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What the hell are you doing?" I whispered to her

She gasped "Jesus Mi you scared the living hell out of me."

"What are you doing?" I repeated

"I'm sleeping on the ground, go back to sleep."

"You are not sleeping on the ground" I said sitting up "you can sleep in the bed alone or you can sleep in the bed with me but you are not sleeping on the floor." I went on

She just stood there so I reached out and grabbed her hand and pilled her toward the bed. "Please Angie don't sleep on the floor. I don't want to put you out and even if you say I'm not I know I am."

She sighed and crawled into the bed moving across my body to lay in the space where I wasn't. I was asleep moments later. When I woke up in the morning the thought of going to school terrified me, I wanted to hide and stay away not to mention I was still afraid of Joey. As it turned out Angela's mother had made arrangements for me to be home schooled by a tutoring service for at least the next month so I didn't have to leave the house, I was glad she had thought ahead. It crossed my mind that she'd probably gone through the same steps after Angie was raped, for the first time I realized things could have been so much worse for me, it was the reality of that thought that made me thankful in spite of what I'd been through and for the first time in my life I sincerely thanked God. I tried to tell her my parents would pay for the tutor but she just pretended like I hadn't even spoken. Now I knew where Angela had picked up her selective hearing

After Angela and the others went off to school I called my parents in Madrid and explained what had happened. My mother hardly wasted a sigh on me and my father told me that he thought I was a better judge of character. Good old mom and dad, I had expected as much from them so I wasn't shocked still their lack of concern stung. I willed myself not to cry and went to work on the assignments that I hadn't gotten around to doing yet.

The month passed by rather too quickly for my liking and I wanted more time to hide from the world but I knew I couldn't let myself be afraid forever. I wasn't planning on being a vigilante or anything but I sure as shit wasn't going to be a victim again. Angela and her entire family had been great, they never once made me fee like I was to blame in fact they acted like nothing had even happened, well that's not exactly true. Everyone acknowledged what had happened to me but no one treated me any differently and their actions eased a lot of my rejection based fears. In addition to providing me with a support system her family also accepted me as part of them, again their actions touched me in a way I hadn't been touched before. I wasn't afraid of who I was around them because I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that they would accept me no matter what.

It was the weekend before I was to return to school and even with all the help and support I was still a nervous wreck. I hadn't been outside of the house in about three and a half weeks, despite the encouragement of Angela's mother. I hadn't wanted to see anyone even after my face was back to normal.

The Saturday before what I was calling Doomsday I was in Angela's room sitting on the bed and generally zoning out when she came in with Asia in tow. I smiled as I did nearly every time she walked into the room. "Hey what are you doing up here all alone" she said sitting down in the desk chair with the baby in her lap. The chair never did seem to be facing the desk.

I shrugged not wanting to tell her I was filled with anxiety about going back to school. Normally she would have called me on my hedging but Asia was trying her best to get away from her mother. Angela spread her legs a little and let the child sit between them before tightening them slightly and effectively trapping the little girl.

Asia still struggled as her mother went to work combing her hair and greasing her scalp. The little girl opened her mouth and started screaming bloody murder. By now I knew it was just a ritual with her. She usually started screaming at the sight of the large toothed comb and didn't stop until her mother released her. Today my nerves were on edge and the child's screams were getting to me. I stood up planning to walk out but when I walked by the two of them the baby stopped screaming and looked at me curiously. My frustration melted away as she smiled at me and lifted her arms, I couldn't very well take her from her mothers arms while she was getting her hair combed so I knelt on the ground in front of the two of them and looked into her eyes.

"Where do you think you're going?" I asked her. Asia cracked up like and I smiled even more broadly. Her laughter could light up a room. As suddenly as she had started the little girl stopped laughing and leaned toward me. "Mi-a" she said putting her small hand on my lips. "sing." The child was definitely a diva because she demanded a song, her tone didn't even suggest that she was asking.

I didn't do her bidding immediately so she said it again. "Mi-a sing" She moved her hand and waited. I started to sing softly and she smiled but stayed silent listening intently. I kept right on singing until her hair was done and she didn't move one inch. Angela mouthed a silent thank you to me as she released Asia into my arms. The little girl threw herself at me and I almost tumbled back. The both of us were giggling. She demanded that I sing again and so I did. We curled up on the bed and I sang one more song. When I was done I looked down and smiled. She was sound asleep.

Angela was looking at the two of us grinning and I wondered what she was thinking, I almost always wanted to know what was on her mind. She came over to the bed and leaned over me and for a moment my heart raced , and I was sure she could hear it pounding in my chest. She didn't even touch me, instead she picked up Asia and transferred her to the crib in the adjoining bedroom. I felt like an idiot for having thought she was finally going to kiss me, at least I hadn't leaned into her or puckered my lips.

When Angela came back she sat next to me on the bed. I looked at her and wished I knew how to make the first move. As she had promised the very first day we had spoken, she had not attacked me or anything but now I sort of wanted her too. We hadn't touched since the night I'd kissed her and I wasn't so sure she wanted me. Sometimes I caught her looking at me in a way that made me shiver for a second and other times she didn't even so much as glance my way.

