Andy and Samantha Ch. 02


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Sam smiled a bit and looked reassured. She gave him one more squeeze and they continued shopping.

With everything put away and the two small lamps set up on their little nightstands in the living room, just waiting for couch to show up between them, Andy and Sam took a break. They sat on the floor in the living room, leaning back against the wall. The TV that they had bought was still in its box, leaning up against the wall beside Andy. He didn't think he was going to worry about setting it up tonight as they had already gotten everything else done.

Andy sipped his beer, his arm around Sam's shoulders, feeling like the king of the world. He was tired from a long day of getting things done; he had a beer in one hand and beautiful young woman in the other. Life was good.

Sam let her head rest against Andy's shoulder. She felt about the same. She had a beer and was under the strong, secure arm of a man who loved her. She smiled at the thought and snuggled a little closer to him.

"It's going to be hard keeping my hands off you tomorrow. I don't know how long I can go without touching you if you're right in front of me, you know?" Andy said, sipping his beer.

"Yeah, it won't be easy. Just think of it as a build up for tomorrow night." She said, a devilish grin on her face as she leaned up for a kiss.

"Somehow I think that that thought would make it more torturous. Like if I did this." Andy said, putting his hand a fraction of an inch over her crotch and making rubbing motions without actually touching her. Sam watched his hand and giggled. After a moment she pulled his hand down to her crotch with her own hand and sighed softly as he kept his fingers rubbing.

"Yeah, I can see how that would drive you nuts. So I guess we should just go at it tonight hard and heavy. Get it out of our system as much as we can so we can bear to wait until tomorrow night." She said, closing her eyes and speaking softly, nuzzling her cheek in his chest.

"I'm not sure if it works that way but I am sure that I would like to try that." Andy answered, his voice a little uneven. His hand rubbed harder and he set his beer aside to cup her tit as he leaned down to kiss her. The hand holding his to her pussy pressed harder while her other hand went to his zipper. She quickly had his dick out and was stroking it. She relinquished her hold on his shaft long enough to slip her shirt off and then was right back at it. They both jumped when there was a loud knock on the door. Sam jumped up and rushed to the bedroom, pulling her shirt on as she did. Andy stood up and adjusted his dick so that he wasn't tented out and went to the door.

He opened it and was surprised into silence, his jaw hanging a bit.

"Hey man, long time no see." Vic said with a lopsided grin. He looked pale and thin, but still much healthier than he had the last time Andy had seen him.

"Vic? Holy shit, dude." Andy said quietly, not sure how he felt about seeing his old wingman out of the blue.

Sam came around the corner and stopped cold, eyes wide. She hadn't seen Vic since he went to jail either, and was just as shocked as Andy.

"Good to see you too. Hey Sam, wow, you really grew up didn't you?" Vic said, with a look in his eye that Andy didn't really care for at all.

They stood in silence a moment before Vic asked if he could come in.

"Oh, uh, yeah dude, I guess." Andy said, stepping aside.

"You're still getting the place together I see." Vic said, looking at the boxes and lack of real furniture.

"Yeah, just moved in. How did you know where we live?" Andy asked, finally getting his brain back in gear.

"Stopped at your folks' place. Talked to your mom. Her and Ben seem to be doing alright. They were, well, I wouldn't say happy to see me, but they didn't kick me out or anything." Vic said, leaning up against the wall.

"When did you get out?" Andy asked.

"Couple days ago. Probation for a year, but I'm still a free man. Feels pretty good. Wanted to see how my friends are doing. You guys never visited me in there, I was wondering how you're doing." Vic said, still smiling. Andy didn't like that smile, it didn't seem very genuine. It looked a bit mean to be perfectly honest. Andy's mental defenses immediately went up. He began analyzing the hell out of his old friend, just as he had studied crack heads and meth freaks when he was selling on the street, watching for any sign or indication that things might suddenly go sideways. Without thinking he walked over to stand next to Sam, a little in front of her, putting himself between her and Vic.

"Yeah, well, I went to college, that kept me pretty busy, then I got a job, a real one. I've cleaned up, and stopped running. Going to a jail was kinda the opposite of what I wanted to do, you know? I don't talk with any of the old crew, I don't work with them or anything. It seemed like it could only make it harder to go straight if I was associating with them." Andy explained, his eyes still studying Vic closely. He doubted Vic would do anything, but better safe than sorry. He may have been able to mop the floor with Vic when they were pals, but Andy had gone a little soft and Vic had been in jail, enduring god knows what. People change, and he knew it.

