Anniversary Secrets

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Sexually liberated couple learns their limits, the hard way.
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With my first submission into the Loving Wives category, I can't help but compare myself to a nervous virgin..

I've spent the last 6 months exploring the different story types and have learnt a few things about people, in general, and more specifically about myself. The story lines I find interesting and intriguing vs. what I find to be disturbing. There are many walks of life in the garden of sex. kinks, fetishes, fidelity and moral opinions. I may not agree with all, but I never feel it's my place to judge, "what floats your boat". As a reader, we have a choice about what we choose to read.

I have a few more stories that I hope to publish soon, each different in their own way. This story, Anniversary Secrets, tackles the lives of a very happy and sexually liberated couple. However, nothing is ever perfect. Can you go too far? Does your garden have a serpent? Can you continue to trust?

(I write and self-edit/proofread. It's all part of my therapy. My apologies for spelling or grammatical mistakes)




My wife and I have had to work for everything in our life. We both came from low middle class families. But what we lacked in monetary terms, we gained in a strong work ethic. We knew the value of a hard day's work and that was reflected in our marriage. We worked hard at it, unlike so many couples we've met and hung around with. Don't get me wrong, we were far from perfect, but to this day, there wasn't anything we couldn't tackle.

That's why this trip for our tenth anniversary was even more special. It was the first real trip we'd ever done and that's including our honeymoon, which was four days down the highway at Niagara Falls. It wasn't extravagant but we barely left the room anyway. We planned this destination trip two years ago and socked a little away every month above our savings and future retirement funds. We found out early that Diane couldn't have children and at first it was a hard pill to swallow, but we learnt to accept the hand we were delt and chose to live our life as fully as we could.

We may have come from humble beginnings, but my wife and I have put in the time to stay healthy and fit. At 37, my wife Diana was still a cold stone fox. That's how I saw her and based on the number of heads she turns in her bikini; many men are in agreeance. Shoulder length dark hair, with that natural curl women would die for. Ample but appropriate breasts, flat stomach, accented by her perky round bottom, all put together in a 5'7" package.

As for myself, I hadn't fared too bad either. Maybe the beginning of the popular "DAD BOD" but I was still fit. My dark hair had some flecks of grey, but my wife said it made me look distinguished, so I let it do its thing. I never made the 6-foot mark. I peaked at 5'10" after high school and never grew another inch. I couldn't grow a beard or mustache to save my life so, my always shaved face gave me a younger look, constantly surprising people that I was pushing 40.

It was our third night at the resort and after another full day of sun and rum, we had gotten dressed up and hit one of the many clubs the resort had to offer. Diane loved to dance, and I loved watching her. She could take a beat and own it. Her body had a way of making the slightest movements sexy and her sultry look would just add fuel to that fire. More than once she was approached by another man to dance, but as usual she would politely decline. It had always been this way and I long learned not to get jealous about it. The look in her eyes told me, no other man even had a chance.

We barely made it back to our room, when the clothes were quickly discarded in haste. Our sex life was always passionate. Sometimes we'd spend hours making romantic love to each other. Getting lost in the soft touches and kisses as our bodies gently molded to each other. We both loved to give and receive oral, taking our time to bring our partner to orgasmic bliss. But there were also lots of times we would rut, like wild animals. Fuck and pound like we were trying to slam the other through the mattress, or couch or backseat.

We've always been open and free to try different positions, risky public areas and the odd kink or two. We've played with light bondage. Diane loves to be tied and tortured by my tongue. She says the helplessness adds to her sexual energy. She always cums like a freight train when I fuck her after those sessions.

A few years ago, Diane bashfully brought up the idea of pegging. She knew it was one of the more taboo things she suggested, but after some careful discussions and clear lines of boundaries, it too became a part of our lives. It wasn't often, but we'd pull it out on special occasions, especially when Diane was feeling extra spicy. I'd be lying if I didn't admit there was a part of me that loved that side of her. Submitting to her fully like that was liberating. When you trust someone so implicitly it makes your bedroom life much more fun.

