Angel Wrestling League Ch. 01

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Cara starts training and Alex has her first match.
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Part 2 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 04/01/2016
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"Number 43. Why did I have to be number 43? Why can't I wrestle today?" I thought to myself as I showed up to work the next morning. Last night, I had been assigned a number in the Angel Wrestling League, a sex wrestling league of 200 women that had millions of fans worldwide. When I went to check the schedule I saw that I was paired up with wrestler number 75 on the second day.

Number 75 belonged to a woman named Whitney. Whitney was now a second year veteran at the Angel Wrestling League, and last year she lost in the second round of the tournament. She was probably going to be about average, but most likely not that difficult. She'd at least be an easier opponent than who Alex had to face.

Alex had been assigned number 110. Her opponent was number 2, otherwise known as Rosanna. Rosanna only lost three matches total last season. She had even made it to the Sweet Sixteen where she lost to the eventual champion.

To someone who knew her well Alex looked deathly pale, to the rest of the world she looked like a perfect image of beauty. She had caramel skin with auburn brown hair. She was skinny, but not rail thin and she had boobs to die for. I was always jealous of them, but Alex always pointed out that I had the nicest ass she'd ever seen and it was true.

We made our way up to the training room on the fourth floor to try to pick up some expert mechanics before their first brawl. On our way up I looked in the mirror to check out my reflection. The girl in the mirror had long chestnut brown hair that fell just past her shoulder blades. She had blue eyes that stood out on her tan skin. Her boobs looked good in her tank top, but unlike Alex she only wore a 32 C. I did a little turn when Alex wasn't looking to make sure that yes, my butt still looked amazing. I smiled to myself and kept climbing. When we walked in we were shocked to see that the entire football sized room was packed with people already at 6:00 am, an hour before the first match even began.

"I see we finally have our first newbies finally showing up. Everyone big round of applause to them for representing." I looked over and saw Angela, the owner of the league, walking towards them.

"Hello Cara and Alex, I hope you don't get too upset with my teasing. The first day of the season almost everyone shows up super early. To be here this early on a daily basis shows commitment, I'm almost halfway proud of you. Newbies are the only ones allowed to work with trainers for the first month. From there you can work alone, together, with your trainers however you want. Do you have any questions for me?"

I was too caught up staring at the owner of the league to say anything. The woman had beautiful ivory skin and her short brown hair was pulled back into a pony tail. She had a gorgeous face with brown eyes, and there was a tattoo of a koi fish right beneath her left eye. She stood only about 5'5'', but she looked sturdy with a layer of muscle covering every inch of her body. She had narrow hips, but she was definitely packing some amazing assets.

Alex jumped in to answer after seeing my delayed reaction, "No, I think we're good ma'am. If we need anything we'll let you know." Angela smirked then left.

"Funny, for years I thought you were into guys," Alex said dryly.

I chose to ignore her comment and walked off to find a trainer. It turned out there was a booth at the far end of the room where a group of about 20 women with name tags were resting with their feet up. As we walked closer two of the women got up and started walking towards us.

"You there, shorter girl," One of the women said while looking at me, "You're with me let's go."

I paused for a moment to think of an indignant reply, but before I could she interrupted me, "Save it, I don't care. If you piss me off I'll just stop training you and no one else will either. You'll never win a single match."

I stared at her furiously as the woman began walking towards an empty section of mat to practice on. After only a moment, I followed grudgingly. When I caught up to her I looked up at her and half mumbled, "I'm Cara."

"I'm Isabelle," the woman said smirking, "Keep that attitude up and I'll train you whenever you want. Before we get started do you have any questions?"

"Why'd you pick me?" I blurted out without thinking.

Isabelle let out a laugh and looked over to where Alex and her new trainer were already laughing together and stretching before warming up, "Tell you what, you can go back and pick any trainer you want, right now, and make them train you if you like. I won't get my feelings hurt."

"That's not what I asked, I asked why DID you pick me? You could've sat there where you were and waited til someone picked you like all the others did."

"Well if you look closely, you and I are the same height. We're the same build. Ass for days, medium sized chest. Big hips. Same arm length. Hell the only differences between us is that I have blonde hair to your brown and I can kick your ass whenever I want."