"Yeah, that's what I hear. Stevie said you almost got into a fight with him not long after the night I got caught. Said you told him a bunch of stuff about wanting out of the dope game and the gutter. He's still pretty pissed about that. Thinks you went traitor to your brothers."

"It wasn't traitor. I wanted to fix my life. I couldn't do that slinging skag on the street with the guys. You know that. I just did what I had to do to keep from getting killed." Andy said, not liking where this was going.

"Yeah, I guess I can see that, you know. I don't blame you. Now that I ain't hooked I feel a lot better. Probably won't go back to doing it. But that doesn't mean I won't talk to my friends. Well look man, I just wanted to stop by and say hi, I gotta get to my meeting with my probation officer. Good to see you two." He said, offering his hand. Andy shook it, surprised by the iron grip that Vic had. His hands were hard, calloused.

"See you guys around." Vic said as he went out the door, looking at Sam as he said it.

Andy closed the door and stood there for a while, hand still on the knob, thinking hard.

"Andy? Are you alright?" Sam asked cautiously, quietly. Andy snapped his head up to look at her, and she thought she saw a flash of anger in his face, but couldn't tell where it was directed.

"I will be, Sam. Don't worry. I just don't like the way he was talking is all. He wasn't like the old Vic at all." Andy answered, calming down a bit.

"He scared me a bit." Sam said, looking like she was still scared. Andy went to her and held her. She clung to him tightly, her small hands clutching at his shirt. Her tears soaked silently onto his chest. Andy stroked her hair slowly, trying to reassure her.

"You don't have to be scared, I'll take care of you."

"I don't want it to go back to the way it was. I don't want to watch you stitch yourself up. Please don't let things go to the way you were." She nearly sobbed.

"It won't. I won't let it. I'm not that guy anymore." Andy said firmly. They were quiet as they started getting ready for bed. Andy laid out the spare mattress and threw on a set of sheets real quick for tomorrow before slipping into bed with Sam. He pulled her close and held her. They slept that way, holding tight to each other.

Andy woke up before the alarm went off, his eyes snapping open, the dream breaking up as he did. He looked around, confirming that he was in bed with Sam. She shifted a little and muttered something about baked beans before going still again and resuming her slow breathing. Andy sat and thought about the dream. He had been running through the train yard again, but this time it was Vic chasing him. Chasing him and shooting. And he was catching up.

Andy slowly felt his heartbeat dropping back to normal. He gently untangled himself from Sam and stood up. Sam mumbled again and went back to sleep. He went to the bathroom, deep in thought. He flushed and went to the kitchen to start the coffee. He didn't think he would be sleeping anymore this morning. He was just sipping his first cup when he heard the alarm go off in the bedroom. He poured Sam a cup of coffee and started towards the bedroom.

Sam sat up and killed the alarm as Andy came in. She smiled, still a bit sleepy and took the mug.

"Feeling a bit better this morning?" Andy asked, sitting next to her.

"Yeah, I think so. Seeing Vic out of nowhere kind of shocked me, I guess. How about you?" She said, sipping coffee and running her fingers through her hair.

"Yeah. I didn't like what he said, or how he said it, but I think it was mostly shock. Don't worry about it, kid. I'll take care of you." He said, giving her a kiss.

"I know." She answered.

Andy was puzzling out the wall mount for the TV while Sam sang and cooked when the knock on the door came. Andy went to the door, a little nervous that it might be Vic again. He opened the door and saw his parents' smiling faces.

They sat on the floor and talked over breakfast, mom going on and on about the lack of furniture despite Andy insisting that the couch would arrive that day. After their meal they went on the Grand Tour. It wasn't long. They showed the hall, the bathroom, and then 'Andy's room'.

"Andy, you need a bedframe. You can't just leave the mattress on the floor like that." His mom said, frowning.

"Huh. I'm just glad there's a bed. I remember you sleeping on your floor, sprawled out across your dirty clothes and god know what else more than few times." His dad said with a small grin.

"Yeah, yeah. I told you guys, I'm working on it." Andy sighed.