I wouldn't be surprised if we woke up a few of our neighboring tourists with our loud session. Tonight wasn't a romantic one. We started in the bathroom, ended up with her on the small table, the bed... even the balcony! However, we were more reserved outside, so we finished loud and proud on our bed. It took us both awhile to catch our breath, her head was on my shoulder tracing her fingers through the sweaty hair on my chest. We were both basking in the afterglow.

"Tell me something you've never told me before." My wife's quiet voice broke the silence.

"Like what?" I asked in surprise.

"I don't know. There must be something you've kept from me all these years. You know... something embarrassing." She giggled lightly.

"Is there something you need to confess?" I chirped in jest.

"No! I was just hoping there could be more to learn about my man. You can never really know everything right? I just thought I'd ask." I could see the value in her motive.

"How about you? You have anything so embarrassing you never told anyone?" I kissed the top of her head. Her hand stopped for a second, then started back up.

"You remember that time I went for a Brazilian waxing at that spa with Jenny?" Jenny was one of her best friends. We didn't get along too well, but I tried for Diane's sake. I liked her husband Peter though. He was a salt of the earth kind of guy, I was sad for him when they divorced. As for Jenny, she always acted like she had something on me. Giving me shots about not quite being a man, or something along that line. I've questioned my wife more than once about Jenny's behavior, but she's always insisted that was just her personality.

"Of course I remember! I don't think my face left your pussy all night." I chuckled. She turned up to me and she had a huge smile on her face.

"You were insatiable! I can't even count how many times I came all over your face." Her eyes looked up for a second. "Hmmm... do they do Brazilian's here?" She giggled.

I gave her a soft growl. "Save your money. You can use my face anytime and for as long as you want!" Her smile got even larger. Then she quickly put her head back on my chest.

"Remember when I told you how freaked out I was when the esthetician was a male? I mean Jenny told me was gay, which was quite obvious, but it was still weird that a guy was waxing my foofoo." I chuckled at the memory. She was a little traumatized by it, but a night of getting her pussy eaten out quickly dealt with that.

"Well, what I didn't tell you... was, I was so nervous that I kept clenching my lower muscles, and.... oh god this is so embarrassing." She started laughing. "I was so tense, that when he bent over to apply the wax... I... I.... farted!" We both started laughing. "Oh god!" She was laughing hard now. "The poor guy almost fell off his stool." My eyes were watering so bad at this point. "It stunk soooo bad!" She was totally losing it now.

We laughed for quite a while at her confession. When we finally got it out of our systems, she finished with one last tidbit. "I made him so sick, he couldn't even finish the job! They had to get another woman to do it!" Our laughter returned.

As we settled down, I thought back, looking for some embarrassing tale I could share and only one thing came to my mind. Maybe it was all the rum, the afterglow, or the trust I had in my wife, but what came out of my mouth would impact our relationship more than I could imagine.

"I sucked a guy's cock." I blurted. Her hand stopped moving, then her head came up and she was staring into my eyes.

"Bullshit! You can't make stuff up. It has to be real." When I didn't flinch or argue she looked at me even harder. "Oh my god! You did!" She sat up and slapped my chest. "When? Who?" She got all excited.

"I can't tell you that! It was a long time ago, before I met you. I don't really want to go into the detail's babe. It's not something I like to think about."

"Oh c'mon! Please? You can't just throw that out there and not expect me to ask for more!" She gently rubbed my chest, giving me her puppy dog eyes and big pouty lip.

"Fine! It was my last year in college."

"Who was it?" She chirped quickly.

"No one you'd know."

"If I wouldn't know him, why can't you tell me his name?" She teased me with a pitchy tone.

"You are not going to let this go, are you?" She smiled and shook her head.

"His name was Anthony." I finally gave in. She looked like she was trying to place the name. I hoped she wouldn't put it together, but I should've known she'd figure it out in that beautiful brain of hers.

Her face lit up and she slapped my chest. "Anthony? Wasn't he your roommate?" She could tell by my look that she nailed it. "Wait! Anthony was black, wasn't he?"

I was surprised at her comment. "So?"

"How big was he?" She sounded like a schoolgirl.

"Honey! Did I ask you any uncomfortable details about your Brazilian fart? I didn't ask you what you ate or what it smelled like, did I?"

"Spicy taco salad and it smelled like rotten asparagus! Now spill!"

