Anorexic? Don't Blame Me

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Don't blame men for female "eating disorders".
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My medical dictionary defines "anorexia" as a loss of appetite, and "Anorexia nervosa" as a loss of appetite caused by an emotional disturbance, and goes on to say it mostly affects girls and young women and can lead to loss of weight and even death. Those, however, are only dictionary definitions, and aren't what most persons think of when they hear about somebody being anorexic.

What it usually brings to mind, I believe, is the refusal of certain persons, almost always young females, to eat or to allow their bodies to digest what food they do consume. This is usually referred to as an eating disorder but I consider that to be a misnomer. As far as I'm concerned, it is actually a mental disorder, and the anorexia is just a symptom. I call it a mental disorder because a person who suffers from the condition usually has a totally irrational belief that she is overweight and unattractive, and will go to extreme lengths to lose those imaginary extra pounds. Since I am writing about anorexic women here, I will use pronouns and other words denoting females.

I am not referring to women who actually are overweight, and are advised by concerned persons, such as their physicians, to lose some of that weight for the sake of their health. I refer here to women who are not overweight, although they may have been at one time, and believe they are now. They may be so thin as to border on emaciation, but they still persist in the delusion that they are fat, and must do something about it. These women are what people usually mean when they refer to "anorexics".

So, now you may ask: "What does that have to do with you?" I mean, you might wonder why anyone would blame me because some women are anorexic?

Well, it's like this. I don't really mean myself as an individual; I mean myself as part of the heterosexual male population. Given that anorexia is mostly a problem that besets women, Society, especially the female part of it, will contend that it's all the fault of men, particularly heterosexual men. Why that should be, I don't know, but whenever there is a problem, or some kind of self-destructive behavior that primarily affects women, they blame men, and that is particularly true in this case.

For one thing, they blame the clothing industry, especially the upper end of it. I have news for them. The high fashion industry is not run by straight men. I want to avoid stereotypes, so I won't go any further on that subject. A clothing model tends to be thin, for various reasons, but usually her thinness is her natural physique, which is one reason she has chosen that line of work. I have heard and read that stylish clothing comes from the designer only in small sizes. Obviously, a garment must fit the woman who will be modeling it, but once it has been shown, it can be made in any size. However, why women, unless they aspire to be professional models, should seek to emulate those thin women is indeed a mystery.

It certainly can't be to attract or please the men in their lives. Most guys find women who are pencil-thin high fashion models to be unattractive, even repellant. They make cruel jokes about such women, especially their figures. The butts of those jokes (no pun intended) laugh all the way to the bank. But those are professional models, who are actually helped by being naturally thin. At least, they usually have attractive faces, which is another quality that aids them to succeed in their career of choice.

Truly repellant to me are those women who are not naturally thin but, through extreme dieting and/or various methods of bulimia, try to look like those who are. Such efforts result, if no intervention happens to prevent it, in a bony, emaciated appearance. I have seen photographs of survivors of Nazi concentration camps, and the similarities are striking. When a face takes on that appearance, the woman's eyes sometimes appear to be bigger, giving her a waiflike appearance. Large eyes, under other circumstances, can be attractive, but not when they peer out from a face that is skin stretched tightly over bones. Besides facial bones, this hypothetical woman's ribs, shoulder blades, hip bones and the rest of her skeletal system become more prominent as well. Her breasts and buttocks, being mostly fat, shrivel to almost nothing, which is a huge turnoff by itself.

This leads me to ask a question or three. "What in the hell are they thinking of? How can anybody possibly think that normal, non-pedophilic men would be attracted to emaciated waifs? What would lead anybody to think that men have the desire to be able to count a woman's ribs while they are embracing her? The first answer is obvious: they aren't thinking. The second and third answers are equally obvious. People who think those things are not right in the head. As I said, anorexia is a symptom of a mental problem.

I have also read or heard of people describing centerfolds, such as those in "Playboy", as being thought of by men as "ideal women". I will concede they do have a certain point. First, however, let me say that there is no such thing to men as THE ideal woman. All straight men have their own notion as to what the "perfect" woman would look like. Some may even prefer the skin-and-bones type that I have been disparaging, although I don't know of any.

