Annie's Predicament

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A hike into the woods leads to a nightmare.
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A double flash of lightening set an eerie glow from behind the trees where Annie Keller stood on the ridge. She was alarmed by the sudden change in the day's temperament. Merely a half-hour ago, it had been hot and sunny with only a light breeze. Then the storm clouds rolled in, trapping the heat and turning it into a muggy haze.

Annie was sketching the light show on her drawing pad when a large raindrop hit her backpack with a 'thwap'. Quickly, she gathered her pastels and put them away, disappointed that she wasn't able to finish her work. Another distant rumble shook the ground. With her pack hanging off one shoulder, she glanced back for one last look at the view, then walked hastily down the trail from which she came. Witch grass carpeted the ground to each side of her, and it undulated with the short gusts of wind as waves would in the ocean. The rain increased to a heavy downpour, and within a matter of minutes Annie was soaked to the bone.

As the trail made its descent back into the treeline, she was able to slow her pace and let her eyes adjust to the darkness. The sleeveless top she wore was plastered against her fair skin. Her shorts were also drenched down to her panties underneath. She stopped to check her backpack. Luckily the plastic liner was waterproof so at least her drawing materials were dry. Standing up again, she threw her pack on and adjusted the strap, while taking notice how the extra weight pulled her wet top tightly around her breasts, and how her nipples poked noticeably through the fabric. Luckily she had another pair of clothes in the car, but the temperature had gone down a few degrees as the thunder and cascade of rain continued their assault. Annie knew that better shelter might become a necessity. Brushing the gooseflesh off her arms, she decided to continue on. The path led her to another clearing along a steep grade. Going along this section of trail had been easy when it was dry, but now the storm left it as a muddy walkway accented by exposed tree roots. About a hundred yards below, a thick canopy of trees blocked the light completely. With the sky as dark as it was, she could see nothing beyond it.

Annie proceeded carefully, noting that the open clearing was better lit than the dense forest behind her. This benefit was balanced out by the increased exposure to the storm, which buffeted her once more with sharp gusts and rain. She held her arms out to the sides to balance herself and chose each foot placement carefully, electing not to step on the roots because they were too slippery. She progressed in this manner for about ten feet or so. Rain drops as big as quarters pelted her arms, then suddenly, a gust of wind shifted and hit her back pack, knocking her off balance. Stepping back to the edge of the path, the soil gave away, and she found herself sliding down the hillside on her stomach. She felt her top peel up around her armpits and the abrasive sting of flesh being scraped by the brush and soil. About halfway down, she came to a stop. Everything happened so fast, Annie couldn't think straight, she was just reacting on instinct. She began reaching, clawing desperately to pull herself up. She raised one foot to try and get a hold, but again the soft, muddy earth cheated her, sending her tumbling, rolling, flailing, down to the bottom.

After the fall, Annie found herself lying in a patch of weeds, in the shadows with the trees branching out above her to block the sky. Clambering to her feet, she looked down to inspect the damages of her ride. Fortunately there were no broken bones. She lifted her top next, and found blushing patches of skin, but only a few scratches. Her clothes were packed with muck, though, and muddy water ran down her tummy and legs in dark brown rivulets.

She tried to get her bearings. There was no way of climbing back up, but by moving along the base of the ridge, Annie felt confident she would intersect the trail as it descended to the bottom. Shouldering her backpack again, she began walking through the thickets. Often the tenacious branches snatched at her pack and clothing. She began to wonder if she would even be able to see the trail in this mess.

About four hundred yards or so, she found a set of jeep tracks that were not pictured on her trail map. By then, the rain had stopped, but the sky was still very dark, and threatening another storm. She decided to follow this new route with the hope it would take her back to the main road where her car was parked.

The jeep trail meandered through the dense forest, first one way, and then another, until Annie could no longer tell which direction she was going. Even worse, the tracks looked as though no one had used them in years, judging by the overgrowth. She thought about doubling back and bushwhacking her way out again, when just ahead, she noticed two white buildings.

