An Unshareable Secret


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Melissa squeaked and stammered, "I d-definitely h-have... uhnn... s-something... hyynn... in mind." Her pressed boobs ached. She thrust her weeping cunt against Trotter's hardness. The multiple layers of their clothes were ineffective disguises but significant impediments. Throwing pretense and decorum away entirely, student and teacher madly groped each other below the waist.

Trotter's task was easiest. He slid his hands over Melissa's bottom and down her hams to the hem of her skirt. Returning upward beneath her rayon half-slip he flexed his fingers in her cheeks as he clawed her underpants into a cotton bunch and yanked them to mid-thigh. His breathing was heavy and short while his reach was deft and long. Curving his right hand to match her ass, he slid in between her spreading legs and covered her virginity with his palm while he gently insinuated his middle fingers into her outer folds.

Gasping, Melissa traced Trotter's hips and closed her right hand, through his suit pants crotch, around his heavy balls while her left thumb and index finger worked his black belt free of its silver buckle. She moaned and kissed Edward's chest while she pulsed his nuts and finished opening his trousers. Her pelvis wriggled and pinned her pussy to his driving sliding fingers as she fished his fat cock from his shorts and wrapped her left fist loosely around its neck.

Trotter grunted, spun and frog-walked Melissa backward. Releasing her cunt briefly, he kicked away the straight chair, lifted her by her armpits and sat her on the edge of his oak desk. With a deep growl he pushed her back onto his blotter and pulled her hips forward to his groin. Swifter than Melissa thought possible, he positioned his stout pole at her pussy's locked door and thrust mightily. More from surprise than pain, she yelped when his velvet head powered through her hymen.

Her legs, under his draping unbuttoned jacket, kicked the air beside his ribs then closed over his butt as he held himself motionless just inside her young opening. Edward grinned and looked down at her shining face and glazed wide eyes. Without moving forward or back, he flexed his stiff dick. Melissa soughed as she felt its head wiggle in her. She contracted around the thick hard neck. When she released him, he pressed forward. She yelped again as he filled her channel.

"Is THIS the cylinder and tube you wondered about, Missy?" Trotter pulled back and thrust in again, deeper, as he asked his question.

"UHHHN-huhhhnn." Mellissa mewled her guttural response and crushed his cock with her cunt once more.

On his third try Trotter drove his dick to their hairlines. Melissa screamed, "Misterrrr TROTTTTrrrrrr!" Her first fucking orgasm burst as their pubic bones bumped.

Edward was more than ready himself. He backed up, slid forward and froze while his tight nutsack shrank and pulled the trigger on his gonads. Snarling, he pumped and pulsed while his figs evacuated their juice. Moments later he was done and she was giggling. He pulled his dripping tool from its warm bed and stepped around the desk to a box of Kleenex. After pulling out a handful, he returned and stoppered his student's leaking pussy before wiping her fluids and his cum strands from his prick and her thighs.

Melissa propped herself on her elbows and watched him clean up. "That was pretty neat, Mr. Trotter, but somehow I thought there might be more to it." She cocked her head to the side and asked, "Don't people usually take off their clothes?"

Edward laughed out loud heartily. "Yes. Yes, I guess they DO at that, Missy." He reached out and pulled her upright. "I'm sorry about that. I got overexcited."

"That's OK, Mr. Trotter," Melissa said affably. "I've wanted this for so long that I couldn't wait, either." She raised her hands and undid her teacher's silk tie knot. Pulling it loose from his shirt collar, she went on, "Do you want to do it... NOW?"

"We might as well, Missy," Trotter replied. "After all, we're halfway started, aren't we?" He bent down and removed her panties over her socks and shoes. Her intoxicating sex-scent was redolent and inspired his prick to fullness again.

Melissa laughed and twittered, "Well, it looks like we better hurry or you'll be in me again and still not have your coat off!"

Trotter chuckled along with her, stood up and skinned out of his business suit and shirt in record time. Melissa simply sat and watched with a look of wonder plastered to her face. Standing naked, except for his black brogans and dark silk socks, Trotter stepped to the desk edge between her legs. "Now, what are we going to do about YOU?" Not waiting for her answer, he lifted the bottom of her sweater up and inverted it over her head. The movement pulled her white blouse free of her skirt and bobbled her breasts.

