Angels and Warriors


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“Through here. We can cut through the power generator section, and then through the biolabs, and out to the exit.” Sarah nodded and followed, keeping pace easily.

They got through the generator room and biolabs just fine. It was still very early in the morning, and no one was really up yet. They skidded to a stop in the lobby. Between them and the door was a large contingent of security guards, and Dr. Setar.

“Mary, Mary, you and that esper will have to go back to your respective places. And the stolen equipment will be handed over now.” Sarah glared, slowly reaching behind herself, and then in a sudden movement, grabbed the LAWS and whipped it out in front of herself, steadying the tube on her shoulder and aiming at the center of the group of guards before they could react.

“OK, one shot takes all you shitheads out. Move out of the way if you want to still be alive after I leave.”

Her manner, demeanor, and attitude had all changed with the knowledge and sharpness of mind she had gained. She maneuvered around the group to the exit, Mary in tow. As soon as the doors were behind her, she took a step to stand next to them, balanced on one foot, and kicked backwards with her free foot, breaking the plate glass window. She leapt thru, pulling Mary with her, and both sprinted for the parking lot.

The guards didn’t shoot, couldn’t shoot, didn’t have a clear shot, and didn’t want to shoot one of the best scientists there was at the facility. Dr. Setar, however, had other ideas, and also had a clear shot. He grabbed a pistol from one of the guards and leapt through the window, chasing after them. Sarah didn’t notice. Mary did, and her eyes widened in horror as she looked over her shoulder in time to see Setar stand still, and aim for Sarah.

With a scream, she leapt between Sarah and the man who had been her superior the day before. The bullet hit low, but tore through her, leaving a mortal wound that would merely take time to kill her. Sarah gasped, screamed in anger, and hauled the still alive Mary into a Jeep, tossed her bag in, then got behind the wheel and got them the hell out of there.

She drove miles down the road, and then headed out to the desert for a mile or so. She shut off the jeep and turned to Mary. She was bleeding badly, and Sarah did her best to try and stop the bleeding.

“Mary, where’d he hit you?”

“The stomach. I don’t think I’ll make it.” She swallowed, and closed her eyes for a moment. “Sarah, you need a name if you’re going to survive out in the world. Take mine. When I die, I wont need it.”

“I already have a name.”

“Use two. It’ll throw them off. Mines Mary Whitmore. So you’ll be Mary-Sarah Whitmore.”

“Mary Sarah. M.S.” She smiled. “I like it. Mary, thank you.” She hugged Mary close, keeping her there until the woman she realized too late that she really had loved was gone.

She got the shovel out of the army kit that all military jeeps have and quickly buried her love. Memory was a nice thing, but to get lost in some of them while people who want you dead are chasing you isn’t good. She made a small tombstone for Mary and set it over the body, then filled the hole, and put the shovel in the jeep.

She got out the gloves and boots and pants, exchanging the new outfit for her old one. The metal boots were like a pair of cybernetic enhancements, allowing the person who wore them to run a bit faster and jump higher, aside from simply looking damn cool. The pants were part of the boots in a way, they matched and also had kneepads and weapon belts for storing a few small knives or pistols. She pulled the pants on, then the boots, and attached the pistol belt to her waist, dropping the energy pistol in the holster on the belt.

The gloves came next, also made as enhancements. The left one didn’t have much in the way of extras, but the right one, a huge mass of metal and cloth, was another cybernetic enhancement. The person wearing it could hold heavier weapons easier, and there was a minicomputer embedded in the back of the glove, as well as a grappling hook. Very cool.

She hopped back in the jeep and made tracks for the road, then turned east and headed away from the facility known as Roswell Labs to the inhabitants, but as a mystical government secret known only as Area 51.


“What do you mean you can’t find her?! It’s not that hard to track down a woman who couldn’t walk down a street without men drooling all over her! FIND HER!!” Setar was practically losing his mind. He had lost his best genetic scientist, and the others couldn’t understand her work well enough to replicate the results. So they needed that test subject back, to figure out what Mary had done and to replicate it.