They were approximately fifty yards distant. As she approached them, she got a sinking feeling as both appeared to be dark and in disrepair. The jeep trail entered a small clearing, then it became a crude road or driveway that ended between the buildings.

The clouds opened up again, and once more, Annie was forced to find shelter from the torrents of rain. The buildings consisted of a small house and a four-bay garage. The white paint on both structures was riddled and even flaking in some places. Annie approached the house first and knocked on the doorframe. No answer. She opened the storm door and rapped sharply on the inner door. Still no reply came from within.

She backed away a few steps and studied the garage. Strangely, it appeared to be disproportionately tall, and dwarfed the house. She saw thick power lines threaded down the driveway that linked both buildings. She also noted fresh tire ruts to the front doors of the garage and a side entrance.

Turning her back on the house, she walked quickly to the side door of the garage and tried to peer into the darkness within. She tried the door handle and found it unlocked. Annie pondered her next move. Entering a garage was not as bad as breaking into a house. Besides, how could anyone blame her for trying to find shelter from this storm?

Lightening and thunder crashed overhead. Opening the door, she felt along the wall for a switch. When she found it, she flicked the light on and shut the door behind her. As she turned around again, Annie let out a gasp, as nothing could have prepared her for what stood before her eyes at that moment.

The air was thick and moist, almost stifling. Banks of overhead florescent lighting revealed a very strange interior. An above ground swimming pool dominated most of the room. To her left, there was a door and above it, a sign read,


As wet and muddy as she was, Annie would have welcomed the sight, but her attention quickly turned to the pool and the object that made her gasp when she first turned on the lights.

She walked very slowly to the edge of the swimming pool. It appeared to be about six feet in depth and filled up to nearly two thirds with moist humus. The true draw of her attention was at the center of the twenty-foot diameter pool. Rearing up out of the soil, about ten feet above the muddy surface, was the largest flower Annie had ever seen. In fact, she couldn't even recall seeing a picture anywhere of a flower of these proportions outside of maybe in of those old science fiction 'B' movies. The flower's bloom was structured much akin to a Lady Slipper and was a full six feet in length. Its weight was supported by a stem, fully as big in girth as Annie's upper thigh. About the base of the large bloom, was a patch of smaller plants that spanned in a cluster to a distance of six feet away from the monumental blossom. These looked much like Hens and Chicks plants, except for a white spot in the center of each one and the fact that they were as large as heads of lettuce. To the right, a narrow catwalk extended from the pool's edge to within arms reach of the strange flower.

Outside, the storm now raged, and the mighty winds caused the building to tremble. Who lived here? What were they doing with these magnificent and unusual plants? Annie returned to the side door and peered through the rain at the house again. It remained dark and silent.

Suddenly, there was a hissing sound. It startled her at first, then she looked up toward the ceiling and smiled. Directly above the plant, sections of PVC pipe hung overhead with a brass spray nozzles every 24" or so. A fine, cool mist descended from these pipes. Obviously this watering system was on a timer, which explained the humidity.

Then Annie noticed something else -- a small camcorder sitting on a tripod about twelve feet from the pool. There were also two backpacks lying on the floor nearby. Did these belong to the people that lived here, or did two hikers sneak into this building just as she did? Judging from the dust on the camera and packs, it appeared as though they had been sitting there for quite some time.

Annie pressed the eject button, and out came a tape. It was blank. Apparently, they were getting ready to film this strange plant and were interrupted. Did someone, or something startle them, forcing them to flee and leave their personal belongings behind?

Shrugging off her pack, she gently lowered it to the cement floor, unsure what to do next. She was sure that the owners of the buildings and the plants would not be pleased at her intrusion, but there was also something very spooky about the place. She moved around the room again, looking for any signs that might tell her who the owners were and where they might be. She found a few lab coats in a closet, covered with dust, and a calendar hanging on the wall that was two years old. Annie finally concluded that the place was deserted, and with that knowledge, she no longer felt so guilty about trespassing.