"Does he at least use the bed, Sammy?" Their mother asked, frowning at the still packed up, messy room.

"Yep, he sleeps in the bed." Sam said with a knowing smile and a pretty deep blush.

They went to 'Sam's room' last. Andy felt his heart rate jump when he realized that a pair of his pants and underwear were in a heap with Sam's at the foot of the bed, right out in the open. Their mom just admonished Andy for spreading his mess throughout the apartment, just like he did when he was living with them. Andy grabbed his clothes and tossed them across the hall into the other room with a guilty grin.

They decided to go out for lunch at a nearby deli. They sat around the table talking about Sam's classes, Andy's job, mom's antique shop, and dad's mill. It was a very nice lunch. Not long after they had eaten, Andy felt something brush his leg. He kept talking, trying to ignore Sam's foot at is caressed his calf. It was not an easy task.

"So how is it living together, are you guys getting along and everything?" mom asked, nursing her coffee.

"Yeah, we, uh we, we get along fine, um," Andy began sputtering. Sam had crossed her legs under the table, letting her rest her foot on his leg, her toes caressing the inside of his thigh, close to his crotch.

"It's nice, I get to see Andy again, and it's close to school so there's no big commute. I get to make sure Andy stays out of trouble doesn't do the dumbass things he used to. It' great, actually. I really like it." Sam cut in, sounding calm and normal even as she worked her foot a little higher up Andy's leg.

"Oh good. I have to admit I was a little worried that you guys would find that living together again wasn't like it used to be and you would get on each other's nerves." Mom said, smiling wide.

"Oh no, it's not like it used to be at all, but it's nice. It's much better than I had hoped." Sam replied, looking at Andy with a blush and a smile.

"Yeah, it's, uh, it's good. I don't think I realized how much I missed have Sam around. I'm really glad we're doing this." Andy added, fighting to keep his voice even as Sam's toes wiggled against his balls though his pants.

They went on for a while, just chatting, before calling for the check when mom said she had to get back to the house to finish organizing her newest antiques for resale. Sam quickly dropped her foot and slipped her sandal back on without catching attention. They hugged all around in the parking lot and said their goodbyes. As their parents pulled away in dad's battered sedan Andy turned to Sam with a wide grin.

"What the hell was that? I thought we were going to be careful. I also thought you were the shy one." He said, stepping close to Sam, pinning her to the car door. She smiled, her face red, and ran her fingers across his chest, lightly scratching on his shirt, and stared down at his stomach, a little too embarrassed to look him in the eye.

"I just couldn't go any longer without touching you. Besides, they didn't see." She answered, giggling a little and pressing back against him with her hips.

"It's always the quiet ones." He sighed, smiling wider than ever. He gave her a quick peck on the lips before stepping back so she could get into the car.

They got back about twenty minutes before the couch and table arrived. They had been standing in the living room, having not made it any farther into the house when he grabbed her arm and pulled her close.

She had been taking her shirt off when the guys knocked. With a giggle and a sigh she pulled her shirt back down.

"Every time, I swear. As soon as these guys leave, you better be ready because all this easing out of my clothes is freaking over, I'm just gonna lock the door and strip." She said, straightening the rest of her clothes as Andy went to the door. A half hour later the couch was placed and the table was in front of it. Andy tipped the guys twenty bucks and shut the door. He turned the dead bolt and spun around. Sam had her shirt off and her shorts and panties around her ankles, a wide, hungry smile on her face.

She dropped her bra and stepped out of her shorts as Andy went to her, pulling his own shirt off as he went. He grabbed her ass and lifted her easily, his mouth finding hers as she wrapped her legs around him. He put her up against the wall and thrust his hips, grinding his cock on her crotch through his pants. Sam reached down and undid his button and fly for him, pushing his pants and boxers down enough for them to fall on their own. His dick sprung free and slapped against her pussy, making her gasp. He entered her quickly, driving into her steadily. She whimpered a bit as he filled her, and moaned into his shoulder as he began grinding hard.

"Oh god I've been thinking about this since breakfast." She whispered in his ear, breathing heavy. Andy gave a single, hard thrust in response before grinding again. It didn't take long for him bring her first orgasm on. Her moans turned to small cries as he began to slam into her. She clamped down when he picked up his pace and her whole body seemed to clench and relax, clench and relax. When she mellowed a bit he slowed back down and pulled her off the wall, walking her over to the new couch. She unwrapped her legs as he sat and she began to ride him.

