Annika's Islands Ch. 02


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My attention was focused on the hot spring. At about twenty to twenty-five feet square, it gave me the impression of a large hot tub.

"No shit..." 'Nik muttered, taking it all in. I wondered if she knew how perfect this place was for us.

The strangest thought crossed my mind. Of all the islands in the ocean, we washed up on one that was perfect to support us. This was starting to feel less like survival and more like a vacation, just with a few setbacks.

The only problem here was getting firewood in, and even that would be minor. Just wrap up the first few in plastic, let the rest air dry as we'd need them. Taking a look at where the stream came in from the fall, I could see out to the lake.

I let out a startled laugh, and 'Nik turned to me, "What's funny?"

I pointed, "This hole is big enough to swim through, and leads out to the lake. We won't even have to lug firewood or any of our supplies in through the waterfall... it's literally just wide enough to get the raft in."

"You want to stay in here?" She asked, cautiously.

I smiled, placing both hands on her arms, "It's perfect! Fresh water, hot bath, and safe against most things I can think of. I can even set up a fish trap or two right here. We even have a nice skylight!" I laughed again, "I'm so glad you found this place!"

She blushed faintly, and went stiff as stone as I leaned forward to kiss her. I stopped mid-motion. "I- I'm sorry." I stuttered, "I mean..."

Her hazel eyes, widened with shock, suddenly hardened. She stared at me for a moment, took a deep breath, and closed her eyes.

"You tell me..." She paused, took another breath, and tried again. "You say you don't have any feelings for me, beyond being a brother. I finally... finally understand. I finally accept it."

"I know, I'm-"

"Shut up!" She bit off, then seemed to pull in her anger. "Please. Just let me say something.

"I think, Darian, that you do have feelings for me. I think you've had them even before my 20th birthday, even if you don't admit it to me, or to yourself. I don't know when these feelings developed from the platonic brother/sister love, and frankly I don't care.

"When I was fifteen, and you came back into my life, rescuing me from Mom and David, I needed you as a brother. Four years later, I wanted you as a lover. Maybe I was in the wrong, pursuing you while you were with someone else."

Her voice wavered slightly, "You were gone for almost a year. This has been the worst year of my life, being without you. If it had been lust for you, it would have faded by now. But I only hurt more, the longer you are away. And now, suddenly you're back, whisking me away on a trip to Japan, lavishing me with love and affection." She swayed slightly in my arms, pressing her palms flat on my naked chest. Her eyes were still tightly closed, "Every touch, hug, moment spent near you was like a fresh breath after having to hold it for nearly a year. Yet, every time I'd touch you, you'd tense as if I'd just hit you with a tazer. I was so... angry when you acted like that, especially because I knew you wanted me to touch you."

Her hands traced the line of my chest, "To kiss you..." Still refusing to open her eyes, she captured my left hand and kissed the tip of my fingers.

"You've always worried about me. You always made sure to watch out for me, to help with any problem I couldn't beat on my own."

She opened her eyes, which shimmered wetly. When she looked at me, I felt as if she was looking into me... seeing my soul rather than anything physical. "My problem is my brother loves me, but won't let himself show me just how much. He thinks he shouldn't be together, but I know he's wrong. Help me with this problem, Dari. Please, for once just listen to your heart."

The thoughts that erupted from my mind were a veritable torrent, a flood, a waterfall unto themselves. Every fiber of my being strained to break free of its self-imposed prison. I wanted to kiss her, hug her, and assure her I'd love her for the rest of eternity. I wanted to make love to her. I wanted to ravish her until the sun fell and again until it rose. I wanted the romantic fantasy of soft rose pedals and feather-light kisses. I wanted the more realistic passion of white-hot lava; sweat slicked bodies, bruising kisses and chafed flesh.

Something inside me broke. All my frustration, despair, guilt and doubt rushed out of me with a single breath.

Silently, I interlaced my fingers with hers, guiding her towards the cave entrance. I snatched up the pouch lying on the ground and dropped it gently beside the deepest edge of the hot spring.

I patted her hand, kissed it, then let it go; watching her eyes as I did. Stepping into the steamy water to test its temperature, I completely and unselfconsciously slipped my boxers off, tossing them casually to the side. Though I was turned away from her, I could feel her eyes on me while I slipped below the surface.

