And So What's This?


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'Oh Debs, this is so good.' She whispered eventually, opening her eyes and smiling directly at me. 'I'm feeling so sexy.'

She looked down as if seeing my hands for the first time and then, without warning, she released a breast and reached for my hand, grabbing it and turning it palm up. I wasn't sure for a moment what she intended, but then she pulled it towards her and pressed it between her legs, the heel of my hand on her shaven mound and my fingers pressed into her slit, touching the dildo as it slid past. Instinctively I tried to pull away, but she wouldn't let me, pressing her own hand onto mine to hold it in place.

'No Debs, just touch me, I'm going to come soon.'

I let her hold me there, feeling her wet pussy under my hand, her hard little clit pressed into my palm and only the presence of the dildo stopping my fingertips finding the entrance to her body. As she came down and I pushed up I could feel our two hands trapped between us, my palm touching her and the back of her hand against my bush, only the base of the strap-on preventing a complete sandwich.

'God, Debs, that's good. Rub me.'

I did as I was told and rubbed my hand against her slit, hearing her gasp as I touched her clit and feeling her start to ride the dildo faster. She tried to use her own hand to make me rub her harder, faster, but the awkward position made it difficult and eventually she moved her hand away and left me to play with her pussy on my own, sure that I would keep going. There was no way was going to stop, I'd never ever thought of touching someone else's pussy, but now that I was I was getting so turned on by it that I could almost feel a climax begin to stir inside me too.

Suddenly she slammed herself down onto the dildo, trapping my hand against her and yelling out as she had before. I looked at her face, screwed up and red as she came, her eyes tight shut and her mouth hanging half open in total abandon. She stayed like that, almost rigid until, suddenly, she let her breath out and folded up on top of me, her head coming down beside mine as she gasped for breath.

'I guess that was good too?' I whispered in her ear, trying to extricate my trapped hand from between us.

'Bloody wonderful.' She gasped back, lifting herself just enough for me to withdraw my hand and wrap it around her, hugging her to me with sudden affection and feeling her shivering and trembling with the aftermath of her climax.

After a few minutes resting like that together we both became aware that we remained connected by the dildo, which was still buried inside her, and she giggled softly, moving herself back and forth just a little and very gently as if to remind herself how it felt. At the same time, by her movements, we both became aware that our naked breasts were touching, our hard nipples grazing sexily along soft flesh. I pulled her down with a groan and held her tight. I couldn't stand it; I was already so turned on.

She wriggled her hands under me so that we were in a mutual embrace and we lay there holding each other tight. I heard her sigh quietly and turned my face to look at her at just the same time as she turned to me to speak. Our faces were now only an inch or so apart, and so the inevitable happened and we kissed.

The kiss was really just a friendly thing, our lips just resting against each other, but both of us could recognise the undertones that lay beneath the surface. We kissed again, more firmly and more intensely just to see what would happen, but neither of us were really at ease and soon Lisa broke the contact and lifted herself away from me to release the dildo, rolling to one side and looking intently into my eyes.

'We weren't supposed to do that, were we?' She asked, looking nervous.

'No, but then rules are supposed to be broken, aren't they.' I answered, not sure how I felt but anxious not to turn it into a big deal.

'Yep, they surely are.' She answered more happily, scrambling to her knees with sudden decisiveness and turning to begin to unfasten my harness. 'Now I suppose you'd like another climax to keep the scores level?'

I wasn't looking at it as a matter of score keeping, but yes, I did need to come again, and so I nodded, lifting my hips so that she could work the harness off to use it herself. 'Yes please, and make it a good one.'

'Oh, I will.' She affirmed, pulling the dildo over my feet and tossing it to one side.

I looked at her in surprise, but she just grinned.

'I think we're past that now, don't you?'

I didn't understand what she meant for a minute, but then she lay down beside me again and reached back with her hand, sliding it softly down over my stomach until it reached my bush, resting there while she looked at me for a reaction. Things had already gone much further than I had ever intended, so it didn't seem to matter anymore and I let my legs fall open to admit her. She smiled at me as her hand crept over my pubic mound and gently cupped my pussy.