However, an enormous majority of men do prefer the kind of body which might land a gig for a woman as a centerfold. "Aha!" you may say, and point out that most centerfolds have slender waists.

This is true, and this is the certain point I have conceded. However, if you look at the waists of those models, and I have looked at a good many, you will not see any ribs. Some of this is airbrushing or other photographic tricks, and some is the fact that the women have a thin layer of fat under their very smooth and flawless, glowing skin. This is one of the things that make their bodies attractive, and make men fantasize about caressing and fondling them, or doing much more than that. They also have curvy hips and asses and large, full breasts, which add immeasurably to their appeal. Under no circumstances could they be called thin, although "slender" would sometimes be an appropriate adjective for some centerfolds.

However, a slender waist, in itself, is no big deal to most men. A woman's waist is just the part of her torso that separates her more interesting parts. Above her waist are her breasts, although they would usually be called "tits" or similar slang term when they are on a centerfold. Below the waist are her pussy and ass. If her hips have a nice flare, and her ass has a nice "shelf", and if her tits are big and round and full, with prominent, erect nipples, men don't care how big her waist is.

Personally, I have never heard of a man seeking a life partner who resembles a survivor of Buchenwald. I have never heard of a man advising a woman to diet nearly to the point of starvation. I have never heard of a man encouraging a woman to vomit after eating, or to force undigested food through her colon by using strong laxatives. If anybody reading this knows of such a man, then maybe that person can tell me why men are so often blamed for anorexia in women or girls.


Thank you for reading this rant. If you agree, or if you don't, I would appreciate reading your views on the subject.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

As usual, you have no idea what you're talking about.

EugeneSelfishEugeneSelfishabout 5 years ago
Phenomenon more a symptom of the 'culture wars'

Although the topic of eating disorders is not so high-profile now (2019) as perhaps it was when this essay was written (2007), you could replace mentions of anorexia/eating-disorders with a variety of other issues (e.g. the so-called 'wage gap', 'pink tax', etc.), and many of the complaints (in both directions) would be analogous to those in the essay and in the comments.

I think the causes have become more clear over the last 12 or so years: There are various social and political ideologies (often which identify themselves as particular varieties of 'feminism', e.g. 'intersectional feminism') which have a driving narrative centralizing the notion that most social and/or political problems are the fault of 'men' or 'cis-hetero-white-men' (or, an abstract representation of men, such as 'The Patriarchy' or 'toxic masculinity'). Many non-ideological people, such as the essay author in this case, react against this misdirected blame, and when they do so there is a backlash against them as if their complaint about being wrongfully blamed is just proof that they really are to blame (for this, that, or the other). And so the cycle of finger-pointing and drama-escalation continues. Hence the term 'culture war'.

Thus, in my estimation, while the particular topic of 'blaming men for anorexia regarding women' may not be so relevant today, the general pattern of 'blaming men in general for (insert problem here) regarding women in general' is still relevant today. And thus, I consider this essay to have stood the test of time, in its role as an example of such kinds of conflict in the ongoing 'culture war(s)'.

That being said, it could have been written with more clarity of context and purpose, which in part contributed (unintentionally) to many of the misunderstandings within the comments, and so I only rated it 4/5.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

I don't think men are to blame for eating disorders. I don't think any medical professional worth their salt would say men are to blame either.

Media, Playboy, all these things you have mentioned also are not to blame (although they do contribute to a society which contributes to the development of eating disorders).

Women with eating disorders don't do it for men, or even to look a certain way- they have mental illnesses, usually caused by past trauma or other serious life issues. They physically see themselves as a lot larger than they actually are, and employ various harmful behaviours to help mitigate the negative feelings from those perceptions (and, if you look deeper, from the original source of trauma).

These behaviours can often be very addictive- and new research is constantly being released that suggests they are physiologically addictive, effecting the serotonin supply of people prone to the illnesses.

Overall, the development of an eating disorder is a product of many factors including biological/genetic tendencies, environment, and life experiences- the views of men play only a very, very small part (except in individual cases where the source of the trauma is connected to a man).

