxxalmost 14 years ago

Could have had heaps more sex in it, but I'm a sucker for romantic bro/sis stories.

Fool4LoveFool4Lovealmost 14 years ago
Very Good!

I do not think that you need a prologue, but I would like to see a second or third chapter on where they go from there, considering there was very stimulating visuals, but very little sexual contact. I especially liked the foreshadowing of "I would marry her right now if she proposed." Now you have to deal with the bachelor/bachelorette party, the wedding and the honeymoon. I look forward to your next submission

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
not bad

this should have been chapter two the first giving the back ground of how they met and them growing up now you need another chapter to finish it also a prlouge would be nice since you failed to give us a proper chapter one

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