She’d made it to Georgia, and so far, her little skirmishes with Setar’s people had been in the desert, or in the wilderness, and so she had been free to use any and all munitions she had felt like. She’d mostly used the energy pistol, which recharged itself automatically when not in use, so that was one weapon that wouldn’t run out of ammunition. She’d have to keep most of her stuff concealed, because most people didn’t own things like her boots, and gloves., she usually wore a pair of simple khaki shorts and a black t-shirt, or an orange t-shirt with the words “Sarcasm: just another service we offer” emblazoned across it and a pair of jean short cutoffs.

She managed to scrape together some cash working at a few exotic dance clubs, but never stayed at any place for too long. Finally, she ended up in a small, forested area, and set up a sort of encampment--a small cabin and garage.

She would sit in the clearing and write, because she enjoyed it, it was a gift she had discovered and enjoyed using, so she wrote often. However, she had sat down to write in a different place than usual, away from the cabin, and after sitting and writing for a while, she realized she was being watched. Her green shades were IR and night vision goggles; she reached up and tapped the hinge for the earpiece and the lenses changed to IR scan mode. looking at the lenses from the outside, no one would notice the change, and the movement was so innocuous as to resemble someone adjusting their glasses.

The other person’s body showed up like a signal flare from behind the tree they were hiding behind in the cool fall air, and so she smiled and got up, walking over to the person.

“Hey there. Come on out, ok? I’m not going to hurt ya or anything.” Sarah was wearing one of her custom bras, it covered her bust completely and had a drawstring, which, when pulled tight, would basally compress her breasts to a more manageable and less obscenely huge size. Down to something that was almost normal. Painful, but it got the job done.

A young girl, 16 or so, stepped out from behind the tree and looked at Sarah, then at the clearing she was in.

"Who are you? Why are you here in my clearing?" Her voice was the voice of a soprano, quite high and laced with curiosity along with the slightest bit of worry, but not threatening at all.

"I'm Sarah and I've got nowhere to go. Should I leave, since this is yours?" She pointedly did not mention her house and garage (or the jeep) that was a far deeper in the forest, so that she could still stay somewhere. Oddly enough, her mind would alternately give her a crisp-clear image of this girls mind for a split second, then revert back to total and complete static, something she was used to by now- whatever had happened to allow her to read other’s minds had been fading since she left, and was basically useless now, only giving her flashes of warning when someone tied to attack her- useful, when pursued by government assassins.

"Mm-mm." She shook her head, her hair, obviously still wet from a morning shower, done in a bun at the back of her head, its color undeterminable in the wet state that it was in. Her eyes were an often remarked upon piercing shade of blue, and now studied Sarah intensely.

"If you have nowhere else to go, by all means stay. I can understand your plight, being in the same bind myself. But could you tell me your story, if you would stay? Perhaps our lots could be thrown together."

The young woman tilted her head, her looks much contrasting Sarah's own - she was lithe, not very tall, almost within the height to be called short (although she preferred petite, if asked). As with her words, her strong stance portrayed a dignified air, back straight and not flinching in the least at Sarah's height or the somewhat unique outfit that she wore.

She wore slightly baggy jeans, as if an attempt to hide her figure, but it was a failed one, for they showed off her long legs quite well. "Angel," her shirt proclaimed in sparkling letters on a blue background, the words resting over her chest, just across her breasts. While she was not as well endowed as Sarah was, even with Sarah in her more manageable attire, her body seemed to match the characteristics of the creature that her shirt declared her to be.

There was a hint of the Fae to her, her stature and bones delicate to look at, though inside she was made of somewhat sterner stuff. her skin was fair, with little tan and no freckles in sight. Worn, blue sneakers completed her outfit, their laces only white at some long ago point in time, now a brownish tan with wear.

"My name is Morgan, what's yours again?"

"Sarah," she said, offering her hand to be shaken.

Morgan accepted and smiled warmly, then looked at her feet a bit sorrowfully. "I am so hungry! I've been on the run for so long and all I want to do is rest." She sat down on the ground, on a little patch of green spongy moss, "I have these scary people chasing after me and they want to lock me up and do experiments on me."

"How do you know I am not one of those scary people?" Sarah asked, wondering if their 'scary people' were the same, but then thinking that is wasn’t likely.

"Because, well because I can read your thoughts. Right now you are running from something bad too. I don’t mean to scare you, but you asked."