I stopped as my face burned with the insult, but Isabelle kept walking past the open practice area. I hurried to catch up and realized that the woman was going down the stairs. The blonde stopped on the third floor and waited for me to catch up.

"The first rule of any rule of wrestling is that whoever is in the best shape wins. For the first few weeks, we won't be working on techniques we'll only be working on cardio, strength, and conditioning."

"You can't be serious! How am I supposed to get better? How am I supposed to learn if you don't teach me anything?" I sputtered incredulously.

Isabelle turned around, seriously not amused, "Look around you. There is no one on this floor. All those girls up there are practicing their techniques. Let me ask you, how many rounds is Angel Wrestling? It's three. Those girls up there practice and the moment they get tired they take a break and do what? Talk about technique. How are those techniques going to help them when they're exhausted after one round of hard wrestling?

"I'll say this one more time. If you like, you can turn around and go back upstairs right now and get a new trainer. But none of them will do a better job than me. Otherwise, stow it and give me a couple warm up laps around the track, but the moment you start running you're accepting me as your trainer. You'll meet me upstairs every day at 6 am."

I sighed inwardly, but took off at a slow pace around the track.


I was groaning as I rested in the shower. Alex's match was less than thirty minutes away and I was exhausted. Isabelle had put me through the ringer today. After the warmup lap I was forced to sprint 100 meter dashes for an hour with smaller and smaller breaks in between. After that, Isabelle decided it was time for core work and we did an hour of crunches, sit ups, pushups and burpees. This was followed by two hours of weightlifting. Isabelle had then given me 2 hours off for lunch and rest, but then it was another hour of running (this time long distance) and then followed it up with an hour of yoga to cool down.

I hopped out of the shower and put on the black tank top and some shorts that were sitting in my locker. I settled onto a couch and turned on a TV to watch the upcoming match and support my best friend. The match was just about to start as both Alex and Rosanna were on opposite corners. From the TV, Rosanna looked like a Latino bombshell. The woman was all curves and she knew it. She gave the camera a playful kiss during her introduction and looked at Alex. When it was her turn, Alex gave a nervous wave to the camera then looked immediately towards the ground. "She looks so nervous," I thought.

Angela walked on stage in a slutty referee outfit that I knew all the viewers at home surely appreciated. She blew a whistle and the two ladies crashed together in a violent collision. Rosanna was about 8 inches shorter so she used her leg to trip Alex to the ground falling on top of her. Alex reacted quickly and got into a guard to protect herself, but she misjudged her opponent's intentions. Rosanna immediately capitalized on Alex's exposed position to slip her bikini bottoms down to her ankles. From there Rosanna stood up taking the thong with her to claim the first point of the match.

I put my hands over my mouth, this was going to be bad. Alex stood up furiously, all sense of hesitation gone. Once Angela's hand dropped she charged her opponent wildly, only to be sidestepped nimbly at the last moment. Alex had too much momentum and ran straight into the protective ropes surrounding the arena. Rosanna quickly moved to Alex's exposed flanks and untied the bikini top and laughed cruelly as it fell away from Alex's body. The score was now 2-0 favoring Rosanna and Alex had yet to even get close to the Latina woman.

The two women circled each other slowly now. Alex was watching warily as Rosanna laughed merrily to the sound of her own personal joke. The shorter woman then decided she'd had enough of playing safe and ran head down towards Alex. Alex copied Rosanna's last move perfectly and jumped aside at the last minute. Rosanna, being an expert at such much, must've expected it though as she turned on a dime and leapt straight at Alex. Alex caught the woman around the neck and between the legs and used her own momentum to spin and drop her to the ground, but not without pulling the woman's red bikini down to her ankles before she landed. Rosanna stood up and gave a little curtsy to the crowd right as soon as the bell rung signaling the end of the round. Alex was still losing, but now it was only but 1 point.

The two women lined up for round 2, but Angela waited until the Latina woman took off her top. The score was 2-1, but there would be no more points for undressing the other opponent. Alex would have to submit her. Angela dropped her hand and the two women ran at each other again. This time Alex caught both of her shorter opponent's shoulders and kept her at arm's length. Rosanna's arms were too short to reach and she tried to back off to try something else, but Alex took advantage of the woman's step back. She pushed forwards and used her momentum to push Rosanna to the ground. Rosanna immediately put up an effective guard to prevent Alex from submitting her. The Latina woman squirmed under Alex's arms and then reversed the position to get on top of her.