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

I don't actually agree with that at all. But a beautiful article. I suffered from anorexia after a male co-worker mentioned that I would become attractive as I lost weight. This along with failed relationships led me to diet pills and when they didn't work... I just stopped eating. I limited myself to 600 calories a day... That might sound like a lot, but I was literally keeping myself full by drinking large amounts of water.

So, it is a mental disorder, yes... But I feel the reason most women turn anorexic is because of something that is said to them about their weight. It's about how society treasures and rewards the skinny girl over the fat girl. Society has buried it into our brains that if you're fat... you aren't attractive, and they've even buried it into the minds of children as well. Children are more likely to bully fat children, or the ones who are lanky. Anyone seen as "different". But Everyday women are bombarded by media every single day. I even went into a Victoria's Secret store with a friend of mine who is overweight. I wanted to show her some of the perfumes they have and the second we set foot in that place, every eye was on us... Like she didn't belong in there because she was overweight. So, in a world where "Sex sells", I think that men put added pressure on women. On occasion it's more pressure than they can ultimately take, and they turn to eating disorders.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

So, its like this. Yes you are right. We women do go to extreme methods of handling ourselves, but SHIT!!!! Its hard to look this good and then half the time it doesnt even make a fuck to anyone because theres always always always some fine ass broad that makes you look like a dumpster threw up on you. Its infuriating. Men arent THE reason, but theyre part of ours.

wantoneedwantoneedover 12 years ago
I debated...

... whether or not to respond to this. But, in the end, my desire to toss in my two cents won out lol.

I like many of your stories and I do so try to be both civil and "educated", I suppose or "formal" to a degree, when discussing such topics in such a fashion.

But honestly my knee-jerk reaction to this is "WTF is he talking about?"

There's just so few points that I see any basis for, much less validity in, here. Eating disorders can have a variety of causes, of which body dismorphia is but one. Not all are psychological, either. So while some eating disorders are, in fact, ALSO mental disorders (not quite sure why you're drawing an either/or line here) that is not always the case nor even, as you seem to be suggesting, the case the vast majority of the time.

Another broad generalization is the notion that it is mostly women are affected by these conditions than men. There is some evidence to suggest its a more common issue with women by a noticeable margin, at least amongst modern western cultures, but not nearly to the degree you seem to be suggesting.

Minor aside; runway models? Yeah, that so ain't their "natural" body type hahah. The stereotype of poppin pills and liquid diets is more fact than fiction in this case.

And if you're trying to underplay the impact media has on aesthetic self-esteem, particularly in young people and women, I don't think you have a very realistic awareness of the nature of the images we're frankly inundated with. Obviously extreme emaciation is not quite literally flaunted or supported, but the bodies being shown after special effects and camera angles and such are simply not realistic. If anyone actually looked like that, they'd simply look very strange. So its an extremely warped image putting pressure on, in this case but certainly not solely, impressionable young girls. The fact that they fail to differentiate between the fantasy-fulfillment of these media images and reality, nor between whats actually moving in the direction of an attractive body at that point and whats simply aggravating an extremely unhealthy figure, is hardly surprising at this point.

You go on to mention a variety of subjects like centerfolds, the relevance of which I'm struggling to grasp, unless you were merely trying to spice up your references to better fit with the nature of this site lol

Finally, your primary point is perhaps the one which baffles me the most. Quite honestly? You are the first source, man or woman, whom I've EVER heard suggesting blaming men for women's eating disorders.

Overall, and if this comes across as excessively harsh I apologize because thats certainly not my intention, this entire essay/review comes across to me as rife with outlandish inaccuracies and interpretations all in support of a moot argument.

tazz317tazz317over 12 years ago

the stereo-typical female in our lives. TK U MLJ LV NV

auhunter04auhunter04over 12 years ago
as the old country song goes

So Round So Fully Packed, that's my gal

those Twiggie lookalikes are just unhealthy to me

I dont mind if you carry a little fat, hell so do I. Adonis I aint

when yu get so fat that your boobs rest on your gut, kiss me good by.... It killed my wife

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

Good points. Interesting. Thought provoking.

