Ann: A Love Story Ch. 10.5


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"Hello baby," I said.

"Neil? I thought we were done playing for the afternoon. Is there something else you'd like me to do?"

"Baby, I've got Nancy in my office with me. You're on my speaker phone."

"Okay...who's Nancy?"

"She's our receptionist. You've been taking to her when you've been calling in to the plant."

"Oh. Hello, Nancy."

"Hello Ann...and Amanda."

Ann giggled, and said, "Oh, so you know, do you?"

"She does Ann. She actually figured out just how horny you can get, maybe before I did. Anyway, she was very intrigued by you're last call, and the state of mind you were in. So much so, that she actually came back to my office while I was helping you. She overheard us, and you."


"And, now I've got a situation now that I want your help with."

"Sounds fun; how can I help?"

"It's not like that Ann. Do you remember me telling you about Denise?"

"How could I forget?" she said, almost gleefully.

"Nancy is a lot like her. And between the two of us, we've gotten her pretty worked up. So, I'm calling to ask your permission."

"Permission for what?" Ann asked.

I was silent for a moment, staring at Nancy. She knew by the look in my eyes that I was serious, and what I wanted her to do. I wondered to myself if she'd actually let this happen.

Nancy made a decision, and said, "I think Neil wants me to ask you. So, I will. Is it okay if Neil makes me cum, Ann? He knows I can't let that happen if you say no. And if you do say no, I'll be okay with that."

Ann was now silent. Nancy started to say something, thinking she'd crossed a line. I put my hand on her shoulder, and my brought my other finger to my mouth, telling her to remain silent. Ann was making a decision.

"Neil, pick up the phone please," she said.

I took grabbed the receiver and switched the call off of the speaker.

"Neil, why are you asking my permission? I don't get it."

"Nancy has a strong belief that you're my girlfriend."

"Really? What gave her that impression?"

"Because you are, at least for this week."

"Wow. That's interesting. I don't even remember you asking me."

"I'm pretty sure it was implied. Besides, I'd love to be able to say that you were my girlfriend and have it be true. Even if it was just for six says in my life."

"Holy shit."


"I think I just came a little. What you just said was so...Neil, I'd love to be your girlfriend for the week. I'm a little humbled that a guy like you would even ask."

"Great, now that we have that settled, I have this problem. The last thing I need is a reputation of cheating on my girlfriend. That wouldn't look good, considering what we've both been through."

"Put me back on the speaker now, okay?"

I put the call on hold, and then switched back so that Nancy could hear.

"Nancy?" Ann asked.


"I'm going to let Neil get you off, okay. And since he's probably sporting a nice hard cock right now, you can do him, if you'd like. But no fucking!"

I laughed and said, "Ann, were in my office. I'm not sure either of us was thinking of going that far."

"I was," Nancy said, her nipples suddenly very apparent through her bra and blouse.

"See Neil? A woman always knows."

"How?" I asked.

"Just like she knew we were together. I'm firm on this Neil. No fucking."

"Okay...but why?" I asked out of morbid curiosity.

"Well, first, because you haven't had sex with me: yet. And, I like the idea of telling you that you can't. You'll be able to fuck her brains out any time you want after I'm gone."

I looked at Nancy, who nodded and said, "Okay. Thanks Ann."

"You're welcome. You two kids have fun. I've got to hit the shower and get ready for tonight. Neil, I expect a full account at dinner tonight, okay?"

"You got it, baby. See ya."

I hit the button to disconnect the call. Nancy fidgeted in the chair, not knowing what to do. I moved back around the desk, and took Nancy's hand to have her stand up. Bringing her to me, I cupped my hand on her lower back, and the other behind her neck. Our lips pressed together, and Nancy returned my kiss, grabbing the back of my head with both hands.

I started to unbutton Nancy's blouse, and she thrust her chest out at me. As I thumbed the last button through the buttonhole, her blouse fell open to reveal her the round hidden flesh showcased in her elegant bra. I was just about to cup her breasts when the bell for break went off again, letting us know that the fifteen-minute window we had had already vanished.

"Oh my God, I've got to get back to the front desk. Emma is going to have a cow."

"Emma is a cow," I said, referring to the overbearing office manager who was Nancy's boss. Fortunately, I had a pretty good relationship with her because of my Dad.

"Wait here, and take off you blouse and skirt. I'll be right back."