Rosanna clearly didn't respect Alex's height, though, or how laying on the ground might have actually protected her. As soon as she was on top of Alex it became apparent that Alex's legs were hovering now Rosanna's near exposed rib cage. Alex capitalized and trapped her in scissors immediately. Rosanna let out a yelp of pain and tried to shove with all her might to try to push Alex's legs apart. I watched my friend as she locked her ankles then turned to the ground with Rosanna effectively limiting the leverage the bodacious woman could apply to her legs. After a few more seconds, Rosanna relented and tapped. The score was now 2-2 and dead even.

Angela came into the center of the ring and dropped her hand and Rosanna charged straight at a now defensive Alex. Rosanna moved towards Alex's right and the tall girl stuck out both arms to try to leverage her opponent again. Rosanna juked left and did a swim move to get Alex's arms out of the way.

Once inside Alex's guard the small woman wrapped her into a bear hug and then lifted her UP off the ground. She spun then slammed her opponent to the ground. Alex's was momentarily stunned and Rosanna used the advantage to turn her over and jump on her back. With the taller woman still recovering, Rosanna grabbed both feet and pulled them toward her while leaning back over Alex's head into a painful looking Boston Crab. Alex yelled out in pain and began shaking violently trying to free herself. Rosanna leaned back even farther and Alex slammed her fist into the mat repeatedly to make it stop. Rosanna jumped off and gave a little flourish as the bell rung signaling the end of the round.

My best friend laid on the ground for the entire rest period trying to recuperate, but eventually Angela called for round 3 to begin. Alex stood up and walked stoically to her mark. When Angela dropped her arm the two women charged each other again. At the last second Alex lowered her shoulder below Rosanna and threw her over her back. Rosanna landed hard face first on the mat. Alex jumped on top of her immediately and wrapped her into a headlock. Rosanna was still dazed and took a while to recover. For many moments it looked like Alex had put the smaller girl to sleep but then at the last moment she managed to tap Alex's forearm, signaling her submission.

The two girls stood up and faced each other with the score tied 3-3. Cara looked at the scoreboard to see there was a little over 2 and a half minutes left in the third round. Angela raised and lowered her hand and the two women began circling each other cautiously. Rosanna darted towards Alex, but Alex used her height to push down on the smaller woman and force her to the ground. Alex jumped on top and wrapped her arms under the Latina's shoulder and interlocked her fingers behind Rosanna's head for a Camel Clutch. Alex leaned back, but Rosanna wasn't about to give up. She reached her legs up to try to hook her feet underneath Alex's shoulders. The only problem was that her legs weren't long enough. The Latina worked furiously to try to free herself but Alex just held on. Rosanna started rocking forwards and backwards, but Alex never let go. I began to worry that Alex was going to lose control over her opponent when Angela jumped in pointing at Alex and yelling that there was a submission.

Rosanna turned to yell at Angela. She tried to explain that Alex was never in control. Angela ignored her and was motioning towards the scorer's table to give Alex the point. Rosanna lost it and started really screaming at Angela. Explaining her incompetence, calling her a self-entitled bitch and then ended her tirade with a taunt about Angela's koi fish tattoo.

Rosanna seemed to know she crossed a line as she looked straight down immediately afterwards and began to try to slink back to her corner. Angela glared at her the entire way and then turned to the scorer's table to award Alex another point. She walked back into the center of the ring and raised her hand just as the bell rang. The match was over. Alex had won with a score of 5-3. Angela grabbed the two women's hands and dragged them towards the south side of the mat directly in front of a camera.

"Ladies and Gentleman, we have our first upset of the year! With an impressive victory over the previously ranked 13th we have THE ROOKIE... Alex!!" Angela raised Alex's hand high to the sky. Alex ran off to the tunnel where there was a table waiting for her to choose the toy of her choice. Rosanna clasped her arm and looked down clearly dreading what was to come. Angela was still upset about the tattoo comment because she continued on, "This rookie is gonna be special folks! In her FIRST MATCH she kicked little Rosanna here's ass. Now I hope you'll let this loser know her place in life while our little natural gets situated."