Turning on her heel, she sauntered back across the well-lit interior of the garage the shower room. There was one stall with two spigots (hopefully one for hot water), two sinks and a toilet. Peeling off her wet, sleeveless top, she let it drop unceremoniously to the floor. She then unlaced her hiking boots, kicked them off, and rolled off her socks. The concrete floor was not cold, as she would have imagined. Standing up again, she wriggled out of her wet shorts as quickly as possible. Finally, she peeled off her panties, then gathered up her clothing and folded it neatly.

Annie eyed a full-length mirror to the left of the shower and used it to examine the scrapes on her belly. She touched them gingerly, and winced, knowing they would be tender for a few days. Gazing at her naked reflection, she raised her arms to run a brush through her light brown hair. At age 25, she was very attractive, but in a classic sense and not the modern one. Her pretty face was graced with high, soft cheekbones and dark oval eyes. She was not full-figured, not skinny either. Her pert, round breasts were fairly impressive in size at 34-C, and her hips flared just a little to give her body a slight hour-glass shape to it. Her skin was as smooth as a porcelain doll, and fair.

With her arms still raised, she brushed the knots out of her damp hair, then for some reason she that couldn't quite explain, she held them there, elbows back and admired the way her breasts hung high and full off her slightly protruding ribs. The dampness of the room made her nipples stand erect. Her open armpits, which had just been shaved that morning, were deep and smooth. She let her eyes trail down to the V of her body and the small wisp of dark hair between her thighs.

But it wasn't just her reflection in the mirror that captured her attention. Framed in the background of her striking pose, was the tremendous flower, peering through the open doorway from the pool, as if it were wishing to share this space with her. Annie's eyes darted from her breasts to the flower and she smiled. For a moment, she had an urge to approach it, to stand naked before it in the same manner she might use to entice a lover. Then suddenly, the spell was broken, and another strange thought entered her mind.

Wasn't that flower facing the other way when she came in?

Annie dropped her arms and turned to the doorway. She took a few steps forward, her eyes never leaving it. She stared suspiciously at the flower for almost a minute, then with a nervous laugh, she breathed a sign of relief.

"Girl, this place is getting to you."

She turned to the shower stall. It had no door, and the walls tiles were filthy with age. That meant the water the water was probably filthy too and no longer heated. She reached in and turned the left spigot anyway to see for herself. At first, the showerhead sputtered and blew air, then clean, warm water followed that quickly turned hot.

Annie couldn't believe her luck! Again, she felt a little hesitant about helping herself to someone else's accommodations, but the promise of a warm shower for a woman stranded in a rainstorm couldn't be such an imposition on anyone with the intellect to nurture such astounding botanical specimens. She stepped into the stall and let the water cascade off her face, arms, breasts and legs. She moaned with pleasure as traces of brown earth rolled off her body until it was cleansed. Being careful not to brush against the filthy tiles, she turned away from the spray and raised her arms to brush through her hair as the warm water hit it. It was like a gentle massage to her scalp, and the feeling almost lulled her into a trance. Her recent difficulties faded into a dark hole of memories as she found herself soothed by the simple pleasure of a warm shower. All the time, her gaze was drawn back to the large plant at the center of the pool. With some resolution, she turned off both spigots. There were no towels, so a little air-drying was order, but she did find a clean flannel work shirt that was an extra large size and certainly sufficient enough to cover her body with.

Annie stepped through into the large room as she buttoned the shirt closed and viewed the large plant again. She couldn't get over how beautiful it was, almost captivating, and its musky-sweet scent seemed to overpower the pungent odor from the nitrogentated fertilizer it grew in. She rummaged through her pack and pulled out the drawing pad and some pastels. Dragging out a chair, she began sketching the flower.

Annie was a very good artist, but even she couldn't capture the beautiful colors, and none of her girlfriends would believe her when she told them how big it was! Her eyes turned to the camera a she smiled. What the hell!