I wanted her to notice me, and so day after day for nearly two weeks I'd make sure I was up long before she was making myself up, straightening my hair and trying to look date-able. I had gone through the same ritual early this morning which is why I was completely made up at 10AM on a Saturday morning with no place to go. For the most part I figured Angela hadn't even noticed the effort I put into getting ready but she was about to prove me wrong.

She had been staring at me for quite sometime without a word, mostly I was lost in my own thoughts but her honey colored eyes trapped me and I began to squirm.

"What?" I asked wondering why she was staring.

She looked me over silently and then went into the bathroom, when she emerged she had a wet wash cloth in her hand. I had no idea what she was about to do. Grabbing my hand Angela led me to the mirror over her dresser and stood behind me. "You look beautiful like this" she told me then she turned me toward her and began running the wash cloth over my face gently as if I were a child she wiped away all the makeup I had so carefully applied, before reaching around me and grabbing a bottle of lotion and poured some into her palm rubbing her hands together before she smoothed it over my skin. Turning me back to the mirror she smiled at our reflection, and her lips were near my ear when she spoke.

"Stunning" she whispered. The word made me shiver, or maybe it was the way she said it that had me trembling like a leaf in a windstorm. Her lips moved again as I watched our reflection. "You don't have to dress up for me either Mia, I want you not the girl everyone thinks you are." Those few simple words had me crying I turned to face her and she embraced me. I cried for a long, long time and all through it she just held me rocking back and forth gently. When the tears subsided I was embarrassed for having wept on her shoulder and I tried to move back, her arms loosened but she didn't release me. I pulled my head back from her shoulder and looked into her face, her eyes looked almost gold and her lips were slightly parted as she looked back. I didn't know if it was right or not but I lowered my head and kissed her softly on the lips. I was so afraid not because all of this was new, nope my fear stemmed from the reaction she'd had the first time I kissed her. I pulled away after only a moment or two and searched her eyes for answers. She didn't speak at first but she didn't push me away either, instead she ran the fingernails of her left hand over the side of my face and watched me. I exhaled slowly trying not to shiver at her caress. "Are you sure?" that was all she said and I nodded because I was absolutely sure that I wanted her, I was also sure that I loved her but I couldn't very well just blurt that little fact out. Running her hand into my hair she leaned in and nibbled gently on my bottom lip. Her eyes were wide open and I was staring into them as her lips sent hot waves of need shooting through my body. Every nerve ending was screaming for her touch and I knew I had never wanted anyone more. Her fingertips stroked my back and shoulders as she parted my lips with her tongue, and I moaned, a for real no faking moan. That had never happened before I had always and I do mean always faked it, granted my sex life had only included Joey and a boy named Kevin who I'd once let grope me at a beach party when we'd both been drunk on cheap pink champagne. Neither one of those experiences had been that great so I had no idea kissing alone could wind me up like this.

Angela stopped kissing me and backed toward the bed pulling me along with her. She sat down and pulled me onto her lap so that I was straddling her hips. Wasting no time she kissed me again, licking and sucking my lips before parting them with her tongue. Her hands were on my back again but this time she ran her fingers under the hem of my red tank top. Her fingers touched my bare skin and I arched toward her. Lifting the shirt she pulled her head back slightly and then yanked the garment up over my head. I lifted my arms to help her and giggled when she tossed the shirt across the room. She caught me by surprise when she pulled my nipple into her mouth and sucked gently as she flicked the tip of her tongue back and forth over the hardening flesh. I damn near screamed but she shushed me, with a reminder that the baby was asleep. I quieted down a little but not much, I couldn't help it. Her teeth ran over the edge of my nipple and she bit me softly at first but then a little harder. My breathing quickened when she bit down hard and I pressed her head closer.

Pulling away she looked into my eyes as her fingers toyed with the button on my jeans. "You like it a little rough around the edges Mi?" She asked with a smirk I blushed and she cracked up.

I shrugged and looked down "I don't even know I said" Answering her question.

She tipped my head up "What do you mean you don't know?"

I blushed even more. "I've never..." "Are you a virgin?" She asked sounding amazed.

"Not technically no I've just never enjoyed sex before."

"You've never..." Her eyes widened as she caught my meaning.

"Oh" was all she said.

I felt stupid, and I would have moved away if she hadn't slipped her hand into my pants and stroked me through my panties. I hadn't even realized she undone my pants. Her fingers moved lightly against my me as she pulled my nipple back between her teeth trapping and rolling and biting it. My hips rose to meet her fingers and my hands gripped her long hair pulling as each new sensation flowed through me.