The hot spring, even at its deepest wasn't all that far down. By the time I reached the steam-slicked wall, it had tapered down to maybe two feet deep. I turned towards her, relaxing my arms along a two-inch lip that ran along the length of the wall.

"Come here," I intoned simply. Not a command, nor a question. It was only information on what was to come next.

Though tendrils of steam wisped up to partially obstruct my view, I could easily make out all the little details as she untied the strap on her bathing suit; the slight tremble in her knees, the way she swallowed as if her throat had suddenly gone dry. And her guarded yet hopeful expression, which turned into a shy, almost embarresed blush when her top fell to the floor.

Vaguely, I remembered how soft her perfect, pale breasts had felt beneath my hands over a year ago. How those hard, dark-pink nipples had poked into my palms. How much I'd wanted to kiss them, lick them, consume them with my mouth fully.

My breath caught, my heart thumping wildly in my chest. She didn't look at me while she slipped out of the red bottom portion of her bikini, her cheeks burning a very similar crimson. There hadn't been any room for panties, and my eyes riveted on the neatly trimmed triangle of hair between her legs; it complimented the smooth, creamy mound just below it.

Regretfully, she chose to sink under the hazy water, putting an end to my rather voyeuristic appraisal of her body. She swam slowly towards me, keeping her breasts just below the surface. When she finally stopped, she sat beside me and half turned towards me. Her breath was rapid, and I noticed she was biting rather cutely on her lower lip. For the longest time she avoided my gaze, looking everywhere besides my eyes.

I found her anxiety cute.

When our eyes finally met, not even I could have stopped what was to follow. Like magnets our lips met so very gently; my hand reached up to stroke her beautiful face, while the other cupped the back of her neck. Her arms wrapped around my broad frame, pressing me closer to her until her soft mounds were pressed tightly against my chest. I tasted her, finding she was hinted with berries and wild, unknown spices. Our tongues darted, caressed, teased, and tantalized. My pulse quickened and I struggled to control my breathing to deep, heavy inhalations. The passion was building like an out of control wildfire inside of me.

Yet I wasn't ready to surrender all control just yet.

I forced myself to pull back, but slipped my arms around her when she tightened in protest, a soft sound of denial erupting from deep within her throat. Her reaction brought a smile to my lips, "I will take care of all your needs, wants, desires, so long as you'll have me, Annika."

I reached to the side of me, loosening the quick knot in the pouch of berries laying beside the spring, and fished one out. "First, I'll feed you.

I touched the fruit softly to her lips, and she obligingly took a bite, dripping some juice down her chin. I caught the bead of liquid with my finger, touching it to her soft, pink lips.

Sensually, her pink tongue flicked over my finger, lapping it clean. That sensation alone was enough to harden me, instantly.

Casually, I flicked out the pit and placed the remaining half of the berry between my teeth, leaning forward almost imperceptibly.

She understood at once, and shifted forward to take it from me with her lips, juicily nibbling the fruit in half once more. The several long, lingering, experimental kisses were only to make sure no juice would stain our lips, of course.

Silently, she reached past me, taking one of the berries herself. "And I, Darian, will take care of you." She leaned back against the wall. Her flushed and perfect breasts were displayed proudly as she squeezed the fruit gently in a trail of wet red up her chest. "So long as you'll have me," She finished breathlessly, placing the slightly deflated bit of fruit between her lips.

I moved my hands to either side of her head, the full length of my body just barely grazing against hers. My teeth nipped at the fruit, and I selfishly spent long seconds savoring the combined flavor of her lips and the fruit. Running my tongue along her lips elicited a sharp shiver down her body, and I gave her an affectionate nuzzle against her cheek.

Eventually, I journeyed lower, to her chin; then the lingering trail of soft kisses down her sensitive neck. Consuming and worshiping every inch of her flesh I passed, I slowly made my way down her collar, kissing the soft hollow I found there. My tongue, almost of its own accord, lazily snaked its way down to lap up the liquid clinging stickily between her breasts.

My hands firmly braced on the ledge beside her head, I kissed the side of her breast, eliciting further sharp shudders. In gentle circles, I trailed upwards, until every inch of my sister's breast had been kissed, licked, tasted. When I closed my lips wetly around her hardened pink nipple, a high pitched keen of pleasure escaped her lips.

Unrelentingly, I flicked and licked at the stiff and bumpy flesh in languid circles. I allowed my left hand to gently grasp her other breast, nimble fingers gently mimicking my tongues every movement on her other erect, throbbing tip.