The crowd was going crazy. I was going crazy. Upsets were very rare when new rookies were concerned and now a ranked wrestler was about to have to subject herself to the newbie's dominance. I didn't know all the set up of the league yet, but I knew this was huge. Rosanna was trying her best to ignore the catcalls and dirty jokes coming from the front rows, but there would be no running away from this upcoming abject humiliation. As if on cue, Alex sauntered back onto the mat wearing a 7-inch orange dildo.

Alex wasted no time as she grabbed the back of Rosanna's hair and threw her to her knees. Rosanna glared up at the taller rookie from her new position. She opened her mouth to say something, but Alex just took the opportunity to shove her cock in as far as it could go. Rosanna's words turned into a startled gag that just got worse as Alex began to ruthlessly fuck her face. Spit was flying everywhere out of the Latina's mouth and running down her chin onto her beautiful body.

Alex began to lighten up, and Rosanna began to take over moving her head back and forth with obvious skill. "This isn't your first time losing is it?" Alex jeered from above her. Rosanna stared up at her with her big beautiful brown eyes but didn't say anything as she kept on sucking. Alex moved her cock into a jawbreaker position and began to slap the side of her face as she asked louder this time, "I said, this isn't your first time losing is it?"

Rosanna tried to answer, but it was difficult to comprehend what she was saying with a 7 inch cock jammed down her throat. Alex laughed and pulled the cock out the loser's mouth and shoved her to the floor. Not waiting for a second, the tall legged beauty dropped down and rammed the Latina with all she had. Rosanna jerked up but Alex, pushed her back down as she began to fuck Rosanna with a piston-like movement. Rosanna must have been pretty wet, because she was moaning with obvious pleasure. Alex looked like a pure goddess staring down at Rosanna with pure carnal energy radiating between the two as she moved her strap-on in out of the other woman's vagina with purpose.

Alex began playing with the smaller girl's nipple and Rosanna began to emit even higher grunts of pleasure. "Hey, who kicked your ass today?"

"You did," Rosanna replied weakly, "the rookie kicked me ass."

"Say it like you fucking mean it!" Alex said as she began to slap her tits.

Rosanna began to yelp in pain as she yelled out, "You kicked my ass! Alex kicked my ass!" Her eyes had begun to roll around inside of her head and whatever fight was in her earlier was now gone. In its place was a consummate slut who wanted nothing more than to please her new mistress. Alex pulled her cock out to the obvious disappointment of Rosanna.

The tall girl then pulled her loser's face towards her strap-on and without encouragement Rosanna began to run her tongue along the length of it. She then moved away from the cock and began to worship Alex's body with little kisses and licks. The Latina moved from her upper thigh to lower thigh, then circled around to under Alex's strap-on and began licking her victor's vagina. Alex let out a soft sigh of contentment and held the other girl's head in place. Rosanna began licking with increased vigor as Alex started moaning. "Very good. Now do you want make you cum like a good little slut?"

Rosanna pulled her head back and nodded hopefully. Alex smiled and turned her around and put her in doggy. Alex was more gentle this time as she inserted a little more of the strap-on at a time and she began to work Rosanna into a frenzy. Alex started smacking Rosanna's ass leaving red hand prints all over her bottom as Rosanna yelled each time. Then she reached up and pulled that luscious black hair towards her causing Rosanna to arch her back accordingly as she leaned farther back towards Alex.

"Do you want me to make you cum?" Alex teased.

"Yes!" Rosanna was past the point of all pride, the orgasm clearly being the only thing on her mind, "Please make me cum!"

My friend was clearly enjoying her dominance as she said, "I don't know, I only let good little whores cum."

"I'm your whore! I'm your whore!"

"But I'm a rookie?"

"I'm a rookie's whore!"

With that Alex let out a soft laugh. Rosanna's legs had begun to shake and Alex pulled her body up until she was kneeling directly in front of Alex. Alex began fondling her breasts and kissing her neck as she began to speed up her rhythm. Rosanna was moaning louder and louder as she was building to a climax until she finally released it. Rosanna started to fall forward towards the ground, but Alex held her steady as she continued making love to the loser. Rosanna's body shuddered for a few more seconds until she stopped and a small smile crept across her face.