She was using her free hand to pinch and roll my other nipple and I was on the edge of losing control. Her hand moved into my panties and this time she moaned I was soaking wet dripping and hot, she stroked gently running her fingers up and down my slit and spreading my wetness all over. When she parted me with her fingertip and stroked the tip of my clit I did lose it. My muscles tensed and my back arched as my hips became fluid and loose. I pushed against her and gripped her head as I climaxed. Angela didn't let up for a moment she stroked my clit in hard fast circles with her thumb and penetrated me with her middle finger pumping in and out hard and fast. I still don't know how I managed not to scream but I rode her hand moaning and gasping as she took me over the edge again. Colors danced in front of my eyes and every muscle in my body tensed as I came all over her fingertips. So this was the big deal, now I got it.

Kissing me on the lips she let her hand rest inside of me and smirked when she felt the tell tale tensing of the little aftershocks that rolled through me. Her finger circled languidly and I rolled my hips just a little. "Well Mi did you enjoy it?" Angela asked pulling her hand out of my pants.

I didn't say a word, instead I pushed her shoulders hard making her fall flat onto the bedspread. I kissed her hard and heavy tasting her lips and the dark wet inside of her mouth. My hands were all over wanting to touch her every place at once. She helped me maneuver her shirt off and I took her jeans easily, they were so loose the came off with one hard tug on the bottoms. I crawled back up her body touching and savoring every inch of exposed skin. I kissed her everywhere leaving little bits of moisture on her skin from where my tongue touched her. I wanted to move slowly and with skill but I didn't have the control to hold back then and my skills were limited.

I stopped kissing her and sat there straddling her hips and looking down at her. "You don't have to do this you know." She told me I frowned "I want to do it but I.." I couldn't form the right words so I paused.

"You what?" she asked gently.

"I've never done this before and I really want to do it right." I was blushing again and feeling stupid to boot. I thought she would laugh at me or push me away but I should have known better. "It's okay Mi, just follow my responses, you'll know when you do it right." I nodded that made sense. I had never even thought of using her reaction as a guide because I happened to know that horns and whistles don't necessarily mean there's a train.

I kissed her again on the lips before trailing my lips down to her neck and nibbling softly. Nipping gently I moved on to her collarbones then ran my tongue over her upper chest. She was moaning by the time my tongue reached the swell of her breasts. Lifting up slightly we managed to get her bra off. Her nipples were deep chocolate brown against her light skin and they looked thicker and longer than my own. Bending my head I took one of them between my lips and sucked gently while pushing the hard bud with my tongue. She gasped then and moaned quietly. I sucked harder and she squirmed beneath me, moving my mouth to her other breast I repeated the action going back and forth. She was moaning non stop and arching her hips up. Sliding a hand between us I slipped my fingers into her panties. She was wet and unbelievably hot. I pushed a finger into her center and she said my name. I could hardly believe the rush I got just from hearing my name on her lips. I moved my hand in and out rapidly slipping on her silky wetness. Adding another finger I could feel her stretch and tighten around me. I was afraid of hurting her but she was begging. "Come on Mi fuck me harder." I moved faster pushing my fingers into her. Her hips nearly through me off of her and I had to scoot my body back over her legs to keep up the rhythm. Still not satisfied with the position I pulled my hand away and moved off of her. She moaned in frustration this time. I smiled and spread her legs apart, with her knees bent and her feet resting firmly against the bed. Laying between her legs on my belly I pushed my fingers back into her.

I fucked her hard and fast just like she asked and I could feel myself getting wetter just watching my fingers disappear inside of her center. Her pussy was only inches away from my face and I could see little droplets of her wetness shimmering on the patch of short curly hair. Without thinking about it I moved my lips towards her. I slid my tongue over her cunt getting my first taste of her tangy sweetness. She locked her legs around my head trapping me as her hips moved. I licked up and down for a bit before settling in and driving my tongue hard against her clit licking in rough long strokes. Her hips were in constant motion and she was definitely moaning over and over again. I slipped my own hand between my legs and rolled my fingertips over my clit as I continued to lick and fuck her. She said my name time and time again and those words mixed with the sensation of my fingers and the feel and taste of her drove me over the edge again. When I started to climax I moaned and then I could feel her wetness thicken and increase. I pulled my hand away and plunged my tongue into her as my wet fingertips teased her clit. She came all over my lips and tongue before unlocking her thighs. I moved up her body and lay on top of her. She embraced me and said. "That was some God damn beginners luck Mi." I smiled and closed my eyes, feeling safer than I ever had before.

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FranziskaSissyFranziskaSissyover 2 years ago

Its truly horrible that violence at all is part of our society and man against woman is pure crime, but then police investigators smoothly ingnoring such crime or talking it down, would they be such relaxed a.....h....s then the beaten face was they're own one?

So happy that students assignment bring such love together and joy

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

I loved this story, it was perfect.

GRocks2015GRocks2015almost 5 years ago
Perfect 5

Really good character development! Can’t believe any have it less.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Absolutely amazing

this was just perfect..i love your work..damn reality it hurts..this work made me cry and fall in love...i love this favorite..<3

LoveInTheAirLoveInTheAirover 11 years ago
well written

that was an amazing story really well written and I enjoyed it so much

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