Annika whimpered under the onslaught of pleasure, her back arching to press herself instinctually harder against my lips, my hands. "Oh... yes..."

I released her from the overwhelming sensations briefly, but proceeded to repeat the process staying at the same, teasingly slow pace. When finally I'd made my way to her other aching pink tip, a sob broke from her with a choked, relieved sigh of pleasure.

Why had I denied her this so long? It was obviously right. It was all that was good, honest, loving. I wasn't taking advantage of her; I was loving her.

My hands dipped below the water, urging her legs to wrap around me, and now she gasped for an entirely different reason.

"Oh my God..." She looked into my eyes, her hand slipping to my sides. The hard, thick length that lay between my legs was now pressed tightly between us. She experimentally thrust her hips against me, sliding the soft mount of flesh between her legs along the rather substantial length of my manhood.

Even beneath the water I could feel her viscous fluid coat me, could feel the liquid velvet of her soft nether lips slide slowly over my hard flesh, and could feel the stiff protrusion of her engorged clitoris pulse against my cock. The shudder of absolute pleasure that followed ran through us both simultaneously, and her hot breath mingled with my own as we both gasped in surprised bliss.

"I've waited long enough, Lover," She breathed huskily, "Don't make me wait any longer." Her wet hair had come loose, and framed her face rather wildly as she gazed into me.

I let out a quick breath... honestly the pleasure was intense enough to make it hard to think. "It's not that..." I tried to explain. Hard to focus on physics at this point.

She hushed me, "Shh. Just go slow. You know I'm safe for another few months." I did vaguely recall her mentioning she'd taken one of those "Super birth control" pills earlier in the week, one of her various attempts at seduction. She'd be safe for months...

I kissed her yielding lips lovingly, "Tell me to stop if it's... too much."

She shifted, wrapping an arm around my neck while her other grasped my stiffness beneath the water, guiding me towards her entrance. "Please, Da-"

I interrupted her with a quick thrust of my hips, sliding just the tip of my dick into her warm, slick pussy, before hitting the obvious, natural obstruction within her.

I breathed heavily, propping one hand on the ledge behind her. Every nerve ending sang and every instinct told me to press harder. "You're... still..." I gasped.

She closed her eyes and tightened her legs around me, thrusting my hard length deeper inside herself. She'd always had a powerful lower body, but it took me so completely off-guard I fell forward, on top of her.

A guttural "Ungh..." escaped my lips. It was the only thing that betrayed the incredible gratification wrapping around my throbbing nine inches like a silken, pulsing vice.

I quickly lifted myself from her, but didn't dare move my lower body. Annika's teeth were gritted, and she took quick, gasping breaths.

"'Nik?" I questioned, a world of meaning in the word.

"It's... it's ok. It's you, so it's ok." She whispered, clearly in pain. It was hard enough for someone accustom to sex to take all of me – really most guys don't realize what a problem it was for me.

I'd certainly never tried to... to... fit inside of a virgin.

Careful to not move inside her, I kissed her forehead, "You're so very stubborn, Angel." I was literally using all my willpower to block out the fact I was experiencing the most intense pleasure of my existence.

She pulled me down for a consuming, long, lingering kiss. "You're inside me Darian. All of you... you're filling me. I'm not empty... I'm... I..." She gasped suddenly, shuddering violently. Waves of tremors erupted over her body and her back arched upwards. She screamed my name out in one long epitaph, screamed it as if it meant everything to her, as if I meant everything to her. Her inner muscles contorted, contracted, squeezed and clenched. She seemed to milk my hardness within her, coaxing me, pushing me to my limits in record time.

Literally minutes later, her muscles went limp, as if she'd been a marionette and someone had cut her strings.

She breathed steadily for a few minutes, hand over her eyes. Finally, she smiled up at me, "That has never happened before."

I, on the other hand, was not in as playful a mood. Riding out that storm of an orgasm had definitely given Lust control. I growled roughly, "My turn."

As quickly as I could, I extracated myself from her, lifting her up out of the water. I laid her on the edge, her feet and lower legs floating in the water. I knelt between her legs...

My mouth was on her before she realized what I'd planned. Now there was no teasing, no waiting. I consumed her mound of flesh, splitting her slit with my tongue, trailing her swollen lips, lapping at the virginal blood that clung to her entrance, and finally sucking softly on her engorged, throbbing clit.