"Couldn't have the thing for twenty minute before you use it to fuck me?" She panted, biting lightly on his neck.

"Nope. Figured you would want to take it for a test drive." He answered, his hands on her narrow waist, caressing her sides and back.

"Figured right." She said, picking up the pace. Andy matched her as best he could. The couch was soft and he was sunk rather deep, but comfortable as he worked his hips up to hers. When she began to slow again Andy grabbed her hips and rolled, setting her on the couch and himself on his knees, now thrusting into her harder from his new position. She immediately began breathing faster and shallower as from this angle he could go very deep indeed. It wasn't long before she could feel another orgasm coming on strong.

"Sam, I'm gonna cum." Andy panted when she began clamping down. Sam pulled him closer when he did, and whispered in his ear.

"Yes. Cum for me. Cum with me. Cum with me Andy." She panted and kissed him. She could feel his dick trembling as he got close before the first jet. When she felt the first warm splash her own orgasm came on in full, setting her legs to trembling. They both cried out and twitched against each other before stilling and simply holding each other, panting and kissing.

"I love you, Andy." Sam gasped, her forehead pressed to his.

"I love you too, kid." He answered, smiling a little and pecking her lips.

When they had finally gotten up and went to the bathroom to shower, Andy asked her something that he had been thinking about.

"Hey Sam, I'm not sure how to ask this, but are you on the pill or anything?" He asked, feeling a little foolish.

"Since I was fifteen or so. Why do you think I never had gnarly ass acne like you? Mom didn't want to see me get a bunch of scars. I guess one kid like that was enough."

Andy laughed and felt his mind ease quite a bit. He wasn't opposed to having a family of his own one day, further down the road. But for now, freedom to have sex whenever without planning around a kid was pretty fucking sweet. He watched Sam turn on the water, her ass pointed right at him, and smiled.

Sam was leaning in with her hand in the spray, waiting for the water to warm up when she felt Andy's hands on her hips and his stiffening dick sliding up the inside of her thigh. She smiled and spread her legs a little more, letting his dick slide up to her pussy, where she clamped her legs together again, trapping him there. She felt his hands run along her back as they water warmed, and stepped in, Andy close behind her.

They sat on the new couch, the TV muted, and just held each other, Sam curled up at his side, head on his chest, and his arm around her. They were both rather tired from the long day, and just wanted to relax. The heavy pounding on the door made them both jump. Andy went to the door and pulled it open, wondering who the hell was banging on the door like the cops at ten o'clock.

He opened the door to see Stevie standing there, looking rather unhappy.

"Stevie? Hey, what are you doing here?" Andy said cautiously.

"TJ wants to see you. Tomorrow afternoon. I suggest you go. Later." Stevie said, his voice curt and dismissive.

"No. I've got no business with TJ anymore." Andy firmly, his jaw setting.

"Really? Because he thinks otherwise. And he's not some nickel and dime kid anymore. He's a fucking hub now, and he wants to see your sorry ass, so I would suggest you go, fuck-nuts." Stevie said from the door of his car before climbing in and speeding away with a small squeal of tires.

Andy shut the door and just stood there a moment, head against the wood and thought quickly.

"Andy? Is TJ the one I think he is?" Sam said form the couch, holding her knees to her chest and looking rather small.

"Yeah. He is. But you don't worry about that, I'll get this all cleared up. I'll take care of it." He said, his voice hard and mean, the way it used to be. Sam went to him and hugged him tight.

"Please be careful. Don't let it go like it used to." She whispered, terrified that things were quickly unraveling before her eyes.

"I'll fix this Sam. I'll get it taken care of." He said, holding her and think fiercely, wondering if he could talk to a man he used to know. Wondering just how hard he would have to drop the hammer to get TJ to leave him alone.

The next morning Andy went to work a little early and talked to Kyle, explaining that he had a lot to take care of that day without actually saying what he had to do. Kyle was surprised, but insisted he could hold the fort while Andy was gone. Andy thanked him and went to his office real quick. He pulled the old roll of quarters out to the back of the drawer in his desk. It was a bit dusty, but otherwise fine. He quickly wrapped another layer of tape over it and slipped it into his pocket before leaving.