While Melissa pulled her sweater the rest of the way off, Edward swiftly worked her shirt buttons and spread the cotton plackets; revealing the deep cleavage of her full young tits sitting snug in their smooth white pockets. He leaned forward and kissed her bosom tops while his hands reached behind her back, located and released the bra band's hooks-and-eyes. Her treasures tumbled and trembled as she breathed with rapid anticipation.

Melissa did not have long to wait before she felt Trotter's big palms cradling her boobs and lifting them to his lips. He sucked them lightly, then moved his hands to her dress and undid the waist button and zipper. "Lift your bottom for me, Missy," he directed. When she complied he whisked her skirt and half-slip off as a single unit, leaving her nude in bobby-sox and saddle-shoes.

Melissa jumped off the desk with an exultant shout and hugged her warm bare body against Trotter. He bent his head and kissed her slowly. She mashed her pliant lips onto his and twisted her face, seeking the optimum angle for maximum contact. Edward teased his tongue past her teeth and toyed with her palate. She closed her lips tight and sucked while her hands, once again, dropped and caressed his standing staff and sizeable stones.

Taking more time than with the first fuck, but still not wasting a moment, Trotter checked Melissa's readiness. His right hand easily slid along her slippery slice from her freshly drilled vaginal hole to her erect clitoris. Melissa yipped with delight when he tweaked, then rubbed, the exposed sensitive nubbin. Edward smiled inwardly, canted his knees and guided his bone back to her garden. She broke their kiss and lowered her head. Watching him enter, she sighed a string of little gasps and then mewled her satisfaction while she squeezed her pussy around the thick hard visitor as he filled her up.

Trotter began slowly, carefully rocking his hips. Melissa turned her face and latched onto his left breast, seizing its hairy pebble with her teeth. Her tugging nips whipped Edward's horse; he bucked and straightened his legs. Melissa rose on tiptoe, then entwined his legs with hers, as Trotter's hands supported her suspended bottom while he shoved his peg rhythmically within her stretching sleeve. She grasped his cock and grunted into his chest with every upward thrust and retreat. Her muffled staccato moans melded into a prolonged wail as her crisis outgrew her control. Edward huffed and stroked. Like an impossible engine, his mighty piston untiringly slammed home.

"NYYAAAAAH!" Melissa tipped her head back and screamed at the ceiling light. Her chestnut ponytail flipped like a rag-doll as she tossed in her climactic throes. "MISSSTrrrr TROTTTTrrr! Oh! UNHhhhh! NYAAAHHHH!"

Edward persevered and pounded her. He felt he could fuck her forever. He wanted to come, but did not want to end the pleasure. "So TIGHT, Missy! SQUEEEEZE ME!" His hissing snarl was lost in his young student's rapturous cries, but his message was delivered effectively. Melissa's contracting channel coaxed until he roared and ejaculated a second time. She came again with him; her flood subsuming his spouting seed. Trotter's quads and knees burned. His forearms ached. His pumping loins slowed with his dwindling discharges.

Melissa clung to his torso and hooked her chin over his left shoulder. In her agitation, she frantically clawed his back and begged into his ear, "NO! Don't slow down! FASTER! Please, CRIMINY! I'm commmming uhh-GAIN!"

Panting, Trotter surged his staff repeatedly, ignoring his own pain and concentrating on her cajoling coos until he was exhausted and she, finally, hung limply quiet on his sweating frame. Hobbling forward, Edward lowered Melissa to the oak desk and backed out of her engorged pussy. His chest heaved as he forced himself to breathe. Melissa's arms flopped and her head lolled to one side. Her eyes were closed and her mouth was open, gasping like a fish on land. Forgoing tissues, Trotter watched, silently amazed, as his cum oozed from her gash onto his blotter.

Melissa recovered quickly and interrupted her lover's awe-struck wonderment. "Oh, Mr. Trotter! That was SO fan-TAS-tic! Do it AGAIN! I don't want to EVER stop!" She sat up and hugged his belly to her face. After scattering a flurry of licking kisses across his stomach she begged him again, "PLEASE do it some MORE... I ITCH inside! SCRATCH me... PLEEEZE!"