I've come across a few men who like the emaciated look, and I suspect theyre closet homos. Women involved with these men likely sense it and endeavor to acquire a boyish sorta charm.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Idiotic and off base article

As the above posters have said, do us all a favour and keep from posting such infantile pieces of garbage on a site for some good erotica. Trite generalisations aside, you obviously haven't read of the factors (genetic, environmental, psychological) that lead to developing this disorder. Men aren't on that list.

katgkatgover 16 years ago

Wow.. just wow.

I have never left a comment before, and your uninformed essay has pushed me to do so. Please, please before you write another piece like this do some actual RESEARCH into the issue you are writing about.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago

Well, you're right about one thing, that once an eating disorder becomes a serious issue, it's no longer about looking good or desirable.

Still, I'd do some reading up if you really want to understand anorexia nerviosa and how it is caused and treated. Ultimately it is more about control and feelings of powerlessness and worthlessness rather than the body.

Regarding societal pressure, it's often other women that judge women on their slimness more so than men. While a lot of men, especially younger ones, do like a somewhat slender figure, studies routinely show that what men actually want is at least a couple dress sizes bigger than what women think the "ideal" is.

Like most behavior disorders, the causes of anorexia are extremely complex. Also, one of the fastest growing groups of those with eating disorders is heterosexual men.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
The only people

more annoying than anorexics are cutters.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago

Why would anyone write an essay on a subject they know nothing about? The author sprouts an ignorant theory, taking a life-threatening subject without at least doing a minimum amount of research. That says a lot about an individual professionally and personally, he's lazy, sloppy and just doesn't care.

molochmolochalmost 17 years ago
In addition to all the negative comments

I'd like to add this.

"Twenty years ago it was thought that for every 10-15 women with anorexia or bulimia, there was one man. Today researchers find that for every four females with anorexia, there is one male, and for every 8-11 females with bulimia, there is one male. (American Journal of Psychiatry, 2001: 158: 570-574)"

I was horrified reading this. Even from the title it wasn't going to be informative, but the level lack of research, or even understanding, of the condition was shocking.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
I dont give a flip....

if you are male or female, but you know nothing about what a PERSON goes through when they have an eating disorder. Do your research. As a number of people pointed out, you missed the point entirely. Anorexia is about control or lack of. Has nothing to do about men or the fashion industry. Write what you know: porn as you know diddle about mental disorders.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago

You should stay the fuck out of areas you know nothing about. You are some piece of work. Go back to writing what you know - Porn.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Missed the point indeed.

It's true that men are not to blame. That's about the last thing insightful you mentioned. First off, as pointed out, almost everyone who DOES blame men for this problem tend to be the hardcore, man-hating feminists (which can BE men, as well). Most men don't say this, even most women don't say this, including those who suffer from eating disorders. It's a delusion that only a handful of nuts hold.

And yes, anorexia is more and more affecting older people and men. Furthermore, eating disorders are in fact not about being too thin. You can be a "normal" weight and have an eating problem. How? Simple; you weight might be normal for others, but not for you. I have a friend, 6'2", weighs 300 pounds. He's in decent shape but it's still alot of fat. If he we were to slim down to, say 200 pounds, sure, that might not be too unusual for a someone of his height, ON AVERAGE, but it would be dangerous to HIM to lose 100 full pounds. I've known him since we were kids, and he's just naturally a big guy. Eating disorders simply mean people are eating destructively; losing too much weight, losing weight too fast, yo-yoing, getting insufficient calories or nutrients, these are all problems that affect all sorts of people.

So, yeah, your main idea is true, but...well, I think most of us read it and went "duh".

darknite2darknite2almost 17 years ago
makes sense

Amen brother

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
yet another piece of insite froma idiot

I am a anorexic i have a husband that surprise dated me while i was anorexic even when hopitalized during pregnancy. my reason for being this way. i needed control. my life was out of control but i can control what i ate. no calorie counting no issue with fashion. I admit being a gymnast didnt help me as thin is what is attractive but nor was it the reason i starved. I still own no scales no mirrors and will always be this way. It is treated as a mental disorder yes but it is like being addicted to alchol once your addicted you fight it your whole life this is not something we do to ourselves willingly.

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