I had never seen Diane like this. She was like a Pitbull on a piece of meat and part of me was getting annoyed. "Diane. You're making me feel really uncomfortable right now. For the first time in my life, I'm beginning to regret sharing with you."

Her mood instantly changed as my comment knocked the wind from her sails. "I'm sorry honey. I don't mean to be pushy. I just... you never said anything about this before and my curiosity is running rampant."

"It was a secret for a reason Diane. I'm not exactly proud of it and I didn't know how you would react and right now I feel very vulnerable. Are you trying to emasculate me? Do you want to know how much bigger he was than your tiny husband? Is that it?"

Her face blanched and her eyes watered up. She threw herself on top of me and squeezed me tight. "I would never do that to you! I'm sorry I got all weird." She sniffled lightly into my shoulder, and I could finally feel my heart rate slow down. I rolled us onto our sides and pulled the thin cotton sheet over us.

"I love everything about you Leo. You must know that. And your cock is not small. Even if it was, it would never change the way I feel about you. You make me feel amazing and loved. No matter the man or the cock, no one could make me happier."

I wasn't one to get my ego stroked. I know who I am and sure... I'm not huge down there, but I wouldn't call it small either. I can't change what God gave me, and dwelling on stuff you have no control over seems like a complete waste of energy in my books. My wife has never once hinted that I was inadequate. As far as I knew, our sex life was incredible.

Without any other words, we fell asleep in each other's embrace, waking up in the morning in the same position. I slowly untangled myself, trying not to wake her, eventually heading to the bathroom for a piss and a shower. Maybe 10 minutes into the shower I felt her body slip in behind me. She hugged me tight, while one hand made its way south to my soapy cock.

"I can't believe this is our fourth day in paradise and you haven't fucked your wife in the shower." It never took long for my flag to run up the pole when she talked to me like that.

I slowly removed her hands and turned to face her. "Unacceptable." I whispered, slowly turning her so her back was facing me. I soaped up her back, cleaning her bottom and pussy from our past evening's exercise. When she was clean, I lowered myself to the floor of the shower, spread her ass cheeks and began suckling her tight little hole.

"Oh, fuck baby!" She moaned.

Diane loved to have her ass eaten, almost as much as her pussy. It was a quick way to get her juices flowing. Five minutes later I was pounding her from behind until we both climaxed together. We made out for a long time with her head turned back, until my soft cock finally slipped from her honey hole, causing a small gasp from her lips.

"Now that's a proper way to shower." She joked, turning around to commence our kissing.


We slipped back into our vacation routine. Breakfast at the buffet and a long walk on the beach, sipping our mimosa's. We hunkered down by one of the pools well before noon, taking in the sun and reading our own books. From the corner of my eye, I saw Diane get up and stand beside my lounger. She carefully removed my book from my hands, saving my page and dropping it on our beach bag. She had a tube of lotion in her hand and proceeded to straddle my hips and sit right down on my crotch, smiling.

"You are getting pink my dear." She rubbed some lotion into her hands and carefully applied it to my chest and shoulders, taking her time. She stared intently into my eyes and smiled. The whole scene probably looked provocative to those around the pool, and I was happy we decided on an adult's only resort.

The sensual movements started raising my flag once again and she wiggled her bottom to let me know she could tell. I wanted to grab her butt, but she had accidentally... no I doubt it was an accident... trapped my arms by my side. I was at her mercy, and she knew it, public place or not.

She squeezed out a little more lotion and leaned forward to massage it into my forehead and face. Her movements were very slow and purposeful. As she did my ears, she leaned in even closer until our lips were only inches apart.

"You are one sexy man, Mr. Paign." Her voice was a little throaty.

"You still think of me as a man, after what I told you last night?" I felt it necessary to get a gage on how she was feeling the day after my stupid reveal.

Her eyes went large, and the sultry smile disappeared. "I'm so sorry for the way I reacted babe. Nothing could ever make me see you in any other way. I love that you felt safe enough to share that with me. I just let my own arousal get the better of me." She kissed my nose.

"Arousal? What got you so aroused? The black cock talk?" I inquired despite the lingering concern in my mind.