Sarah nodded.

"My mommy is gone, I am alone, to deal with this all alone. I miss her so much! She used to read me the stories of King Arthur and every time Morgan came up she would hold me a little tighter and kiss the top of my head. She thought I was very special, a little magickal maybe, that's why she named me Morgan, after Morgan of the Faeries, the most powerful good witch," she said, smoothing a wispy bit of hair back onto her head. She looked into Sarah's eyes and said, "Two months ago... she died two months ago."

Sarah nodded, having thought to ask the same question right as Morgan had answered it.

“We may as well throw our lots in together, at least.” Sarah said, shrugging. “Come on, it’s best we went on our way.”

“Even if there’s twice the trouble after us?” Morgan asked.

“I feel sorry for those who are- they have to deal with me. Heh.”

However, known to no one was that Morgan’s earlier remark was only partially correct.

There wasn’t twice as many people after then, but three different groups after them: one after Sarah, operating out of Roswell labs, a.k.a Area 51, the group of Psionic scientists and researchers from Area 54 (located in Georgia, near where Sarah had found Morgan) who were after Morgan.

These first two groups only knew about their own objectives, and neither was aware of the other. The psionic group had no interest in an explosives-happy sex goddess, and Setar had no interest in a girl with mental abilities, except possibly as genetic material, which he could get by poking her with a needle and sending her on her way.

There was a military garrison and weapons development facility at Roswell, New Mexico. The fabled town where UFO's had apparently been sighted was next to a secret military aircraft testing zone, and in all likelihood, all the townspeople had seen was an aircraft from the base that was so near, yet they knew nothing of it. Areas 51 and 54 were both "black projects", they were known to three or four officials in the pentagon, and were so secret that even the ‘top secret’ stuff looked like a safe with a broken lock and no door, when compared to the "black project" level of secrecy.

At the military garrison, one single military commander had access to both areas 51 and 54, and the information contained within. Both projects, when combined with some of the incredible technology his own people had made... they could create a perfect soldier. The US military would be unstoppable. And with himself in command... what could go wrong?

He smiled, and quickly drafted an order, one that would send a small group of ground troops to seek out both escaped projects and bring them back here, to his base. Then, with Setar and that insane scientist who had perfected the technique of Psionics, he could begin his own plan.

Sarah jumped as a noise was heard from the west, the direction from which Morgan had come: the sound of a convoy of vehicles. A group of jeeps in a convoy was only one thing: a search party. "You wanted to throw in your lot with me? then come on. we have to leave and leave now." she turned and ran thru the woods, and clambered into the jeep, starting it as soon as she could, driving it out so Morgan could get in. "Get in! Quick!"

Clambering in, Morgan leaned back against the seat with a sigh, a resigned air settling on her shoulders. "Drive straight ahead. There's a large group, mostly behind us, but the people that are thinking about you are off to our left. The ones behind us are after me."

This said, she reached for the seat belt, buckling herself in, and closed her eyes, tilting her head back. "Five.. ten.. fifteen.. Twenty behind us. Tranqs, and most don't like it. The leader... Hm... Found him. They're confident. I'm just a girl. They don't know about the other team.. Six there. Heavily armed. No holds barred. They don't know, either. Also think that you're an easy target. You're armed, but not dangerous. After all, you've only been trained for... eep..!" Blue eyes shot open, and her fair cheeks turned a violent shade of scarlet, looking at Sarah. "Why, that's awful!"

Some ways behind them, a group of twenty crashed through the forest, jeeps deftly dodging scattered trees and wrecking havoc of the underbrush. The passenger in the lead vehicle consulted an instrument in his lap and looked up with a grin. The tracker was working, and the object of their search likely still did not know of its existence. Remembering, for a moment, exactly what they were searching for, he diverted his thoughts, thinking of other things, even as he directed the driver in the correct direction.

Sarah gaped at her again, almost driving the jeep off the "road".

"How the hell did you know that? Morgan, that's not fair, ya know. you could read my mind an everything." Sarah sighed, though inwardly somewhat relived about having someone else who could read minds, and knowing that she wasn't unique in that respect, but did not mention it, not knowing that the alien genes in her body, coupled with the effects of the SLC had totally blocked her mind from being seen by Morgan’s. She just shut up for the remainder of the drive, thinking to herself.