'All right?' She asked in a whisper. I didn't answer; I just smiled back and closed my eyes, surrendering to her ministrations, one arm draped loosely over her shoulder and the other on the bed beside me.

I must admit that my apparently easy acceptance was really a bit of a fake. Fucking each other with a dildo could be put down to simple experimentation, and even kissing could be attributed to the heat of the moment, but allowing a woman to touch me so intimately rang all sorts of weird bells, even after I'd been doing more or less the same thing to her, albeit at her prompting. But all I knew was that I wanted her to do it to me too and so I just sort of allowed it to happen. With my eyes closed I could perhaps have pretended it was my husband touching me, except that Lisa's touch was gentler, much more sensitive and altogether more erotic, and the skin that lay against me was soft and smooth instead of rough and hairy, and so I didn't pretend, I just recognized that I was having my first proper lesbian experience.

As soon as I'd come to terms with what was happening it seemed all right, my hang-ups disappeared, and though it sounds selfish, I just settled back to get my enjoyment from it. I spread my legs wider as a mute encouragement and let out a little pleasure moan when her middle two fingers went to play with my clitoris and the outer ones pushed my labia apart to give them room. I let my eyes drift half open and gave her a languid smile of approval.

Lisa was lying beside me with her head propped on her hand, her face pretty much level with my neck, looking up at me and smiling back while her fingers started to play with my clit, trapping it between them and rubbing softly.

'That's nice.' I told her quietly.

'Good.' She nodded as if it was a given. 'So lie back and enjoy it.'

I was already enjoying it, and the things that Lisa started doing to me made it better and better. For a while she just gently stroked my clit, but then she hooked one of her fingers and began to flick at it, striking the tip with tiny little slaps of her finger. Each one made me twitch and gasp they were that good, but even then she wasn't done, for soon she placed the pad of her finger directly against the end of my little button and pressed gently, working it round and round in exquisite circles all the while. It wasn't long before the nascent orgasm that had been lurking in the background for so long started to gather momentum and I began to rotate my hips against her hand.

My climax arrived suddenly when it came, a real explosion of ecstasy is about the best way to describe it. I'm not sure what I did, except that I felt my hips leave the bed and my hand grasp so tightly onto Lisa's shoulder that afterwards I had left red weals on her skin. It was as if my mind ad gone blank, washed clean by the tsunami of sensations that flooded through me so that when it had gone I lay like a stranded fish, gasping for breath, and my eyes wide with euphoric shock.

'You liked that, didn't you?'

I couldn't speak, I just nodded.

'Good.' She grinned happily. 'Now don't move, I haven't finished yet.'

Moving was not anything I felt capable of, but then nor did coping with any more climaxes like that one. I struggled vainly to sit up, flapping hopelessly at her hand still cupping my pussy, but she leaned her body over me to effectively keep me prone and remonstrated with me at the same time.

'Look, you like what I'm doing, and I like doing it, so lie still and shut up.'

Put like that, how could I argue, especially as I didn't really want to, not with her hand still lying quietly on my pussy? For a few moments that's all she did, lie beside me and smile warmly into my face with her hand between my legs, but then she began to move her fingers again, not hard, or quickly, but just fondling my slit, exploring it, letting her fingertips range from my clit to my hole, and spreading my wetness along it's length so that whenever she touched my clit I jerked a little with post orgasmic sensitivity, making her smile a little more each time.

'I'm glad we're doing this.' She whispered. 'Though I didn't expect to.'

'So am I' I nodded agreement, gasping a little as her fingertips traced their way to the top of my slit once more. 'And I never thought of it being possible.'

'Can you come again?' She asked.

'I don't know, I don't think so.' I told her truthfully. 'But don't stop. It's too nice.'

She stretched up and gave me a quick affectionate peck on the mouth, catching me totally by surprise but making me feel good anyway.

'I've no intention.' She answered. 'Not yet anyway.'