She leaned in and gave me a deep kiss, playfully pulling back with a piece of my bottom lip pinched between her teeth. "The scenario. It was so unexpected and so... hot!" Her eyebrows flexed. "I wanted to jump your bones right then and there. Well, until I made you uncomfortable that is."

"How can you think me sucking a cock is sexy? How does that get you so horny?"

"I don't know." She shrugged her shoulders. "Maybe because you never told anyone but me? That makes me feel special. Besides, would it turn you on if you knew I liked to chew on the carpet?" She smiled as my dick twitched. "See! Would you think I was less a woman if I ate pussy in my college years, or even now?"

"Let's be honest. Society seems to be more accepting of women being together. Labels become humiliating and angry when it's two men."

"And I love you because despite those labels, you feel comfortable to be free with me. It's not really different than..." She moved beside my ear. "When I fuck you with my cock." She pulled her face back and giggled when my cock throbbed underneath her. "I'm going to get us a couple stiff rum drinks my love."

She stood quickly, completely exposing my raging hardon that was stuck in my swimsuit. I quickly turned onto my stomach, watching her sashay away giggling. She got me that time. I needed to get her back at some point but had to think about it. When my 'situation' finally resolved itself, I sat up on the edge of the lounge and watched as my sexy wife made her way back with two large coconut cups. I smiled at my fortune. All that beauty and sex appeal wrapped into a heart of gold. I was a lucky man.

My wife was intercepted by a big black guy wearing a white robe over a dark speedo. I watched as the two talked and my wife was throwing her hair back and laughing with him. After a few minutes, he carried on and she began walking back towards me.

"Making friends, I see." I eyed her as she handed me my drink.

"What? That guy? He asked me where I got these drinks." She answered simply.

"A lot of giggling, just for directions." I countered.

"What? Oh, he said he was going to ask where I got my coconuts, but decided it was likely not appropriate."

"Yet he still said it. Interesting."

Diane gave me a stiff look. "Don't you dare go there Leo. I'm sorry for my behavior last night but please don't insult me with petty jealousy. You have no reason to. You know I would never."

Her tone was stern, and it immediately hit me that I was now being a dick. My little ego took an unintended shot last night and I was hanging on to it. I watched Diane roll onto her stomach, undue her bikini top and turned her face away from me. I tried to get back into my book, but I was feeling bad about my behavior. I put my book down and drank the rum concoction in steady gulps. I took a look at Diane's cup and saw she barely touched it. I was going to offer to get her another but clearly that wasn't an ice breaking option.

"Honey? I'm just going to grab another one of these drinks. Ok?" At best I got a gurgle in response, so I pushed myself up and headed to the bar where she got them. In my travel I was people watching the whole time. It's something Diane and I would do for fun. We weren't mean or anything, but it was amazing what you could learn from just watching people... like right now. Off to the side I could see the black man Diane had run into earlier. He was rubbing lotion on the back of another guy, and he was clearly enjoying it. I snickered to myself. Figures... the first guy I ever make a comment about to Diane, is likely gay. I shook my head and found the bar.

I strolled the long way back to our spot by the pool, watching couples and friends laugh and drink. I was so happy that we could finally do this. I wish I could give my wife more trips like this. She deserved it. I came around from the other side and my bride of ten years was still sprawled out on her stomach. Figuring out that two can play her game, I arrived quietly, just as I finished the last of my drink. They were strong, as I was already feeling a slight buzz. I grabbed the lotion and straddled myself over her perfect bottom.

"What?" I startled her and chuckled.

"You look a little pink my love. I'm just going to spread some lotion on your back."

She sighed with approval as my hands began massaging her shoulders and low back. I took my time like she did and could tell by her breathing she was slowly getting turned on. I made a gentle broad stroke on each side, sliding along her ribs, the outside of her breasts, until I rounded her shoulders onto her neck. I bent over so my mouth was beside her upturned ear.

"He was twice as big as me... and I did it more than once." I could see her eyes fly open, but my weight wouldn't let her move.

"What? Leo? Are you serious right now? Why would you torment me if you didn't want to talk about it?" She squirmed but not hard enough to get out from under me. She was loving the torture as much as I loved hers.