"Wait, I have to go!"

"No, you don't. I'll take care of it. Go do as I asked. You can sit in my chair until I get back."

I unlocked the door and stepped out, closing it behind me. I made a round on the floor, clipboard in hand to shield my hard boner from the worker bees in my department.

As a new department, we had our own staff that manned the production line. We were our own entity, a company within the rest of the company, with our own sales, and production schedule. But because we were still growing, there were times where I had too many people. To avoid having employees stand around, one of my initiatives was to cross train employees that worked in my department to cover other positions throughout the plant in case of absence or vacation; or in this case, a sexual encounter with a beautiful woman.

One of my employees, a nice young girl named Rebecca, had been trained as Nancy's back up, taking her place whenever Nancy wasn't in the plant. I walked out to find Howard, my assistant.

"Hey, how are things going?" I said when I found him.

"Great. How about you?"

"Not so good. I've got a problem with the payroll numbers. They aren't adding up. I think it has something to do with my trip to Michigan. I've got Nancy in my office, and she's practically coming out of her skin trying to figure it out. I need to spend some time poking around, you see if we can come together on what happened. Can you send Becky up front so Emma doesn't freak out? I need at least a half hour to 45 minutes to get my hands on what Nancy needs me to work on."

"Sure. We're in pretty good shape. I should be able to free her up for the rest of the shift."

"Great, Howard. Send her up now. I've got Nancy waiting on me. I'll call Emma and give her a heads up."

That was terrific news. The rest of the day would give us ninety minutes if I needed it. I opened the door to the office, and Nancy jumped a little in my chair. I could only see her up top, the rest of her hidden by my desk. But she looked amazing in just her red lace bra. I closed the door slowly and locked it again. Moving around my desk, Nancy was trapped there. I got on me knees and moved the chair, pulling her out from under my desk.

I shivered as I looked at her. Nancy had those lovely legs in the red stockings, and the red garter and panties. In her heels, she looked like every man's wet dream girl. Her tanned skin was in perfect contrast to her ensemble. I let out a soft whistle of approval.

"Neil, I really need to get dressed. I need my job."

"This is your job. You've got a problem with the payroll."

One of Nancy's weekly duties was to verify payroll hours against those from the time punches of employees. If there were a problem, she'd call or come out to get confirmation of who worked where against the timesheets employees turned in. Since she usually did this on Wednesday's so she could turn in the payroll to finance on Thursday morning, the timing was perfect.

I spread Nancy's legs wide, putting her knees up on the arms of the chair, just as I'd had Ann do on the lounger in her parent's sunroom. I played with the material of her panties, and she let out a little whimper as I teasingly touched her mound through the lace.

I hit the speakerphone again, dialing Emma's extension. Nancy was incredulous, suddenly nervous about everything, but she sat frozen to her seat as I placed my hand on her thigh.

"Neil, I can't afford to get fired," she whispered.

I put my finger against my lips again, and waited for Emma to answer the phone.

"Emma Walters," she said, in her stern, professional voice.

"Hey Emma, its Neil."

"Hello, sweetie. What can I do for you?"

As soon as she heard my voice, she softened up; a benefit of being the son of a VP. Nancy looked at me, stunned at the sudden transformation in the boss I heard her call Dragon Lady on more than one occasion.

"I have a little problem. It looks like I messed up some numbers in my payroll. I think it might have something to do with my trip, but I'm not entirely sure. I've got Nancy here with me," I said, pinching her inner thigh.

"Hi Emma!" she blurted out.

"Hello. So what do you need from me?"

"I really need Nancy. I've had Howard send Becky up to take her place until I get a chance to sink my teeth into this," I said, then I took my mouth and made a love bite between Nancy's legs, munching on her panties with my teeth.

"Okay, I suppose. I was hoping to have her do some filing, though."

"I understand. If you show Becky what to do, I know she'll do a great job for you. I'm sure you understand that we have to get this fixed now. I can't have Nancy squirming in her chair like she is now." I ran my hand under Nancy's thighs, lifting her ass to the edge of my seat to give me better access.

"How bad is it? Will it really take the rest of the day?"

I turned the chair around so that Nancy was facing my desk, with me in between. I put her heels up on the desk with her legs spread wide, which made her lean back in the chair. I hooked my finger into the material of her panties and pulled it to the side, exposing her wet, pink slit. Her clit stood out prominently, showing her excitement.