She wriggled a little lower to give her hand more scope, and at the same time searched for my nipple with her lips. Now, I enjoy a mouth on my breast and I like having my nipple sucked, or gently bitten, or just plain licked, and I'd reached the point where it no longer mattered that it was by a woman, nor did it matter that it was a female finger that was seeking to investigate my vagina. No, I didn't mind, I just moaned softly and let her do whatever she wanted, knowing at the back of my mind that sooner or later I'd want to reciprocate. Quite an admission by someone who had sworn she was straight only a little while before. Well, I am straight -- usually. It's just that she was too damn good for it to matter.

I was wide and wet, and so her finger had no trouble finding its way inside me, sliding right in as far as she could reach before withdrawing, hovering at the entrance for a second or so and then sliding back. She did this for a few times, fingering me rather hesitantly, but I think she was just getting herself used to the idea of fingering a woman, because soon her eyes swivelled from my breast to meet mine, and then she began to finger me properly, pistoning in and out of me with her finger slightly bent and making me squirm with pleasure.

'Oh Lisa.' I gasped. 'You sure know what you're doing.'

Her mouth came away from my breast for a moment. 'That's because I'm a girl too, and I know what I like.'

Even though I'd come only a short while before, and even though I'd truthfully told her that I didn't think it would happen again, I was beginning to feel that it might. It wouldn't be quick like the last time, but there was that lovely sensation in my pelvis that said it just possibly could happen. Especially if Lisa kept doing what she was doing.

'Lisa, I think I might.'

She knew what I meant and a quick nod of her head that tugged delightfully at my nipple told me she'd understood. Her finger got a little quicker and she began screwing it around as it went in and out, and I began to moan again. I was conscious that my hand was gripping her shoulder again, my fingers digging into her flesh, but she didn't complain and I didn't care. Until, that is, she took her lips from around my nipple and her finger from my pussy, and shuffled further down, out of my reach, and then for a moment I wished I hadn't gripped so hard.

But it wasn't to get out of my way that Lisa had moved. She wriggled herself around without taking her finger away until she was kneeling between my legs, staring directly at my pussy. I spread my legs open as wide as I could, wanting her to look at me, but also wondering, and hoping, if she was going to do what I thought she might. My breathing was getting ragged at the thought.

'Can I?' She asked in a voice hoarse with arousal.

I knew instantly what she meant. 'Yes.'

She looked at me a moment or two longer with her finger still moving in and out of my passage, and then it stopped and she just stared at my pussy from about twelve inches away, staring intently while I held myself still, scared of breaking the moment, wanting her to go on but fearful of its lesbian connotations. Then it seemed that she finally plucked up the courage and she lowered her face towards me, taking her finger away and putting her tongue out as she came, looking up questioningly into my face from under her eyebrows as if to be sure I wanted it. I did want it.

The sensation of the tip of her tongue making contact with the tip of my clitoris was mind-blowing. I'm not sure if it was a beautifully aimed tongue, or sheer good fortune, but her first contact was right on my over-sensitive clit and I jumped, gasping loudly in thrilled surprise.

'You okay?' She pulled back just a little.

'Yes, sorry, don't stop.' I whispered. 'It just caught me by surprise.'

I looked at her eyes peering up at me from between my legs and smiled at her, seeing her eyes crinkle as her unseen mouth returned the smile.

'Do it.'

She nodded and looked back at my pussy, her face moving forward again, more slowly and carefully this time, as if worried that she might startle me again. This time I was ready for it, but then so was Lisa. Instead of that faint little butterfly touch her tongue landed flat and firm on me, resting for a moment as if savouring the taste before beginning to run up and down my cleft, licking and lapping at my clit.

By now the fact that my partner, my lover, was a woman, was not scary at all, it just added to the thrill. I wanted more of it, more feminine touches and more lovely womanly softness. I pulled my legs right back out of her way, holding them back with my hands behind my knees and giving her full access to me to do as she wished.

Her tongue moved up and down my pussy, exploring, licking, tasting, and making me writhe with pleasure, little noises coming involuntarily from my throat. I'd never enjoyed sex like it and I wanted it to go on forever.