After putting her drawing materials away, she approached the camera set-up and checked the settings. The battery was drained, but she found another one, fully charged, in one of the hikers' backpacks. She adjusted the field of view to accommodate the perspective she desired of the huge blossom before hitting 'record', then ventured out onto the catwalk while rehearsing in her mind what she would say about her new discovery. The catwalk was made of a metal grate, about two feet in width, with no railings to grasp onto, so Annie had to be mindful in how to step without losing her balance. The other end of it extended about half the distance to the flower -- certainly close enough to stand in the same frame with the huge plant to give it some scale.

The end of her trek brought Annie within two feet of the ring of smaller plants around the huge blossom's base. She could really smell the aroma they emitted, and decided she liked the bouquet of the blended scents, though it made her feel a little 'heady'. With false bravado, she decided to step off the catwalk and move in closer to the flower and get a nice shot of her standing next to it. The mud in the pool looked far from inviting, but at the very most, she would be wading up to her knees in the stuff, and she could always take another shower afterword.

Annie drew a breath and gave her loose-fitting shirt a nervous tug to make sure nothing was showing before kneeling down on the catwalk. She lowered one leg into the muck, then the other, feeling the warm mud as it slid over her ankles. Slowly, gently she scooted off the platform and put more weight upon her feet. Her legs sank to just about mid-calf before she encountered solid bottom.

"This isn't as deep as I thought!"

The morass she now stood in had the consistency of black potting soil, only soupier so that it left very little on her leg when she lifted it out, but toward the bottom it seemed to thicken considerably around her feet. She wriggled her toes and felt the ooze squishing between them. The mud actually felt quite nice against her legs, much like a soothing mud bath in one of those pricey health spas and she quickly forgot about the smell.

Annie was awed by the flower's massiveness which was much more impressive in visage from this perspective. She glanced at the camera again to make sure the red light was still on, and decided to move in a little closer.

Lifting one foot out of the mire, she encountered no small amount of resistance, punctuated by a slurping sound underneath. She instinctively kept her toes pointed downward so that her feet slid much easier through the muck as she stepped carefully forward. The mire encompassing Annie's lower legs in its warm embrace felt like a sensuous massage, especially around the feet where it was the thickest, so much, that her nipples began to grow taut with arousal. She also felt a warm dampness growing between her thighs, and twice, the urge to slip her fingers underneath the shirt crossed her mind. A wicked little smile passed her lips at the thought of what a movie that would make for her girlfriends.

With each step, Annie noticed the bottom sloping slightly downward toward the plant. The stuff she waded in was now reaching above her knees. She pulled the bottom of her shirt up and wrapped it tightly around her thighs, then continued on.

"Just a few more feet," she urged. "Then I'll say a few words to the camera and get out."

The next few steps felt different, as if the incline had taken an even steeper turn. Her forward foot started to slid away from the other, forcing Annie to let go of the shirt and pinwheel her arms slowly in an effort to maintain her balance. Her legs were now covered up to the thighs. The shirt shifted loosely around her, and just the thought that her naked sex underneath was only a mere few inches above the black muck made her dizzy with arousal.

By then, Annie's trek placed her within two feet of the ring of smaller plants that surrounded the huge blossom at its base. Looking down at them, she wondered whether it was her imagination, the lighting, or if she really saw movement in each individual plant. They seemed to dilate and contract the visible amount of their white centers, as if they were living organisms reacting to her very presence. Then one of the plants shifted on its own, uncovering something that floated to the surface.

It was a hiker's boot.

Like a slideshow, images flashed through Annie's mind -- the boot, two backpacks, the camcorder, pointed toward the flower and left unattended, then back to the boot. As it bobbed and turned over in the muck, she could see the owner's foot still laced within, severed at the ankle and mummified with age!

With a look of horror, Annie turned around and tried to make her way back up the incline but she could get no traction. Each step brought her sliding back another four inches. Floating atop of the muddy soup, the smaller plants moved in around her, moving on their own, closing up her trail as she pushed on towards the catwalk. She glanced back at the flower. Its stem was only a few yards away. She looked at the camera, which was still recording her and wondered if she looked as frightened as she felt.