As I stared at her heavenly pussy, I told Emma, "Yes. Based on what I'm looking at right now, I think this is going to take a while."

"Wow. Well, I'm sure you two can get it done."

I flicked my tongue over Nancy's clit, making her jump. She had to put her hands over her mouth to keep from screaming out.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure I can lick this. I've got what seems like a couple of feet of things she brought with her spread out on my desk. I've already started to uncover some of the areas that look promising."

Nancy almost choked as I kept giving veiled hints of what we were doing. I loved seeing her reaction as I played with her body while talking to her boss on the intercom.

"So, do you two think we're going to have a problem getting the payroll done on time tomorrow?"

"That's a hard one," Nancy said, suddenly playing along as she looked at my crotch again. I stuck my middle finger deep into her wet slit, making her close her eyes and clamp her mouth shut.

"I'm not sure Emma. I'm trying to put my finger on the problem right now. I'll keep working on it, and hopefully we'll have Nancy on her way to coming soon. I don't want to be the reason she's up all night sweating, thinking about how she almost got screwed by me over this."

Nancy's eyes darted and she let out a little snort as she said, "Don't say that Neil. I know these things happen. I pride myself on how I do at this, but you know how it is with pride...sometimes I just have to suck it up, and swallow it."

"She's right, Neil. Nancy always has taken a great deal of pride in getting the payroll done efficiently, and we've never had an error because of her work. She's really dedicated. It's an innocent mistake, I'm sure. Nancy, be sure to stick close to Neil on this. I don't want him stressed...he just got back."

Nancy leaned closer to the phone and said, "Okay Emma. I'm sure we'll get it eventually. We've been on the edge of finding it couple of times; it's like we can both almost taste it."

"Thanks for understanding, Emma. I'll have Nancy back to you as soon as I'm finished with her."

I hit the button on the phone, and made a long, slow lick up Nancy's pussy, flicking her clit again as I did.

"You are really bad!" she said as she shivered from my action.

I snapped the clips off of Nancy's garters and grabbed her panties, making her stand up. I slipped her panties down her bronzed legs, and over her shoes. Flipping her wet garment onto my desk, I leaned in close and inhaled.

"You smell amazing when you're excited, Nancy."

"Are you sure we should be doing this, Neil?"

I looked up and smiled. "Let me make you cum like you've never cum before, Nancy." I clipped her garters back in place to hold up her stockings, and then gently helped her back into my chair. Placing her legs over my shoulders, I moved forward, inches from her slit. I opened my mouth and exhaled, my hot breathe flowing over her wet opening.

"Mmmmm," Nancy moaned.

"Are you a vocal lover, Nancy?"

"I remember you asking...Amanda that. Yes, I am."

"Do you think you can contain yourself?"

"I have before. Sometimes not being able to scream out makes my orgasms even more powerful."


"Yes?" she answered.

"This is one of those times!"

I dabbled around the edges of her labia, playing with the folds, watching as I played carefully. My tongue was darting around, cavorting as it drove Nancy insane with lust. She was trying to move her hips, wanting to force the action. Aware of her intentions, I'd move slightly to keep her off target. Her quiet mewls of frustration became music to me.

I peered up to see Nancy playing with her tits through her bra. I stopped long enough to say, "Take it off Nancy. Show me. I want to see your wonderful tits."

Nancy had her eyes closed, and she left them that way as she reached between her mounds and unhooked the clasp that held the cups together. Her breast sprang free, bouncing as they found their more natural position.

"Oh Nancy, they are magnificent!" And they were. Yes, they sagged. But because she wasn't huge, it was ever so slight, and it didn't change the fact that they were still perky. She had medium sized areolas, and nipples that seemed as big as a nickel.

"Play with your nipples, Nancy. Pull them for me."

The corners of Nancy's mouth turned up a little, grinning as her hands moved to the hard points jutting out from her tits. She grabbed them violently, yanking on them. Seeing that, I knew she didn't want to waste any more time on foreplay. I slipped my tongue deep into the wet gash in front of my face, and it started flowing.

That trickle of sweet fluid was the beginning of a very long, very intense orgasm that climbed to levels and plateaus I'd seldom seen a woman experience. Nancy writhed around in my chair, her legs moving and shaking, flailing like an octopus. Her hands stayed locked to her nipples, pulling and yanking on them; and that only made her cum harder.