Edward Trotter clutched her to his gut and stroked her hair. Still wheezing intermittently, he explained, "I CAN'T, Missy... Men are different from women. We only have so many shots and then we're through for a while... I'm SORRY... I just... can't."

Melissa kneaded her finger tips in her teacher's bare buttocks and slithered her tongue through his curly hairs into his navel. Speaking into his knotted well, she assured him, "That's OK... I can wait... for a FEW minutes." She tipped her face up and smiled. "I THINK!"

"It may be longer than a 'few minutes' Missy," Trotter cautioned. "First I have to get hard again and even THEN my testicles are unlikely to be up to snuff." He gently rubbed his hand over her forehead and down her left cheek. Pinching the corner of her mouth, he wiggled the skin and said, "Maybe we'll do it again another day, huh?"

Melissa surprised him by twisting her face and biting his thumb. Letting go, she adamantly exclaimed, "NO! I want to FEEL you IN me sooner than THAT!"

Trotter laughed and said soothingly, "We can't always have everything we want. If my penis won't cooperate, or is tired, then there's not much I can do about it..."

Melissa fondled the flaccid member and asked, "Well, what if I talked sweet to it?" Sliding off the desk and kneeling in front of the soft shriveled stalk, she added, "Or even... KISSED it? Could I make it WELL? Maybe it just needs... special a-TEN-shhunn..." Her words faded as she split her lips around the spongy head and tickled Trotter's tender slit with her spit-laden tongue.

He groaned. Holding her head to his groin, he massaged her ear shells with his thumbs and stroked her throat with his long fingers. Melissa purred around his prick as it began swelling in her loose fist. Encouraged by the response, she pulled his eggs into the palm of her other hand and pinched the base of his cock at his scrotum. Trotter reflexively crunched his ass and thrust his hips forward, pushing his half-hard dick halfway into the teen's mouth. She moaned her pleasure and sucked him further in while naturally sliding her rolling fingers up and down the stiffening staff.

Melissa was too inexperienced to be surprised by Edward's reenergized erection, but she was very pleased with the result. Trotter did not know what to think, but his body told him what to do. He pulled his concrete cock from Melissa's pliant mouth and hauled her upright by her shoulders. Turning her around, he growled, "Well at least let me sit down..." He backed up to the straight chair and sat, dragging her with him and onto his naked lap. Her eager aligned cunt swallowed her teacher's revived rod.

Edward drove deep. Melissa's weight and the changed angle landed her ass flush on his thighs. She exhaled a long satisfied sigh as, once again, her cavity was completely occupied. Trotter held her waist with an iron-grip and pushed her upward. She rose on the balls of her feet and then dropped back down with a loud grunt. His cock's nose flattened against the back wall of her grotto. Lifting and lowering herself repeatedly with increasing fervor, she felt a familiar wave of electric heat rise from her twat to her throat and fan out through her chest. The tension built as she bounced. Again she breached her tipping point and cried out, "Misterrrrrr TROTTER! You DID it! I'm COMMMMMINGGGG!"

Edward did not hear her jubilant screech. He gasped into her bare back, "Tight! So TIGHT! Everything is... TIGGHHHTT!" His dick throbbed. His thighs and arms were numb. His temples pounded while his heart raced.

When Melissa came, screaming, Trotter passed out and slumped, slack jawed, against her spine. After the orgasmic waves ceased and Melissa's beachhead was swept clean, she realized her teacher was lax and unconscious. His hands, no longer holding her hips, dangled by the chair rungs. His head was a dead weight between her shoulder blades. Curious, but unconcerned, she called over her shoulder, "Mr. Trotter? Are you awake?"

Melissa laughed nervously as she thought about the possibility that she had tired him out to such an extent that he had actually fallen asleep fucking. Standing up, she pulled herself off of his wizened wick, stepped forward and turned around. Without her support, Edward Trotter fell forward and off the chair.

Still curious, but now very much concerned, Melissa dropped to her knees beside him and shook his shoulders. "Mr. TROTTER! Wake up! Are you hurt? Did you hit your head?" Growing terrified, she laid her left ear against his crumpled left breast, held her breath and listened for his heartbeat. He was silent. She shook him again and even slapped his face. He rolled with the contact and lay lankly supine and still.