She did things that my husband never did, gripping my clit between her lips, sucking it into her mouth and then flicking at the tip with the end of her tongue, and then nibbling at it gently. Then she licked and lapped her way down my cleft until she reached my entrance, probing it as deeply as she could while planting her lips right over it as if tongue kissing my mouth. I closed my eyes, lost in a world of delight, my hips instinctively twitching and rotating slowly so that she had to press her mouth harder against me to stay in contact, adding more to my pleasure. The orgasm that had once just been a possibility was now a certainty, I could feel that wonderful sensation deep inside me that always heralds a powerful climax.

'I'm going to come.' I warned her thickly.

She didn't reply verbally, she just nodded her understanding, the nod in itself making her tug at my clit and sending me closer to the edge.

'Bite my clit.'

I don't know what made me want that, it just seemed right. I'd got passed the need for gentle play, |I needed something forceful, intense, something that really would send me over the edge. Lisa seemed to understand what I needed, for she folded her lips over her teeth and bit quite hard on my button, the protection from her lips preventing harm but not preventing the exquisite pain that it generated. I cried out, muting the noise within a closed mouth, and then nodded urgently when she looked up to check on my comfort.

'Again.' I gasped.

Again she closed her lips padded teeth over my clit and bit down, this time tugging and worrying at me like a dog with a toy, and sending me over the cliff and on that unstoppable slide to orgasm. She didn't stop this time, she kept pulling at me, her head going from side to side just enough to send short sharp sensations through me from my clit as I arched my back and cried out again, this time noisily, as my orgasm swept over me.

Eventually my climax began to die down, and again Lisa seemed to know intuitively what to do, because as it subsided she loosened her grip slowly until my clit just lay between her lips, before finally releasing it altogether as I sank back onto the bed, gasping for breath and covered in a thin sheen of post-orgasmic sweat. Lisa sat back on her haunches and gazed down at me with a little satisfied smile on her face, her eyes switching between my face and my pussy.

'Thank you.' I managed to whisper after a minute or so.

'My pleasure.'

She smiled more broadly and then moved forward, stretching herself out between my open legs to lie directly on top of me, staring down into my face before her lips parted and she kissed me properly for the first time. My arms went around her and I kissed her back, our tongues dancing together and the faint taste of my own juices transferring sexily to my mouth.

'We're more than just friends now, aren't we?' She asked drawing back to look into my eyes for the answer.

'Much more,' I answered truthfully. 'I want to do this again.'

'Me too.' She grinned openly.

'But next time.' I told her, frowning with mock seriousness. 'I want to go down on you, and if we use that dildo it must be face to face.'

I didn't know where those thoughts had suddenly come from, but I knew I meant them. Any remaining inhibitions had gone and, regardless of how hesitant I had been at the beginning, I knew I was really looking forward to more girly fun.

'Agreed.' She replied, then giggled suddenly. 'Are you free tomorrow?'

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TYWhore4LifeTYWhore4Lifeabout 2 months ago

You can always be sure a story is one of the best by the comments from the readers! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Very erotic.

Yet another great story and very well told.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

Damn, that was so very satisfyingly hot!! I need a cigarette.

CliterateDykeCliterateDykeabout 7 years ago

Superb story, loving, really fucking beautiful. I don't know why it bothhers me that her betraying her marriage vows wasn't a big deal though. I'm a lesbian in a relationship with my lover & I've been hit on by other women. I have been sorely tempted but my promises to her have held me to honor them. BUT it is a story & not real life,&an incredibly well told story. 5 stars, & my sincerest thanks for a delicious tale. BTW I know you're a guy, but you'd be a wonderful lesbian lover. :-)

Darla7000Darla7000over 8 years ago

Just wonderful ! So wish it could have been me !

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Wow your story made me so wet, i need someone to fuck me now

Darla7000Darla7000almost 10 years ago
Wonderful !

Thank you for my pleasure, too. Those first times are just incredible and you helped me remember some of mine. They've always been so exciting !

starting2livestarting2liveover 10 years ago
Very well written!

Very sexy, without being "just sex". I like the narrative explaining what was going on in her mind as things progressed. That made it all a very plausible, realistic scenario. I have imagined many times how my wife's first time with another woman will go, and it's very similar to this. Maybe after she reads it we'll both have the same ideas?! Good job!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
And the next installment is?

You've done this one very well, IMO.

Any chance of a next part please?



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