I brought her quickly to the brink, not even hearing her moan or appreciating the way her body squirmed and shook. She'd brought me to a feverish state of need, with only one way of "breaking" it. I was animalistic, feral, completely at the mercy of my instincts.

My thumb flicked over her swollen, slick little nub while I stood and positioned myself. Grasping the base of my cock, I waited for the feeling to overcome her, and thrusted as deep as I could get inside of her quivering flesh.

I managed a handful of thrusts, her tight, convulsing heat simply too much for me.

I grabbed the back of her neck, kissing her as I slammed into her one final time. My eyes were all the warning she needed as she stared back into them. There was no need to say anything, do anything, or think anything.

My climax was a violent explosion that literally weakened my knees. I knew my sister could feel the moment my hot cum began filling her; she tightened further, the plateau of her orgasm turning into intense spikes of passion that matched every jet of cum shooting into her womb. The only sounds were our ragged breathing, our mutual grunts, and moans of incoherent, blissful pleasure.

When my eyes opened I found I was watching our sex, feeling as well as seeing the combined fluids of both our cum and her virgin blood oozing generously around where I was penetrating her, dripping down her soft cheeks and pooling on the steam-slicked stone floor.

Finally, I collapsed, gathered her in my arms and sank back into a corner of the hot spring breathlessly. She stayed curled against my chest, ear pressed against me, obviously listening to my pounding heart.

"I love you, Annika." I kissed the top of her head.

She looked up at me, "I love you Darian, I'm..." Her eyes closed and breath caught, "I'm so happy right now." She curled back against me, "I wish this moment could last forever."

I shrugged, "Post-sex cuddling? You'll have that three more times tonight."

Her head jerked back, eyes wide as she tried to process that, "Three?"

I smirked, "At least. 'Course it won't be nearly as fast. May take all night..."

She gulped dramatically, "I'll never survive."

"Trust me, Angel. We'll both survive. I promise." There was more meaning to the words than just gentle reassurance, and she seemed to understand.

We'll survive the night. This island. And we'll survive anything else life will throw at us.

"Together," she whispered, as if finishing my thought.

"Together," I agreed.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

A bit of info.:

The idiot that came up with the tyitle for the Tom hanks movie, needs to learn English. Cast Away {two words} means thrown {cast} away, like a piece of trash.

Castaway {one word} means deserted, or marooned. Darian Black should learn that tidbit.

Frankie1952Frankie1952about 5 years ago
More please

wow what a hot story. I hope they get to stay together after they are finally rescued and make some babies.

DarianBlackDarianBlackabout 7 years agoAuthor
Sorry for the tease

Sorry about the delay - Everyone who has read this. RL happens, sometimes for years at a time.

Good news is I'm finally back... Perhaps new updates are on the way?

Kookaburra8Kookaburra8almost 8 years ago
Lying bastard

2 or 3 month you say for the third chapter, after all these years, try fucking never. Pissed off. What a shame, this story was shaping to be one of the best stories I've read

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
You're such a tease!

Do you do this with your partner too, give out something good bit-by-bit only to hold back on it finally? This is another story which stopped way earlier than it should have. Of course this comment is because this story is worth a 5* or more.

high_lander2000adhigh_lander2000adover 10 years ago
Paradise Island

You are a good writer. Good clean sentences.

You paint a great picture with words. I really hope for more...

rubyredrosesrubyredrosesalmost 11 years ago

Please write more! Really loved it, would like to see if they get back to civilisation or if Darien will really stay with her now that hes worked out most of his problems and they've finally done it! would love to hear some more parts like that too!

paulpike6969paulpike6969over 11 years ago

Please finish this story loved it

AllthatiwantAllthatiwantalmost 13 years ago

Please give this a proper ending

BrookeDizzCBrookeDizzCabout 13 years ago

Can you post an update of when we can expect chapter 3? It's been well over a month, I'm sorry, just impatient!! I really love your writing style. :)

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

I've been checking here everyday waiting for the next chapter since you said 2 a month... Any idea when you'll be posting the next one?? I am addicted!!! :)

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Great story, can't wait for the rest!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
fantastic....what happens next/

can't wait to read more.... do they find a way to marry, does she get pregnant?

cantfightfatecantfightfateover 13 years ago

I'm not usually a fan of incest but I like this a lot. Looking forward to more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Was a long begining but was still a good story look forward to the next chapters

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