It dawned on Melissa, horribly, that Edward Trotter was dead. She collapsed over his still warm, but lifeless, body. She wept, shaking, until she ran out of tears. The reality of the situation settled in and she understood that she had undeniably fucked her teacher to death and could not tell anyone about it.

Melissa became suddenly calm and objective. In a methodical near-trance, she dressed both herself and Trotter. She cleaned the cum stains from the desk blotter and repositioned the dead body near the blackboard, hoping whoever discovered him would surmise he had been stricken while he worked there. With a final look backward into the half-lit classroom, she flipped off the lights, unlocked the front door and went home with a terrible unshareable secret.

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MishaPearl2MishaPearl2over 2 years agoAuthor

Thank you, Anonymous, and kudos to you for being the first to publish the recognized connection between The Trotters and ‘O, Mother Dear.’ In fact, I have to say that epic poem is not my most popular work, although I had great fun writing it. Thank you for reading it and my other pieces. MP2 :-)

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Excellent story! The brief mention of Mary, Arthur, Kent and Pearl (plus Mary*s pregnancy with a third child!) is SO hot! Thank you, MishaPearl2! Sorry for Trotter but I think his early demise helps a HOPEFULLY future story arc and is perfectly in line with O Mother Dear ("We gained a happy healthy girl - But lost my Dear Old Dad").

MishaPearl2MishaPearl2about 6 years agoAuthor
Coroner's Report

First, Gorcq, Thank You for your kind review. I also appreciate your consideration of the logistical problem poor distraught Missy Perkins faced. However, it may not have been as difficult as you hypothesized.

At 210 pounds Mr. Trotter was overweight (BMI = 28.7) which may not be as corpulent as imagined. When Melissa lifted her draining cunt from Trotter's dead dick, recall that he fell from the chair to the floor. Therefore, re-dressing him was a matter of lifting/rolling a form supported by the floor... Not so very difficult. Likewise repositioning the body nearer the blackboard from his desk was simple: scoot/roll/drag as appropriate for maybe a five foot, probably less, distance.

BTW (and this is no spoiler) readers of The Substitute learn that Mr. Trotter was born 'sterile'. The unpublished medical examiner's report on his death revealed he ALSO had ANOTHER undiagnosed congenital defect: Levo-Transposition of the heart arteries. The stress on his right ventricle was too much. It could have happened any time. He just got lucky. MP2 :-)

GorcqGorcqabout 6 years ago
You lost me at the end there

Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed most of the story. It has the enthusiastic sexuality and attention to detail that are characteristic of your work. Still, I think there may have been one detail you missed.

Mr. Trotter is a 54-year-old man. From his breathlessness and weakness after there second coupling (not to mention his apparent tendency toward heart attack), I infer that he suffers at least a little from the corpulence common to men of his age. By any reasonable estimate he must weigh significantly more than Miss Perkins' 121 pounds. Double that would probably be well within reason.

So, when you say that she redressed his lifeless body, that surprises me. This would, at best, require her to briefly lift Mr. Trotter out of his chair in order to apply the underpants and again for the pants. It would, assuming she managed it, be a sweaty, strenuous and generally annoying process, and I'd be surprised if she managed it in under an hour. Still, she has good reason to be motivated.

But, when you say that she moved the body over to the blackboard... well, you must see why I have a bit of trouble believing that she moved double her own body weight for any significant distance.

Otherwise, great work. And, whereas I must agree with the anonymous fellow who points out that an eighteen-year-old rearranging the body of her fucked-to-death maths teacher is "total (sic) sick," it's hard not to envy the man who managed to go out literally inside a hot high-school student.

MishaPearl2MishaPearl2over 6 years agoAuthor
In Re: Buddy Holly

A kind reader sent me a comment by e-mail which said, in part, "Historically accurate, except for the Buddy Holly reference."

Buddy Holly was on the music scene by 1953. The glasses he wore (as referenced in the story) were popular period design eye wear. UNSHAREABLE is set in 1954. In my opinion,the reference to 'Buddy Holly glasses' is not anachronistic. Nonetheless, I very much appreciate readers, their observations and their comments. MP2 :-)

MishaPearl2MishaPearl2over 6 years agoAuthor
Thank you Anonymous, Anonymous

I presume you are two different 'Anonymous' commentators. I appreciate all reviews. MP2 :-)

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Total Sick

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Bawdy. Funny.

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