The jeep bounced and rumbled along the narrow path. It wasn't even a road, it was so overgrown with weeds and plants. Driving down it would hide their trail, and allow them some time to rest. But Sarah wasn't going to stop until she was a decent distance away from the road. Sarah sighed, wincing slightly, though hiding it with gritted teeth.

The compression bra she was wearing was good, but it wasn't meant for situations when the wearer would get bounced around, like she was now. There were two strings on either side, which shrunk the bra when pulled, and a plastic clip (like those on the strings on a raincoat hood) kept the strings from getting pulled back into the weave of the bra fabric and allowing her breasts more room. With each bump, her breasts bobbed slightly, and the clip would let a little of the string through, the tension on the clip not enough to withstand the jolts and bumps. so as they drove, each bump would seem to make Sarah's breasts grow very slightly, something which probably unnerved Morgan a great deal. its not every day you see a woman's breasts grow visibly.

Sarah kept driving, not noticing what was happening, only noting in the back of her mind that she felt a little less cramped now. She hadn't milked herself in two days, and she felt like she was going to explode, and kept her eyes peeled for somewhere where they could stop and set up the two tents she had, so she could drain her breasts and then just sleep for seven hours.

She’d been on the go almost constantly since her escape, and needed rest most of all out of all the things she was in need of so far. However, one thing that had been deeply imprinted on her subconscious was the need for one to spend intimate time with, and it was also linked to other parts of her brain, and having her not have or spend time with another person in an intimate situation would result in a sort of mental pain, which, in very extreme and extended removal from such situations, would lead to insanity or severe mental damage. A month alone, at the most. but it had only been a day or three so far, so Sarah was ok for now.

"I _could_ read your mind, Sarah, if I wanted to." Morgan’s comment seemed to cheer her up somewhat, and she smiled slightly in amusement. "But you're not my enemy, so I don't." With one hand, she suddenly and absentmindedly rubbed at her neck, as if her tag itched, and then frowned. Holding tight to the side of the jeep with one hand, she reached behind her with the other, then pulled out a small black object, looking at it closely. "What..? It's a BUG!" The young woman shrieked then, and flung it from her, her loud yell and panicked tone not making it clear whether she means a REAL bug or a tracking device. After her initial yelp, she calmed, taking in her breath in huge, gasping gulps. "They were trying to track me," she explained when her calm had returned. It was then that she began to notice.

With a gulp, she tried to avert her eyes, and after a few suddenly diverted glances, gave up and closed her eyes, concentrating on looking within. Far behind them, now, the groups roared in their all-terrain jeeps, ever searching and not finding. The ones after her new companion had managed to get themselves thoroughly lost, and the ones after her were nearly, thanks to said companion's driving, out of her current sensing range. Checking on all of this took her almost a minute, and when she resurfaced into the physical world, she shook her head blearily, blinking rapidly.

Catching something out of the corner of her eye, she pointed towards a clearing that they had nearly passed, mostly hidden as it was. "There, Sarah! Go there."

Sarah slammed on the brakes, yanked the T-shifter into reverse, and fishtailed the back of the jeep around so they face the clearing, shoved the shifter into drive, and floored it, the added bouncing and jostling not helping her bra stay the same size at all.

She skidded to a stop in the clearing, climbed out, and stretched, her breasts more like basketballs now, but she doesn't really notice. "Ahhh.. nice to be able to stretch. sorry about the driving, Morgan. "

Her knuckles, clutching the dash, were a striking white, and slowly Morgan opened her eyes, talking in a faint voice. "That's all right.. I've lived through worse. Now that you've stopped the car, can you please ask the world to stop moving around me?" Unbuckling, she shook her head, laughing some to show her words a tease in her own direction. Strands of hair flew loose from her tight bun, and she brushed at them, sliding out of the car and only then looking at Sarah.

Blue eyes bugged and fair cheeks went red before she did a sudden about face, trying to control her reaction to the sight. Fiercely, she told her senses to instead concentrate on her surroundings, and not the woman behind her. "This.. ah.. looks like a n..nice place to camp.."