I sucked hard on Nancy's clit, biting and playing with it in my mouth. She wrapped her legs around my head, pulling my face in tighter with her calf. As she reached the crescendo of her explosion, Nancy's body shook powerfully.

"Oh fuck...I'm cumming Neil!" she whispered through her gritted teeth. She had been cumming, for about fifteen minutes. But this was the rush of release she'd been fighting to hold back. Nancy relinquished her body, letting go and allowing her orgasm to finally explode. My face was awash as the deluge from her pussy hit my mouth and chin. I swallowed frantically, trying to keep up with the flow.

"Neil! Oh Neil, don't stop. Suck my pussy! Suck my pussy!" Somehow, it seemed even sexier that Nancy couldn't scream it out. She had to say is soft, and it made me harder just thinking about how much she wanted to scream but couldn't.

Nancy imploring me to suck her cunt had me directing all of my attention to her swollen bud, and I sucked on it like a lollipop. Another torrent hit my chin, and I had to lower my mouth to catch it to keep from getting drenched.

I felt fingers running through my hair. She'd stopped torturing her nipples, and she started to calm. Her pelvis was still vibrating, but the flow shut off, like she had some kind of internal valve. I licked my lips as I pulled back a little and looked up into her droopy eyes.

"Neil, that was wonderful. You're an amazing young man. I've never had anyone make me cum like that just by eating me."

"I was inspired," I said as I played with the small patch of red hair she kept above her shaved snatch. "You're incredible, Nancy."

Nancy took my chin and lifted it, letting me know she wanted me to stand up. She stood with me, and I took her in my arms. She kissed me, licking my face and chin clean. Our tongues twirled around each other and my hands drifted down to her ass. I was amazed at how taught it was.

"I'm telling you Nancy, if you dress just a little different and wear your hair like this, you'll be amazed at the guys who'll walk into walls staring at you."

Nancy ran her fingers down my chest, and said, "It's time I returned the favor, Neil. Have a seat."

I did, but not before removing her bra off her shoulders and sucking on her ripe nipples for a moment. She finally pushed me down towards the chair, saying, "If you don't stop, I'm going to have to fuck you, and I don't want Ann mad at me. Now sit down."

There is nothing hotter than a woman dressed for sex is as she kneels down in front of a man, nestling between his legs; it's like she's submitting, waiting to bring pleasure to him. I can only suppose that Nancy felt the same kind of feeling when I did it for her, but it's probably a guy thing.

Nancy had her hands on my legs, rubbing them up and down my thighs. She looked up at me; her gaze focused on my face. She looked almost submissive.

"You never answered my question," she said out of the blue.

"What question is that?" I asked, not remembering her asking one that I'd ignored.

"The first one I asked. How big are you?"

I winked and said, "Why don't you just have a look for yourself!"

Nancy's hands moved to my belt, loosening it, and then the button and zipper were dealt with. I lifted my hips for her to pull down my jeans and underwear, and she eased them down, helping me take both off. She stuffed them under my desk, and turned to look at what she'd been so curious about.

Taking my shaft into her hands, she started to slowly stroke me. My eyes were drawn to her red nails moving up and down. The contrast in colors between her tanned hand, the red nails, and my purplish cock was very erotic.

"It's huge, Neil. I haven't seen a cock this fat in a long time."

She just looked at it and played with it in her hands for the longest time. Finally, she said, "Have you ever fantasized about getting a blow job while sitting at your desk?"

"Every once in a while," I said, even though I'd never really had that specific of a fantasy. I didn't feel like I lied, because I was thinking about that very thing when she asked, for obvious reasons. Nancy scooted herself back under my desk, confining herself in that dark little space. She pulled me to her and I had to lower my chair a little so she'd be able to actually get to my cock.

"Why don't you go ahead and do some work while I work on you, Neil. That will help the fantasy. I've always wanted to do this, and I don't mind admitting that you're one of the few guys I've actually fantasized about doing it to. I can't believe I'm actually going to get the chance to do this."

I pulled my chair up close to the desk and actually started doing some work. I think it would have helped the fantasy if the door to the office was open, but that was a chance we couldn't afford to risk. What we were doing was already incredibly dangerous, but that only added to the excitement.